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To Catch A Spinster (The Reluctant Bride Collection)

Page 3

by Megan Bryce

  His mother looked quite intrigued. Even worse.

  Olivia couldn’t imagine he had told his mother anything, but he wasn’t exactly being subtle.

  Mary whispered behind her fan. “He looks almost enamored, Livvy. What did you speak of last week?”

  She refused to blush again. “Nothing, really. I didn’t talk of fashion though. Maybe he’s simply never met a woman who didn’t know a flounce from a ruffle before.”

  Mary snorted. “I’m sure he hasn’t and I’m sure that’s not why he’s coming over here right now.”

  Olivia took a quick breath, ignoring her speeding heart. Hopefully he wasn’t coming to give her another set-down.

  “Mrs. Eliot. Miss Blakesley. Would you still have a waltz free?”

  Olivia ignored Mary’s wide smile. If she could have, she would have ignored Nathaniel Jenkins and his unexpected dance offer as well. “Yes, thank you.”

  He bowed slightly and left. Mary’s fan went into convulsions and she sing-songed, “Olivia has a suitor.”

  By the time Mr. Jenkins came for her, she was ready. She would not blush again. She had propositioned him for goodness sake; she could certainly dance with him without turning red as a cherry.

  The music started, the couples began dancing, and he said, “I hope you have given up on your extremely foolish idea, Miss Blakesley.”

  So much for gently breaking into the subject. She eyed him coolly. “Of course not. A child learning to walk does not quit after the first tumble.”

  “You must agree this is a little more foolhardy, and certainly more sinister, than learning to walk.”

  “The principles are the same no matter the endeavor, Mr. Jenkins.”

  His eyes flashed and he brought her closer for a spin. “Very well. Then tell me who you are considering.”

  Olivia sniffed. “Why?”

  “Because I am an excellent judge of character. And who else will you be able to ask?”

  Olivia considered. It would be nice to have a second opinion. And he would have heard more about the darker side of a gentleman’s character than she. She hadn’t the heart to go ask her brothers-in-law anymore, they teased her endlessly about Mr. Jenkins.

  “Fine. Mr. James Woolthy.”

  “Jimmy? Too fat. He’ll have no stamina for the activities you have planned.”

  Olivia bit her tongue and glared at him. He seemed entirely too cheerful.

  “Mr. Marcus Matthews. He is not fat at all.”

  “No, but he is too young. He’ll not have enough experience to make the experiment worthwhile.”

  “Mr. Simon Rawling.”

  “Too much in love with the bottle. He won’t be able to get the old boy up.”

  Olivia pondered that for a moment. Mr. Jenkins watched her, his fingers gripping tighter around her waist.

  “Well, I fear my options are becoming quite limited. It seems I am left with Mr. Damien St. Martins, the youngest son of Lord Waverley.”

  Mr. Jenkins tripped over his own foot. “Miss Blakesley! He is a rake of the worst kind. Your reputation won’t survive that scandal.”

  “Can you think of anyone better?”

  He stared over her shoulder and sighed. “I suppose it shall have to be me.”

  Olivia huffed, “If it will be too much of a bother, don’t put yourself out, sir.”

  He glanced at her. “Was I not enthusiastic enough for you, Miss Blakesley?”

  “No, you weren’t. And if I do decide to go ahead with you, I would like an assurance that you’ll do better in the future.”

  Mr. Jenkins choked back a laugh. “Of course, Miss Blakesley. It was thoughtless of me. How can I show you my enthusiasm? Shall we take a stroll through the gardens?”

  “Are you funning me, Mr. Jenkins?”

  “Of course not, Miss Blakesley. I’m simply wondering if you would like to sample the goods before you decide.”

  He’d meant it as a joke, surely, but Olivia thought it a sensible idea. What if they were incompatible?

  “Perhaps a quick nip outside for some fresh air would be beneficial, thank you.”

  Mr. Jenkins stared at her, then shook himself. “Remind me not to offer any more inappropriate suggestions. You seem to run away with them.”

  Olivia merely looked at him. He was either going to seduce her or he wasn’t, and even if there were no other suitors in line for her she would not be desperate. She could have married long ago if she’d been willing to settle for just anybody.

  The waltz slowed and ended, and Olivia continued to look at him.

  He cleared his throat. “Very well. Shall we take a stroll, Miss Blakesley?”

  “Thank you, it is a bit warm in here.”

  Mr. Jenkins escorted her to the terrace where, unfortunately, two matrons sat taking the air and watching another couple. He led her to the other side, well away from prying ears if not prying eyes.

  “I dare not take you into the gardens with those two watching.”

  Olivia quietly sighed. “I understand, Mr. Jenkins. And I appreciate your care for my reputation.”

  He grasped her hand lightly between his, rubbing them gently. “I would like to take you into those gardens and kiss you senseless, though. I wouldn’t want you thinking I was unenthusiastic.”

  She gaped at him. “You want to kiss me?”

  A light twinkled in his eyes. “I would not have agreed to this crazy scheme if I didn’t.” He lightly touched her, right below her ear. “I want to nuzzle you here, surround myself in your scent.”

  Olivia cleared her throat. “That does sound inter-”

  “And slowly unbutton this god-awful dress until I can see the tops of your pert breasts peeking through. I think they would fit in my hands perfectly.”

  Her nipples beaded as he gazed at them and Olivia glanced behind him to make sure no one had heard.

  His finger slid inside the cuff of her sleeve and stroked her soft skin.

  “In fact, I think I’d get rid of this dress entirely. I’d start here at your wrist and kiss and nibble my way up your arm, stopping to lick the crook of your elbow, and leisurely pull you closer until your breasts crushed against my chest. And then I’d kiss your lips, softly at first, gently, feeling the softness press warmly back. And you’d open your mouth to sigh and I’d slip my tongue in to play with yours.”

  Olivia jumped, staring at his mouth, and whispered, “Is that pleasant?”

  One side of his mouth quirked. “Oh, yes.”

  It didn’t sound like it would be but Olivia trusted that he knew what he was about. One hoped he had more experience than she. He couldn’t possibly have less.

  “What is also pleasant is if you circle your arms around my neck and kiss me back, your body stretching along mine, my hands cupping your derriere and pulling you tightly against my erection.”

  “Mr. Jenkins!” She looked behind him again, hoping no one had heard that. Satisfied that they were still safe she glanced down between them, hoping for a glimpse. “Do you have one now, sir?”

  He smiled dangerously. “Would you like to find out?”

  When she gave a jerky nod, he guided her hand to his breeches. Olivia’s heart beat furiously and the need for air seemed to have deserted her. She looked up into his face, saw passion and want, and understood power for the first time in her life. She had done that to him.

  She trailed her hand lower, searching for she knew not what. Her hand brushed his hard member and his muscles shook.

  She jerked her hand back. “Did I hurt you?”

  He shook his head. “No. But perhaps this wasn’t a good idea after all. I don’t want to have to ravish you with an audience.”

  Satisfaction stole through Olivia. “Do you want to ravish me?”

  “Miss Blakesley, you are two steps away from being swept into the garden and seduced quite thoroughly.”

  The light laughter of another couple coming out to enjoy the air intruded upon them and Mr. Jenkins stepped back. His heat left her and
Olivia realized just how hot he had been.

  He adjusted the front of his breeches discreetly and cleared his throat. “I had meant to shock you out of this mad idea, Miss Blakesley, not incite myself.”

  Olivia shook herself. “If that was indeed your plan, Mr. Jenkins, you failed magnificently. But if we are to continue, I think there will have to be a few rules.”

  He paused for a moment as if he was willing his better sense to take over. She held her breath.

  He nodded and she began to breathe again.

  He said, “Yes, and number one will be to use our Christian names.”

  That seemed quite scandalous. Even her mother still called her father Mr. Blakesley. Of course, the whole affair was quite scandalous.

  “Agreed, but only in private.”

  “Agreed. Olivia.”

  Olivia’s stomach flopped and she looked up into his brightly burning eyes. She had thought him quite ordinary looking, that was one of the reasons she had chosen him, but at that moment she would be hard pressed to find someone more arresting. He seemed quite powerful, manly.

  Dear Lord, she would have to go back inside to cool down the way they were going.

  “Rule number two,” he growled. “There will not be any other men around while I am pursuing you.”

  Olivia fanned herself. “Of course not. A true experiment would require a comparison, but this is an experience. I will be delighted to simply have the opportunity.”

  And she would not forget that it had been hard enough to find one suitable and willing seducer. She would not bet with herself that she could find two.

  The next dance started up and Olivia reluctantly let him lead her inside. “I have not told you any of my rules, Mr...Nathaniel.”

  He escorted her to her sister, sketched a bow, and grinned at her. “I am sure there will be ample time for you to read me the list tomorrow morning, Miss Blakesley. Until then.”

  She watched him walk the length of the ballroom, thinking she had picked the best of the lot. At least if one was comparing backsides. And seductive capabilities!

  “Olivia?” Mary poked her with the fan.


  “I said, a waltz and the terrace? My, oh my. He is coming calling tomorrow?”

  “It would seem so.” She grinned at her sister. “I may be in need of more fresh air.”

  Mary laughed. “Of course, sister dear. You do look a bit peaked.”

  Olivia rushed to an open window, reminding herself not to break into song and dance. She was a respectable young lady. She could not create such a spectacle of herself.

  She settled for vigorously waving her fan, hoping it hid her too-large smile and too-warm cheeks.

  She, Miss Olivia Blakesley, spinster extraordinaire, had found herself a seducer.


  “Rule number one: You can tell no one of our arrangement.”

  Nathaniel escorted her through the park on his arm, her maid following discreetly. Since this was the first time her maid had ever acted as chaperone, she was doing remarkably well at keeping nearly out of sight. Olivia wondered idly if her mother had told the maid to stay as far away as possible. Olivia wouldn’t put it past her mother to think a slight scandal might move a marriage along.

  “Of course, Olivia. A gentleman does not kiss and tell.”

  She nodded. Yet one had to wonder how all the gossip started if not for a little kiss and tell. She knew at least two young ladies whose reputations had been ruined by hearsay.

  She would have to trust Nathaniel that he would not ruin her. Or, at least not tell anyone that he had ruined her.

  “Rule number two: I may at any time decide not to go through with our agreement and you will respect that. I will, of course, still pay you.”

  Nathaniel stopped in his tracks. “Do you think you’ll change your mind?”

  “Well, I don’t know, do I? What if I find the marital act terrifying? One hears so many stories. I just would like your assurance that you’ll stop if I ask.”

  “You won’t find it terrifying, Olivia. Thrilling, certainly. And you won’t want me to stop.” He pulled her hand back through his arm and continued walking. “However, if you wish to stop, I will. But mean it if you say it. Starting and stopping is very hard on a man.”

  “I will certainly take that into consideration, Nathaniel. Hopefully it will not be necessary.”

  Nathaniel nodded. “And you won’t be paying me.”

  “I certainly will.”

  “No, you won’t. I will not be a paid courtesan, a prostitute, or your mistress...master... Anyhow, I will not be paid.”

  “Then why are you doing this? There’s nothing in it for you. I will not be charity.” Olivia glared at him. “Don’t laugh at me.”

  “I’m not laughing at you. Women are paid for this kind of service because it is not always pleasurable for them. For a man it is. That will be my payment.”

  “Hmm. I still think you should be paid.”

  “No. That is final.”

  Olivia sniffed, watching the other couples walking along the green. They all looked quite young. And hopeful. And young.

  And most definitely innocent. She doubted any of them were having a conversation quite like theirs.

  “There is one thing you haven’t thought of, Olivia. What if you become pregnant?”

  She continued to look away from Nathaniel as she answered. She was really getting quite tired of blushing in front of him. “I have thought of it. I read somewhere that there is a precaution a man can take to prevent pregnancy. Do you know of it?”

  He cleared his throat. “Yes. It isn’t foolproof, though.”

  She had been afraid it wasn’t. Was it worth the risk? She took a deep breath. It was. If worse came to worst, she could visit relatives until the baby was due. She had five sisters, one of them surely would raise her baby if need be. Mary would, definitely.

  “I hesitate to ask how you know such things, Olivia.”

  “I do have-”

  “And don’t tell me you have five brothers-in-law. I doubt any of them would have mentioned such a thing.”

  She glanced at him, noting his dark expression. “Almost anything can be found in a book, Nathaniel.”

  “Not any books you should be reading.”

  True. She had an extremely naughty book hidden under a floorboard in her room. She might let him look at it when they knew each other a little better. She had a few questions for him.

  “Well, I’ve read quite a few things I shouldn’t have. I will accept full responsibility should something unfortunate happen.”

  He muttered, “Bloody hell,” and she ignored it. She was putting him in an extremely stressful situation after all.

  “Would you like me to pay you? I understand the method is not so pleasurable for the man.”

  He was turning a bit red and his collar seemed to be bothering him. “No, you will not pay me.”

  She patted his arm. “Of course, Nathaniel. I did not mean to insult your manly pride.”

  This was really turning into more work than she had planned.

  They resumed walking and he said, “Was that the list, then? You only have two rules?”

  “I did have a third one, but after last night’s demonstration I’m no longer worried about your devotion to the project. I think we’ll do quite well together. I’m sure I’ll think of more rules as situations arise.”

  “I’m sure you will.”

  “I would like to know why you changed your mind, though. You seemed quite put out with me when I originally asked.”

  “You surprised me, Olivia. It was like having a dog come up and ask for its dinner. Wholly unsuspected.”

  Olivia turned to stare at him. “Are you comparing me to a dog, sir? A talking dog? Surely it could not have been as unbelievable as that.”

  Nathaniel grimaced. “That wasn’t what I meant. Of course I was not comparing you to a dog.”

  “It sounded like you were.”

  “I was not expecting a gently bred lady to proposition me. I was expecting you to talk about your stars, or since you wanted to be private, I was expecting you to try and compromise yourself.”

  Olivia nodded. “I see. You expected a bark and instead found I could speak. Do the ladies often try and compromise themselves with you?”

  “Not often, no.”

  “You seem to have a low regard for my sex, Mr. Jenkins.”

  “Or a very high regard for dogs.”

  “I wonder, sir, why you are not married. It has left me quite baffled.”

  He bent his head and laughed. His shoulders shook as he quietly gave in to the inevitable. Olivia tried very hard to keep her lips pursed.

  “I apologize, Olivia. My charm has deserted me, it seems. If my mother knew I had just compared a lady to a dog, I’m sure she would disown me completely.”

  “Which I’m sure you would deserve.”

  “I would indeed. How may I make this up to you?”

  Olivia patted his arm. “Let us simply forgive and forget. I believe the situation we find ourselves in will lend itself to the occasional social blunder.”

  “Thank you, my dear. But perhaps a rest in this gazebo will show I am not completely without manners.”

  “Thank you, Nathaniel. It is getting a bit warm. I’ve always thought gazebos so nice to cool down in.”

  Nathaniel grinned, pulling her into his arms as soon as they entered. “I don’t think you’ll do much cooling down in this one.”

  Her surprised look congratulated him as he slowly bent his head and touched his lips to hers. He gently flicked her upper lip with his tongue, expertly guiding it in at her gasp. His tongue flicked hers playfully.

  Olivia grasped his lapels, breathing faster, daringly touching her tongue to his.

  “Oh, Nathaniel. That is pleasant.”

  He traced the back of her corset, sliding his fingers under her arms, tempting himself. She murmured something and stepped closer, crushing her chest against his. Nathaniel traced the rise of her breast and groaned.

  Olivia’s maid called out and he pushed her away quickly. Her chest heaved as she tried to gulp down air.

  “So, this is the fascination with gazebos.”

  “Yes, but we may be seen at any moment by someone other than your maid.”


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