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Beckham (Heartlands Motorcycle Club Book 10)

Page 6

by Olivia T. Turner

  My heart does a slow roll in my chest and I pull her even closer. Someone is tapping on my shoulder but I brush them away.

  Only after Jaxon practically yells into my ear do I actually turn to face him, a touch of anger flaring up in between all the happiness. “You should have stayed with her,” I say, glaring at him. “She could have been killed.”

  “I’m sorry,” he says, first to Fawn, then to me. “I’m sorry. I thought everything was good. I turned my back for half a second and then…”

  He really does look like he feels bad and I’m having a really hard time staying angry with my beautiful girl in my arms. “Let’s get out of here,” I say, reaching out to give his shoulder a squeeze.

  Jaxon’s face lights up. “I know I fucked up, but I think this might make things a little better…” He holds up a bag stuffed with bundles of hundred dollar bills. “A hundred grand. We’ll split it fifty-fifty.”

  He’s right.

  That makes me feel a hell of a lot better.

  I laugh and spin Fawn around, barely even wincing as the adrenaline rush starts to fade and all of the night’s injuries begin flaring up.

  But I’m going to be okay.

  Fawn is coming home with me.

  Chapter Ten


  I can tell he’s trying not to wince as I rinse the cuts on his swollen knuckles with peroxide. My tall, dark, handsome, tough guy.

  “Looks like I got into a fight with a freight train,” he mutters, glancing down at his bruised, bloody torso and ripped shorts. His lip is busted and he’s going to have a heck of a black eye in the morning, but I’m just glad he’s still in one piece.

  “You should see the other guys,” I say, not even joking. “I thought the other guy in the ring with you might give you some trouble, but…” I can’t help but laugh a little, even though none of it was funny at the time. “But then you took on a moving vehicle and a guy with a knife. I’m pretty sure that last guy peed his pants before he jumped out of the car.”

  Now Beckham is laughing, too. He pulls me in for a kiss, completely ignoring all of the work I’ve done to disinfect his still-open-and-still-bleeding wounds. “I’d do it all over again to keep you safe,” he says.

  And I absolutely believe him.

  This man put his life on the line more than once tonight to save mine. I’m not sure if my love is enough to repay him, but I think it might be a good start.

  “Let’s hope you never have to do anything like that again,” I say. “I like it better when you’re here with me, safe and sound.”

  “Both of us safe and sound,” he murmurs, kissing me between words. “And that suits me just fine, honestly. I might still need to fight every once in a while, but I wouldn’t mind if I didn’t have to smash through any more car windows anytime soon.” He grins. “Then again, I can’t say I’m completely ruling it out.”

  I shake my head but I have to smile. Would I prefer that he stops fighting completely?


  Have I already decided I’m going to love him with my whole heart, no matter what? Even if he goes right back into the ring tomorrow night?

  You’d better believe it.

  “I love you,” I say, looking up at him as I take his big hand in both of mine. “You’ve only been in my life for a little while and I already can’t remember what it was like before.”

  He reaches up with his free hand and slowly rubs his thumb over my bottom lip. “I love you too, baby. I want you to marry me.”

  He says the words so easily, so nonchalantly that it takes a second for my brain to catch up. When it does, I suck in a sharp breath and feel my eyes go wide.

  “W-What did you say?” I whisper, afraid to speak too loud in case I’ve slipped into some kind of dream or fantasy or alternate universe. “Did you say—”

  “Marry me,” he repeats with a smile. “I know it’s crazy. I know it’s too soon. I know I’m not supposed to ask yet, but… marry me.”

  I open my mouth to speak but no words come out. I can feel the happy tears welling up in my eyes as I look at his smiling face.

  Is this real?

  My life has turned upside down over the past couple of days but he’s been the one constant thing, the one I’ve been able to turn to in the middle of all the chaos and danger. The one who has promised—and proved—that he will keep me safe.

  That he will love me.

  I’m overwhelmed with all of the good emotions, but the one thing I’m not feeling?

  Any doubt whatsoever.

  This—this man, this moment, this proposal—is exactly what I want. He’s what I’ve been missing, but I never even realized it until now.

  “Yes,” I say, a warm, floaty, happy feeling bubbling up inside me. “Yes, yes, yes of course I’ll marry you—you crazy, sexy, incredible man.”

  He lifts me off my feet and spins me around. “Baby, you’ve just made me the happiest man in the whole damn world. Do you know how much I love you?”

  Since he said it the first time, I haven’t doubted it for a second. He’s gone out of his way since the moment we met—the first time he saved me from those awful guys in that awful bar—to prove that he wants to be there for me, that he wants to take care of me.

  He’s shown me that he’s a man of his word, that he’s a man I can trust and love. I know we can make a good, happy life together.

  “I do know,” I say, meaning it. “And I can’t wait to be your wife, Beckham.”

  He kisses me—hard and hungry and so hot that I melt against him. I love the way he makes me feel—like my body was made to fit against his. I reach down to palm his hard cock through his shorts. After everything we’ve been through tonight, all I want right now is to feel him inside me.

  I can see the heat in his eyes as he smiles down at me. “Looks like we have something to celebrate tonight…”

  “I think you’re right,” I nod, my breath hitching in anticipation. “What… what’s the best way to celebrate a proposal?”

  “Only one way I can think of.” He pauses to kiss me. “Naked.”

  Again, he knows exactly what I want.

  Exactly what I need.

  Just him. Just Beckham.

  And yeah, preferably naked.



  Four months later…

  The past four months have flown by so quickly that it really does feel like a dream—and today more than ever. More than once I’ve had to remind myself to slow down, to live in the moment, to enjoy these milestones that will only happen once.

  Like the first time Beckham told me he loved me after knowing each other for about twenty-four hours.

  Like the first time we slept together.

  Like the day we moved in—or, more accurately, like how I never left after that first night.

  Like today, when we walked down the aisle and said our vows.

  I’m smiling as I stand here in the crowded banquet room where we’re celebrating our wedding, watching the way my family is cautiously trying to mingle with the Heartland bikers.

  It’s definitely a comical scene as two very different worlds collide. And maybe it should have felt like that for Beckham and me, but it never did. We just clicked from the very beginning. We understood each other then and we understand each other even more now.

  “Fawn!” Jaxon is waving me over. He’s standing with Beckham and a guy named Troy, the president of the biker club. “I think I’m gonna need your help here.”

  I laugh as I walk over from my spot at the table where I’ve been watching the crowd and soaking up the good atmosphere. The two brothers are complete opposites in so many ways but when they’re together like this I can see their similarities.

  They’re both loyal to a fault. They’ve both got hearts that are even bigger than their muscles. And they both treat their women like gold.

  It must run in the family.

  “Okay,” I say as I walk over to Beckham and rest my hand in the crook of h
is arm. “I’m here to help. What’s on the agenda tonight? World peace? Global warming?”

  “Beckham won’t dance,” Jaxon frowns. “I’m pretty sure that it’s sort of a rule—the groom has to dance at his own wedding reception.”

  Beckham sighs. “And I’m pretty sure you just made that rule up on the spot. Isn’t it also a rule that the best man can’t be a pain in the ass on the groom’s wedding day?”

  I laugh. “And all this time I thought you guys didn’t like having a bunch of rules…”

  “We don’t,” they both say at the same time in a way that’s as cute as it is funny.

  “Go on, Fawn.” Jaxon nods in his older brother’s—my husband’s—direction. “Tell him he has to dance. It really is a rule.”

  I take Beckham’s hand in mine and look up at him with a smile. “This is a good song… maybe just one quick dance? With your sexy new bride?”

  I only have to wait a couple of seconds for his stony expression to thaw. “That’s not fair. You know I can’t say no to you, baby.”

  Troy pats Beckham on the back as I lead him toward the dance floor. “Looks like you have a hell of a woman there, buddy.” He looks over to me. “Fawn, welcome to the Heartland family. You’re one of us now and I think you’re going to fit right in.”

  “I know for sure she will.” Beckham grins, then turns to me as we walk onto the dance floor. “And I hope you know I’m only doing this for you. I normally don’t dance. Ever.”

  “Nobody’s watching,” I lie. “And even if they are, it doesn’t matter. I don’t care whether or not you can dance. I just care that you’re here with me.”

  He pulls me close as we start to slowly sway to the music. It really is a good song—a slow, sappy love song. The kind I used to roll my eyes at because it seemed so unrealistic and far-fetched.

  And yet… here I am. Totally, happily, hopelessly in love with this big, sexy, kindhearted man.

  “Am I doing okay?” he asks, his brow furrowing. “I’m trying not to step on your feet…”

  “You’re doing great, my love.” I look up into his eyes and feel almost overwhelmed with emotion. I love him so much and he’s made me so happy over these past few months. I don’t even know how to put it all into words. “Today has been the best day of my life. But I thought that about yesterday, too. And the day before. And… well, every day since we met.”

  All of the worried lines on his forehead instantly disappear. “That’s quite a coincidence, because today is the best day of my life, too. But… what about tomorrow?”

  I stand on my toes so I can kiss him. “Well, it’ll be really hard to beat today, but it will be the first day of our honeymoon, so I think it’s still in the running for Best Day Ever.”

  “Good point,” he nods. “Pretty sure every day I get to spend with you will be the best day ever.”

  Again, I can feel myself starting to get overwhelmed with emotion. I have to pace myself tonight or I’m going to end up ruining my makeup with happy tears. Except there is one more thing I need to say. One more reason why today is, without a doubt, the best day of my life.

  “I know we haven’t really talked about it a lot, but…” I pause to nibble my lip. I probably should have put a little more thought into how I’m going to tell him. “How do you feel about starting a family?”

  “I’m ready whenever you are, baby.” He kisses my forehead and then grins. “I’m planning on starting tonight, just as soon as we leave here.”

  It’s just the answer I’m hoping for. “What if I told you that we, um… we might be getting a head start?”

  He cocks his head to the side and his brow furrows for a moment, then his eyes go wide as he freezes in place. “Baby… are you saying…” He looks around as his mouth opens and closes. “Are you trying to tell me that… you’re…”

  “Pregnant,” I finish for him. “We’re going to have a baby, my love.”

  “Holy shit,” he whispers. “My baby is having a baby!” He laughs and pulls me close, then twirls me around the dance floor until I’m laughing, too. “My baby is having a baby!” He stops, a worried look flashing across his face as he reaches down to touch my stomach. “I’m sorry. I probably shouldn’t be spinning you around like that. Are you okay? Do you need to sit down? Should we go?”

  “I’m perfect,” I say, smiling up at my man. “All I need is you. And I already know you’re going to be the best father in the world.”

  His eyes go wide again. “A father. Wow. I can’t believe it.” He gives me a funny look. “You really think I’ll be good at it?”

  “The best,” I say without hesitating. “There’s no doubt in my mind.”

  “Okay,” he smiles. “I believe you. As long as you’re with me, I’m not worried.”

  “You don’t have anything to worry about.” I kiss him again and rest my head against his chest, closing my eyes as I listen to the slow, steady beat of his heart. “Because we’re just getting started and I can’t wait to spend forever with you.”

  I smile to myself as I realize all of my dreams really have come true.

  I have the perfect man. We’ve created a perfect little baby that’s growing inside of me.

  I can’t think of anything better.



  Ten years later…

  I smile as the sound of morning cartoons and our kids’ laughter filters in from the living room. I’m making pancakes and Fawn is by my side, setting out plates and pouring four small glasses of milk and orange juice.

  It’s our Saturday morning routine and I spend the whole week looking forward to it. Fawn and I sleep in with the kids and then spend a lazy morning making breakfast together while they play and watch cartoons.

  Never in a million years did I ever dream this would be my life, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I used to think that I wasn’t capable of love, but now?

  My heart is bursting. My love for Fawn and for these four beautiful kids is the thing that gets me through even the coldest, meanest, hardest days.

  “You’re thinking about something,” she says, smiling up at me as she reaches over to rest a hand on my arm.

  She’s always gorgeous, but there’s something about the way she looks in the morning—hair pulled back and no makeup, just naturally beautiful—that always makes me feel lucky. She could have anyone she wants, but she wants me.

  “I’m thinking about seeing if Nixie will babysit for us later while we go out and have some grown-up time,” I say, waggling my eyebrows at her.

  She laughs. “You read my mind. I wouldn’t mind spending a little grown-up time with the sexiest man alive.”

  I snort. “Then I’ll just have to kick Brad Pitt’s ass.”

  She laughs again, standing on her toes and leaning in for a quick kiss as I flip the last pancake and get ready to add it to the stack.

  “Brad Pitt doesn’t have anything on you,” she says.

  “Just a few million bucks,” I point out.

  She shrugs. “Maybe, but I’d still pick you every single time. Money can’t buy all the amazing things you’ve given me.”

  I pull her in close, forgetting about breakfast for a few moments while I kiss this perfect, beautiful woman. “How the hell did I get so lucky?” I ask. It’s the same question I’ve asked every day for the past ten years. The same question I’ll still be asking fifty years from now.

  “I think we both hit the jackpot when it comes to finding love,” she says, and I completely agree.

  I wasn’t even looking for a relationship when I met her. Hell, I wasn’t even looking for new friends. I’d put up a lifetime of walls and I honestly thought that love didn’t exist for me. I thought it was something that only happened for other people. For people who deserved to be loved.

  Only after I met Fawn did I start to think that maybe, just maybe I deserved it, too. She taught me how to love, she taught me how to be loved, and she taught me how to tear down the walls. She’s the reason wh
y the four little humans in the other room call me daddy, and I owe her everything for that.

  “Is breakfast ready?” our five-year-old Benjamin asks from the kitchen table where he’s already claimed a seat. “Pancake day is my favorite!”

  “It’s my favorite, too, buddy,” I grin.

  “Come over here and let’s wash your hands,” Fawn says, beckoning him over. “And then you can go round up your brother and sisters for me, okay?”

  He nods as if she’s just given him the biggest, most important responsibility in the world. “Okay, and I’ll help get Alicia into her high chair, too.”

  Fawn looks over her shoulder to shoot me an amused look. I’m not even going to ask how our five-year-old thinks he’s going to get the baby into her highchair, but I love that he’s already so responsible. So helpful. So kind.

  Watching their individual personalities develop has been one of the most enjoyable, rewarding experiences of my life. It’s magical and wonderful, and I could spend all day right here just watching them and enjoying the moment.

  This is my family.

  My life.

  My world.

  I don’t know what I did to ever deserve this much goodness in my life, but I’m so thankful. They’re everything I never knew I needed.

  They’re mine.

  They’re perfect.

  The End

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  By Olivia T. Turner


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