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More: A Body Work Novel (The Body Work Trilogy Book 4)

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by Sierra Kincade

  “It is,” said Anna, getting that dreamy look in her eyes that made Amy suspect they’d gotten an early start. “But there was an emergency that required my immediate attention.”

  “What emergency?” Amy looked around the salon. It was sleepy, at best. A couple clients in chairs getting trims, and not a single person in the spa waiting room. Derrick wasn’t even out front. He’d sent the receptionist home, and was doing inventory in the back.

  She realized she still hadn’t told Anna about Danny’s surprise visit, and had a sudden clenching dread that this was why she’d come.

  “You,” said Anna. “And Mike.”

  Amy’s shoulders lowered, but the heat rose up her neck at the same time.

  “I sent you a telegram,” she said. “I’m surprised you didn’t get it. They’re normally so reliable.”

  “These days we use these crazy contraptions called cell phones.” Anna twisted her hair into a knot, and because it was so perfectly long and thick, it stayed put without even a clip. “They’re specifically reserved for informing your best friend of enormous life events.”

  “It’s not a big deal,” said Amy, glancing out the window. “It’s just dinner with the hottest guy in the universe. Shit.” She’d begun waving her arms to accentuate her words. “He just tosses this out this morning over waffles that he wants to spend the night together. And he has condoms. In bulk. Do you even know what that means?”

  “No idea,” said Anna with a smirk. “Enlighten me.”

  “Shut up,” said Amy, scrubbing her hands over her face. “It’s been a long time since I played this game.”

  Anna grabbed her shoulders and squeezed, making the black smock Amy was wearing crinkle a bit.

  “That’s why I’m here,” said Anna. “I already called Derrick and he said your afternoon’s clear. We’re going shopping, my friend. It’s time to get you some party panties.”

  Chapter Eight

  Anna took her to the International Mall, where they made a beeline to Victoria’s Secret. It was the semi-annual bra sale, so they started there. Most of the stuff had already been picked through, but Anna insisted that something in those bins was going to be perfect.

  “I mean, it’s kind of bold, isn’t it? Asking someone to spend the night on the first date?” Amy had yet to touch anything. She chewed her thumbnail behind Anna, who had already picked out three bra and panty sets.

  “I spent the night with Alec on our first date,” said Anna. “Besides, you two are already living together. I don’t think the traditional rules apply.”

  “We’re not living together,” said Amy. “Pais and I are just staying with him.”

  “Uh huh,” said Anna. She stopped, and turned to face her friend, a worried look on her face. “Do you not want to go out with him?”

  Amy shifted her weight. All the sexy nighties and satin fabric was making her increasingly anxious. She’d been out on dates since her divorce, but this was different. Mike was important to Paisley. He was important to her. If they didn’t work out, it wasn’t like it would be easy to cut ties and walk away. They’d already invested a lot in their relationship, even if they’d never slept together. She’d still see Iris every day at the apartment complex. She’d see Chloe at school, and Mike at all the parent days and class activities.

  “Whoa,” said Anna, arms falling. “If you’re not into him...”

  “I am,” said Amy. “I’m way too into him. That’s the problem.”

  She was more than into him. It wasn’t just attraction, it was respect and admiration. He was working two jobs, putting himself through school, and still there to make his daughter breakfast. She knew how hard that was. She lived it every day.

  Anna gave her a small, understanding smile. “That’s a problem I know too well.”

  She pulled Amy into a hug, and for a moment, Amy sagged into her friend’s arms. The hope that had kindled inside of her felt so heavy. She was already expecting something to go wrong.

  “Your sexy ex-con makes you happy, right?” Since they’d announced their engagement, Amy hadn’t asked Anna this question, but she felt the need to now. Sometimes people assumed the most basic things about a relationship, when really there was so much more under the surface.

  Anna narrowed her gaze. “All that’s behind him,” she said, referring to his work for, and later testimony against, Maxim Stein. It was no secret that Alec had done things he wasn’t proud of, and knew people neither woman wanted to meet alone in a dark alley, but he’d clawed his way out of that life. That’s what had eventually won Amy over—she was a firm believer in second chances.

  “And yes.” Anna’s tone turned thoughtful. “Alec makes me everything.”

  Amy wiggled out of her arms. Maybe she’d had more experience with a ring on her finger, but Anna had more experience in love.

  “So no hit men, gangsters, or billionaire sociopaths made the invite list?”

  “Only a few of the really nice ones.” Anna picked up another bra. This one made of black, sheer fabric that looked like it could melt off. It was impossible not to be affected by her joy; it came off of her in waves. Everyone within in a ten-foot radius was smiling.

  “You need something like this,” said Anna.

  “It looks highly flammable.”

  “It’s a hell of a lot better than that ratty old nursing bra you’ve got on.”

  “Ha,” said Amy. “Real funny.” She hadn’t had a nursing bra maybe she still had it. But it was super comfortable and easy to wash, so Anna could kiss her ass.

  “You dress like a super model on the outside, but wear threadbare, thrift shop lingerie underneath,” continued Anna. “I feel like there’s a meaningful metaphor here we should explore.”

  “I’ll take it to my therapist, thanks,” muttered Amy, busying her hands in one of the bins. She couldn’t imagine herself wearing any of this. She hadn’t brought a new bra in an embarrassing amount of time. And most of her underwear had come from the clearance section at Target. Whatever. It was cheap, and no one saw it but her.

  Until, possibly, tonight.

  “So,” said Amy. “What, um...what kind of stuff is Alec into?”

  She didn’t look up. Anna always alluded that their love life was fantastic, but rarely provided details.

  “What do you mean?” asked Anna, her attention fixed back on a bin.

  “Like,” she took a deep breath, “what do you, you know, do, that he likes?”

  “Just the usual.” Anna pulled out a lacy red baby doll nightgown that tied on the shoulders. “Whips and gags and ping pong balls and stuff.”

  “You know what? Forget I asked.” Amy said, waving her hands.

  “No way,” said Anna. “Alec loves it when I...” She couldn’t help it; she started laughing.

  “Bitch,” said Amy.

  “I don’t do anything specific,” said Anna. “I don’t have any tricks to get him off if that’s what you’re asking.”

  Dammit. Amy chewed the inside of her cheek. She was really hoping there was some kind of technique or position, something she could use that would be a sure thing.

  They moved to another room where the discounted underwear was all tossed into similar bins.

  “Ooh,” said Anna, holding up the smallest pair of panties Amy had ever seen. They were neon pink, and looked more like two intersecting pieces of ribbon than anything else. Removing her camera from her purse, Anna shot a quick picture, then sent a text.

  “Honeymoon attire?” Amy guessed.

  Anna scoffed. “More like this afternoon’s attire.” Her phone beeped with an immediate response. She laughed to herself, and stuffed the panties into the pink shopping bag she’d acquired in the other room.

  Sex was so easy for Anna. It was the intimacy that had been hard because of everything she’d been through. Amy was different. She avoided vulnerability like the plague, and there was nothing more vulnerable than standing there naked in a pair of pink ribbon panties.
/>   “Is he really that good?” asked Amy.

  Anna blinked. “Yes.”

  Amy hesitated. Turned away. “I guess I just don’t see what the big deal is, you know? It’s just sex. Bugs do it. Whales do it. Anteaters do it.”

  Anna looked up thoughtfully, no doubt trying to picture two anteaters getting it on.

  “All I’m saying is that there are like, five million components to a good relationship. Sex is just an itty bitty part of it.”

  Anna directed her toward the dressing room. Amy’s hands were still empty, but it looked like Anna had picked up enough to clothe a small country.

  “But when you’re in that part, it’s everything,” said Anna. “You’re telling me you don’t want Mike’s giant...”

  “Isn’t it enough that I live vicariously through you?” interrupted Amy. It was supposed to have come out sarcastic, but they both heard the truth in her words. All these months, even before Alec, Amy had cheered on Anna’s love life from the grandstands. It was easier to be a fan than to actually step on the field and play ball.

  Anna’s hands, filled with lingerie, dropped an inch.

  “You know why I don’t have any special tricks in bed?” she asked. “Because I don’t need them.”

  Amy crossed her arms. “You’re hot. I get it.”

  Her friend shook her head. “I don’t have any tricks because I couldn’t remember them even if I wanted to. He makes me forget everything. I make him forget everything. We’re together, and I’m telling you, there is nothing else in the world but us.”

  Amy went ahead and moved this conversation up to the top of the Reasons I Despise My BFF list.

  “It wasn’t like that before,” said Anna. “It’s only like that with Alec. And maybe it’ll be like that with Mike, and maybe it won’t. But if it is, I promise you, it’s going to blow your mind.”

  Amy let Anna usher her into a room.

  “It would be nice to have my mind blown,” Amy admitted reluctantly.

  “Yes,” said Anna. “And don’t take this the wrong way, but you need to get some.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Amy.

  Anna smirked. “Try on everything but the pink thong. That’s mine.”

  Looking down at the bag, Amy saw that every other naughty item Anna had picked up was in her size.

  She looked into the mirror and fought down the nervous laughter that bubbled up in her throat. She was going to have sex with Mike. She wanted to have sex with Mike. Maybe Anna was right, maybe it would be enough to make her forget about everything else. Maybe it would be great. Maybe over these past two celibate years she’d gained some super sexual powers and this night was about to be the best night of her life.

  Maybe he was just as bad as she was and they’d laugh about it later.

  Yeah right.

  She turned away so that her back was to the mirror, took a deep breath, and stripped.


  Anna dropped Amy back off at Rave at 2:30, just enough time to make a quick stop before picking up the girls from school. Parked outside of Walgreens, she opened the signature pink bag, threw the tissue paper on the seat, and stuffed the black satin bra and panty set inside into her enormous purse. Even though it was the most modest thing Anna had picked out, she didn’t want the girls—or Mike for that matter—to see where she’d been.

  She threw the bag away in the trashcan outside, but stopped before heading through the sliding door. A cold tingling crawled up her spine, so real she actually swiped at the back of her neck with her hand. Turning quickly, she surveyed the parking lot, but there was no movement from the other four cars. She gripped the mace in her hand—a precaution she’d taken after what had happened on the bridge.

  The first few weeks after Jonathan Marshall had abducted her had been hard, but she’d gradually adjusted back into her routine. In a sick way, she credited Danny for that. His inconsistent moods had taught her to roll with the punches, no pun intended. They’d also told her to trust her intuition.

  One of the cars in the middle of the lot was idling. A dark grey Honda Civic. Moving a little to the right, she could see a driver inside, but no distinguishing features. Whoever it was wasn’t moving. Probably just someone making a call, or waiting for someone shopping inside.

  When she was certain no one was following her, she went inside.

  She picked up a new razor. And gum. She had enough makeup and products to fix herself up, and Anna and she had already strategized the perfect outfit. She found a bottle of violet nail polish that would match her dress, and when she turned the corner found herself in the condom aisle.

  “Think he’s probably got that covered,” she mumbled.

  “What’s that, dear?” An elderly man in a blue smock was filling the shelves behind her with tampons. Amy tried to pretend she’d been looking at something else, but it was either maxi pads or Trojans. Her feet seemed to be stuck to the floor.

  “Nothing,” she said quickly.

  “Can I help you find something?” He had a hard time standing, and Amy finally gave in, and gave him a hand.

  “No, I’m just looking. Thanks.”

  Her eyes landed on the bottles of lube. She waited until the old man was looking away, then snatched the closest bottle—something-smooth-glide—and made a run for it.

  She hid it under the rest of her items while she waited in the checkout line, and when the sixteen year old at the counter snickered at her, she seriously considered jabbing him in the eyes. She held it together until he asked her to scan her card again.

  “Hilarious,” she said.

  His brows disappeared beneath his terrible side-swept bangs.

  “It says denied.” He pointed to his register. “Maybe it’s expired or something.”

  She looked at the card. It did expire in a few weeks, but should have still been good. She ran it again, and again, it was denied.

  “Do you have another card?”

  With an irritated sigh, she handed him her credit card, and when it was done, she snatched the bag from his hand and went outside to the ATM to check her balance.

  “No goddamn way,” she said when a balance of $6 popped up on the screen. She had at least two hundred left before payday. She wasn’t meticulous about balancing her account, but she knew when she had cash and when she didn’t.

  I need a loan. It’s my money anyway.

  No. That was impossible. Danny didn’t have access to her accounts. She’d changed the numbers, taken his name off all her financial transactions.

  It’s my money anyway.

  She tried to think of other options. Over the last week, she realized she may have spent a little more than usual on groceries for everyone. Plus she was still paying rent and utilities at her apartment.

  She hit the transfer key, and begrudgingly moved $100 over from savings.

  By the time she picked the girls up, she was sweating, even with the air conditioning blasting. At home while they played, she took a shower, shaved, and touched up her nails. She laid her outfit out on the bed, knowing better than to put it on until the last minute, otherwise it would have ended up with a marker stain or a peanut butter handprint somewhere on it.

  She couldn’t shake what had happened at the store though, and looked up her account on Mike’s laptop. While it loaded, she chewed her thumbnail, thinking of Danny, and times when she’d eaten ramen for days on end just so he could buy a new guitar strap or cord for his amp. He’d always been the irresponsible one with money, not her.

  The screen loaded, and a quick scan revealed a $102 dollar charge at the grocery store, two days ago.

  “What the hell?” She clicked on the button for more details, knowing this couldn’t be right. She’d gone to the store the day she ran into Danny. She would have remembered if she’d just been.

  Reaching for her purse she pulled out her debit card, knowing the bank would need the number when she made the call. Because it was almost expired, a new one should be coming anyt
ime in the mail. She picked up her phone, and was just about to make the call when the doorbell rang. Downstairs, the girls scrambled across the floor making as much noise as a herd of buffalo. The time said quarter to six.

  Amy shut the laptop and headed downstairs. Ms. Iris had a key; it was odd that she would use the doorbell. She must have had her hands full.

  But when Amy opened the front door, it wasn’t Ms. Iris at all. It was a tall, gorgeous man who always looked like he’d just walked off the set of an action movie. He had two pizza boxes in his hand, and a backpack slung over the other shoulder. Flashing a grin that surely made most women forget their own names, he bent down to kiss her cheek.

  “Hey Amy,” said Alec Flynn. “Tonight’s entertainment has arrived.”

  Behind her, the girls cheered.

  Chapter Nine

  Anna popped out from behind Alec wearing a neon pink Little Mermaid shirt that Paisley had made Amy pick up for her last Christmas. Given the color, Amy was pretty sure she knew what panties her friend was wearing underneath those cutoff shorts.

  “I brought ice cream!” she announced. “And whipped cream, and sprinkles, and chocolate syrup!”

  “Oh my gosh!” cried Chloe. Paisley was staring at Anna, wide-eyed.

  “Can we have that for dinner?” she asked.

  “You’ll have to,” said Alec. “Because I’m not sharing these cheese pizzas.”

  “I’m sort of confused,” said Amy. “Are we doing game night or something?”

  She was way more disappointed than she thought she’d be at the prospect of spending the evening with everyone.

  “We are doing game night,” said Anna. “You are doing naughty night.”

  Amy glanced at Alec, who had the good grace to carry the boxes into the kitchen. The girls chased after him.

  “You’re babysitting?” asked Amy. “How come you didn’t tell me?”

  “I thought you knew,” said Anna. “Honestly, we were so excited when Mike called. The girls will be perfectly fine.”

  “And fed.” Amy glanced down at the plastic grocery bag of sundae fixings.


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