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Dark Limits: Alpha Brotherhood MC

Page 48

by Evelyn Glass

  “I don’t think so.”

  “I know so. A month, maybe two, but sooner or later he’ll be tired of you and that will be you getting slapped around while he fucks you.”

  “We’ll see.”

  The raping went on for a long time, the men taking turns or fucking the women two and three at a time, the fight slowly leaving Ava. Several of the Knights women cried in sympathy and fear and many tried to turn away, to not watch, but the men tending them forced them to turn back and watch as their friends were taken over and over again.


  “What now,” Whiteshirt asked.

  “I don’t know. They probably have them at a motel somewhere,” Ironside replied as they waited for the light to change. They had been riding aimlessly for the last ten minutes as he tried to think of what to do.

  “But where? We can’t canvas the entire Saracens’ territory.”

  “I know! We need a clue, something, anything to go on.”

  “We should return to the clubhouse, maybe get the cops involved.”

  “No cops!” Ironside said. The light went green but there were no cars behind them, so he waited. “Why back to the clubhouse?”

  “We’re doing no good out here. Did you look to see if someone left a note, anything, that might tell us where they went?”

  “No, but do you think they knew?”

  Whiteshirt shrugged. “I doubt it, but we have to start someplace.”

  Ironside grit his teeth. It galled him to do nothing, but Whiteshirt was right. They were wasting time riding in circles. “Fuck!” he bellowed before roaring away, his brothers right behind him.


  The initiation of Ava and Blaire lasted over an hour, but it was finally over. Blaire was sitting on the edge of the pool, staring at the water with dead eyes, and Ava lay curled in the fetal position in the grass, sobbing softly, her lips swollen and bloody.

  Andrew stepped up to the tables that held the men’s clothes, panting but beaming. He looked like he had been in a fight with a wildcat, covered in clippings, grass stains, dirt, and scratches. He’d come twice while fucking Ava, but he was still rock hard and ready to initiate another bitch. He’d never tried to initiate so many women at one time, and he wondered how many he could break before he couldn’t get it up anymore.

  He picked up the note and read the next two names on the list as the men who had been guarding the women began to undress for their turn at initiation. This was an all hands on deck effort, and even a few of the club girls had joined them to watch.

  “What?” Bull cried into his phone, his pants unbuttoned but not yet off. “Are you shitting me?” He paused and listened a moment. “Stud! Jeanette’s on the phone! She’s at the clubhouse and she said it’s on fire and it looked like a bomb had gone off inside!”

  “Mother fuck!” Andrew screamed. “Get these bitches into the rooms! Meat! You, Bone and Rod watch them! Those fucking Knights are going to pay for this!”

  “I warned you!” Peyton cried in glee.

  Andrew whirled on her. “You’re next, you bitch!” he snarled as he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to him, causing her to stumble and fall over one of the tables. She cried out as he hauled her back to her feet by the hair and clamped his hand painfully tight on her face. “I’m going to initiate you personally until you’re fucking dead!” She twisted and turned a moment as she slipped the device into the front of her shorts, then grabbing his hand, trying to break his vice like grip. He held her, her face twisting in pain as he glared at her until he shoved her away, scooped up his clothes from where she had knocked them to the ground, and began to dress.

  She followed the rest of the girls, her eyes low, as they were herded into three rooms. “Where are Ava and Blaire?” she asked as the door slammed shut.

  “Not in here,” Sloane said softly. “Those fucking animals! I hope they rot in hell!”

  Peyton took Sloane by the arm and dragged her as far back in the room as she could, then reached inside her pants. “Cover me,” she said as she pulled out a cellphone.

  “Where’d you get that?”

  “It’s one of the Saracens.” She flipped the phone open and quickly dialed.



  “It’s me, Peyton! We need help!”

  “Peyton! Where are you?”

  “I don’t know! A motel somewhere, but I don’t know the name. They’re raping us, Bjorn! They’ve just finished raping Blaire and Ava. They said we’re to replace the girls we took! You have to help us!”

  “Whiteshirt!” he bellowed as loudly as he could. “Tell me what you can see,” he said into the phone, then placed the phone on the table and pressed speaker as Whiteshirt arrived on the run.

  “Sloane!” she whispered. “Go to the window and tell me what you can see!” She turned her attention back to Ironside. “We’re in a motel. It’s older, two story, with rooms around this big grassy courtyard in the center with a pool.”

  “I can see a McDonald’s sign!” Sloane said.

  “We can see a McDonald’s sign,” she repeated into the phone. “What else?” she asked Sloane.

  “Uh…I can’t see anything else!” Sloane said looking this way and that out of the window. Peyton passed that along.

  “Can you see downtown?” Ironside asked.

  Peyton repeated the question. “No,” she said.

  “Jesus!” Whiteshirt said as he pounded on the computer. “Do you know how many McDonald’s there are in Cleveland?”

  “Peyton, Baby, you have to help us. We need something else. Anything!”

  “Sloane, can you see anything else? Anything at all?” she begged.

  “Fuck this,” Sloane said, jerking the door open and running.

  “Sloane!” Peyton screamed as Rod chased after her. She snapped the phone closed and dropped it back into her pants as Meat appeared in their door a moment later. “Don’t even think about it,” he growled, staring into the room.


  “Peyton?” Ironside said just as his phone bleeped, signaling the end of the call.

  “Don’t,” Whiteshirt said, putting his hand over the phone as Ironside flipped to the recent calls. “Don’t call her back. She hung up for a reason. If the phone rings, it could give her away. She’ll call back if she can.”

  Ironside stared at the phone. “You’re right,” he said, his eyes never leaving the phone.


  Less than two minute later, Sloane was tossed back into the room, her mouth bleeding. “Next one of you bitches that tries something like that will regret it,” Rod said, slamming the door so hard the wall shook.

  Sloane wiped her mouth on the back of her hand. “There’s a place called Pueblo Hardware just down the road.”

  Peyton giggled. “You sneaky bitch! Watch the door!” She fished the phone out of her pants and called Ironside again. “Pueblo Hardware.”

  Whiteshirt typed on the computer, then zoomed in and switched to the satellite view, spotting a square motel built around a courtyard with a pool in the center. “That has to be it,” he said, tapping the screen with his finger. “The Mercury Motel.” He zoomed out and switched back to the map to see where it was in relation to their clubhouse. “Shit, that’s almost an hour away!”

  “Where are the Saracens?” Ironside asked.

  “They had to leave,” Peyton said with grin. “They found out about your surprise a few minutes ago. There’s only three of them here at the moment plus a few women. Oh! And Honey’s the mole!”

  “We know,” Ironside said. “Hang tight. We’ll be there in forty-five minutes. I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” Peyton said. She snapped the phone closed then handed it to Sloane. “They’re coming, but you keep this, just in case.”


  “Knights!” Ironside bellowed. “Listen up. Peyton somehow got her hands on a phone and called me. We know where they are and we’re going to get them. We roll in two minut
es! Lolly, Hammer, I need to see you.”

  His brothers walked over and he pulled them aside. “I want you to know Peyton said Ava and Blaire were raped.”

  “Those fuckers are dead!” Hammer snarled.

  “All of them,” Ironside agreed. “But I want you two to stay frosty until this is over. Don’t do something stupid. Your old ladies are going to need you now, more than ever. I need you to be here for them.”

  Hammer and Lolly looked at each other. “Just promise me none of them walk away,” Lolly said, his voice cold and hard.

  “None of them walk away,” he confirmed.


  “Get them out here!” Andrew roared then turned on Honey. “This is all your fucking fault!”

  “Mine? Why is it my fault?” Honey complained.

  “You’re the one who said you could help us! You’re the one who said there were guns coming in. You’re the one who told us the clubhouse was empty and we should take the women! Now my fucking clubhouse is a smoking hole in the ground and the pigs are crawling all over it!” He glared at her as the rest of the Knights women were hustled out of their rooms.

  “Wait a minute,” Honey said, backing away. “All I did was pass along the information!”

  “Yeah, and look what’s happened! You said they didn’t know you were the mole!” he snarled as he followed her.

  “I didn’t know! I was played, too!” Honey said, still backing up. “Babe! Stud! I would never cross you, you know that! Its Peyton you want! She’s Ironside’s old lady. Initiate her! Get back at him by fucking up his old lady! I’ll help! I owe her!” she wheedled, trying to get back in his good graces. “We can initiate her together! Wouldn’t you like that? Wouldn’t you like to fuck her in the ass as you make her eat my pussy? Come on, Stud, think about it! Ever had your old lady initiate a bitch before? I can do it! I’ll do it for you!”

  Andrew paused. Honey was sexy as shit, just like Peyton, and having them fighting to the death as he fucked them? That was be something new. He smiled, the idea growing on him. Honey had fucked the club over and he decided he would initiate her, too, as an example to all the other bitches of what happens if you fuck the Saracens.

  “Get her ready,” he growled, handing her his weapon.

  Honey smiled and moved to where the brothers were gathering the prisoners, a path opening as she moved through the cluster of women. “I’m going to enjoy this,” she sneered as she stopped in front of Peyton. She pressed the gun into Peyton’s side as she hauled her nemesis to the center of the courtyard where Andrew waited by the pool. “Here is she.”

  “Strip. Both of you,” Andrew ordered as the rest of the Saracen men and women pushed and shoved the Knights women forward, not wanting to miss any of the show. He watched as the two women glared at each other a moment before Honey handed her gun to Bone and began to undress. He took it, looked at it in puzzlement a moment, then shoved it into his belt with a shrug.

  “Anything for you, Babe,” she purred.

  Peyton stalled, knowing the Knights were coming.

  “Strip or I’ll kill you where you stand,” Andrew rumbled.

  She knew he wouldn’t hesitate, so she began to undress, but as slowly as she thought she could get away with. “Honey fucked you over good, didn’t she?” Peyton said as she removed her clothes. “Whiteshirt played her. He knew she was fucking you, and she led you right into the trap.”

  “Shut up!” Honey yelled.

  “She has a bug in her purse. They know exactly where we are,” Peyton said, willing to say anything to stall for time.

  “That’s not true!” Honey cried. “Don’t listen to her!”

  “So where are they?” Andrew asked. “Why aren’t they here already?”

  Peyton forced a smile. “Fireworks! I understand there was some good ones at your clubhouse today. I’m sorry I missed it. I bet they felt it in Akron!” She forced her smile wider as she mouthed the word boom, opening her fingers and hands as if they contained an explosion.

  Andrew bottled up his rage as he began to strip, using it to pump himself up. He was going to hate fuck this bitch until she was fucking dead.


  Ironside led the Knights as they blazed along the Ninety. They were riding dangerously fast, almost the double the posted speed limit, cutting in and out of traffic, but they didn’t have a moment to spare. He tried to tell himself they were riding to save the old ladies and club girls but he knew it was a lie. He would do everything he could to get them all out safely, but he was riding to rescue Peyton.

  He was going to find that fucking Andrew Moore and he was going to kill him, and if he’d hurt Peyton, he was going to kill him as slowly, and painfully, as possible. Andrew, and that bitch Honey, too, assuming Whiteshirt didn’t get to her first.

  He braked hard, stuck behind a battered and rusted Nissan as it crept past slower traffic. He thought about trying to pass the car on the shoulder, but it would be a tight squeeze, and he remembered what happened to Dolch. He would be no use to Peyton if he were dead or his motorcycle was disabled, so he waited, shouting obscenities at the driver, until there was enough room to squeeze around. He banked his Dyna to the right and twisted the throttle, squirting though the gap, the rest of the Knights, twenty strong, flowing past the car in his wake.


  Peyton listened intently for the sound of approaching Harleys but heard nothing.

  “You’ve fucked me over for the last time,” Andrew growled, tossing aside his pants. “Both of you.”

  “What?” Honey cried. “Stud, Babe, I’ve never—”

  “Shut up!” he roared. “I’m going to initiate both of you! I’m going to fucking break you and then I’m going to let every man in the club fucking break you, then I’m going to invite every crack-head in the city shove his cock into you.”

  “Stud! Why?” Honey cried. “I’ve helped you! I’ve let you fuck me any way you want! I just want to be your old lady!”

  Andrew lips twisted into a cold smile that didn’t touch his eyes. “Because I’m sick of your shit! I’m starting to think Peyton is right and you were setting us up.”

  “Andrew! No!” Honey cried, gasping for breath, her heart thudding in her chest.

  Peyton smiled. “Huh. What do you know? It’s sooner. You like apples, bitch? How about them apples?”

  He began to stroke his cock as he smiled. “You’re loyal to the club? Prove it to me.”

  “Yes! Yes! Of course I’m loyal!” Honey said, nodding her head vigorously. “I’ll do anything!”

  “Kill this bitch.”

  Honey smiled, relaxing slightly. “With pleasure.” She turned to Bone to retrieve the gun.

  “Not like that,” Andrew said as she held her hand out and Bone started to pull the weapon from his belt.

  “What? How?”

  “With your bare hands.”

  Peyton said nothing, cocking her head slightly, listening, straining to catch the sound again.

  Honey chewed on her bottom lip. “Why can’t I just shoot her?”

  “Because that’s too easy. It proves nothing,” he rumbled, getting into the idea of fucking them as they tried to kill each other. “I want to see if you’re really committed to serving the club, of doing what it takes to be a Saracen.”

  Peyton heard it again, closer this time. She turned to face Honey, trying to buy a few more seconds. “Come on, Honey,” she sneered. “Want another shot at me? We can go, right here, right now. I got nothing to lose. How about you?”

  Honey hesitated. She’d gotten her ass handed to her both times she’d gone up against Peyton, but she was trapped. She forced a smile. “Okay, Babe. I’ll kill her for you.”

  Andrew took a couple of steps back, his cock aching with hardness. He was going to let them soften each other up a bit, then he was going to fuck them so fucking hard!

  “Hear that?” Peyton asked with a smile, the bellow of hard charging V-Twin motorcycles becoming clear. “That’s the sound of the
fucking angels of death!”

  Andrew stiffened, now hearing what Peyton heard. He grabbed her hair to keep her from escaping in case it was nothing. “Check it out,” he ordered a couple of the men.

  “You’re so fucking dead!” Peyton sneered.

  “Shut up!” he snapped, giving her head a jerk, causing her to hiss in pain.

  “It was all part of the plan. Blowing up your clubhouse. Getting you all together here,” Peyton gasped, her face twisting in pain as she tried to free her hair from Andrew’s grasp. “She called them while you were gone! Told them were you were!”


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