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Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, Vol. 5

Page 26

by Fujino Omori

  She shook her head and took a look around—the adventurers around her were engaged in a spirited fight with the remaining monsters. Seeing their bravery and courage, Mikoto ran off to join the fight against the Goliath and assist Lyu.

  If her own Magic could help them, could buy more time for Bell…She found a low spot in the plains and began to cast a spell.

  “Fear, strong and winding—”

  She focused all of her mental energy into this one attack.

  There was no point saving any to continue the fight. She poured everything she had into her spell, enunciation strong and steady.

  “I call upon the god, the destroyer of any and all, for guidance from the heavens. Grant this trivial body divine power beyond power.”

  Mikoto’s and Lyu’s incantations reverberated through the air.

  Meanwhile, the Goliath managed to get its knees under its body and started to right itself.

  “You couldn’t stay down for just a little longer?!”

  Whether it finally gained control of its anger or it remembered what Bell was doing, the giant continued its advance across the great plain. Asfi quipped at the beast in frustration because Lyu’s magic was not yet ready.

  “I didn’t want to use this in front of so many people, but…!”

  A tone of resignation in her voice, she reluctantly leaned down and stroked the sides of her sandals.


  The golden wing decorations that were wrapped around the sides of each sandal flinched before coming to life.

  Two wings from each sandal, four in all, spread out as Asfi took flight.


  The Goliath tilted its head in disbelief as the girl flew in front of its face. Even Lyu and the other adventurers were momentarily stunned by the girl zipping through the air.

  Winged sandals, Talaria. A high-level magic item reserved for Perseus herself.

  Long ago, the young queen of an island nation had such a yearning to travel the skies that she used Enigma to create an item that made her dream come true. With these two sandals firmly strapped to her feet, Asfi alone was able to take to the air.

  An item that leveled the playing field against airborne monsters. Her white cloak fluttered behind her as she looped around the Goliath like a bird, faster and faster as she closed in on the giant’s face.

  Holding her dagger upside down in her left hand, she made her move.


  The Goliath roared in pain as the dagger tore through one of its red eyes.

  “—Come, wind of winds, wandering traveler of the ages. Across the skies, through the fields, faster than any, farther than all. Light of stardust, tear my enemies asunder!”

  The Goliath cupped its injured eye with one hand and looked up at Lyu as the elf finished her spell.

  Lyu’s thin eyebrows curved downward at the motionless beast before she unleashed her magic.

  “Luminous Wind!!”

  Hundreds of small orbs surrounded by swirling green wind appeared around her. Thrusting her outstretched arms forward, the stardust slammed into the beast in a torrent of magical energy and piercing wind. Each hit carved away a piece of the Goliath’s hide, causing countless bursts of blood every second.

  It was a powerful type of magic, very fitting for an elf, and it was driving the Goliath backward—until.



  The Goliath stopped its retreat and pressed forward into the stardust onslaught.

  Fresh waves of red specks launched from the monster’s body, encasing it in a pulsing spiral of light. Its wounds healed just as fast as the remaining stardust orbs could open new ones, while the monster advanced on Lyu and Asfi’s position right in front of it.

  “Descend from the heavens, seize the earthshinbu tousei!!”

  The Goliath’s arm was extended, on a direct course for Asfi, while its shoulder was coming down on Lyu. That was the instant that Mikoto’s magic was complete.

  “Futsu no Mitama!”

  A sword composed of violet light appeared directly over the Goliath’s head and descended.

  At the same time, several lights similar to magic circles appeared on the ground, surrounding the giant.

  The sword of light skewered the giant’s body, triggering a cage of gravity around the beast.


  A force field descended from the hilt of the sword ten meders in the air to create a dome. The leading edge of the field put a barrier between the two women and the Goliath just before the monster’s attacks could connect. Trapped inside the dome, the floor boss’s outstretched right arm fell to the ground, followed closely by its knees. The Goliath groaned in pain as the ground beneath it collapsed under the pressure of Mikoto’s magic.

  This was her trump card. Takemikazuchi had all but forbidden her to use this magic inside the closed spaces of the Dungeon. Her magic had the power to crush things in a certain area by dramatically increasing the effect of gravity. The Goliath was being pushed lower and lower by the violet dome that was holding it prisoner.

  She had been reluctant to use it until now because she might have caught the attackers and magic users under the dome by accident. Lyu and Asfi were clearly impressed as they watched the giant squirm.

  “Guh, aaaahhh…!”

  Mikoto’s face distorted in pain, grabbing her outstretched right arm with her left hand.

  Crick, crick, crick—the dome started to give way as the giant that had been literally brought to its knees was slowly climbing back to its feet.

  The Goliath’s body rose higher and higher, fighting against the gravity with all of its might. Mikoto focused all of her mental energy in a futile attempt to push the monster back down.

  She wasn’t strong enough. The Goliath’s status was far beyond hers. She didn’t stand a chance.

  The Goliath rose higher and higher, the force field warping to the giant’s will. All the while, Bell was still charging up for his attack.

  Welf was running.

  He made his way through a forest inundated with silence, using the light of the crystals to find his way through the dense foliage. The only sounds that could be heard were his heavy breathing and quick footsteps as the young man arrived in a part of the forest he recognized.

  “Damn it, Bell, that big guy…DAHH!!”

  He couldn’t get the image out of his mind of the Goliath punching Ouka and Bell. That large man couldn’t have wanted to take that hit, but he still protected Bell. All Welf could do was just stand and watch.

  It was funny, in a way. The thought of himself just standing there as everything happened. A whirlpool of regret raged within him.

  “Lady Hephaistos, I…”

  The weapon wrapped in white cloth he’d received from Hestia, sent to him by his own goddess. It also happened to be a weapon that Welf forged himself.

  He had made it immediately after joining Hephaistos Familia, at her command. It was his first work as a member of the group.

  His skills proven, he had given the weapon to Hephaistos because the very sight of it filled him with self-loathing. He swore to never make another one.

  She had said that was okay, for now. But she did leave him with the words, “You will regret not using this power once you have attained something important.”

  “Stop compromising allies for your pride.”

  Everything the crimson-haired, crimson-eyed goddess had told him replayed over and over in his head.

  His self-centered arrogance had led him to swear not to become a magic swordsmith. Even more, his ego refused to let him use one.

  If he’d been able to let go of his vanity, things might have turned out differently.


  Welf hated magic swords.

  They gave anyone the power to take down the strongest of enemies with a flick of the wrist. They were nothing more than a magical weapon that indulged its user. They destroyed his family, other smiths, and users by rotting them from th
e inside.

  But above all else, magic swords would inevitably break and leave their user behind.

  Welf loathed magic swords.


  Suddenly, a hill of trees he’d seen before came into view. He was sure that the weapon had fallen among them and was sitting somewhere in the tall grass.

  Sleeping, never used by anyone, the hilt untouched and pure.

  Not broken, simply at rest.

  “Hey, where are you?! Say something!!”

  He yelled down the hill as he made his way farther and farther into the woods.

  It was much darker now than he remembered because of the subtle glow of the blue crystals far above his head. It was as if a dark blanket had been cast over the forest.

  “Ironic isn’t it? I know, I KNOW!! I threw you away and now I’m asking you for help!”

  Welf knew there was no chance of a response, but he kept screaming at the top of his lungs anyway.

  His head was on a swivel as he crisscrossed his way through the dense forest.

  “But there’s someone who needs my help! Pleaselet me break you!!”

  A soft red glow appeared out of nowhere as if to answer his call.

  Welf saw it immediately and sprinted to its side. It was sticking out of a pile of moss, hilt high in the air.

  The white cloth was starting to unravel, exposing the top part of the blade and guard-less handle attached to it. The blade of the weapon pulsed and flickered like a flaming red jewel at his feet. Welf swiftly grabbed the hilt and pulled it into the air.

  Resting the weapon on his right shoulder, he raced back up the hill.


  Welf grimaced at this new weight on his shoulders.

  The strength of a magic sword—it would shatter as soon as it was used too many times. That was the price for a weapon that wielded the same power as magic. That was its unavoidable fate.

  It could never become the trusted partner of its user, never experience the good times or the bad. It could never be counted on to be there until the end, always breaking first.

  Welf hated magic swords. They would abandon their user without fail.

  Magic swords could never fulfill their duty as a weapon. That was their destiny, and he hated it.

  —That was it, pointless and painful sympathy.

  While corrupting users and smiths alike, each individual sword could never fill the role of a dependable partner in battle. Therefore, they were left to sleep with no chance of meeting a user who would honestly consider it a valuable partner.

  As someone who could forge magic swords, Welf felt sorry for themfelt their pain.


  He emerged from the forest. He could see the Goliath trapped under a cracking, violet dome off in the distance. Monsters and adventurers were engaged in an all-out brawl directly in front of him. Bell stood not too far behind their battle, a large black sword in his hands.

  The sound of church bells flooding his ears, Welf immediately understood what was going on. Swearing he wouldn’t let Bell take another hit like that, he charged away from the forest and toward the chaos in front of him.

  A swarm of monsters cut him off in no time. The red-haired man moved the cloth-covered weapon into position.

  “All of you! If you don’t have a death wish, get out of the waaayyyy!!”

  Welf swung the blade sideways in front of his chest—a wildfire stampeded forward.

  The wide-eyed adventurers managed to get out of its path at the last moment, armor singed as every single monster was reduced to ash on contact. The great plain turned into a smoldering mess in its wake.

  The adventurers stared in disbelief as the last bit of white cloth burned away, revealing the rest of the blade.

  There were no decorations to be seen, just a long crimson blade and a handle. The absolutely stunning weapon looked as though it were carved directly out of solid rock, simple and beautiful.

  Crack! A small line grew down the middle of the blade just below Welf’s hand. Welf glared down at the magic sword that started to fall apart after just one use before he took off yet again.

  “It’s breaking…?!”

  Mikoto yelled out a warning to the others as the giant slammed both of its fists into the outer barrier created by her gravity magic. “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” it roared as the field shattered around it, releasing the Goliath from its cage. Lyu and Asfi once again prepared for battle—when Welf ran out in front of them.

  The young man stood in front of the Goliath, his right hand gripping the hilt of the sword he was holding behind his back.

  A strange calm filled the air as man and beast locked eyes. Then suddenly, heroically—

  One swing.

  And just for this one attack, Welf yelled the name of his magic sword at the top of his lungs.

  “Burning Moon, Kadukiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!”

  The blaze instantly cast bright shadows over everything and everyone.

  A crimson pyre sprang to life. Flames erupted from the blade of the magic sword; the Goliath was engulfed in a scorching inferno.

  The Goliath’s howls of pain were drowned out by the roaring fire as its body was overrun by the flames.


  The giant’s body burned as if trapped in the fires of hell.

  Its self-regeneration couldn’t keep up. The fire burned away any progress it made. The moment one of the red specks healed a piece of its hide, the flames burned it away. The Goliath only had enough magic energy to maintain a physical form, and it was running out of energy fast.

  For the first time during this long fight, permanent damage had been seared into the floor boss’s skin.

  “My word, a Crozzo Magic Sword…!”

  “It’s stronger—stronger than the original magic?!”

  Asfi and Lyu watched the firestorm intensify right in front of their eyes. This was not the power of some conjured magic. They were witnessing a power strong enough to incinerate an elves’ forest in the blink of an eye.

  As the legend said, Crozzo’s Magic Swords were strong enough to “set fire to the ocean.” Every ounce of that strength had just been unleashed.


  The sword released one final torrent of flames before a small network of cracks appeared on the blade.

  The cracks started to multiply, cutting deeper and deeper until finally the blade shattered right in front of Welf.


  His shoulders drooped as he whispered under his breath while he watched the thousands of shards fall to the ground, clinking as they hit.

  —Three minutes.

  Bell stood silently when he realized how much time had passed.

  He had been patiently waiting, his ruby-red gaze trained straight forward.

  And right in the middle of his field of vision stood the black giant, Goliath. At this moment, most of its body was hidden by massive flames and billowing smoke. However, its red glow was by far the brightest source of light in the darkness that covered the eighteenth floor.

  Bell aimed the massive black sword in his hands toward the beast that had repelled so many other adventurers’ attacks with ease.

  His Skill required a mental image of a hero to trigger. The image in his mind: the Great Hero David.

  A hero who had defended his homeland by standing up to and defeating an enormous enemy in combat.

  David’s heroic deeds etched into his mind’s eye, Bell slowly but surely started to lean forward.

  “—Everyone, open a pathhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!”

  He sprang forward.

  Hestia’s order came from behind as he closed the distance, slicing through the great plain.

  He was on a straight path toward the glowing red monster. Even more church bells rang out as his black sword was bathed in his own white light. Even the blood flowing out of his wounds seemed to propel him forward. His friends had given him this window of opportunity to attack—it would be the last, a
nd he had to make it count.

  The adventurers still in the field heard Hestia’s order and immediately made way.

  Welf, Mikoto, Lyu, and Asfi—

  Everyone caught a glimpse of his face as Bell sped by.

  Their eyes were filled with belief, hope, and the urge to support him—Go!

  Bell picked up even more speed. No one could look away.


  The red eyes of the burning Goliath caught a glimpse of Bell’s advance.

  It bellowed with a mixture of anger and fear as it pulled one of its massive, burning arms behind its back.

  The giant was ready to punch. That attack had already destroyed so much, injured so many adventurers, including Bell. He knew the risk, but he didn’t slow down.

  —As Hestia had said before, Bell possessed a “heroic strike.”

  Her words etched deeply into his soul, Bell pulled the large black sword in an arc over his right shoulder.

  Less and less distance.

  The Goliath’s body loomed over him, a presence that could crush him at any moment.

  At the same time, power flowed into his grip, adrenaline coursing through his veins.

  Focusing every ounce of his being into the blade of the sword, Bell jumped into the air and took a swing.


  Explosion on impact.


  Welf and everyone else was forced to shield their eyes from the intense white light.

  Bell’s war cry had drowned out the Goliath’s roar until the explosion erased all other sounds.

  No one could hear a sound for several seconds. However, once their ears did recover…utter silence. The battle had been decided.

  A few adventurers worked up the courage to lower their hands and arms for a better look. They saw a giant with no torso and no right arm lying in the middle of the circle of ash.

  The legs and left arm made no sound, a bizarre statue in the aftermath.

  And just in front of it, standing how he landed after the follow-through of his attack, was Bell. The black sword was broken, white smoke emerging from what was left of the weapon.


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