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Rescued by the Dragorian

Page 4

by Emma Vance

  The guard beckoned me forward, his gesture impatient.

  The time had come to meet my monster.


  I stood in the centre of the tent waiting for my mate, my hard boots sinking into the plush carpet. Cool, fresh air was being pumped into the tent and the spicy scent of petilian flowers surrounded me, causing an immediate mental boost the moment I inhaled. The accomodations were unsurpassed. Bardoa certainly knew how to treat his wealthy patrons.

  But I couldn’t focus on my luxurious surroundings.

  My fists hung tightly at my sides, talons extended. I could tear this lavish tent apart with my bare hands.

  “Where is she?” I demanded. This was the third time I’d asked the guards in my tent.

  I didn’t like these masked figures watching my every move. I was bigger than most of them, but it would still be a lot to get my mate out of here unharmed.

  They didn’t answer, as they hadn’t the previous two times I’d asked.

  One turned his head to the entrance of the tent. The fabric fluttered, and the ground shifted as footsteps tentatively hit it.

  There she was. My mate.

  She was tugging at the sleeve of the diaphanous frothy dress she was draped in. Her eyes didn’t meet mine as she shuffled forward, a guard at her back. I raked my hungry gaze over her as the Rushing hit me once more.

  Did she feel it too? No. She wouldn’t look half so nervous and afraid if she did.

  I turned to the two guards flanking her, and the one at her back.

  “Leave us,” I growled.

  The female jumped with alarm at the sound of my voice and I felt a hot wash of shame. I should be considerate of her fears. Not behaving like a beast in the first throes of the Rushing. Even if that’s who I truly was.

  The guards exited the tent swiftly, and the human female watched as if she wanted to go with them. Her dark eyes were a deep brown. Dragorians only had one type of eye color—golden with a slit of black in the centre. I’d never seen eyes so rich until hers. But when I looked at them they weren’t drugged with lust as I knew mine were, they were wide and afraid.

  “Are you well?” I asked, attempting to gentle my voice. Instead it came out like a threat, low and laced with anger. If she wasn’t well, I might go insane.

  She started again, and looked back at me, her eyes wide. “Oh, I can understand you!” she answered in my language, then raised her hand to her mouth. “I keep forgetting about that.”

  I watched her in the torch light, the flames flickering highlighting the outline of her body.

  She had such odd features.

  Smooth, brown skin the color of the warmed sand, with such a small nose and large eyes. Her body was wonderfully plump, and her large teats caused the filmy fabric of her dress to strain. Brown pebbled nipples were visible through the iridescent fabric. Her form was agreeable to me, not just because she was my mate, but also because Dragorians didn’t often see females so soft and rounded.

  A female like her would be celebrated. And if her kind could mate with mine, that would be all the more reason to celebrate.

  “Yes. You were equipped with translation chip when you came here. Did they not tell you of this?”

  ‘I . . . I was expecting not to have to talk to you.” She shrugged and her eyes darted around the tent, resting briefly on the bed, before landing finally on my groin. My cock thickened at the sight of her stare.

  But the trepidation in her eyes dampened my desire.

  “How long have you been here?” I asked her, wanting to know what her experience was on Stryxx at the same time praying she hadn’t been hurt.

  She did not answer immediately. I could feel her weighing her words in the silence.

  “Not long. You are the first . . .ah. . . alien I have been assigned to.”

  “And the last,” I growled, thinking of what she must have gone through to get here.

  She immediately backed up towards the exit of the tent. “What do you mean?”

  Gods. I’d frightened her again. If I’d meant to calm her, I was doing a poor job of it. “Come, let’s sit on the bed.”

  Her eyes darted around the room again. What was she looking for? The bed was piled with the dark furs of an ornor beast and plush pillows so bright they were almost violent. But other than the bed and small table with a bottle and two glasses on it, there was nothing else in the room.

  Finally, my mate walked over to me and I breathed a sigh of relief. If I could explain everything, surely she would understand.

  She might be too frightened to risk escape. She might not want to come with me. That thought unsettled me more than anything. It was an amazing thing to have a mate. Not many males I knew were lucky enough to find theirs.

  But to have one and have her not want the same? I couldn’t imagine anything more devastating.

  “I know you must be frightened.” I was more successful at moderating my tone this time, and she didn’t flinch at my words.

  Her eyes were focused on me, but her hands twisted in her lap and betrayed her nerves.

  “I’m not frightened.” She said, and lifted her chin. If she hadn’t had a slight wobble in her voice I might have believed her. My heart was both elated and heavy—my little mate was brave, but that she found herself in this situation made me angrier at the slavers who had taken her.

  “What is your name?”

  She looked at me with wariness. “Beatrice,” she answered slowly.

  “Bea-trice.” I tried to sound it out but it was strange on my tongue.

  “Not exactly, but it will do.” She smiled faintly, and my heart pounded, the rest of the blood in my body going directly to my cock. Gods, she was beautiful. Strange looking, yes. But I had already adjusted to her differences. Her dark mane, dark eyes, strange smooth features. I itched to stroke her skin, to lay my palm against her small cheek and feel her lips against mine.

  Too much. I needed to go slower. She had no concept of what was between us yet.

  “I am Mekvar. Captain of the Jewel of Votarnis.” I lifted my chest higher. I was proud to be captain of such a vessel, and even prouder to be in charge of this mission, though she didn’t know about any of that. Right now, she thought I was just a male using a pleasure planet for his own gain. I tensed, imagining what she must think of me.

  “That’s certainly a mouthful.” She darted her eyes around the tent, looking uncertain.

  If I told her we were mates, I wasn’t sure how she would how she would react. She was sold into slavery by smugglers, came to an unknown planet and was forced to be a sex slave. She had already gone through much. I did not want to overwhelm her further, but it was difficult sitting beside her and not touching her.

  The roaring in my head climbed to a crescendo. I could smell her on the air, like my senses were attuned to her body—the earthy scent of her cunt making it difficult to form thoughts.

  “Beatrice,” I began, trying to tear my mind away from the image of sinking in between her warm thighs.

  I gritted my teeth and forced myself to think of something unpleasant.

  Bardoa’s stinking feet.

  There. That was mildly better.

  “I do not mean you any harm. In fact, I wish to help you.” I held my arms out, in what I hoped was a non-threatening way.

  Suddenly, Beatrice launched herself at me. Her arms went around my neck, and her mouth on mine.

  I froze.

  My body lurched in response, my cock nearly tearing through my trousers. I gripped her body to me, pressing her softness against my cock, tasting her sweet mouth greedily.

  But beneath her kiss I sensed a ripple of cold.

  As if she were an android underneath her warm skin. I jerked away, gripped the sides of her face and looked into her wide, brown eyes.

  No, she was no droid. This female was very real.

  I pulled away from her.

  “What. . . what did you do to me?” Her tone was colored with confusion.

She touched her fingers to her lips, her hands shaking.

  I forced my own hands to remain at my side. I did not give in to the urge to pull her to me again. I didn’t think I could resist for much longer.

  It was time to tell her what was going on.

  Chapter Nine


  Okay, so maybe things weren’t going exactly according to plan. I thought I might be able to bash the Thor-dragon-man over the head with something large, take his keys, then run for the ship. Only, I had absolutely no weapons at my disposal. And, when I walked into the tent I realised this demon-dragon guy was three times the size of me and I likely couldn’t knock him out even if I had an anvil.

  Lastly, I’m not sure why I imagined spaceships would be like cars and that dragon dude would just have a key I could swipe and then zoom off into the sunset with his automatic starter. The truth was, I had no idea how to steal a ship, let alone fly it back to Earth.

  But that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to still try to escape.

  So, I formed a new plan.

  This time, seduction. That seemed easy enough, since he’d picked me to get down with for the night. Distract the dude, or whatever he was, seduce him, then find out as much as I could about his ship, how to fly it and how I could use it to get back home.

  Sure, I’d have to have sex with him, but it seemed like I was going to have to anyway if I stayed here. And more besides. If female spies in World War II could sleep with enemy soldiers for secrets, then surely I could take one for the team to get back to earth. And maybe I could save the other women here too.

  But when I touched the muscular, scaled alien, when I kissed him to begin said seduction plan, something else happened I hadn’t anticipated.

  I got . . . horny.

  Like, majorly horny. Every inch of my skin got sensitive to the touch. My boobs felt heavy, my nipples hard.

  But the worst thing was the wetness that flooded between my legs. I was scared it was going to start dripping down my thighs and be visible through my gauzy dress.

  I wanted this alien dude so badly I was shaking. My heart was pounding so hard I could almost hear it in the silence of the tent. It was all I could do to stop myself from laying back and laying spread-eagle, demanding he take me.

  It must be the sex poison. There was no other explanation. I mean, this guy was hot, for an alien. He was built, had the most impressive jawline I’d ever seen, and massive hands that could probably span my entire waist. It was rare that I got with a guy so much bigger than me, and it was a total turn on.

  But . . . he was still a fucking alien. He was still bald, scaled, grey and demon-like. There was no way I would want to fuck this weird looking guy so bad from touching him once.

  Something was happening to me. Something unnatural.

  I hadn’t drunk or eaten anything weird. I certainly hadn’t voluntarily drank the sex poison tea. I vowed I would only do that if things got really dire, and I wasn’t at that level yet. Could they have forced me to ingest it somehow?

  The only thing I had done was kiss the scaled alien dude. Contrary to what I had been preparing myself for, it wasn’t that bad.

  But I didn’t expect the rush of sexy feelings after we touched.

  I locked eyes with him, and he was still staring at me like he wanted to eat me. Which wasn’t necessarily a good thing on an alien planet where guys might actually eat me. I planted my hands on my hips and resisted the urge to climb his body like a mountain. It was hard.

  “Did you drug me?” I wanted my voice to come out commanding and confident, but instead it was almost a throaty moan.

  His face turned stormy, his scaled forehead creased, and his plush lips turned into a forbidding frown. “I did not. My people do not drug females.”

  Jesus. Just hearing his voice made me want to tear apart my dress and beg him to take me. I muffled a groan and scrubbed my hands over my face, turning away from him. My arms came into contact with my stiff nipples and I nearly cried out.

  “What’s going on with me then?”

  I couldn’t think about anything else except wanting to fuck this guy. It was crazy.

  They must have drugged me without me knowing somehow. Maybe we didn’t have a choice like the other girls had told us we did.

  Fuck. Well, that really screwed up my plans. If I drank sex poison, I was basically up shit creek from what I’d been told.

  I felt heat radiate from the alien dude beside me, and my body arched of its own volition to get closer to him.

  I needn’t have bothered, because suddenly he was putting his hands on my shoulders, pulling me nearly flush against him. At that moment, I didn’t care where I was, who he was, or what else was happening. All I wanted was his giant alien cock inside my aching pussy to satisfy whatever the fuck was happening.

  “How do you feel?” His voice vibrated through his chest, sending a frisson of electricity to my nipples.

  That was not the question I wanted him to ask. In fact, I didn’t want him to ask a question. I wanted him to make a demand of me. I knew I wouldn’t be able to do anything other than obey it. But he wasn’t throwing me down on the bed, spreading my legs and whipping his cock out like I needed.

  Instead he was talking to me calmly, the pressure of his hands on my shoulders driving me insane. I didn’t even think I was physically capable of talking coherently right now.

  “I . . .” I tried my best to respond, concentrating on the words he said. I wrenched away from his hands even though it was the last thing my treacherous body wanted.

  I turned to face him. He genuinely looked concerned, which was confusing to me. This guy had bought me for sex, right? So why did he care how I was feeling?

  “I feel like I’ve been drugged, okay? By that sex poison tea or whatever. Because nothing else could possibly be making me this horny right now. No offense, but scaled alien dudes are not normally my type. And I was brought here against my will.” I raised my chin as defiantly as I could under the circumstances.

  “Horny? My translation does not seem to be working for this word.” His forehead wrinkled.

  “It means I want to have sex! That I’m desperate to have sex. That I really want sex. Okay? Does that translation work?” My hands were shaking, and I ran trembling fingers through my hair. It was getting worse. At this point I could feel the wetness from my pussy starting to trail down my legs. Great.

  I looked at Mekvar, the name he’d said earlier. His eyes were wide.

  “You feel it too?” he asked, his voice hushed.

  “Feel what? You feel like this?” I gaped at him. “Did you drink the sex poison too?”

  “No, Beatrice. You must listen to me.” He put his large hands on my shoulders again.

  Things were getting bad now. Because the moment he put his hands on me, I moaned. It felt like cool fire stoking and relieving my need at the same time.

  “There is no poison. Not between you and I. What you are going through is called the Rushing. You are human, so I wasn’t sure if this would affect you, but it seems like it is. Perhaps our touch spurred it on.”

  “Okay, what the fuck are you talking about?”

  It was hard to concentrate on his words. I was close to just stuffing my hands between my legs and going at it to relieve the pressure. But something told me that wouldn’t have been enough to take away this blinding need I felt.

  He bent his head towards me, and I could see in outstanding detail the intricacies of the scales on his skin, grey with flecks like golden paint splattered on a dark wall. His whole body looked satiny soft, like a wet seal. It was strange, because from further away I thought he’d be rough and scaly.

  His golden eyes met my dark ones, and he was so close I could feel his breath on my body. He had a spicy smell that was quite pleasant, though I didn’t know if that was because I wanted him so badly. He cupped my face, his warm palms soothing the shaking I’d been doing since we’d kissed, but somehow increasing the throbbing desire between my
legs. I wet my lips in anticipation.

  But he didn’t kiss me, nor did he pull me any closer. Instead he said, “You are my mate, Beatrice. We are fated to be together. Your body is just confirming this.”

  Chapter Ten


  My mate did not seem pleased to hear the truth about our relationship, even though she was in the throes of the Rushing. I released a frustrated sigh and scrubbed my talons over my scalp. It took everything to stop myself from dragging her to me, licking her pouted lips and burying my cock inside her.

  But that would be the exact wrong thing to do. If they did not have mates in her world, she would find it difficult to understand. Very few species reproduced as the Dragorians did.

  “We are fated, little human.” I moved closer to her, trying my best not to alarm her and choosing my words carefully. “Chosen to be together by the Gods. What you are experiencing is your body telling you who I am, and that we must fulfill our destiny.”

  “Our destiny?”

  “To reproduce,” I explained, trying hard to suppress the note of pride in my voice. Not every male received a mate and was gifted with young.

  “Reproduce!” She leapt back from me, her mouth hanging open. “I don’t want to reproduce with you! You aren’t human!”

  I exhaled slowly, careful not to let disappointment overwhelm me. She was a different species, captured and forced into slavery. This was all new to her.

  Still, it stung when she looked at me with something akin to disgust. Mates were so precious on my planet that every match was treasured beyond reason.

  It signified the continued existence of my people, after all.

  “I wasn’t sure we could be mates either, even when I felt the Rushing. But now I am certain. Especially because you feel it too. I understand you are afraid, but I would never force you to do anything you don’t want to do. I will help you escape this place first, then we can talk about what is happening between us.”


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