Italian Billionaire's Black Love (BWWM Interracial Romance)

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Italian Billionaire's Black Love (BWWM Interracial Romance) Page 7

by Mya Black

  “Dammit. How has she been?” He was eager for any morsel of information about Eve. Two weeks had gone by since he’d seen her, spoken to her, and touched her. He was suffering from withdrawal. He needed to see her and know she was okay.

  They sat in two uncomfortable chairs side by side. “She’s tired as hell, always sleeping. Her morning sickness lasts all day. She’s sad as hell, always crying when she thinks no one is around.”

  That answer gutted him. He wanted her to want to be with him, not utterly miserable without him. “That sucks.”

  “You don’t have to watch it.”

  “You’re right and I’m sorry for that, but I’d rather us be together than her hiding out at your place.”

  “Are you family of Eve Chambers?”

  Carla nudged Alessandro out of the way with a piercing look. “Yes, I’m her emergency contact, Carla Macklin. What’s wrong with her?”

  “For starters, she is extremely dehydrated. It doesn’t appear as if she’s been taking care of herself.”

  “She has a new business opening soon and she’s been working crazy hours so, probably not.” Carla had warned her that running herself ragged just to forget Alessandro would come back to bite her in the ass.

  “We’re likely going to keep her for a few days to see if her hyperemesis gravidarum improves at all. Her OB/GYN will check her out fully, and then-”

  “What the hell is that,” Alessandro interrupted gruffly.

  The doctor frowned at his tone and raised an eyebrow to Carla. “He’s the father,” she clarified.

  He nodded. “It is a complication of pregnancy resulting in extreme vomiting, nausea, and dehydration. She’s lost more weight than she should at this point in her pregnancy and her blood pressure is slightly elevated.”

  “Shit,” Alessandro spat out, worry written all over her face. “Is she going to be alright?”

  The doctor smiled at him. First time fathers were always overprotective. “She should be, yes. We need to feed her, hydrated her, and reduce her stress.”

  “Can we see her?”

  The doctor’s smile dimmed and he readjusted his glasses several times before looking at each of them. “She has requested to see Ms. Macklin. I’m not sure she knows you’re here, sir.”

  “Let me go see her first, Alessandro, and talk to her, please.”

  Between the pleading in her voice and all he’d just learned of her complications, Alessandro did the only thing he could. He sat and he waited. And waited.

  And waited.


  “No I don’t want to see him, not yet. I can’t, Carla.”

  Carla released a long patient breath. “Eve, he’s been out there this whole time and he’s worried sick about you. You can’t do this to him.”

  “To him? I’m doing something to him? Because I could’ve sworn that I was the unwitting mistress.” She looked away. “Fine, tell him everything, but I don’t want to see him.”

  “Eve,” she pleaded.

  Dr. Baker breezed into the room. “Are we feeling better now, Eve?” She didn’t look up for an answer, just kept her eyes on the chart.

  “If I say yes, can I get out of here?”

  Her smile was sweet and placating. “You know you can’t. Are you still feeling nauseous?”


  “That’s good.”

  She heard it in her voice. “But…”

  “But this is a serious condition and you’re going to be out of commission for awhile.”

  “What’s awhile?”

  “Six weeks to start.” She jotted a few things down and turned her gaze on Eve. “If you want you and this baby to make it to the end of this pregnancy, you need to take it easy.”

  “But six weeks? Come on, doctor, there has to be some compromise, right?” She heard the hope and pleading in her voice and she hated it. This was her life, dammit. She made the rules and she decided when she had enough. No one else made decisions for her. Except it’s not just you anymore, she thought.

  “The compromise is this: you do as I say for six weeks and you and your baby will stay healthy and then maybe you’ll be able to go back to work. You don’t listen to my advice, well, you put you both at risk.”

  She let out a low whistle. “You play dirty, doc.”

  Dr. Baker smiled. “I play to win, Eve. When you’re holding a happy healthy baby, you’ll be happy I do.”

  Her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes, but she had to concede that yes, she did want her baby born happy and healthy. “When can I blow this joint?”

  “We’ll check you again in the morning, but if I’m satisfied, then you can go home. That is, if you have someone to watch over you.”

  “I’m perfectly capable of watching over myself.”

  Carla tried to hold in a giggle at the impudence of her friend, but she failed miserably. “What does ‘watching over her’ entail, exactly?”

  “It means she’s on total bed rest. No cooking, no cleaning or climbing stairs, and no working. You stay in bed unless you’re in the bathroom.” She turned to Carla. “Can you make sure she does that?”

  Eve could see Carla wanted to say yes, but they both knew she couldn’t. “She can’t, but don’t worry. I’ll hire a nurse to stay with me.”

  “I’ll go outside and try to round up a few agencies for you.” She slipped out the door before her friend could say anything and she missed the glare at her back.


  Alessandro snuck into Eve’s room in the middle of the night and drank in the sight of her. Everything felt right the moment his eyes landed on her face, her body. She slept fitfully in the slightly inclined bed, hair fanned out on the pillow like a princess. She was so beautiful he wanted to cry. Instead, he pulled up the hard plastic chair, held her hand in both of his, and fell asleep. His head rested beside her hip. It was damned uncomfortable, but it allowed him to be closer to her than he’d been in weeks.

  Just before the sun came up, a nurse smiled at him and him offered a blanket rather than the exit. He was incredibly grateful and told her as much before drifting off to sleep again.

  He was happy Carla was on his side – well, on the side of her best friend falling in love or else he’d have left hours ago. His heart had stopped beating as the words poured from her mouth. Bed rest, health of the baby, someone to take care of her. He knew what she was doing without her outright saying it. She was giving him a shot. By being in the house and taking care of her, eventually, they would have to talk.

  He just had to convince her. No, he didn’t need to convince her. This was his baby, too, and she would listen to him, dammit, and let him take care of her. In the hours before he slipped into her room, Alessandro had her fridge and pantry stocked for the next week. Fresh linens were put on the bed, and his brother Valentino would have to take over the business for the foreseeable future.

  At sunrise, a nurse came in and checked on her, took her vitals, and scribbled furiously. Eve never stirred. She must be exhausted, he thought with a pang in his heart. Two hours later, a young brunette bounced in, eyes wide at the sight of him. “Visiting hours are over or they haven’t begun yet.”

  He placed a finger to his lips to quiet her. “I’m Alessandro, the father of the baby. Can we talk for a minute?” He was already leading her out of the room. “I’m going to be taking care of her for the next few months, at least. Can you tell me what I need to know?”

  Dr. Baker was skeptical, but his sincerity struck a chord with her. Obviously, her friend had sought him out after the conversation last night. “Some, but only in generalities because of privacy laws,” she explained.

  He listened as she outlined the type of care a woman with hyperemesis gravidarum. Basically, he would act as a babysitter and warden. Eve will love that. She probably wouldn’t, but it was just the opening Alessandro needed to explain everything to her and to tell her he loved her. He made a note to get more fresh fruits to juice for her and sent a text to Valentino to bring some clot
hes to Eve’s house. “Perfect, Dr. Baker. Thank you so much for all you’ve done for Eve and the baby.”

  “My pleasure. Now, I get to tell the patient the happy news.”

  He groaned. “Better you than me.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Bamboozled. That is the only word to describe why Eve was currently sitting on her living room sofa several feet away from the last man she wanted to see. “Why are you here again?” This was the same question she had asked him every fifteen minutes for the past three hours. They’d arrived at her home in the Hollywood Hills two and a half hours ago.

  Alessandro smiled and patted her knee. “I’m here to take care of you. And, our baby.” It was the same answer, or some variation, he’d given every single time.

  Arms crossed over her chest, Eve glared. “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of us.” I’d better get used to it, anyway, she reminded herself bitterly.

  “Obviously you can’t or I wouldn’t be here.”

  The look she shot him would have quelled a lesser man. “No, you’re here because you conspired with my so-called best friend against me.”

  He stood and walked to the kitchen. “Excuse us for giving a damn about you.” She wasn’t going to give him one fucking inch. He deserved her anger, but this – it was way more than anger.

  “Why don’t you save your ‘giving a damn’ for your wife. Not me.” Everyone knows the other woman gets nothing but expensive gifts and last minute dates. She didn’t need that in her life and neither did her baby.

  Alessandro sighed and set down a glass of orange juice for her. “Are you ready to listen to me yet?”

  “That depends,” she said. When he looked at her, she asked, “Are you still married?”

  “You know that I am. But there’s more to the story.”

  “There always is with guys like you,” she muttered and sipped her juice.

  He crouched down until she could look deep into his dark brown eyes, holding her chin so she couldn’t look away. “You know what I think, Eve? I think you want to believe the worst about me, so then you wouldn’t have to confront how you feel about me.” His other hand grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her in for a kiss and for a moment, he was lost. Being this close to her again felt too good to be true. She tasted sweet and tangy like orange juice and as much as she wanted to fight him, she gave herself over to the kiss. To him. He pulled back. “You want me the same way I want you. The only difference is that I’m honest about it.”

  She was dazed for a minute. That kiss had rocked her, as his kisses always did. Shaking away the lust-fueled fog, she looked at him, contempt in her eyes. “You’re honest about your feelings? Well,” she sat back and crossed her arms, erecting that invisible barrier between them, “at least you’re honest about something.”

  “We were getting a divorce!” His voice was loud in the silent room, far away from the traffic of southern Los Angeles. There were no noises to fill the room other than the odd lawnmower sounding in the distance. He dragged his fingers through his hair, frustration dripping from his words. “We were getting a divorce when she got into the accident that put her in a coma!” How long would he have to pay for her sins? How long would he have to be tied to a woman he’d grown to hate long before the swelling that put her in a coma? Especially now that he’d found a woman to love – to really love.

  Eve stared at him for a long time. His thick locks stood up all around his head, evidence of his growing frustration. He seemed genuine, but he’d lied once and she was reluctant to believe him again. You want me the same way I want you. She knew that was true, she wanted Alessandro more than she’d ever wanted any man. But shit, the other woman? That was a tough pill to swallow. Just like dear old mom, she thought nastily.

  Alessandro stood and backed away. “I guess it doesn’t matter, since you’re not ready to listen. I’m going to shower, yell if you need me.”

  Eve sank back into the sofa, wishing the cushions would just open up and swallow her whole. She hated herself for still loving Alessandro – for loving a married man. But he was so good. Everything about him was good. Except the wife.

  Should she apologize to him and listen to his explanation?

  No, she couldn’t. Listening wouldn’t change anything. She’d still be the other woman.


  Twenty minutes under the hot spray of the shower had done nothing to fix Alessandro’s sour mood. He was frustrated and he was pissed off, mostly at himself and at Sabrina’s parents. Hell, he was even pissed off at Sabrina, fat lot of good that would do him right now. So he’d stood under the hot water in hopes that it would relax his muscles and his mind. His frustration with Eve had reached a fever pitch and he thought maybe it would be a good idea to get that nurse, after all.

  He went into the living room to tell her as much and found her soundly asleep with her head resting on the arm of the sofa. She was so damn beautiful it made his heart hurt. He was so in love with her and right now, it all seemed hopeless. But looking at her like that, vulnerable and soft in sleep, he knew he’d never give her up.

  Alessandro lifted Eve in his arms and walked her to the bedroom. When he tried to lay her down, her arms tightened around his neck and she groaned. “You smell so good.” Her voice was thick with sleep and lust. She buried her head in his neck, planting a soft kiss where it met his shoulder. “So good,” she murmured.

  His grip tightened on her and with clenched teeth, he closed his eyes and fought his growing arousal. “Time for bed, Eve.” Finally, her grip loosened and he gently lowered her until she was on the bed. He removed her socks, pants, and shirt so she was only in her underwear. Unlike the sexy silk and lace she usually wore, today she wore lavender cotton. And still, she was the most beautiful, the sexiest thing he’d ever laid eyes on. His eyes ate her up, taking in the changes to her body over the past couple of months. Her breasts were bigger and her stomach stuck out just the tiniest bit. Not enough to be noticeable unless you knew her body as well as he did.

  Leaning in to cover her with a blanket, Alessandro placed a kiss on her forehead. “Goodnight, sweet Eve.” He stilled when she ran a hand over his bare chest. He wanted her more than anything, but not like this. He was in nothing but a towel and her soft hand was roaming over every inch of his chest. His control was slipping and dammit, she was asleep.

  “Don’t go, Alessandro. Please.” Her eyes were barely open, but he saw the slits of gold sparkling up at him. “Please.”

  His gaze locked with hers and in it he saw hope, affection, and maybe even love. “Okay. I need to get dressed first.”

  “No, stay like that. Just hold me for a bit. Please.”

  He loved her, what else could he do? He climbed in.

  Chapter Twelve

  “I’m coming in with you. It’s my baby, too.” Alessandro was adamant that he was not only driving Eve to her appointment with Dr. Baker, he was also going to be in the exam room.

  “No way, Alessandro. You may be the father, but until this baby is born, it is a part of me. You are not going to be in the exam room with me and that’s final.”

  He held the jacket for her and slid it on her arms and turned her to face him. “That’s where you’re oh so wrong. That baby is a part of us, both of us, and I want to be there with you through this pregnancy.”

  Her head fell. “But it’s so intimate. Too intimate.”

  He barked out a laugh. “Being in the exam room is too intimate, but you coming on my tongue and swallowing my seed is what, just a friendly gesture?”

  Her gaze narrowed at him. “You’re disgusting.” She buttoned the lightweight jacket and opened the door. “And, you’re not coming in.”

  “We’ll see, Eve, but you should get used to the idea, just in case.”

  “Not happening.”

  The drive over was mostly silent, except for Alessandro asking the occasional question. He wanted to know what to expect for today’s visit and he quizzed her on baby trivia. “Did you know ri
ght now our son or daughter is the size of an avocado?”

  She laughed. “How do you know all this?” Her laughter turned to surprise when she realized he’d actually been reading and doing his homework on all things baby. “Books? On babies?” Her tone was incredulous.

  His jaws clenched and she heard his teeth grind together. “You must think I’m some kind of asshole, huh?” He slapped the steering wheel. “Of course, you do. Just forget it.”

  The rest of the ride was made in tense silence. When they arrived, he was still the gentleman, opening her door and guiding her into the building. His hand stayed glued to the small of her back as she checked in with the receptionist and helped her sit. She wanted to apologize, but she could feel his anger simmering next to her and this time, he was justified. He’d done so much for her over the past month and a half. He’d checked on the salons for her, coming back with updates from the managers. He’d massaged her swollen feet, and he was a perfect gentleman when she’d offered herself up to him a few nights ago. Of course, she would have rather he just take what she was offering and made her come. Instead, she took a long shower, grateful for the multi-option extendable head. “Alessandro, I’m-”

  “Eve Chambers,” the nurse called out, ruining her attempt.

  Alessandro stood like the dutiful father to be, lifted her up, and escorted her through the room filled with half a dozen pregnant women. She said nothing when he guided her into the exam room. She said nothing when he folded her clothes and placed them on the counter. She said nothing when he held her purse while she went to give a sample. To be fair, he said nothing, either. He just sat there quietly and observed everything. Silently.

  When Dr. Baker finally entered the room she was all smiles. “Hello, you two. How have you been feeling?” she asked Eve.

  She shrugged. “Better, but not great.” It was the truth. She still had a pretty brutal case of morning sickness, but Alessandro’s constant care had made it all a little bit easier to bear.

  Dr. Baker looked to Alessandro for confirmation and Eve had to bite back a smile when he gave her a curt nod. “Unfortunately, Eve, your blood pressure is still elevated and you haven’t gained enough weight, so we’ll do another month of bed rest.”


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