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Operation Instant Fury

Page 25

by W. R. Benton

  “I understand.” John said.

  “You may leave now, Colonel, and in your room, sir, you will find a message with your line number to General, five new uniforms for a General Officer, and a copy of what your pay would be, if we were being paid to fight.”

  Chapter 23

  John woke up, showered and shaved. He then removed a uniform from the closet and, putting it on, he stared at the image in the mirror and could not believe he was a Brigadier General today. Eight short years ago he was a discharged Staff Sergeant and owned a security and alarm business. These days he was still running a squad like a Sergeant but he had orders now, and his days of combat were over. He also knew he wasn't able, physically, to keep up much longer. Carrying a 60 pound pack was hard enough on a youngster, but for him it was simply too much these days. He was happy over his promotion and relieved in many ways that his days of combat were finished. At least by making General he could avoid combat and save his personal honor. He knew if he continued, he'd either not be able to keep up or he'd cost them lives trying to fight like he was 19 again. Most men 10 years younger than him were working in non-combat jobs supporting the resistance, or they were senior officers. He smiled in the mirror and thought, This promotion may have very well saved my life.

  There was a knock on his door and when he swung it open, Joy stood there, wearing a Full Colonel's uniform.

  “My, my, don't you look handsome all decked out as a General. Congratulations, sir, and may I be the first person to salute and kiss you?”

  He bowed and then said, “By all means, my beautiful Colonel, I'll enjoy saluting you first. But, hurry, I'm to be at a meeting in thirty minutes.”

  She snapped to attention, gave him a sharp salute and said, “You'll be on time, sir. Your driver is out front waiting for you.” He quickly returned her salute and then grinned. She leaned forward and kissed him deeply, moaning at his touch.

  John broke the kiss and said, “Come and ride with me. You can wait until the meeting is over, I'll go by the package store and get us some beer and we can return here and party. It will be a very small party, because I've only invited you.”

  “What will my boss say?”

  “Tell him the General had need of you and you always obey orders. Hey, wait a minute, you work for me!” He then broke out laughing.

  Taking his arm, she said, “Come, or you really might be late for your first public appearance as a General.”

  “To me that wouldn't be a big shame. I don't feel comfortable in a dress uniform and I discovered a General can't wear a cowboy hat with his utility uniform either. I may not have any real power at all, huh?”

  “Come on, lets get this over with, so I can come back with you and relax some. I need a cold beer, and some sleep is what I really need. Maybe later we can go to the officers club and have a decent meal for a change.”

  John laughed as they left the building.

  The end, fini

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  “Mission of Peace, Book 10”

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  About the Author

  W.R. Benton is the pen name for Gary Benton. The author has previously authored over 60 books of, fiction, non-fiction, action and adventure, and Southern humor. Such notable authors as, Matt Braun, Stephen Lodge, Don Bedell, and many others have endorsed his work. His survival book, “Simple Survival, a Family Outdoors Guide,” is a Silver Award Winner from the Military Writers Society of America.

  His hobbies include hunting, camping, fishing, hiking, web design, cartooning, and reading. When he's not working, you'll usually find him, along with his wife, Melanie, in their RV at some remote location in the south. Mister Benton has an Associates Degree in Search and Rescue, Survival Operations, a Bachelors Degree in Occupational Safety and Health, and a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology completed except for his thesis.

  WR Benton retired from the military in 1997 with over twenty-six years of active duty.

  As a veteran he is a member of the American Foreign Legion. He and his wife live in Mississippi on a make believe ranch with thousands of imaginary cows and horses.

  Visit him at his Facebook page at

  Audiobooks by W.R. Benton

  The Fall of America: Book 1

  The Fall of America: Book 2

  The Fall of America: Book 3

  Available now at or iTunes

  The Teacher from Boston

  Nate Grisham returns

  Sheriff Thomas Holder is on a mission, bounty-hunting a wanted man. A former teacher from Boston has been accused of the rape of one of his female students and ten thousand dollars is well worth tracking him to the edge of the western frontier.

  Falsely accused, the man seeks to disappear into the wilds of the Rockies mountains with some trappers he meets along the trail, but he doesn't realize that he is being pursued by a worthy foe. What he doesn't know is that native tribes seeking to stop the trappers from poaching in their lands will be as much of a danger to him as the bounty hunter. And it will culminate with a showdown from which only one man will walk away alive.

  What happens next will change James' life forever.

  Bad Man

  Nate Grisham, his son Little Nate, and a group of their fellow trappers join up to take their pelts east to the big city. It's been a long trapping season and everyone's ready for a little recreation. In a sleepy little saloon along the way they find way more action then they bargained for. A handful of St. Louis dock scum, real no good, vile tongued, hot-headed types spark a nasty bar fight. During the ruckus Nate is badly injured, and another of the trapper's friends lay dead, gunned down by the barroom thugs.

  Now 14 years of age, Little Nate may still be young but his is fully capable of handling this kind of trouble. The group splits up and Little Nate gives chase alongside One-Eye Jack. Following the murderous trail of innocents the low-lifes leave in their wake, the pair need to track down the killers fast, before more people suffer, or the killers might disappear forever. It's not easy tracking these men down, however Mountain Men know a thing or two about making their own justice, and they're not about to let the murderers of a friend go unpunished.

  A fast-paced and exciting mountain man adventure, raw and gut-wrenching frontier action, just like you'd expect from author W.R. Benton. The next must read installment for fans of the Nate Grisham: Black Mountain Man series.

  The exciting series Vol. 4

  New World Order:


  A fight for the soul of a fractured America

  Adolpha, the NWO's 'Black Widow' assassin has been captured by the Conservative States and is now being 're-educated', but will the effort succeed? Her mindset, personality, and even loyalties seem to be changing from the treatment and removal of her chip. Or are they..?

  In the meantime, the Boss of the New World Order continues his reign of brutal elimination of those unloyal to the new regime. But the Conservative States are planning a new offensive and will take the battle to the heart of the now subverted US Government. Treachery, murder and terrorism are the new norm. The battle is far from over.

  Coming Soon:


  Many will die, only a few will survive...the wrath of the waves are unstoppable.

  A new survival fiction novel from W.R. Benton



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