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Olympus Device 2: The Olympus Device Book Two

Page 27

by Joe Nobody

  For the first ten minutes, Grace responded to basic background questions. How did she meet Dusty? What type of man was he? Simple, easy to answer inquiries that she’d fully anticipated. After another commercial break, the newsman got down to business.

  “Why do you think the United States government is trying to suppress the technology behind this invention?”

  Grace smiled, finally getting the opening she’d been waiting for. “Obviously I can’t speak for our government, but there are many entities who would not benefit from its development. Oil and gas companies come to mind, as a source of free, renewable energy would eventually put them out of business. The defense industry is another example. Why would any nation buy a billion dollar weapon that can be easily defeated by a handheld device? The list could go on and on.”

  “So you’re saying that current-day commercial interests are the reason why our federal officials are keeping a lid on this entire affair?”

  “I don’t know that for a fact, Bill, but it seems a reasonable explanation. There is no negative that I, or anyone else, has found with Durham’s device if used for the safe, peaceful generation of electrical energy. There’s no pollution, residual waste, or known danger. Why wouldn’t our government and scientific community embrace such technology? Why paint him as a criminal and destroy his public image? I can’t find another explanation for the actions of our government.”

  The host considered the attorney’s answer for a moment and then countered. “I had the director of the FBI on this show a short time ago. Many law enforcement professionals claim that this device meets the description of a weapon of mass destruction and is extremely dangerous. They cite several attacks purportedly initiated by your client.”

  Grace waved off the question, her expression making it clear that such claims shouldn’t be taken seriously. “Are these the same law enforcement personnel who originally claimed that the invasion of Laredo was nothing more than a large gang intent of robbing local businesses? Are these the same men who told our nation that the two fighter jets in Texas went down due to a mid-air collision? Or what about the purported bomb scare in College Station, which we soon learned was nothing but a cover story? If the American people want to continue to believe these men, that’s their right. But frankly, if they tell me it’s raining outside, I’m going to pack a picnic. Their credibility is low.”

  The lawyer’s verbal volley drew a chuckle from the host. Checking the sheet of paper in front of him, he retorted, “But he has broken the law.”

  Grace nodded, “Yes, there’s little doubt of that. But I could say the same for 99% of our viewers. There are over 27,000 pages of federal laws, which reference over 10,000 federal regulations. These numbers don’t count Internal Revenue Service codes or state and local laws. The Congressional Research Service recently admitted that they could no longer even count all our laws, much less document them. Other institutions have asserted that the average American breaks three laws every day. Any of us can be labeled a criminal, prosecuted, and have our lives devastated while fighting the charges. Obviously, our law enforcement agencies must allocate available resources according to the greatest threats to our nation. My client was simply trying to defend himself from an overbearing government, yet he is the subject of such incredible scrutiny. So, why wasn’t the government investigating that company down on the border instead? The one dumping cyanide into the environment? Their deliberate actions outside the confines of the law knowingly endangered thousands of people with the potential to cause more economic damage than Durham Weathers ever has. Why hasn’t there been public outrage over the corruption that allowed that poison into the very air we breathe? In an odd way, my client has done the country a service...”

  Bill nodded and then said, “I’ll give you the last word, Mrs. Kennedy.”

  “Thank you,” Grace responded and then looked directly into the camera with her most sincere expression. “Out there, hiding, alone and scared is a good man who any of you would welcome as a friend or neighbor. He wants nothing more than to help humanity. He has committed violence only as a last resort and only in self-defense. He is being persecuted for demanding that his discovery is never used as a weapon. Is this the intent of a madman? Are these the wishes of a terrorist? He wants nothing more than to elevate the quality of life for every person on the planet. Is this the mark of a dangerous person? I ask my fellow Americans to rally to his cause, which is just and humane. I ask everyone watching this telecast to ask themselves if they would have acted any differently than Durham Weathers. Help me bring him in from the cold. Demand the truth from our government so that he can be judged in the light of day by his peers, just as our constitution demands.”

  The camera again went dark and Grace relaxed momentarily against her seat, catching her breath before rising to leave. “Mrs. Kennedy, you realize what you’ve just done, don’t you?” the host asked.

  “I hope I’ve helped my client and informed the general public of the truth,” she said.

  A grimace came across the newsman’s face, his eyes both sincere and yet sad. “Perhaps. But to be blunt, I think you just fired the first shot of what could be our country’s second revolution.”

  The End

  The Olympus Device: Book Three will be released in late 2014




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