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Operation Instant Fury

Page 4

by W. R. Benton

  “I like that idea, Senior Sergeant.”

  Petr glared at her and then said, “We are professionals, Private, and it will remain that way until we are discharged, understand?”

  “I understand, Sergeant, just making conversation.”

  “Make it about something other than sex. I am not married, do not intend to be, and have no urge to be with a woman young enough to be my daughter. Now, get digging our fox hole. Open your mouth again about you and I, well, I will report you to the Colonel.” he said, but didn't mean it. Actually, he was flattered she made the comment, but a man couldn't lead a woman into war if he's sexually active with her or even worst, fell in love. He liked women, but this was not the time and for sure not the place to be climbing in the blankets with someone, no matter how attractive she might be.

  He looked the men and women over, saw all of them digging in, so he moved out a ways and set up three MON-50 mines, the Russian version of a Claymore mine. He knew if the enemy approached during the night, they might reverse the mines and that took big balls in his opinion. The person moving the mine never knew when the man or woman on the other end would squeeze the clacker and set the mine off, sending 540 steel balls or 485 short steel rods (depending on variety chosen) out in an arc, killing most of those within 40 to 60 meters.

  He moved back to his fox hole, picked up a small shovel and began to help his radio operator dig their fox hole. Once the hole was done, they both pulled out their rations, affectionately called green frogs because of the color used in packaging, and ate his supper. His meal was filling but the taste left a lot to be desired, but they would keep them alive forever. They were high calories, bland, and most of the food was covered in grease. They were good hot, but only a fool would start a fire while invading an enemy’s country. It was a guaranteed death sentence. The chemical tablets used to heat the rations had been stolen and were not available anyway.

  As he leaned back against the cool soil, he heard a helicopter nearing and didn't give it much thought since most were Russian aircraft, and he'd called their night position in earlier. He was sure it was Russian, because the Chinese Helicopters had a different, higher pitch, sound. He suspected he and his troops were on Infrared radar and relaxed. He was exactly where he was supposed to be.

  Suddenly a loud zipper coming down was heard and bullets began to strike all around his position. Men and women screamed as the big slugs hit them hard, with most losing arms and legs if the bullets struck a limb. One woman was there one minute and blown in half the next.

  Grabbing the radio handset, he screamed, “Unknown attack helicopter attacking at this instant, break, break, you are firing on Russians! I repeat, stop your damned attack right now!”

  The firing stopped and a confused voice said in Russian, “Uh, unknown contact, what is your uh, call sign? I am Warrior uh, Four, over.”

  “I am Monsoon Two, Warrior Four, and I have dead and wounded down here now. Get the hell out of here, now!”

  “Uh, Monsoon Two, I am sorry! I was informed by headquarters anyone in front of latitude 32.768799 and -97.309341 longitude was fair game.”

  “You were told wrong. Now mark my position as I —”

  “Monsoon Two, this is Hotel Actual and go easy on the Warrant Officer, because your position was not marked on our map. Warrior Four, return to base. How many medical helicopters do you request, Monsoon?” It was the base.

  “Uh, unknown, wait one.” Vova said and then yelled, “Corporal Lukovich, quickly get me a body count and a good number for our wounded. Do it now and quickly, I have headquarters on the phone!”

  “Yo, Sergeant! Will do.”

  Five minutes later, Lukovich said, “Sergeant, I have three dead, fifteen wounded with three critical. The medic, Nititovich said one of the critical will only live with an immediate dust off.”

  Vova contacted Headquarters gave them the numbers and a request for immediate removal of his wounded, was confirmed with, “Roger that. I have some Mi-54's that have just unloaded troops less than a Kilometer from you and they will be on your position quick time. I suggest you get a flare lit up.”

  Knowing a flare would silhouette the person holding it, he stood and ignited a flare from his vest. As the flare sputtered and spit, he held the handset in his free hand.

  “Monsoon Two, this is Bus One, over. I am a Mi-54 out of Saint Louis turned medical helicopter for your dead and wounded. I see your flare and have you on my infrared radar, so get rid of the flare.”

  As Vova was in the process of throwing the flare away, a bullet struck his left hand, taking off his little finger. His pain was fast in coming and blood spurted in all directions. He wrapped it in a bandage from his first aid kit and replied, “Be advised, Bus One, the area is hot, I repeat, the landing zone is hot. Over.”

  “Just load them quickly and get them ready to move now! I am coming down.”

  The walking wounded were loaded first, then the more seriously wounded were placed on the second helicopter and the seriously wounded, along with the dead, were loaded on the last aircraft. As it left the area, Vova heard the pilot say over the radio, “Taking ground fire from the right, over. Heavy ground fire.” The sounds of bullets striking the helicopter was heard during the transmission.

  Screaming to be heard, the pilot came back on and said, “Hotel, Bus Three, and I have all of my console lights blinking or turning solid red. I will try to limp home, but not sure I will make it.”

  Suddenly, off the left of Vova a bright light moved through the air and then there was a loud explosion.

  “Hotel, I am going down. I repeat, mayday, mayday, mayday. Bus three and I am going down. I was struck by a man launched missile. A FGM-77 is my guess. I am going down!” a crash was heard over the radio and then silence.

  “Black Shark One, this is Hotel. I request you move to the crash site and provide security until I can get a rescue team on the spot, over.”

  “Uh, copy Hotel, will do. The darkness is well lighted by a fire and I do have three survivors moving around on the ground, according to my advanced infrared screen. Over.”

  “Uh, Black . . . Shark One, uh, this . . . is . . . Bus . . . three. I am . . . trapped in . . . the wreckage . . . and . . . cannot . . . uh . . . get out. Please . . . make a live . . . fire pass . . . with Gatling . . . guns. Please . . . I do not . . . want to . . . burn . . . to death.”

  “Uh, Black Shark One, do as requested.” Hotel added quickly. “No need for the man to burn to death. This is an order, destroy the Mi-54 on the ground, copy?”

  “I copy and will obey, but I dislike doing this, over.”

  “Understand, Black Shark, now do the job. This is Hotel Actual.”

  By telling the Black Shark pilot he was Hotel Actual, he was telling him he was the Commander and his order was to be obeyed. The Black Shark attack helicopter made three passes, and on each pass he fired his Gatling guns until the aircraft exploded into countless pieces of metal and glass.

  “Black Shark, return to base to rearm and refuel, copy?”

  “Roger that, copy and will do. Black Shark One, over and out.”

  The helicopter was heard turning and moving away from Vova and his troops. The shock of the murder stunned the younger troops in their fox holes, but the old man had seen it done more often than he cared to think about. Handing the headset to Makarovich, he stretched out in the hole and tried to sleep. Death had reared it's ugly head killing a whole helicopter crew and five of his wounded. Three had been critical, but now they were all dead. Minutes later, he drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 4

  John was in the communications bunk deep underground and he'd been in there since the Russian paratroopers had landed on the base proper. He wanted to be out in the fight, but the General himself had ordered him into the bunker. He was frustrated and wanted to be with his people. Communications were coming in from all over and the battle was going rough. A couple of companies of airborne troops had landed on the base proper and the
battle was intense. Most had landed away from the buildings and as such, actually in a wooded area on the base. A few unlucky ones had landed near the buildings and were killed within minutes of landing. Now a battle raged far overhead on the facility.

  “The Chinese have a squadron of attack helicopters due here in less than five minutes. So far we've held the base, but if the Russian ground troops happen to hit the base from the outside, we'll be spread pretty thin. It looks like the booby-traps and mines have greatly slowed down those who landed outside our fences.” an unknown Captain said.

  “John, I need you to take a radio and go top side to direct the choppers. Do not, unless you have no choice, get involved with the fighting. I need a good man on top that I can trust and will follow orders. Any questions?”

  Smiling, John replied, “No questions, sir. I'll leave now, sir.”

  “And John?”

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Watch your ass, son. The Russians are giving this much more attention than any prior attack. This, or so I feel, is the big make it or break it for them. Now, go.”

  Minutes later, topside, John stood beside a Corporal named Johnson, his radio operator.

  “Johnson, see if you can reach the Chinese, but their English will probably be bad.”

  “Any Chinese aircraft, this is Cobra, over.”


  “Any Chinese aircraft, this is Cobra, over.”

  “Uh, go Cobra. This is Panda One, over.” Come a reply in excellent English.

  Two Russian airborne troops ran right for the two Americans using the radio beside the entrance to the underground bunker. John raised his Russian Bison and squeezed off a quick burst and both men fell to the ground. Blood and gore had splattered out their backs, so he knew they were down for the count. Using his pistol, Johnson fired twice, and both shots hit the men in the center of their chest. Both were now unmoving.

  “Uh, Panda One, Cobra Two and I need your flight to hit the south side of the base, near the trees. Hit them hard and with everything you have.”

  “Roger that, and that is what we'll do.”

  The aircraft began moving toward the trees and the Chinese CAIC Z-10 attack helicopters looked deadly with their black paint with sleek bodies and loaded down with armament and munitions. Almost immediately the aircraft Gatling guns began to fire, and to John, the guns sounded like a long zipper being pulled down. Tufts of dirt were thrown fifteen to twenty feet in the air.

  Russians in the open began to fall, and all knew the big Gatling guns were tearing the soldiers of the Russian Bear apart. As soon as they neared the woods the choppers fired missiles, and then turned slowly to the left or right as they broke from the attack. As one bird turned left, a missile was seen coming from the ground and it exploded right beside the tail rotor. A second later, parts of the rotor flew into the air and the aircraft began to slowly circle horizontally. It looked as if the rotor blades were still and the aircraft was in a flat spin.

  Listening to the radio, he heard a calm voice speaking in Chinese and suspected it was the crew of the hit chopper. Since he didn't understand Chinese, he had no idea what was being said.

  The damaged aircraft hit the open field halfway between the trees and the base proper, and hard too, but no explosion. The two man crew quickly exited the aircraft. Minutes later they were seen as prisoners of the Russians and were moving toward the trees under armed guard.

  A CAIC Z-10 attack helicopter lined up and approached the men in the opening and John thought he was confirming who was taken prisoner, until his machine gun began barking and men began to fall. Body parts and gore flew in all directions as the big slugs burned holes through Russians and Chinese. They all fell and no one moved.

  Taking the radio, John said, “Panda One, this is Cobra Two, your attack helicopter crew just killed all of the Chinese and Russians.”

  “Affirmative, Cobra Two. He was only following orders. It seems China wants none of us taken prisoner, so that will happen to all who crash and cannot be rescued. I know you find it harsh, but without a live prisoner, the Russians cannot prove we are here. Copy?”

  “Roger, copy. Cobra Two out.”

  The Chinese attacked the woods three times and then Panda said, “All of the attack helicopters are returning to refuel and rearm. They will be gone about three zero minutes, over.”

  “Copy, what about you, Panda One?”

  “I will remain on station to keep the Russians busy and when my men have new targets after they return, I will return to base for my turn rearming and refueling. Copy?”

  “Copy, Panda One, Cobra Two out.”

  For the next thirty minutes the Russians stayed in the trees, probably licking their wounds and treating their injured. Soon the tell tale sound of the attack helicopters were heard and looking up, John saw them attacking from the left.

  Panda One was heard speaking in Chinese and then he said in English, “They will attack targets of opportunity while I'm gone. Panda Two speaks some English if you get into trouble. Over.”

  “Copy, understand Panda Two is an English speaker.”

  “Roger that, but his accent is thick. Panda One, returning to base to refuel and rearm.” As soon as he'd spoken, the aircraft turned and began moving south.

  Over the next twenty minutes all was well, but then about 200 Russians ran from the trees toward the base. The attack helicopters were all over them, only the men were now firing shoulder launched missiles and in less than two minutes two birds were down. One landed on the base and was rescued. The other struck the ground at a fast speed and blew to hell and back, leaving a smoking crater behind, just slightly in front of the Russian advancement. The explosion killed at least five Russians.

  The Russians just reached the perimeter wire when a Chinese Jet, it looked like a Su-27 Flanker, which was made in Russia but many were sold to the Chinese, zoomed down and dropped two canisters of napalm, burning the hell out of the attacking force. They slowly withdrew, taking their burned and smoking comrades with them. Others were seen dancing in the flames as they died. The flames were high and the smell of burnt flesh soon filled the air.

  Chinese Jet, Su-27 Flanker, identify yourself, this is Cobra Two.” John said.

  “He is Balls Niner One and he is here to help. He is ready to do the most damage, but his English is poor. I will tell him your desires, Cobra Two. Copy?”

  “Uh, yes, copy. Have him hit the trees with more napalm if he has it.”

  “Roger, understand. Wait one.”

  A minute passed and then Panda Two said, “Roger the napalm and he is making his approach now.”

  Without warning, there was a tremendous explosion that shook the ground and when John looked around, they were under an artillery attack.

  As the jet made for the trees, two canisters of napalm left the aircraft and were seen flipping tail over head as they dropped into the trees. An artillery shell hit close to John and his radioman, so they both hugged the ground. Looking at the jet, now pulling away, the world under the aircraft was an inferno of red and yellow flames. Dark black smoke rose to the sky.

  “Panda Two, can you find where those big guns are firing on us? They are causing casualties here on the ground.”

  “Copy, Cobra Two.” Then orders were given in Chinese and two gunships moved to the west. There was a volley of artillery fire as five shells struck at the same time. Men and women screamed as the hot shrapnel stuck them in various parts of their bodies. Some fell to never get up, while others wrapped a wound and kept moving. Then it grew quiet.

  “Cobra One, the big guns have been silenced and for good.”

  “Roger and copy that. Thanks, Panda Two.”

  “Cobra One, Panda One, and I am back on the target. It looks like you made excellent use of the fast mover I sent.”

  “Panda One, we did at that. If Balls Niner One is still around, have him place some rockets around our shrinking circle, please.”

  “Will do,” Panda said and then pass
ed John's words on to the jet fighter.

  Explosions were heard just outside the fence and shrapnel was heard flying through the air with a loud buzzing sound. The Russian fire grew less and less, and then stopped. They were seen running from the battle, moving south. The attack helicopters and the jet made their way after the retreating army, hurting them with each pass.

  “Tune in the base radios.” John said and when the handset was given to him he said, “Cobra One to all Base radios, we will wait for the Russians to leave and then we'll clean this place up. I want all Russian dead piled in one pile and all of their wounded treated with compassion. They fought a good fight. If you meet any resistance, take it out quickly. I want all Commanders and section leaders at Stand Up in the morning at 0600 hours. Do not send a representative, unless you are dead or wounded. Any questions? Call me on a landline in an hour.” He handed the phone back to his radio operator.

  “What now, sir?” the radio operator asked.

  “I need to report the battle to the General and we need to increase security here until all Russian troops have left the immediate area.”

  Leaving the bunker after filling out an after action report for the General John was tired but noticed his men and women were making headway in clearing the destruction and bodies from the base proper. The Russian bodies were being placed in huge nets and then picked up by helicopters and taken to areas near Russian facilities, to make finding the bodies easy for the Russian Bear. Times had changed and just four short years ago, the Partisans didn't even take prisoners.

  As he moved, he thought, I'm so tired. I think I'll shower, eat, and then hit the bed. I can't believe I get this tired after a single day of combat. I also need to send out some patrols to look for the Russians. I need to lead one, too, because I don't want to get rusty. I've found my people are easier to lead if I share the risks of a patrol and the chance of death. I'll lead them out in the morning, about an hour before dawn.

  He arrived at his quarters, found it as he'd left it and then cooked a quick meal of beef steak and a fried potatoes. He had a glass of water to wash his meal down. He finished eating, closed his eyes, and in seconds fell asleep. He woke when his head nodded and fell to his chest.


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