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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 8)

Page 74

by Sabrina York

  She righted herself and pointed at the floor. “Go lie there. Next to Dutch.”

  “Why? I’m not sleepy.”

  Dutch mumbled, “Neither am I. I’m getting my second wind.”

  He’d draped his arm over his eyes, his fingers slack.

  “Do you want me to eat you or not?” Mercy asked Travis.

  He pushed to his feet and looked down at her as a god might, his body magnificent, his expression direct and demanding. “Yeah, I do. Go on.” He flexed his cock.

  It was as rigid as his personality. He was a man who needed control. Mercy figured someone must have hurt him terribly in the past. He’d built an impenetrable wall around himself to avoid more pain.

  She’d seen beneath it when he’d ordered the bikers to pay more for her cupcakes. And when he and Dutch had worked so hard to clean the kitchen for her.

  Wanting to deliver nothing except bliss, she cautioned, “It’s a long drop to the floor.”

  “No fucking kidding,” Dutch said.

  Travis worked his mouth, but didn’t entirely hide his smile. “You’ll have to do something to get me down there. Think you can manage it?”

  Mercy chewed her lip, faking uncertainty. She sank to her knees and stroked his toes. He stepped back, bumping into a chair, and arched one eyebrow. “You’ll have to do better than tickling me.”

  “Sure you want that?”

  Travis’s smile crinkled the corners of his eyes and made a deep dimple in his cheek. “Do your worst, baby.”

  Aw, how nice that baby sounded. Nodding meekly, Mercy lifted his gorgeous cock and sucked his right ball into her mouth.

  “Holy motherfucking god,” he gasped.

  Ignoring him, Mercy grabbed Travis’s ass to keep him still and close. She swept her tongue over the short dark hairs on his testicle then suckled his sensitive flesh.

  He babbled, sounding close to tears.

  Dutch whistled softly through his teeth, his lethargy apparently a distant memory as he watched.

  Mercy’s mouth loved Travis’s ball while her finger circled his anus then probed gently. He wiggled as much as he could, which wasn’t a lot. Panting, he finally cried, “Shit, I can’t stand it.”

  She eased him from her mouth and murmured, “I haven’t even started.”


  She’d tongued his left ball inside and gave it as much attention as she had the other. With pure delight, Mercy explored the wrinkly skin and light covering of hair. He smelled amazing. Musky and male. The same as Dutch, who’d moved closer, his features transfixed as Mercy took care of Travis.

  “I want that,” Dutch said, his words strangled.

  She patted his hairy thigh to let him know he’d have his turn.

  Travis groaned, “Suck my cock.”

  In time. Right now, Mercy intended to take away his control. Prove to him that it wasn’t as great as he thought. Surrender was good too. It opened the soul and heart.

  Before long, Travis was sweating badly, his head hanging between his shoulders, his fists clenched.

  Having done her worst—at least to this point—Mercy released him. “You okay?” she asked, parroting his earlier words.

  A muscle in his jaw jumped. The ones in his neck were ropy with tension. “No,” he growled. “I. Want. More.”

  Ah, they finally agreed on something. “How about you?” she asked Dutch.

  “Why are you asking him?” Travis complained. “He’s already come.”

  “And you will too,” Mercy promised, then turned back to Dutch. “You want more?”

  He gave her a wolfish grin. “Definitely.”

  “Then what are you two waiting for?”

  Dutch scrambled to the Trojans, grabbing them first. Travis gripped his arm. “Hand them over.”

  “When I’m through.”


  “Guys.” Mercy planted her hands on their chests to keep them apart. “There are twelve in there. Enough for everyone. Even me.”

  Snickering, Dutch ripped open the box, took a packet, and tossed the rest to Travis. They rolled the latex down their shafts in a frenzied race, seeing who’d be ready first.

  As far as Dutch could tell, it was a dead heat. Easygoing by nature, he asked Travis, “How do we want to do this?”

  Travis studied the bed then the floor, choosing it. Sitting with his legs spread out, he grabbed his cock and pointed it at Mercy. “Hop on…please.”

  “Wait,” Dutch said.

  Travis growled, “For what?”

  “Just give me a sec, all right?” Dutch curled his fingers around Mercy’s upper arm. “You ever do this before?”

  Her complexion darkened, hiding her freckles. “You mean two guys at once?”

  That, and anal sex. “Uh-huh.”

  “There’s always a first time, right?” Mercy smiled.

  She still looked daunted to Dutch. “You’re sure you want to do this?”

  “You don’t have to,” Travis said. “We’re good with whatever you want.”

  She looked at both of them. “I want this. Please don’t deny me.”

  A wave of tenderness washed over Dutch, her desire stirring yet comfortable. With Mercy, he didn’t feel he had to put on a macho show, be more than he was. She accepted him as a friend would, despite his imperfections.

  Lifting her hand, he kissed her knuckles and promised, “I’ll be careful.”

  “If he’s not,” Travis said, “I’ll beat his sorry ass. Right?”

  “Hey, bash in my head if you want. I’d fucking deserve it.”

  “No need for violence,” Mercy said.

  She crawled across the floor to Travis, giving Dutch an amazing view of her ass. Firm and lush. A small mole graced her left cheek. Her panty’s elastic had left creases on her hips and the upper part of her thighs.

  Her cunt couldn’t have been juicier. Her anus more than inviting.

  Dutch followed, biding his time as she straddled Travis then lowered her pussy over his stiffened shaft. Travis closed his eyes and swallowed hard, his throat bobbing.

  She sank all the way down on a lusty sigh.

  With his hand on her shoulder, Dutch directed Mercy to lean forward. She lifted her ass, giving him a view that had him reeling with lust. Steady, he warned himself. He ran his fingers around her opening, stretched and filled by Travis’s rod. Once Dutch had dampened his fingers with her moisture, he smoothed it on Mercy’s anus, lubricating her.

  She wiggled at his intimate touch.

  Settled behind her, Dutch murmured, “Ready?”

  “We both are,” Travis said, his words halting and hurting. Of the three of them, only he hadn’t come yet.

  Though Dutch sympathized, it wasn’t his greatest concern. He nuzzled his crown against Mercy’s opening then eased it inside.

  On her sharp inhale, he stopped. “What? Is it too much? I’m too big?”

  She panted. “No. It’s amazing. You’re perfect.”

  Well hell, if Dutch hadn’t been hard before, he could’ve challenged concrete now. Still he took care, entering her slowly, cautiously. What seemed like hours passed, though it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes. Sweat prickled his skin and rolled into his eyes.

  Ignoring the sting, he drove the last of his length inside, huffing at her passage’s tightness and heat. The sensation it created made his scalp tingle. Her mouth on his cock had been good, but this…

  A gun to his head wouldn’t have made Dutch pull out now. Only her discomfort could manage that.

  He breathed, “We’re okay?”

  No word existed that could have adequately described Mercy’s excitement, her bone-deep happiness. They’d filled all of her openings, even her mouth. Travis’s tongue and cock tunneled deep. She grunted heartily, answering Dutch’s question. He let loose, grinding his body into hers to push even more of himself inside. Thrilling Mercy in a way that went beyond anything physical.

  All of her life, she’d worried about being alone li
ke her mom. No one wanting her.

  Dutch and Travis did. They might not have loved her, but there was real affection in their touch and kisses. They’d taken care of her at the saloon as though she’d mattered…as if they would someday be friends.

  Her heart opened even more, a dangerous matter, but she couldn’t help it. Mercy wanted to give them her all.

  She rode Travis as Dutch rode her, a wanton act punctuated with the sounds lovers make. Uninhibited and joyous.

  Travis’s cock thickened in her cunt, proving his arousal. Dutch was no different. He thrust carefully because of his increasing girth. It was an experience like no other. They’d trapped her body and freed her soul.

  She suckled Travis’s tongue. He stoked her clit. A stab of pleasure made Mercy wiggle. Dutch’s steady pumps forced her to be still. Travis rubbed her nub again. She tensed, needing to cry out. He precluded it, muffling her cries with his impassioned kiss.

  They were killing her.

  It took all of Mercy’s concentration to glide her body up and down Travis’s shaft, coordinating her actions with Dutch’s invasion of her body. Travis didn’t make it easy, playing with her clit as he had at the table. Rubbing, stopping, rubbing again. Not giving her a chance to fall into an easy rhythm.

  Mercy’s climax drew close only to fade, then build again with his maddening strokes.

  She pulled her mouth free of his and gulped air. His hand paused on her nub, showing his displeasure. Even Dutch slowed then stopped. They wanted her to work for her climax. Needed her to require it more than anything else.

  To prove what? That she wanted them?

  How had she ever lived without their playfulness and attention? How could she go forward when her time here was up? When they’d moved on to other women.

  Mercy trembled in frustration, sorrow quickly behind it. She pushed both emotions down and fitted her mouth to Travis’s, thrusting her tongue inside, claiming him.

  He rewarded her with quick, hard strokes meant to fulfill rather than tease. Dutch drove into her faster and with more force. She mimicked their movements, alternately burying Travis’s rod deep within her sheath, then lifting her body until it was nearly free.

  Dutch came first, gasping and groaning. Mercy followed, crying out her delight. Travis fought for control, pumping his hips against hers, lasting a few seconds longer. Sounds exploded from him then, a mixture of ecstasy and agony, as though he wanted more but couldn’t quite bear it. His deep, rich voice filled the small cabin, drowning out the other sounds.

  Dutch pulled out of her and fell to the side. Mercy rested her head on Travis’s shoulder, rubbing her nose against his sweaty skin.

  His chest bumped into hers with his unsettled breaths. She was tempted to remain where she was. However, there was her weight to consider, and the fact that she didn’t want to be separated from Dutch.

  Mercy needed both men.

  Rolling off Travis, she settled between them. They were too drowsy to do anything except breathe. Soon, they fell asleep. Fully sated.

  Mercy envied them, wondering if she’d ever feel as they did now. Content with what they had. Not wanting something deeper.

  She drifted off, questioning how much of this she could ultimately handle.

  Someone suckling her nipples woke Mercy from a deep, dreamless sleep. Travis’s dark head was on her left. Dutch’s nearly shaved skull to the right. Sharing her boobs as they had her body.

  God, what they were doing felt nice, sending ribbons of sensation from Mercy’s throat to her pussy, driving away everything except her desire for pleasure. She stretched out, pushing her chest toward them. They sucked harder, really getting into it, as though they’d been awake for some time.

  The clock showed five past three. She hadn’t been asleep that long, though enough for them to have ditched the condoms. Dutch must have washed off. His skin smelled of her aloe soap. He slid his hand down her torso to her cunt.

  Travis reached it first.

  They didn’t battle over that part of Mercy, instead taking turns massaging her clit while tonguing her nipples. Holy mother of all that was sane. She’d been wet before. Now, she was freaking drenched. Their playing with her breasts and nub had her rocketing toward orgasm.

  When Travis tried to deny her and drag it out, Dutch took over. Mercy squealed her approval, her body shaking like a wet dog. She drew her knees to her chest and tried to calm down. Travis and Dutch weren’t having it. They dragged her legs back to the floor and went at her clit again.

  She choked on a swallow and coughed forcefully.

  Neither of them seemed to notice her distress.

  “No!” she finally shouted. “I can’t stand it. Stop.”

  They didn’t.

  “I mean it,” she cried. “It’s too much.”

  “You’ll get used to it,” Dutch said.

  How? She was close to passing out. Mercy pulled away from him and rolled into Travis. When she tried to sit up, both of them blocked her, not allowing escape. They stroked and teased her clit until she collapsed, unable to fight any longer. This climax tore through her with more power than the rest, leaving her limp and gasping.

  Travis tossed a Trojan to Dutch but didn’t take one himself.

  “Up you go,” Travis said, helping Mercy to her shaky knees.

  She shoved hair out of her face and noticed his huge erection. Dutch was already behind her, raring to go. Needing no further direction, Mercy dropped to all fours, her mouth snuggled against Travis’s cock, ass lifted, legs spread wide for Dutch’s use.

  He entered her cunt easily and fully, the same time as she took Travis into her mouth, opening her throat, drawing his length inside.

  Both men made gratified sounds and luxuriated in her warmth, seemingly in no hurry to rush this. Seconds passed before Dutch wound one arm around her, settling his hand on her mound. Travis cupped her head. His thumbs stroked her cheeks.

  Mercy’s eyes filled at the unexpected and endearing gesture.

  Dutch was just as thoughtful, remembering to rub her clit even as his excitement grew.

  Together, they worked Mercy, using her mouth and cunt for their own indulgence and hers. Taking care of her as she did them until they’d drained each other and everything faded to a velvety black.

  The scent of bananas pulled Travis from a dream he couldn’t recall. For a moment, he wasn’t sure where he was. His aching butt and shoulders reminded him he’d fallen asleep on the floor. Gritting his teeth, he pushed to a sitting position.

  The clock above the sink read four-forty. Still nude, Mercy sat at the table, her hair messy, movements sluggish as she added an ingredient to the huge bowl of her mixer. The appliance whirred away.

  What in the hell was she doing?

  Travis pushed to his feet. Sort of. He hunched over like an eighty-year-old man, everything hurting except for his cock. Straightened, he stifled a groan and padded to Mercy.

  A glob of brownish-yellow goo was in the bowl. Looked awful. Smelled pretty good.

  He rubbed her back. Turning off the mixer, she lifted her face to his and smiled.

  Travis’s heart turned over at how young and vulnerable she looked. It wasn’t only her adorable freckles, but the mascara smudges beneath her eyes, her cheeks ruddy from his and Dutch’s kisses, her lips slightly bruised.

  He ran his thumb over her bottom one. She sucked his digit inside and bit him gently.

  Okay, so she wasn’t hurting. Relieved, Travis returned her smile and inclined his head to the bowl. “What is that?”

  She tongued his thumb from her mouth. “Cupcake batter.”

  “You’re cooking?”

  “Baking.” She held up her hand to stop his newest question and lowered her head as she yawned. Finished, her shoulders sagged even more.

  “Why are you baking now?” he asked and grabbed her hand. “Come back to the floor.”

  Mercy giggled. “Can’t.” She eased her hand from his. “I have orders to bake for tomorrow. Actua
lly today, since it is tomorrow. I’ve got to finish this.”

  When she was half-dead from working at Fast Fill then the saloon, after which he and Dutch had screwed her for hours? “Not by yourself. We’ll help.”

  She regarded Dutch. Dead to the world, his arms and legs flung out as though he were parachuting. “You guys don’t know how to bake.”

  “We can fill the cups you use for your stuff.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  Travis waved away her concern and nudged Dutch’s foot. Dutch pulled his leg away. Travis bumped his calf. “Hey. Wake up.”

  “Whu?” Dutch looked at him through narrowed lids. He ran his tongue around his mouth. “Why are you shouting?”

  “Mercy needs us to help her.”

  “Oh yeah?” Dutch smiled, his head sinking back to the floor. “I’ll be ready for her in a few—”

  “She has cupcakes to make. Come on.” Travis hauled Dutch to his feet and directed him toward the table.

  “You don’t have to help,” she said.

  “Sure we do,” Travis insisted. “Go on. Tell us how this works.”

  “Works?” Dutch asked. He made a face at the batter. “What in god’s name is that?”

  “Her cupcake stuff,” Travis said. “We’re going to fill the cups for her.”

  “Oh.” Dutch slouched in a chair. His head sagged back and his mouth fell open.

  Jesus. Travis shook his shoulder. “Pay attention.”

  “Sorry.” He smacked his lips. “What were we doing?”

  Mercy’s eyes shone.

  “Hey, hey, hey,” Travis said before she cried. “We won’t fuck it up. We’ll be extra careful. Right, Dutch?”

  “Yeah, I swear.” He gave her the Boy Scout salute.

  She burst out laughing. A tear rolled down her cheek.

  “Relax,” Travis said, rubbing her arm. “Everything will be okay. Just tell us what you need.”

  Mercy’s voice caught as she showed them how much of the liners to fill, warning them not to let the batter go higher than that.

  “Got it,” Dutch said. “It’s like putting too much oil in an engine.”

  She laughed again.

  A bit hysterically, Travis thought. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and led her to bed. “Get some sleep. We’ll take care of this.”


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