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Bully Me Not: A RH Dark High School Bully Romance (Heartbreak Falls Book 1)

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by Rachel Angel

  “Sounds nice, Mom, but it’s a little late to raise me up in a place like that. I’m 18 now, and pretty much raised in New York where I learned to be savvy, worldly, street-smart…”

  “And having those bully boys after you at your high school,” Mom said. “I don’t see what you see in them, but I should have pulled you out earlier. You are not going back to that school, Haven.”

  “Although it was one of the most exclusive posh Academies in New York?” I asked.

  “Yes,” Mom said. “Especially since it was. I don’t need to pay what I pay in outrageous tuition to have you get bullied by some rich assholes in that school,” Mom said angrily. “If I didn’t find you in time before you nearly drowned in the school swimming pool end of year last year, you’d be dead by now.”

  “Mom, but what about your career? You need to be in New York for those television guest interviews,” Haven said.

  “You’re more important to me than any television interviews,” Mom said. “Luckily, I’ve worked out an arrangement with the stations to satellite myself at their local station in Boston, if I need to do a guest appearance, which happens only once in a while. Meanwhile, I always wanted to set up a clinic of my own.” Mom laughed. “Just think how ironic it would be for me to have a relationship-fixing practice in a town called Heartbreak Falls.”

  I had to smile at that. “You’ll probably get lots of clients right away.”

  Mom smiled, glancing over at me. “I saw a smile, Haven. Does that mean you’ll give it a chance?”

  “I’m here with you, aren’t I, instead of hanging out in New York, playing video games with my buddies or working at the movie theater with my film buff friends from The Film Society…Ahh, I miss New York already, Mom!”

  Mom looked over at me and said, “Give this a year, and then you can move back to go to college there. New York University or Columbia…with your grades and extracurricular activities, you can get into any fine universities in New York or wherever you want to go. Maybe even Cambridge University or Oxford in England where I went to school.”

  “Mom, I want to be a producer. New York or Los Angeles is where I should be for that. I was where I should be for that… New York, right? So tell me again why I’m crazy enough to move to Heartbreak Falls?”

  Mom said, “Because of me? Besides, you’ll love Terrence. He swept me off my feet, showering me with the sweetest things. Because I want to spend the last year of your senior year with you instead of you being alone? Because you need a change from last year….”

  With that last statement, I became silent. Mom was a world renown psychologist, so maybe she was right about that. Last year was tough. I thought I was doing well in school but when a rival girl earmarked me to get bullied by the most popular boys in school because they suddenly noticed me and seemed to like me, things became horrible fast. I was blindsided.

  Didn’t know what hit me until it was too late, and I was almost killed because of it…almost drowned in the pool I had been practicing in for my other passion…swimming.

  “Terrence’s house is huge. It was profiled in one of those Amazing Homes reality shows. A gourmet kitchen, a game room with video games (which I think you would enjoy), a library, and a swimming pool you couldn’t imagine…shaped like a mermaid.”

  “Wow, that’ll be neat to see,” I said.

  “So Terrence,” I said. “You never told me what he did. You just suddenly got married in Las Vegas to this guy with a mermaid pool, and now we’re changing our lives to go live with him in his ginormous house…”

  “We’re about ten minutes away, Haven,” Mom said. “You’ll see for yourself who Terrence is. And his sons Tristan, Drake, and Dillon.”

  “Sons?” I asked. “You didn’t mention sons before.”

  “That’s because Terrence is very protective of them. They lost their mother years ago because of a horrible incident, and Terrence almost lost his eldest son, Tristan, too.”

  “Oh,” I said. “So I have to live under the same roof with them, too?”

  “They’re really handsome,” Mom said. “Tristan is 19 while the Twins are 18, like you.”

  “Okay, so they’re of age, and we don’t really have to act like siblings, thank God, because Mom, it would be awkward at my age to suddenly have siblings when I never had any for all my life.”

  “Okay, fair enough,” Mom said. “You don’t have to acknowledge them as siblings, but at least try to get along or be friends.”

  It was the first time, I almost did an eye roll with Mom. I had never before because it would be considered rude in front of her, but I felt one coming on.

  “Haven,” Mom said. “I saw that.”


  “The eye roll.”

  “It just happened,” I said. “I’m sorry but it just seemed…”

  “Please accept this,” Mom said. “I’m the relationship fixer expert worldwide, yet I’m not even in a happy marriage? Do you see how ironic that is? Plus, I truly love Terrence. It’s the first time I’ve felt like this in a long time since your Dad left.”

  “Okay, Mom,” I said, putting my hand on hers. “I’ll try.”

  “Good,” Mom said. “So here we are…”

  Chapter 3


  Mom was not kidding about Terrence Triton’s mansion. It was an estate up in the hills with a wrought iron gate that had the crest with a Triton on it in Gold.

  “What does Terrence do for a living, Mom?” I asked again. “Since he’s supposed to be my new Stepdad and all?”

  “Terrence is the eldest son in the Triton Conglomerate of businesses,” Mom said. “He and his brother Thomas run Triton Industries, which includes steel, lumber, real estate, transportation, finance, and even entertainment.”

  “If they’re so loaded, Mom,” I said. “Why are they living here instead of somewhere like London, Paris…New York…?”

  “Because Haven, and I did see how you tried to sneak in New York into it…he probably does have something in New York, but to answer your question, their family founded Heartbreak Falls since the Salem days. The Tritons were one of the first families in the U.S., and Heartbreak Falls was where they called home for hundreds of years.”

  Mom pulled up to the gate and entered a code before the gate opened.

  “So he gave you the keys to the Kingdom already?” I asked.

  “Haven, it’s hard to believe because it happened so fast. Terrence and I are married now, and that means we’re all together.”

  As soon as she pulled up to the front of a circular driveway, a handsome man in his late forties or early fifties with full black hair, blue eyes, an aristocratic nose and a beaming smile, walked up to our white Cadillac Escalade. He was wearing jeans and a Burberry plaid polo top. Despite the slight grey at his temples, he was a very handsome man.

  Mom got out of the car and ran into his arms. “Terrence!” she cried out, giving him a big kiss. I almost wanted to look away because the kiss was the kind of kiss that looked like it would get passionate fast.

  I coughed.

  Mom broke away from Terrence and turned towards me, her face flushed. She giggled and said, “Oh Terrence, I got carried away for a second there. Meet Haven, my beautiful daughter.”

  “So this is Haven,” Terrence said, walking up to me to give me a hug. “My you are so pretty, my boys are going to love you.”

  I looked at my mom, but she just shrugged.

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Triton,” I said, extending my hand to shake his.

  “No, just called me Terrence,” he said. “And we don’t shake hands here. We hug.”

  He pulled me in for a big hug. And thumped my back. “I’ve never had a stepdaughter before, but this feels good. Wished I had a daughter amongst my boys. She would’ve been spoiled rotten.”

  I wanted to say something, but then I noticed three of the hottest guys walking through the front door towards us. They were dressed in white polo tops with a crest on the left side and eit
her tan slacks or navy slacks which they filled out with their muscular legs. The tallest one wore a navy blazer over his top and had his black slightly wavy hair combed over half his face giving him an air of mystery to him. He was gorgeous like Adonis with his straight nose, full lips, and those piercing blue grey eyes. But it was his cold bored and arrogant stare into my eyes that got my attention.

  Terrence pulled away from me and turned around to greet the three guys. “And here are my boys. Tristan.”

  The Adonis nodded at me and barely stepped forward to greet me, keeping his hands coolly in his pants pocket, looking bored.

  “The Twins,” Terrence said with a broad smile. “Or shall I say…the Terrible Twins.”

  “Hi,” the one wearing navy slacks and had his black hair sleek back away from his face, stepped up and walked over to me. “I’m Drake,” he said, his light blue eyes looking me over appreciatively. “I’m the older twin.”

  “By about five minutes,” the third guy who had green eyes and pierced diamonds in his ears said. “I’m Dillon, the daring one.”

  “But I’m Drake the Rake,” Drake said. “As in…” he leaned in and whispered into my ears, “Rake, playboy, player, lady killer…”

  I smiled at him when he pulled away. “And I am Haven,” I mock bow. “Quite a reputation to uphold, Drake the Rake,” I said.

  “Not very hard to,” Drake said, giving me a once over again. “It seemed girls can’t keep their hands off someone who is so well-endowed.”

  “Um hmm,” I said.

  Dillon took my hand and said, “Welcome to Heartbreak Falls, Haven, where people come to get their hearts broken.” “Really?” I asked. “That can’t be true. If so…how sad for a town to have to live up to their namesake.”

  Drake took my other hand, and began walking with me and Dillon up to the front door.

  “It’s how this town was started. Our ancestor found this town because he had just lost his lady love to a rival, had stopped by the waterfall on his way home from visiting her parents’ home and was about to end it all by drowning himself in the waterfall, but stopped when he saw something shiny in the water.”

  “It was gold,” Dillon said. “A motherlode of it. It made our ancestor rich. His name was Josiah Triton, but he named the area where he set up camp and started mining for gold, Heartbreak Falls, as a marker for him to remember where the motherlode was.”

  “And he guarded the territory, growing it bigger and bigger so he could mine more of the surrounding area. Over time, the area grew into a town, and his mine turned into a fortune,” Drake said.

  “All because of his heartbreak,” I said, smiling. “What a story.”

  Drake and Dillon smiled. “Imagine what would have happened if he had gotten the girl,” Drake said. “None of this would be here.”

  “I love happy endings,” I said.

  Drake and Dillon exchanged looks. “We love happy endings too, especially from skillful hands at the end of a blissful massage.”

  I smile-frowned. “I kinda expected that from Drake the Rake there, but Dillon?”

  “Hey, I’m daring,” Dillon said, dropping my hand once we were at the front door and putting his arm around my waist squeezing tight into me. “This will be a tight squeeze,” he said as he and Drake sandwiched me in to squeeze through the front door altogether.

  We popped in, as they kept their tight hold on me.

  “You know,” I said. “We could have just parted and entered through the door two at a time.”

  “But what fun would that be,” Drake said, giving me a sexy cock of his thick eyebrow.

  “Now that we’re out of earshot and eyesight of the parentals,” Dillon said looking at Drake. “Let’s get down to the dirty with our new step-sis, Haven.”

  All of a sudden I felt the atmosphere shift from friendly to scary.

  And I was stuck in between two guys who towered over me at 6 feet tall and weighed almost twice as me. Pure muscles and all sexy heat. Drake leaned in so close his lips almost touched mine. He stuck out his tongue to trace mine before plunging it deep into my mouth.

  At first I was in shock, but as he worked my mouth, his tongue delving into to taste me, I couldn’t help letting out a moan.

  “Ah, that’s a good girl,” Dillon said, his hand reaching down under my white cotton lace eyelet dress to trace his finger up my thigh and then along the edges of my panties. He touched the fabric covering my crotch and grinned. “So wet already.”

  Drake was already sucking on my tongue when he pulled away and said, “Fuck it, I’m hard already.” He grabbed me by the waist and lifted me. “We were going to give you a grand tour of our great big family estate, but I think this takes precedence.”

  “Yes, it does,” Dillon said, lifting me by my legs.

  They carried me swiftly up the grand oak stairs that reminded me of the grand staircase in Tara of Gone with the Wind and down a hallway filled with portraits of people from various time periods in U.S. History to a room at the end of the hall.

  Dillon and Drake paused to throw the double doors open. “Welcome to our playroom,” Dillon exclaimed.

  I still was in shock, unable to believe what was happening, and also how my body was responding to them when the doors opened to a room that looked like a gym, an arcade, a living room and a bedroom. “What do you have here?” I asked.

  “It’s where we hang out together. We don’t share bedrooms because we want our privacy, but when we hang out as twins, this is our room. See? It’s got everything we like doing together. The gym, the mini-theater, the arcade, and the round ultra-large bed.” Dillon and Drake exchanged looks before carrying me over to the bed. “Where we take turns going down on a certain someone we just found out will be our new step-sis slash plaything.”

  They laid me down on the bed, while Dillon pulled my arms up, pinning them down above me, tying my wrist together with the belt he pulled off his pants.

  “This, Haven,” Dillon said, “is our welcome to the Triton household to you.” He pulled my dress all the way up over my head exposing my lace panties and braless breasts. “Damn hot,” he let out.

  “I would never have thought our new step-sis would be so fucking hot,” Drake said, his hungry eyes taking in every inch of my bare flesh. “You don’t wear bras?”

  “Not with this dress where it’s built-in,” I said.

  “Then always wear built-in dresses,” Drake said, reaching in to rub my nipples with his thumb, circling them, then plucking them to the point they were hard like pebbles.

  I was writhing under his hand, when Dillon pulled my panties down my legs, then off. He reached a finger to touch me between my legs, plunging in deep and then taking out his fingers to lick them. “You are so wet, you’re dripping, Haven honey. Good thing you taste like honey, and I really like the taste of sweet pussy honey.” He bent down to lick me with his long exquisite tongue.

  “Oh my God!” I cried out, as he licked me repeatedly over and over again.

  Drake bent down and took my nipples into his mouth, sucking on them, licking them. When he had licked my nipples raw, he moved to the other one, grinning at me as he clamped his mouth over the nipple. “You’re exquisite,” he said looking up at me, his teeth grazing my nipples, sending electric current up my spine.

  “And so forbidden,” Dillon said, “like a shiny apple from a certain tree that I was to take a big bite from and let the juices run down my mouth.” He plunged his tongue into my folds and pushed into my core, making me struggle against the belt holding my wrists together to grab onto Dillon’s head as he ate me so thoroughly, I began trembling.

  “Cum for me, baby,” Drake said his lips still sucking on my nipples.

  I arched my back and started convulsing when the door opened, and Tristan stood there almost frozen as he stared straight into my eyes.

  My pussy was open to his view, glistening from cumming while Drake still licked my nipples, and Dillon took hold of my jaw with his hand, held me while h
is mouth captured mine, kissing me hungrily.

  When I climax again, I saw Tristan licked his lips, his eyes staring hungrily at my glistening pussy.

  He was clenching his fists. Then he took a few steps forward.

  Drake looked over at him and said, “Tristan, join us. Haven’s game with us, and…”

  Tristan didn’t have to say anything, but the look in his eyes made Drake stop what he was doing and back away.

  Dillon glanced over at Drake then at Tristan before getting off the bed and moving away to the door where Drake had headed. Clearing the room.

  I was still in bed, heated up over the Twin’s head.

  Then I saw Tristan close the door after the Twins left. He locked the door.

  When he turned around, I saw the look that sent the Twins scurrying out.

  It was the look of an alpha wolf about to stake his claim. About to kill his prey.

  Chapter 4


  With that gaze turned towards me, I wanted to cover up, to run and hide. Who was this Tristan, who could send chills up and down my spine with just his eyes?

  He walked slowly towards me, his movement smooth and deliberate.

  Despite the sense of danger I felt with him, I couldn’t help feeling so attracted to him. I couldn’t help wanting him to come over and touch me.

  “You seemed so natural at this, despite your innocent looks and sweet demeanor,” Tristan said, his eyes staring at me angrily.


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