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After brunch, he and Kris went on a movie date, then they finished up their Christmas shopping. Kris found another bulb, with the name Beyonce on it for their tree. Of course, Jessie had only been joking when he said that if they had a daughter that he wanted to give her that famous name. He really like the name Lily, but he planned to tell him that after the holiday.
Chapter Eight
Christmas morning finally arrived and Kris and Jessie decided not to exchange gifts until they returned home later. They had already delivered the gifts to the Kringle family and their friends and were on their way to church for a sunrise service. All of the Kringles except Rosemary were present. She was home cooking and baking. Even the twins, Peter and Paul had decided to join them. At fifteen they were already taller and Jessie and always teased him about being short. Paul wanted to know if he and Uncle Kris did a lot of kissing. Jessie decided not to be the one to tell the twins about what went on between two gay men. He had a feeling that they already knew but was just being a couple of wise guys.
Jessie was so glad that he only had one more show to perform for the Christmas season. Kringle’s Santa had already gone back to the North Pole and he didn’t have to squeeze into those red and white striped stockings again.
Mrs. Kringle had outdone herself. Besides the tradition turkey and ham she had prepared dressing and candied yams and several other vegetable dishes. And for dessert she had surprised them with both apple and pecan pies.
After lunch they went into the parlor to open presents. Jessie liked everything he received. David had given him paid tuition to a nearby culinary school. “I’m so glad you have decided to become a chef and not foolishly waste your talent on the silver screen.”
He knew Kris’s oldest brother meant well, but he was a little too stuffy for Jessie’s tastes.
Lucas gave him a new laptop.
“Thanks, I love it.” His current one had seen better days and it was almost out of memory.
“It’s for editing videos when you create your culinary delights.”
Mr. Kringle gave him a leather briefcase with the initials J. K. Did the old man know something he didn’t?
Mrs. Kringle sent everyone away with lots of food so they wouldn’t have to cook for a few days. Kris joined him in a shower later when they went home. Then Kris built a fire in the fireplace in the parlor. Jessie led him to his Christmas gifts in the man cave. Emmerson’s father and Emmerson had delivered them this morning while Kris and Jessie were at church.
“You got me a set of Lazy Boy recliners?”
Jessie nodded. “You had mentioned it once, so you and a friend could enjoy watching sports together.”
Kris lifted Jessie off the floor and kissed him. “I love them.” He put Jessie back down and led him to the parlor. There were other gifts for them to open.
“Is that a KitchenAid mixer?”
“Yes,” Kris answered. “The sales clerk said it was the best.”
“It is. Did you spend your entire retirement check on this, Kris? It’s really expensive.”
“No,” Kris answered. “And if I had, you are well worth it.”
They finished opening the presents.
“There’s still one more thing,” Kris said. He took a small black jeweler’s box out of his pocket and handed it to Jessie.
“What is this?”
“Why don’t you open it?”
Jessie opened the lid and gasped. “It’s a ring.”
“Yeah. Jessie James will you marry me?”
Jessie never considered himself a crybaby, but the tears started to flow. “Yes. I’m so happy.”
“Then why are you crying?”
“Because I’ve always thought I was destined to be old and alone in the world. Now I have you and your family.”
“Don’t forget Carl and Emmerson.”
“Yes, them, too.” Jessie wiped his eyes and hugged Kris. “Thank you, yes I would be honored to marry you.”
“Would you like a large wedding or something small and quaint?”
“Small and quaint please. We need to save money so we can buy a bigger home.”
“Why do we need a bigger home?”
“Dude, we can’t raise plenty of baby elves in a two-bedroom condo.”
Kris chuckled and hugged him. “Small, it is.” He took the box from Jessie, removed the ring and slipped it on his finger. It fitted perfectly, thanks to Kris sneaking a peek inside one of the rings Jessie normally wears when he found it sitting in the bathroom one morning. “I’ve always wanted to get married on Valentine’s Day, but you’ll still be in school. Would you like to be a June groom?”
“Yes please,” Jessie answered.
“Can we have sex now?”
Jessie nodded. “I have lots of lube.”
Kris chuckled. “You’re going to need it.”
They held hands and left the parlor then they went upstairs to bed.
“Let me see that ring again,” Emmerson said to Jessie as he helped him out in the kitchen on New Year’s Eve.
Jessie held out his hand.
“It’s beautiful. I can’t believe that you guys are getting married.”
“Have you set a date?” Carl asked as he sampled a deviled egg.
Jessie nodded. “June 7th.”
“But that’s right after graduation,” Carl said. “What’s the hurry?”
“Kris is taking the week off and we’re going down south to New Orleans on our honeymoon.”
“Not Hawaii?” Emmerson asked.
Jessie shook his head. “No, we’re going on a culinary adventure. If I want to be a chef I have to learn about all types of cooking. And he’s partial to soul and creole dishes.”
Carl ate another tuna-stuffed egg. “This taste pretty good to me.”
Jessie shooed him away from the canapes. “The food is ready so let’s go feed our men.”
Devon, Vincent, and Kris were in the man cave watching a game. Jessie had set up tables along the wall, buffet style so everyone could serve themselves. He even made his first pecan pie. Mrs. Kringle had given him the recipe.
At midnight Jessie got his first New Year’s Eve kiss. He was so happy he shouted for joy. In just six months he and Kris Kringle would be married and starting their family, and looking forward to sharing more holidays with the Kringle family and their friends.
About the Author
Shawn Bailey writes from New Orleans, Louisiana. Shawn is an avid manga and yaoi novel collector and watches a lot of Japanese anime. When she’s not writing Shawn works as a financial analyst and looks forward to one day retiring, going to writing conferences and traveling to Asia. Of course she will have to get over her fear of flying.
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