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Page 4

by Zoey Parker

  My cock stood tall and strong at full attention, and she palmed it with both hands, spreading the drops of precum around its bulbous head with her thumb as her other hand gripped me firmly at the base and squeezed her way up the shaft. I groaned and returned my hand to her soaking lips, spreading her juices up around her clit, down to her hole and back, and using the pressure of my palm for her to buck against.

  I had my mouth on the side of her neck, pulling the soft skin in wet suction, tonguing her throbbing pulse. I worked my way down to her chest, finally pulling one hardened nipple in between my lips, giving it a sharp bite before sucking hard and rolling my tongue around it. She moaned and leaned her elbow on my solid shoulder, unable to focus enough to support her own weight.

  I released her nipple and removed myself for a moment, but she was so unstable I had to give her a moment with my hands on her hips before she clicked in that she needed to support herself again. I found my jeans, dug out the foil packet, and ripped it open with my mouth. She grabbed the condom and deftly held the tip and rolled it over my length with firm pressure. I both loved and hated the condom in that moment. Finally, I moved both my hands to her gorgeous generous ass and lifted her into position at the tip of my ready cock. Her legs wrapped around my hips and down the backs of my own. Our eyes caught and held as I pushed my way into her hot center—she was so tight, it wasn’t an easy thrust. I knew I was bigger than most, thick and long and with that big head. She needed a minute to adjust, to embrace me fully. Her breath was coming in shallow gasps, and she wiggled her hips a little, trying to force her body to get with the program faster.

  “You’re fucking huge, Dom.” Her puffed lips were open, her eyes hooded with desire. She was so fucking sexy.

  My blood was pounding so hard, I couldn’t think to answer. I backed out a little, and thrust forward again, gaining more ground, until finally sliding in down to my base. When our pelvises hit contact, she mewled and threw back her head in sensation.

  I was finally inside. She was hot and tight and wet and sweet, and I couldn’t keep myself from growling, “Mine.”

  She brought her head back to level, and her eyes flared in surprise. But I was gone; there was no stopping this train.

  I pulled out of her and then pushed back in with force. “Mine.” Again. “Mine.” Again. “Mine.” Again. “Mine.”

  With each thrust, she keened a little, her hips matching mine in the urgent dance. And then the keens stopped, replaced with “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.” Over and over again, we pounded each other, gripped each other, inhaled each other, and devoured each other with our bodies.

  I could tell she was getting close; her cries had gone all high-pitched, and her head was thrown back as she reached for it. I allowed the wall to take a little more of her weight and shifted so I could bring one hand in between us, then thumbed her clit in circles and hard taps, giving her that extra so she could get there.

  Her body started to shake and with a loud, long cry, all of her tension released. She was gone, over the edge. I continued to pound into her, losing my rhythm, lost in her body, my eyes fixed on her face, on the sexy mess that our fucking brought out. Her hair was tossed all over her head and down her shoulders. Her eyes were closed, her mouth open and gasping, her skin flushed and beautiful. I felt like a fucking superhero, pounding into her softness, her tight cunt gripping me, squeezing me, sucking me, encompassing me fully.

  In moments more, I felt my body surge and I let loose. With a roar I exploded inside her, my orgasm ripping through my system, and I lost all thought and awareness of the outside world. All I knew was that I was where I was meant to be, buried in Sienna.

  # # #

  After the single most satisfying ejaculation of my life, after I came back to myself and saw that Sienna was getting herself under control again too, we cleaned ourselves up and got dressed to exit the club via the back door, the usual employee route.

  I didn’t stop to think much about what had passed between us verbally. At some level of my consciousness, I was aware that I had finally laid claim to what my body had been screaming at me for weeks: that this woman was mine. I know she kept saying, “Yes, yes, yes,” but I wasn’t sure if that meant she agreed with my demand, or if she was just wanting more of my cock in her. At this point, I figured we had time to work that out; it wasn’t the most important thing to define anything tonight. I was just happy to have finally gotten in there. I hadn’t felt so good in ages.

  We only saw one of my Storm brothers in the back hallway, standing guard near the back door, watching as we exited the private room. He was eyeballing me something fierce, and not without amusement of his own.

  “Yo, dude, see you got that pussy on lockdown, man. You gonna be buyin’ her a kutte? Or is she fair game for shares?”

  Fucking Knuckles. Always the fucking instigator. Kuttes were for Storm MC members and their old ladies, exclusively. Taking a woman’s pussy was a far cry from making her your old lady. That was more serious than marriage, the way I saw it.

  Not that Sienna was just any other woman, either. She was not fair game. She was mine. I didn’t want to think it beyond that point.

  So I wasn’t gonna touch Knuckles’s “old lady” reference with a pole, but I also wasn’t gonna stand for any of his shit. “You keep your fucking hands to yourself, Knuck. Your face is ugly enough as it is—you don’t want my help rearranging it again.”

  A quick lift of his chin at me and Sienna, and he sucked in one side of his mouth. “You took the pick of the litter, dude. Can’t blame a man for tryin’. Fine piece of ass, that one.”

  “I’m standing right here, and I can hear you just fine, asshole,” Sienna piped up. Fucking hysterical, this woman.

  I looked down at her fondly and hooked her neck with my arm, bringing her in close to my side. “Go find your own piece of ass, man. This one is gonna be busy for a while.”

  Sienna elbowed my ribs, apparently not best pleased with my response. I moved my palm to the nape of her neck and gave her firm pressure. It seemed to do the trick, calming her. I’d probably be getting an earful later, but in public and for now, she’d behave. This was important in the MC world. Good girl. She was doing so well.

  I tipped my chin to Knuck with a half-smile, and he winked at her in appreciation. We left the building.

  But we were both beat, done for the night, so I walked her to her car and saw her settled inside. Remembering myself, I said, “Give me your phone.” She did, and I programmed my number and messaged myself. After handing it back, I leaned in and gave her a hard, deep kiss. “Drive careful,” I told her. Then I watched her take off, made my way to my bike, and rode home.

  As soon as I got inside my place, I poured myself a healthy two fingers of bourbon on the rocks and spread out on my favorite armchair, thinking about the past few hours.

  It finally dawned on me, the profundity of what had passed. From the purview of Storm, I had effectively claimed Sienna as my own when I took her away from Loco. So now I had to decide—and fast—how best to play this in the days ahead, how to make the most of the situation, given all that I also had going on with regard to retaliation for Manny and the problems within the MC.

  I knew Sienna was used to being in control and calling all the shots. I didn’t hold any illusions that tonight marked the end of her bossiness. This would have to stop. I was known in the MC as a leader; hell, I was a dominant guy by nature, and no way would I play backseat to her driver. So we had that issue to get clear. It was going to be a battle of wills.

  I felt my cheeks lifting, my lips tipping up at the corners, and I realized I was looking forward to it. Damn, that woman entertained me. This was actually going to be fun.

  I shook my head, realizing that I had had very little going on in my world that gave me any kind of pleasure in recent months, with the singular exception of Sienna. So, pain in the ass or not, I figured it was probably also going to be great for me, having her as an outlet. And not just a sexual one, be
cause I also thrived on our verbal play. Hell, every interaction. She gave me a serious boost in energy that I could use, first to revenge Manny’s death, and then either to extract myself from Storm, or to lead a full-on mutiny against Clav’s inept leadership. Fuck my life, this shit was unreal. You couldn’t write this stuff.

  My biggest concern with regard to Sienna was keeping her compartmentalized, keeping my focus on the MC issues and on taking care of business with that ass-hat boss of Hardcore, Joey Ronn, that murdering motherfucker. With Sienna in the picture, I’d now also have to worry about making sure she was safe from any ramifications from my actions. Fuck. It was a really fine line I’d have to walk, on all sides. I felt like a spider balancing on my own web. I’d have to navigate carefully on all fronts, or risk getting myself—and her—entangled in the complexities, even putting our lives on the line.

  But there was no other option. She’d proven to be a danger to herself tonight, with the boss-prick Ronn pimping her out, the asshat Fielding going grabby, and her own antics getting too close to Loco. It didn’t add up, and she clearly had needed, and then really wanted, my protection, my body. Me.

  That was something.

  Too tired at this point to process anything further, I bailed and went to bed.

  Chapter Five


  I woke up unhurriedly, my body sore and relaxed, my muscles needing to stretch. As a dancer, this was a daily recurrence, but this time there was something more to it. I felt warm and relaxed in a way I hadn’t in months, and then I remembered why.

  Dom. Damn, that man could fuck. It was brilliant. I felt used, in the best way possible, and taken and beautiful. I felt like I could fly.

  Still lying in bed, I stretched out for several minutes, taking each leg over my head, to the side, to the back. I twisted and turned, stretching my arms and my waist and my hips and my spine, breathing into each position, allowing the blood to flow freely again.

  The sun streamed in through the open blinds at the sliding door to my balcony, and I smiled at the blue in the sky. What a fucking beautiful morning. Mid-May in the Midwest was awesome. I lay there a few more minutes, thinking about Dom and sex and just feeling generally good all around. Then I thought of coffee, and I was up.

  It was only in the kitchen, as I was putting together my morning salvation, that I remembered the earlier parts of the night: the threat of Mr. F, and my thwarted plan to finally get to Mr. Ronn and be done with the whole scene. Shit. Dom had really fucked that up for me.


  I couldn’t let that happen again. I mean, yes, I was so glad that Dom and I had finally breached that wall, that we had crossed all lines and were finally getting it on. But the cost was too high, and I needed to get my focus back. I needed to take care of business. For Tania, and for myself. The time had come—obviously, with Mr. F now looming ominously over my shoulder, and him being a favorite buddy or something to Joey fucking Ronn, I couldn’t afford to play Hamlet anymore. Action was required, and the sooner the better.

  By the time I got into work late in the afternoon, I was sorted. Focused. Determined. Energized. Tonight was the night, and I would be done. The worst part about it was that I’d have to leave town right away. A girl can’t plan to take out a man and expect no one to come after her. Not that I thought anyone would miss him, pond-sucking scum that he was. Actually, I’d be doing the world a favor. I should get a fucking reward for it.

  In any case, reality was that I’d have to go somewhere, and fast, and incognito. I had packed a bag for my run and had already loosened the screws on my license plate, snagging another plate off one of the cars that looked kind of like mine in a nearby apartment complex parking lot. I felt kind of bad about that, but luckily nobody had caught me doing it, and I figured it would buy me some time as I got myself to Union Station in Chicago, which was only a couple of hours away.

  After that, it was Amtrak all the way, baby. I had already found online that there were three trains heading to three different cities, each going out within a short time frame. I figured I’d buy the three tickets from three different ticket booths, dressed in three different wigs and styles. I’d pick one at random then, and be on my way. That should be enough to get me out safely and fast enough. Fingers crossed.

  So, I showed up at work that afternoon with my handbag hiding my blessed small-but-mighty handgun, and my regular costume duffel bag stuffed with three assorted sets of getaway gear.

  The one thing I hadn’t figured on is, of course, the one thing that had completely ruined my plan last night.

  Fucking Dominic.

  # # #

  Despite the fact he had made sure to get my number last night, I had nothing but radio silence from Dom all day. That worked out well for me, as I had been super busy setting myself up for the second worst night of my life (the worst being the night I found out about Tania’s death). I had barely had time to think about him, except for the moments when my body twinged in little sore places caused by our gymnastic against-the-wall orgasm bath. My mind would get lost in that for some moments, and then I’d reel myself back to reality and continue with my preparations for the night. It was a surreal day.

  The shift was going slowly. Minutes dragged by. What made it worse than normal was that I felt like I was being laughed at by all the Storm MC guys. They were smiling at me like they knew something special, and it pissed me off. I mean, yeah, I had fucked one of their own last night. So what? It had nothing to do with them. I had nothing to do with them. And Dom wasn’t even here (yet—was he coming? Fuck. I should not care. It would be better if he didn’t). So why all the special looks, smiles, and attention? It was like fucking high school.

  And then there was the cold shoulder from most of the girls. I mean, really? They were fucking pissed off that I’d had sex in the back with Dom. Okay, I could give them that. I’d have been jealous, too, if it had been one of them he had chosen. The man was a fucking god with the sex.

  But that was as far as it could go between us, and it was over now. Tonight would be the start of a new world order for me, and I was determined to keep my focus. Tania was what mattered the most. And that meant no more Dom. No more Asia, either. And no more me, not for a long time. It’s just the way it had to be.

  So five hours in, I had performed three main stage dances and was working the room when I finally saw Mr. Ronn enter the clubroom. He looked peeved, and he was looking straight at me. This did not bode well.

  But maybe it would give me the opportunity to get time with him one-on-one, which was exactly what I needed to pull off my scheme. So, I’d play dumb and regretful, or sexy, clueless, and eager, whichever might seem to appease him, to get that time in his office, alone.

  The main difficulty here was that in my work uniform I could hardly carry my handgun. I mean, a G-string and nipple pasties don’t hide much. The gun was still tucked safely away in my handbag in the dressing room. So I had to wait until the end of my shift to get dressed and hope that the fucker was still in the building. But I needed to make some moves soon to make the office meeting happen.

  I waved to him across the room and smiled like an airhead, big eyes and innocently raised brows and all. I even tossed in a little wave. He ate it up, though he still looked peeved. Still, he nodded at me and the guy I was chatting up for a lap dance, like he was watching me, but I was doing a good job.

  James was one of my regulars, a really nice guy, typical story. Married, but he had a history of wandering. His wife knew it, and they had agreed that he should frequent the club and keep his hands to himself, but lap dances with dancers were okay with her as long as that was the extent of his wandering. It had been working for a few years for them, and he was really sweet and respectful with me, and he was a good tipper, so it worked out great for me, too. He even said I was saving his marriage. I don’t know that I’d have gone that far, but if he wanted to give me the credit, who was I to argue?

  We went to the back rooms, I gave him the l
ap dance, he tipped me well, and we returned to the main room. I searched again to locate Mr. Ronn, my heart rate speeding up in anxiety as the time to pull the literal trigger came closer. Shit was starting to feel real. The throbbing beat of the rhythm and bass music was not helping matters; it only made me more aware of the blood pounding through my heart and veins. I was starting to feel a little nauseated.

  Shit, I’d never done anything like this. I wasn’t normally a violent person. I was kind of freaking out. If I had only gotten it done last night, when it was more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of plan, it would have been so much better. But spending the whole day planning and preparing and packing and… Well, suffice it to say that my emotional turmoil level was pretty damned high.

  But then I thought about Tania, my only sister, the one I was supposed to take care of. And I knew I had to go through with it. There was no way I would let Mr. Ronn get away with killing her and live freely for the rest of forever. No way in hell. I had to do it. I had to take him out. And do the best I could to survive beyond that.

  I swallowed hard and kept sweeping the room with my eyes until they snagged on Dom.


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