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The Adventures of Miss Barbara Pym

Page 52

by Paula Byrne

8. BP to HH, 15 May 1936.

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  1. John Middleton Murry, quoted in Karen Usborne, Elizabeth: The Author of Elizabeth and Her German Garden (1986), p. 231.

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  2. BP to RL, 10 May 1936.

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  3. BP to RL, 11 July 1936.

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  4. BP to RL, 11 July 1936.

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  5. Diary, 12 July 1936.

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  6. Paulina Kewes, ‘Langbaine, Gerard (1656–1692), dramatic cataloguer and writer’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (2004),

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  7. Diary, 14 July 1936.

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  8. Diary, 7 June 1936.

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  9. Diary, 8 June 1936.

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  10. Holt, ALTA, p. 65.

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  11. Diary, 16 July 1936.

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  1. Diary, 15 July 1936.

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  2. BP to HH, 20 August 1936.

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  3. Diary, 7 September 1936.

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  4. Elizabeth von Arnim, The Enchanted April (1922; repr. 2015), p. 1.

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  5. Chapter 13 in Civil to Strangers, the revised version of ‘Adam and Cassandra’, published posthumously (1987), p. 89.

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  6. BP to HH, 20 August 1936.

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  7. ‘Adam and Cassandra’ (MS. Pym 5), fols. 339–40.

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  8. Finding a Voice, BBC Radio 3, 4 April 1978.

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  1. RL to BP, 24 September 1936.

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  2. HH to RL, 20 September 1936.

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  3. RL to BP, 11 October 1936.

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  4. BP to RL, 14 July 1937.

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  5. RL to BP, 22 July 1937.

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  6. BP to RL, 22 July 1937.

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  1. Robert Liddell, Elizabeth and Ivy (1986), p. 19.

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  2. Ivy Compton-Burnett, Manservant and Maidservant (1947; repr. 2001), p. 34.

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  3. Henry Harvey, at PEN Club meeting in celebration of Barbara Pym (1985).

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  4. Ivy Compton-Burnett, More Women Than Men (1933; repr. 1983), p. 26.

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  5. Liddell, Elizabeth and Ivy, p. 24.

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  6. ‘Gervase and Flora’ (MS. Pym 7), chapter 10.

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  7. CS, p. 379.

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  1. BP to RL, 22 July 1937.

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  2. RL to BP, May 1937.

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  3. Part of ‘Gervase and Flora’, including these passages, was published posthumously in CS, pp. 171–212.

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  4. Part of ‘Gervase and Flora’, including these passages, was published posthumously in CS, pp. 171–212.

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  5. CS, p. 184.

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  6. ‘Gervase and Flora’, chapter 10.

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  7. ‘Gervase and Flora’, chapter 13.

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  8. ‘Gervase and Flora’, chapter 15.

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  9. ‘Gervase and Flora’, chapter 19.

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  10. RL to BP, 10 November 1936.

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  11. RL to Hilary Pym, 6 December 1937.

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  1. Diary, 3 December 1937.

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  2. Diary, 3 December 1937.

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  3. Diary, 3 December 1937.

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  4. Julian Amery in conversation with Naim Attallah, More of A Certain Age (1993), pp. 3–4.

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  5. David Faber, Speaking for England: Leo, Julian and John Amery – the Tragedy of a Political Family (2005; repr. 2007), p. 308.

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  6. JA to BP, December 1937 (MS. Pym 147).

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  7. Diary, 12 December 1937.

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  1. RL to BP, 11 December 1937.

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  2. RL to BP, 11 December 1937.

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  3. Diary, 12 January 1938.

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  4. JA to BP, no date.

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  5. Diary, 26 February 1938.

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  1. Faber, Speaking for England, p. 311.

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  2. Diary, 26 February 1938.

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  3. Diary, 28 February 1938.

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  4. Diary, 3 March 1938.

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  5. Diary, 4 March 1938.

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  6. Diary, 5 March 1938.

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  7. Faber, Speaking for England, p. 131.

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  8. Faber, Speaking for England, p. 293.

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  9. Faber, Speaking for England, p. 193.

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  10. Faber, Speaking for England, p. 293.

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  11. Faber, Speaking for England, p. 300.

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  12. Diary, 5 March 1938.

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  13. Diary, 5 March 1938.

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  14. Diary, 8 March 1938.

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  15. Diary, 11 March 1938.

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  1. JA to BP 19(?) March 1938 (MS. Pym 147).

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  2. JA to BP 19(?) March 1938.

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  3. Diary, 29 March 1938.

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  4. Diary, undated entry made in Oswestry, 1938.

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  5. ‘Reflections by Barbara Pym concerning herself and Julian Amery’ (MS. Pym 146).

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  6. Finding a Voice (MS. Pym 96).

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  7. ‘Slough’, in John Betjeman, Continual Dew (1937).

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  8. Stevie Smith, Novel on Yellow Paper (1936; repr. 1994), p. 123.

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  9. Diary, undated entry made in Oswestry, early 1938.

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  10. Personal communication to Hazel Holt, ALTA, p. 89.

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  11. RL to BP, summer 1937.

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  12. BP to RL, 12 April 1938.

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  13. BP to RL, HH and EH, 5 April 1938.

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  14. BP to RL, HH and EH, 5 April 1938.

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  15. Smith, Novel on Yellow Paper, pp. 103–4.

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  16. BP to RL, HH and EH, early 1938.

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  17. Diary, April 1938, no specific date.

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Diary, April 1938, no specific date.

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  1. BP to RL, no date, from Oswestry, early 1938.

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  2. ‘Gervase and Flora’ draft, chapter 14.

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  4. Diary (MS. Pym 104), 10 May 1938.

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  5. Diary, 23 May 1938.

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  6. BP to RL, 23 May 1938.

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  7. BP to RL, 23 May 1938.

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  8. Diary, 26 May 1938.

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  9. See

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  1. Diary, 27 May 1938.

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  2. Diary, 30 May 1938.

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  3. Diary, 1 June 1938.

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  4. JA to BP, 1 June 1938.

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  5. Diary, 25 August 1938.

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  6. Diary, 20 July 1938.

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  7. Diary, 29 August 1938.

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  8. Diary, 4 September 1938.

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  9. Diary, 10 September 1938.

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  1. Diary, 30 September 1938.

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  2. Diary, 30 September 1938.

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  4. BP to EH, 31 October 1938.

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  1. ‘Gervase and Flora’ draft, chapter 19.

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  2. Diary, undated Oswestry entry, early 1938.

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  3. Unpublished draft novel provisionally titled ‘The Lumber Room’ or ‘Beatrice Wyatt’ (MS. Pym 6/1–3).

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  4. ‘The Lumber Room’ manuscript draft.

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  5. ‘The Lumber Room’ manuscript draft.

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  6. ‘The Lumber Room’ manuscript draft.

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  7. ‘The Lumber Room’ manuscript draft.

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  8. BP to EH, 31 October 1938.

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  9. Hazel Holt has misdated Crampton Hodnet. She says it was begun in November 1939 and completed two months later in January 1940. But in a letter to Robert Liddell dated 1 January 1940, Pym says that her North Oxford novel was ready to be sent to Cape and that she had been working on it for much of the previous year.

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  10. BP to EH, 31 October 1938.

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  1. CH, p. 56.

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  2. CH, p. 43.

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  3. CH, p. 73.

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  4. Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey (1818), chapter 24.

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  5. CH, p. 4.

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  6. CH, p. 7.

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  7. CH, pp. 102–3.

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  8. CH, p. 114.

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  9. CH, p. 241.

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  10. CH, p. 39.

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  11. Diary (MS. Pym 105), 11 May 1939.

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  1. CH, pp. 46–7.

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  2. CH, pp. 47–8.

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  3. CH, p. 48.

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  4. CH, p. 145.

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  5. CH, p. 35.

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  6. CH, pp. 117–18.

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  7. ‘Reflections by Barbara Pym concerning herself and Julian Amery’ (MS. Pym 146), Friday–Sunday 19–21 April 1940.

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  8. CH, p. 120.

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  9. BP to EH, 21 February 1939.

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  10. BP to EH, 21 February 1939.

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  11. BP to EH, 11 May 1939.

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  12. BP to EH, 11 May 1939.

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  13. ‘Reflections concerning Julian Amery’, 12 May 1949.

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  14. ‘Reflections concerning Julian Amery’, 12 May 1949.

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  15. CH, p. 217.

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  16. JA to BP, 2 June 1939.

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  17. ‘Reflections concerning Julian Amery’, undated.

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  18. ‘Reflections concerning Julian Amery’, undated.

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  1. Diary, 11 July 1939.

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  2. Diary, 1 September 1939.

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  3. Diary, 3 September 1939.

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  4. ‘Reflections concerning Julian Amery’, undated.

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  1. ‘Home Front Novel’ (MSS. Pym 8–9), p. 68; CS, p. 340.

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  2. CS, p. 340.

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  3. Home Front Novel, p. 68; CS, p. 233.

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  4. Diary, 1 September 1939.

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  5. Home Front Novel, p. 73.

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  6. Home Front Novel, p. 74.

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  7. Home Front Novel, pp. 76–7; CS, p. 222.

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  8. Home Front Novel, pp. 76–7; CS, p. 222.

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  9. Recruitment posters also urged women to join munitions factories: ‘Women of Britain: Come into the Factories’, ‘Fighting Fit in the Factories’; ‘On Her Their Lives Depend: Women Munition Workers: Enrol at Once’.

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  1. Diary, 7 September 1939.

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  2. Home Front Novel, pp. 78–9; CS, p. 236.

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  3. Diary, 7–8 September 1939.

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  4. Diary, 7–8 September 1939.

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  5. Diary, 18 October 1939.

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  6. CS, p. 230.

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  7. Home Front Novel, Prologue.

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  8. Home Front Novel, pp. 150–3; CS, pp. 256–7.

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  9. CS, p. 257.

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  1. Diary, 13 October 1939.

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  2. ALTA, p. 95.

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  3. Diary, 30 September 1939.

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  4. Papers Concerning the Treatment of German Nationals in Germany, 1938–1939 (Foreign Office, Command Paper 6120, 1939), p. 3.

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  1. Home Front Novel, p. 8.
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  2. ‘Thy Kingdom Come, O God’, a Victorian hymn by Lewis Hensley.

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  3. Home Front Novel, p. 136.

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  4. Home Front Novel, p. 136.

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  1. Home Front Novel, p. 13.

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  2. Home Front Novel, p. 13.

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  3. Home Front Novel, p. 14.

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  4. Home Front Novel, p. 49.

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  5. Home Front Novel, p. 53.

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  6. Home Front Novel, p. 57.

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  1. Faber, Speaking for England, p. 398.

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  2. Home Front Novel, p. 16.

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  3. Diary, 15 December 1939.

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  4. Diary, 31 December 1939; BP to RL, 31 December 1939.

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  1. Diary (MS. Pym 106), 2 January 1940.

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  2. BP to RL, 4 January 1940.

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  3. BP to RL, 12 January 1940.

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  4. Diary, 31 January 1940.

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  5. ‘Reflections concerning Julian Amery’, March 1940, no specific date.

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  6. ‘Reflections concerning Julian Amery’, March 1940, no specific date.

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  7. ‘Reflections concerning Julian Amery’, 3 April 1940.

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  8. Diary, 7 April 1940.

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  9. ‘Reflections concerning Julian Amery’, 7 April 1940.

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