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Bully Me Not: A RH Dark High School Bully Romance (Heartbreak Falls Book 1)

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by Rachel Angel

  Megan helped me get ready fast, even driving me to school in her sleek red BMW convertible. I climbed out of the car to see Max walking up to us. He was so drop-dead gorgeous in his white shirt, tan blazer, navy pants and plaid tie. His blonde hair was swept to the side, and his blue eyes glisten with warmth as he slipped his arm around my waist while waving good-bye to his cousin.

  “So, after Megan, are you still attracted to men…especially this one?” he asked.

  “Of course,” I said. “Especially this one.” I leaned in to give him a kiss. He kissed me back, long and hard, his tongue sweeping into my mouth while playing with mine.

  “Wow,” Max said, “I haven’t stopped thinking of you since yesterday. You stole the show at the auction and took my breath away with your showmanship on stage, and I haven’t stopped wanting you since last night.”

  I looked down, and he had an erection.

  “Max,” I said. “How are you going to walk around school like that?”

  “I’m going to have to go to the bathroom,” Max said.

  “You’d better,” I said.

  “Speaking of bathroom. You’re the talk in the men’s bathroom. Every guy wanted to know if you looked as hot in person as your photos onscreen. I’d say ‘yes’, and the Triton Twins, they’re in there busting heads whenever a guy is in the bathroom jacking off to your photo, posted in there.”

  “Is that what goes on in this school?” I asked. “And when did the Twins act so protective of me?”

  “They’re in there saying to the guys to stop messing with Haven, their new stepsister.”

  I almost burst out laughing myself. Considering how they treated me and was all over me, I didn’t expect them to think of me as their stepsister.

  “And Tristan?” I asked.

  “What about Tristan?” a voice said from behind us.

  Tristan walked over to me, pushing Max aside. With one hand, he had grabbed my wrist and was pulling me along, leaving Max behind.

  Max walked up to me and stopped Tristan. “Hold on, Triton. Haven and I were in the middle of a conversation, you can’t just rudely grab her and…”

  Tristan had grabbed me again to pull me besides him. He walked with me leading me down the hallway to the administrative office. Walking like he owned the school, he swung the door opened, sat down in front of the Principal’s desk and said, “Principal Yee, this is my new stepsister, Haven Hillshire – Triton.”

  “Welcome Haven,” the sweet-looking principal said. She was in her late thirties or early forties and was attractive like someone who would be on television. “How can I help you?”

  “She just started today, and she doesn’t have her schedule, her books, her uniforms…”

  “We’ll get her going right away,” Principal Yee said. “Does she have her last school’s transcript?”

  “I believe we asked them to send it about a week ago when I found out I was moving.” I looked over at Tristan. Yes, it was just a week ago when I found out my life was going to change so drastically.

  “Good,” Principal Yee said. “We should have it here very soon then. But just in case, which school did you attend last?”

  “Titan Academy,” I said. “In New York City. Manhattan.”

  “Nice school,” Principal Yee said. “Lots of politician kids, kids of Ambassadors, business titans, and celebrity kids go there.” She smiled. “A little like here.”

  Tristan smiled too. “Except most of all that happens to belong to the same families.”

  “The Tritons are all that – politicians, captains of industry, entertainment, you name it, they are everywhere. And the Bradshaws pretty much are the same,” Principal Yee smiled.

  Her smile was so sweet where her eyes would smile with her, it was hard to imagine her whipping the students into order.

  A mousy young woman with frizzy hair and glasses walked into the office. “Principal Yee, here’s a transcript that was faxed in just now from Titan Academy.”

  “Oh there must be someone up there listening,” Principal Yee said. “Here’s Haven’s transcripts.” She put on glasses and looked at it. “Impressive. All A’s and All AP classes. You even took extra classes. What are you some kind of genius?”

  I shook my head. “My mom is Dr. Pamela Hillshire.”

  “Oh, the Relationship Fixer. She’s on all those talk shows. I used to love watching them when you could record them,” Principal Yee said. “So, she’s moving to Heartbreak Falls to fix some relationships here? Ha ha, that would be funny. Kind of ironic,” Principal Yee laughed and then grew serious.

  I looked at her while she perused the rest of the transcript.

  “You had some kind of incident last year?” She asked. “Some bullying that you reported? How did that turn out? Is that the reason you switched schools before your senior year?”

  “Yes,” I said. “There was an incident, but luckily it ended where I survived. But no, it wasn’t why I moved here. It was because my mother married Tristan’s father. And she wanted us to be family. I support my mother on everything so I wouldn’t want her to start off her new marriage without my support,” I said.

  Principal Yee smiled a wide grin. “Good girl. What a dutiful daughter. Wished my own were like that to me. Probably should’ve become a psychologist or a relationship fixer to raise dutiful daughters. So, Haven,” Principal Yee said. “We have your transcript. Now let’s match you up with some teachers who would love to have a smart, hard-working student who are in all AP classes in their class.”

  She whipped through her computer and in minutes, she printed out a schedule and handed it to me.

  I looked and saw most of my classes was with Tristan while one was with Max, and another was with the Twins.

  They were all Advanced Placement classes, meaning the Triton boys were no dummies, and Max wasn’t either.

  Principal Yee had the same observation. “So the Tritons and the Bradshaws…still at the top of the game. AP classes for all. Including extracurricular activities that will develop your leadership skills. Tristan and the Twins are already in Student Council as President and Vice Presidents. Max is another Vice President. Where do you see yourself fitting in, Haven? A girl could be part of the Council, too.”

  “I don’t need to be part of it. It seems there are too many Tritons involved already. I was on my Swimming team, the President of the Film Society, Gamer Club, and Cheerleading at my old school.”

  Tristan sat down next to me and said, “You will not be part of the Cheerleading team, trust me, you won’t. As far as film and gaming…No. And swimming…I wouldn’t want anyone seeing you in a swimsuit at school.”

  “Then what can I join?” I asked.

  “What the Tritons have always been a part of. The Student Council,” Tristan said. “We’ll announce her as an Honorary VP, too.”

  “Good thinking,” Principal Yee said. “Keep it all in the family. Well…that should get you started. And as far as uniforms…you’re a senior. That’s the year where you have more choices in dress. You can even opt out of wearing uniforms as long as you turn in a permission slip, but since you’re over 18, you can decide for yourself. And the rest…I’m sure your stepbrothers can help you with anything at school.”

  Tristan smiled at Principal Yee a smile that would melt any girl. “Thank you, Principal Yee. You’re amazing.”

  “Aw, well, Tristan Triton,” Principal Yee said. “You how it is with us super-humans. We make things happen.”

  Tristan laughed. “Yes, definitely!”

  He turned around and faced me. “We’re all set. Now let’s get to your first class.”

  Chapter 11


  For the next couple of days which quickly turned into a week, I spent all my time catching up, having started late. Within a week and a half, I was almost feeling settled into a routine. I didn’t think I would enjoy being at Heartbreak Falls Academy as much as I did. I liked all my teachers and loved Principal Yee whenever I saw her.
br />   Apparently, Tristan was a nicer person when he was around Principal Yee and the administrators, having known them for years.

  At school, they were called the Heartbreakers as he was the King. He, Drake, and Dillon walked around like they owned the school, which I found out from seeing the donor roster, they did by donating almost 90 percent of the school’s budget. The rest were from the Bradshaws and other families.

  Being a Triton, I was also set upon a pedestal. The guys, except Tristan, all treated me like I was the female Tristan, opening doors for me, reserving seats for me, carrying my books, handing me notes, even running out to get me lunch.

  After nearly being bullied to death at my old school, being treated like a Queen at Heartbreak Falls Academy was heavenly. School had become my favorite place to go because of it. And I got to see Max everyday as I sat with him at lunch, instead of the Triton Table, where I was expected to sit.

  We haven’t had sex yet, although we had heavy make out sessions at various places on campus wherever we could find privacy. And when people suspected something was going on between Max and me, it was almost a given for a Triton to be together with a Bradshaw.

  Being with Max and making out with him so publicly was also the perfect cover for what was going on at the Triton mansion.

  As soon as Tristan would drive me home from school, and while the Twins were at football practice as star football players; Tristan would have me up against the wall, my panties down while he fucked me. Every chance he got, he would be thrusting into me or eating me out.

  No one had entered me except Tristan, and he was adamant about keeping it that way.

  Drake had tried to but was punched by Tristan in the face when Tristan caught him about to enter me with his dick. Drake and I did everything else, but only Tristan’s dick was allowed. Dillon and I would do everything else, but never did he tried to fuck me with his dick, knowing how Tristan had messed up Drake’s face when Drake tried.

  And he would never have sex at school with me. He knew being caught there would ruin his plans for me. So he kept his cool around me at school. But went wild with me at home.

  When Dillon bought a couple of cheerleaders home before a game, and the girls were hoping to have sex with Tristan and Drake, Tristan threw them out of the house like rubbish.

  Tristan even scolded Dillon for bringing cheerleaders into the house. “Now that we have Haven, we don’t need no stinky cheerleaders polluting our house,” he told Dillon.

  “But only you can fuck her,” Dillon said. “Drake and I have needs, too.”

  “Then get them fulfilled elsewhere, but not in this house with Haven here,” Tristan said. “She does not need to see you having sex with other girls. How would she feel?”

  Drake spoke up. “I agree. She is ours, which means she’s the Queen of our household. From now on, don’t bring any girls to our house, Dillon.”

  “Easy for you to say,” Dillon said. “You’re in love with her. And Tristan is more than that…he’s obsessed. He possessive, and…”

  “Enough!” Tristan shouted. “She’s one of us, and that’s all it is to it.”

  “Fuck,” Dillon said. “So you’re accepting her as family but you also see her as a lover. Which is it? You can’t have her be both you know…not with our reputation as Tritons.”

  “She is both, asshole,” Drake said. “She can be both. She fits what I wanted in a girlfriend, before Dad married her mother. She’s our lover who just happened to become a Triton. That’s the perfect combination for us, Dillon. She’s our ideal woman.”

  I walked down the stairs to the living room where the boys were having their argument over me. “Enough,” I said. “I think I have a big say over who I fuck and who I don’t.”

  I looked around at Tristan standing by the window, his arms crossed, his blue eyes looking at me hungrily. Even now I could see how aroused he was just looking at me. In the Triton mansion, just being in the same room was enough for Tristan to get aroused.

  Drake was sitting in an armchair with his blue eyes glued to me.

  Dillon was on the sofa, his arms crossed.

  I turned to Tristan and said, “Here’s the deal, Tristan. You have to get over the jealousy streak for this to work out. If you want me to be the only girl for you, Drake, and Dillon, you can’t get jealous over me being with Drake and Dillon, and by being, I mean going all the way. Otherwise, this isn’t going to work.”

  Drake said, “I want this to work, because I want to be with Haven. And I can’t see myself with her alone if you are going to be…”

  “Okay,” Tristan said. “You win. But I can’t be in the same room as you two. I can’t even hear you. And you don’t ever mention going all the way with Haven in front of me. In other words, I don’t even want to know.”

  “Agreed,” Drake said, his face breaking out into a triumphant smile.

  “Agreed,” Dillon said, grinning widely.

  “Agreed,” I said.

  Tristan’s eyes turned wild, and he started pacing. “Well, now that’s settled, I need to make a run to town. Need anything?”

  “No,” we all said.

  Tristan grabbed his keys and headed out, slamming the door behind him. When his car was seen zipping through the gate, Dillon and Drake turned to me and rushed me, hoisting me by the waist with their arms while they carried me to their playroom’s massive bed.

  “Finally,” Drake said, laying me gently on the bed while peeling my panties down. “Haven, you’re my heaven,” he bent down to eat me. “I can’t get enough of you.” He kissed me on my stomach before climbing up my torso to look at me from above. His eyes looked deeply into mine as his large pierced dick pushed at my entrance. He rammed in and gave a deep groan. “I have been wanting this for so long.” He thrusted and thrusted while he leaned down to kiss me. I was shuddering before we both climaxed.

  “Drake,” I called out. “That was incredible!”

  Drake’s head rested on top of my chest. “I love you, Haven,” he said. “I don’t know how it happened, but I do. I even gave up all the girls I had before I met you to be with you.”

  “Oh Drake,” I said. “You’re important to me, too.” I kissed him, and he kissed me back, holding my face in his hands.

  Drake pulled up above me and pushed himself off the bed. He looked at Dillon sitting in an armchair, watching us fuck, with almost some jealousy, but a sense of brotherhood too. This was his twin brother, the person closest to him.

  Dillon got up from his armchair as soon as Drake left the room. He was already picking me up to bend me over as he dropped his shorts to ram hard into me. “God, that feels so good. You feel so good, the tightest cunt I’ve ever fucked.” He groaned loudly, increasing his speed and grunting with every thrust. “I know you like it hard, Haven,” Dillon said. “So I’m going to fuck you hard like you want it. Tell me if it’s too much, though, babe. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  He rammed me hard again and again and again until I was climaxing. He let out a roar and exploded with me. “Fuck, you are the hottest damn fuck I’ve ever had,” he let out.

  “Satisfied with just me now? Or do you need all those cheerleaders?”

  Dillon bent down to kiss me softly. “You satisfy me, Haven. Just not being able to fuck you though was driving me crazy. Tristan was so selfish. I want you all to myself like that, but I wouldn’t do that to Drake. And like Drake, I can’t help but fall in love with you too. That ‘girlfriend’ in New York that I can’t stop thinking about but had barriers to overcome, that was you. I don’t know how it happened, but I can’t stop thinking about you. I know it’s going to get taboo for us to be together as stepbrother and stepsister, but I can’t help wanting you so much. I’ve even tried to get this want out of me, thinking that fucking other girls like the cheerleaders from school would get you out of my system.” He kissed me passionately. “It’s only made me want you more, Haven.”

  Chapter 12


  Another wee
k had passed with the same routine at school and then home with my boys. Only now, Drake and Dillon were constantly fucking me in their playroom, either individually, but sometimes together. But never when Tristan was around.

  Then I had a surprise visit from Megan.

  “You know,” Megan said, meeting me at a café on Main Street. “I was hoping you’d tell me some good news about you being able to move to New York to stay with me.”

  “Well, Mom and Terrence extended their trip, so I haven’t been able to tell her. And I’m actually beginning to like being in Heartbreak Falls. I like the school, and am doing so well there.”

  “What about the Triton Brothers?” Megan asked, her face growing dark and angry. “Didn’t you say they were bullying you and wanted to get rid of you and your mother? Those are some major concerns, sweetie. I’d be on your guard right now instead of trusting them and the lies they’re telling you.”


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