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Full Court Seduction

Page 13

by Synithia Williams

  He wanted to take her out of there and peel that sparkly cardigan and dress off her body. Instead, he held out his arm. “I’d love to.”

  She hesitated and reached for her glasses, which weren’t there, then dropped her hand. “Okay, sure. I’ll catch up with you guys later.”

  She slipped her arm through his. Jacobe have a quick hand wave and led Danielle away. Even with the heels, she was small next to him that her head barely reached his shoulders. He wouldn’t have to bend as far to kiss her. He glanced at her lips, shiny with a red lip gloss that made him want to nibble on them like ripe cherries.

  They strolled toward the first table. Many people stopped to talk to her and be introduced to him. Their trip around the room took longer because of that.

  “Are your parents here?” he asked when they left a group of people to head toward another table. To his pleasant surprise, she hadn’t pulled her arm away from his while they walked and talked.

  Her hand squeezed his arm and her body stiffened. “No, they couldn’t make it.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s no big deal. Their work is important.”

  “So is yours.”

  She glanced up at him and smiled. “Thank you.” She took a deep breath and the tension left her body. “I didn’t grow up here, but this is where I ended up after college. I got involved with the community, kayaked the creeks and streams as part of my work, made friendships with the other river rats, and fell in love with the place. I finally feel like I belong somewhere. What I do seems like an uphill battle sometimes, but I love doing it. I make a difference, right here where I live. That is important.”

  His admiration for her grew even more. Danielle didn’t fight for causes just because, she fought because she was connected to them. He hadn’t felt connected to anything in a while. Sure, he enjoyed playing for the Gators and believed they’d make the play-offs, but he was ultimately trying to do that to snag a chance at moving to Phoenix. Even that wasn’t because he was connected. He hadn’t felt like he was a part of something great since his dad died. The feeling compounded when he’d discovered Jake wasn’t his.

  She stopped to check the items on another table that mostly held jewelry. Her hands lingered over one of the sheets for a simple, sapphire teardrop necklace. Her lips quirked up in a small smile when she looked at it.

  “Are you bidding on that?” he asked.

  Danielle pulled her hand back. “No. I don’t bid on the items here. I leave that for the guests.”

  “But you like that?”

  “It looks like a water drop. I work with water.” She stepped back and slid her arm through his again. “Come on, let’s go talk to the board members about Clear Water.”

  They did, and Jacobe did his part to promote the importance of stopping the Clear Water permit.

  “Liberty, I know that as a River Watchers board member you care about stopping the permit,” Jacobe said. “I hope you take the importance of doing so back to you fellow council members.”

  Liberty’s surprised gaze darted from him to the other people standing around their group. “Of course, but we also have to consider the needs of industry.”

  “Along with the health and safety of the many kids who play in that creek. That’s more important, don’t you think.” He didn’t smile or try to be charming.

  Liberty nodded. “Of course.”

  Danielle’s eyes widened and she stared at him after his comments. He had researched the issue. He didn’t like of the permit getting issued.

  “You’re against the permit now?” she leaned in and whispered when the group turned to welcome another person into the conversation.

  “Not when it puts at risk the health of those kids I met at the clean up,” he replied.

  Danielle was pulled away a few minutes later. Jacobe took that as his time to leave the group, but he continued to mingle, sign autographs, take pictures and make his stand on Clear Water known. When asked why he was there he mentioned that he lived on the river and wanted to support its protection. The statements weren’t just about improving his image. Somewhere along the way he had started to care.

  He decided to bid on a few items. He didn’t care much if he won, but hoped that by bidding he’d encourage others to spend more. He didn’t get to be alone with Danielle again, and when nine o’clock came she and Debra closed the bidding and went through the bid sheets the interns had gathered up.

  He actually won a few things—a new pair of designer sunglasses and a kayak, which meant he’d have to learn to kayak. The only thing he’d really wanted to win—and made sure he had the highest bid on—was one of the last things they announced.

  When Danielle and Debra saw the final bid, their eyes widened. Both of their heads jerked up and they looked his way.

  “You can’t be serious,” Danielle said into the microphone.

  He shrugged and grinned. The people in the room looked between the two of them.

  Danielle shifted and cleared her throat. “The sapphire necklace goes to Jacobe Jenkins.”

  He winked and raised his glass to her. Debra gave him a look that said she hoped he knew what he was doing. He did—what he didn’t know was if he should have.

  The party broke up soon after. He pulled out his checkbook to settle for his items.

  “Congratulations on your wins,” Danielle said.

  Jacobe slipped the sunglass case into his pocket and eyed the kayak. “I don’t know if that’ll fit in my car.” He was a tall guy, but he liked his luxury sports sedan.

  She chuckled. “No, I doubt it will.”

  He looked at her. “You’ve got those boat racks on the top of your Jeep. If I strap it on, can I follow you home?”

  “I’ll be here a lot longer. We’ve got to break down and everything.”

  His disappointment was short-lived when the next thought hit him. “I can wait. I’ve got a game tomorrow. How about I swing by your place to pick it up before or after the game?”

  A beat of hesitation. “Sure.” She eyed the necklace box. “What are you doing with the necklace?”

  “I’m giving it to the woman in my life.”

  Danielle frowned. “I didn’t know you had a girlfriend.”

  He leaned in to whisper in her ear. “We’ve gone on a date, I’ve entertained your friends, and I’ve made you come. I’d like to think that makes you the woman in my life.”

  He saw the spark of desire light up her eyes before uncertainty dimmed them. “Jacobe, I meant what I said. We haven’t talked about any of this.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about. We both want this. That’s all that matters.” Debra and a few other people were heading in their direction. “I’ll come by tomorrow.” It wasn’t a question. He ran his finger across her cheek. Her small smile and quick head nod sent fireworks through his chest. Just the boost he needed before leaving.

  * * *

  Danielle cleaned, grocery shopped, washed clothes and even planted roses on the side of her house, and still she wasn’t able to lessen the hum of expectancy strumming through her body as she waited for Jacobe to pick up the kayak.

  “We both want this. That’s all that matters.”

  Those words had trailed her all day. She did want him. Was nearly convinced being with him wouldn’t be so bad. He was doing great with the Gators. If they made the play-offs, she doubted the team would let him go, despite the suspension. That meant he’d be around for a while. No leaving her behind for an opportunity elsewhere. She wouldn’t let herself think this was the start of the rest of their lives together, but she also wasn’t ready to completely deny the possibility of some type of relationship with him.

  Eventually she gave up trying to distract herself and watched the Gators game. The game went into overtime and didn’t end until after ten. The Gat
ors won. Considering the postgame interviews, and the team possibly going out to celebrate the win, she didn’t expect Jacobe to be able to leave the place until nearly midnight.

  The expectation rushed out of her in a disappointing huff. He’d just won a game that pushed them closer to the play-offs. Of course, he wasn’t coming to her house for a kayak.

  Her body was still tense from a day of anxiously waiting. There was no way she’d get to sleep like this. If she didn’t relax she’d be pacing the house. Or, worse, texting Jacobe like a stalker to see if he was still coming by.

  Fifteen minutes later she had a bubble bath prepared, candles lit around the bathroom, a glass of wine and a book. She connected her cell phone to the Bluetooth speaker she’d mounted in a corner, and soon the soft sounds of piano music played in the background.

  A long, appreciative sigh escaped her when she finally slipped down into the warm sudsy water. After a few minutes, the edginess in her ebbed and she was thoroughly engrossed in the book. Then, even though the story was great, her mind began to wander as it had with every other activity she’d tried to distract herself with that day. Thoughts of Jacobe slipped over her mind just as warm and silky as her bubble bath. The thoughts poured into every nook and cranny of her brain, filling her head with the memories of the way he’d kissed her, the hardness of his erection rubbing against her, the sudden, unexpected pleasure that had exploded through her body when she’d climaxed. The heat of embarrassment she’d felt that day was replaced with the intense fire of need to experience the sensation again.

  The chime of her text message alerts interrupted the music. Jacobe? Danielle shot up in the tub. Sudsy water splashed over the side. She tossed the book to the floor, hoped it didn’t land in a puddle and snatched her phone resting on the window ledge above her tub.

  I’m outside. R u up?

  “What the...” she stuttered. “He’s outside? Now?”

  Danielle jumped out of the tub. Water splashed everywhere. The cover of her book was doused and she cringed. Better a paperback than her e-reader. Her fingers flew over the screen with a quick response.

  Yes. Give me a sec.

  She hurried out of the bathroom and grabbed a T-shirt and a pair of pajama pants from her drawer and slipped them on. She slid on her glasses as she hurried to the front door. Her heart pounded. All the tension she’d tried to relax away in the bath returned in full force.

  She gave a quick look through the peephole. Jacobe stood on the other side, looking tall, sexy and way too tempting.

  She swung open the door. “Hey, um, the kayak is in the garage. I’ll let the door up and you can pull it out.”

  “You aren’t going to invite me in?”

  He had no idea how badly she wanted to invite him in. “It’s late, and I was in the tub.”

  His dark gaze swept over her body, then heated. “I see.”

  A breeze swept through the door, and the wet material of her T-shirt and pants cooled against her skin. Danielle’s nipples crystalized to hard tips. Jacobe’s eyes lowered, and his tongue did a quick sweep of his lower lip. Danielle glanced down, then bit back a groan. In her haste, she’d grabbed an old white T-shirt. Combined with her wet, mad dash from the tub, the thin material could have clung better only if she were in a wet T-shirt contest. The thin pants of her pink pajama bottoms were no better, sticking to her legs and somewhat transparent in the light from her porch.

  He jerked his eyes away, twisted his head to the side and tugged on the waistband of his Gators training pants. Of course her eyes dropped to his crotch. He wasn’t rock hard, but he was definitely not flaccid. She pulled her lower lip between her teeth.

  “You’ve got to stop staring at me like that,” Jacobe said in a thick voice.

  Danielle’s gaze snapped up to his. “Like what?”

  “Like you want me to peel those wet clothes off your body, carry you to the bedroom and finish what we started on the boat.”

  She did. “I do.” Oh, hell, I said that out loud.

  He took a step forward and braced his hands on either side of her door. “Don’t play with me, Danielle. If I come in this house I’m going to do just that. No long conversations about you being the woman in my life.”

  “Will I be the only woman in your life?”

  He leaned in. “You already are. Now tell me I’m the man in yours.”

  Her brain wanted to analyze the words. Dig down to find out the meaning. Discover if this meant a relationship or just friends with benefits. Her body and the seductive invitation in Jacobe’s eyes made the decision. “You are.”

  Chapter 10

  Danielle’s simple declaration filled Jacobe with more excitement than any game win ever had. His hands were on her waist, and a second later he lifted her off her feet. He pressed her soft body into his and covered her mouth in a hot, impatient kiss.


  “Down the hall, last door on your right.”

  He kicked the door closed and took a step forward.

  Danielle tapped him on the shoulder. “Lock the door.”

  He chuckled. “Always practical.” He teased, but did lock the door, holding her up and against his body with one arm.

  The practical business of keeping out intruders handled, Jacobe carried her quickly down the hall and into her bedroom. Her bedside lamps were on and the glow of candles from the open door of her connected bathroom cast a soft light in the room. Jacobe glanced toward the bathroom.

  “Your tub is too small for me, but I will have to get you in my bathtub one day.”

  A sweet, feminine moan accompanied a slight shiver across her body. He gently set her back on her feet, then slowly unwrapped every inch of her silky skin from the wet T-shirt and pajamas. Back in college, their night together had been rushed. Though he remembered every exquisite detail from then, tonight he wanted to savor his time with her. Starting by taking in how absolutely beautiful her naked body was.

  She reached for her glasses and slowly pulled them off. Then she pulled her hair from the haphazard knot at the back of her head. He ran his hands through the thick strands. Bracing her head between his palms, he slowly pulled her forward and lowered his head to kiss her. The tips of her breasts brushed his chest as she rose onto her toes to kiss him. Jacobe lifted her up. Only breaking the kiss when he gently laid her on the bed with her legs still hanging over the side.

  He used his legs to nudge her knees apart and stood between her parted thighs. Leaving her body open and on display for his enjoyment. He ran his hands across the soft skin of her thighs. Her muscles danced beneath the tips of his fingers. Her wide dark eyes watched him from beneath heavy lids. The rise and fall of her breasts mesmerized him.

  “Can I take my time tonight?”

  Her smile was seductive. “Take all the time you want.”

  Running his hands up her thighs, his thumbs brushed the wet curls between her legs. He wanted to play there. Part her folds and slide his fingers through her delicious warmth. Later. Now was time to savor.

  He ran his hands over her round hips, the perfect curve of her sides and the outer swell of her breasts. Danielle’s ragged breaths and soft sighs told him she wanted more. He wanted more. Wanted to be buried deep in her silky heat. Leaning over her, but not quite touching her, he ran his fingers from the fluttering pulse in her neck to trace across her parted lips. The tip of her tongue darted out to play with his fingers. The fleeting touch sent shock waves through his body.

  Jacobe lowered himself and pressed his lips to hers. He savored her kiss. Tasting her sweetness. Indulging in her soft sighs, sweet moans and the seductive arch of her body against his. He needed to feel her skin on his. He lifted just enough to snatch off his shirt, then kissed her again. The pleasure that burst through him when her skin pressed against his was something he wasn’t sure he’d ev
er get tired of feeling.

  His hand completely covered a soft breast. He gently squeezed. Her back arched. He had to taste her.

  * * *

  Danielle’s body was on fire. Hotter than the candle flames flickering in her bathroom. Jacobe was the lighter fluid, driving her to lava-like levels. His hands delivered a slow kind of seductive torture as they played over her body. When his tongue slowly ran across the hard tip of her breast she cried out her pleasure.

  “Jacobe, yes!”

  He tasted her breasts. Teasing, nipping and licking the hard tips. She squirmed beneath him. Her hands clutched his head, holding him in place as her body begged for more. One strong hand ran up her thigh.

  “Open for me,” he whispered against her breast before drawing her nipple into the welcome warmth of his mouth.

  Danielle gasped and her legs flew open. Jacobe ran his finger over the seam that barely hid the swollen bundle of nerves there.

  “Are you wet for me?” His lips played against her nipple.

  Danielle nodded. “Yes.”

  “How wet?” His finger made a lazy circle over her clit then dipped to press against the opening of her core. “Almost wet enough.”

  Danielle would explode if he didn’t push into her. Her hands stopped clutching his hair. Pushing one between them, she palmed his cock. “Show me how hard you are.”

  Jacobe shuddered. His finger pushed into her. Found the sweet spot that sent another wave of need rushing through her.

  “That’s my general,” he said, his lips wrapping around the tip of her breast, his finger pleasuring her with steady strokes.

  Danielle’s hand slipped past the elastic waistband of his pants. Hot skin over rigid flesh filled her hand.

  “No underwear.” She didn’t want to wait any longer. “Now, Jacobe.”

  He shook his head. “Not yet.”

  Strong hands gripped her waist. In a swift movement, he pulled her farther up on the bed. His body lowered until his shoulders could push her thighs apart, and he gave her the most intimate of kisses. The sweet pleasure of the kiss shot through every nerve. She bucked and lifted onto her elbows. His confident gaze held hers as he slowly devoured her.


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