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Paper Dolls [Book Two]

Page 16

by Emma Chamberlain

  I scrunched my eyes together and looked away. “I just figured you were still thinking about what happened earlier and I’m not very smooth. Just honest.”

  “Well you’re right… About the first thing.” She pushed the water with one of her hands, playing with the resistance and staring. “Problem is, a lot of things happened today.. And the day before that, and the day before that. I’ve so much to consider I fear it’ll never end. The whole time I was driving home it burned in me to think about the guitar, the piano, the dishes, the clothes… I had so much on my mind and yet that’s what stuck out. There’s always more going on in me than even you can ever know.”

  “Isn’t that true of everyone though? We’re all a mess of internal thoughts that will never be unraveled. Some of us are just better at hiding it than others. I was pretty good at it until I met you and I’m pretty sure not many people know what you’re thinking. I’m happy to say that I am privy to more than everyone else.”

  “That’s the thing though Avery, I’m not trying to hide anything from you. Sometimes I think that’s how we started. I met you and I realized I didn’t want to hide from you, not even a little. Still there are things I’ve hidden without meaning to. Like that picture. Like Ben. It’s frustrating. I can talk myself blue and still miss the most important things with you. It’s hard to know what to say when, no matter what, I’m not saying enough. And then some things I say over and over and you can’t hear. It’s not your fault it’s just intense and hard to fathom. We have a barrier. We think differently.”

  “Don’t you think that’s good sometimes though?” I didn’t want to think about the word barrier. I didn’t like invoking it in the same thought with us. “I know we can miscommunicate and not understand each other sometimes but I also think it’s part of what makes us great because we fit in the spaces better. You fill in the parts where I lack and vice versa.”

  “I think I’ve probably never cried this much in my whole life. Or wanted this much. Or laughed…”

  “Me either,” I kissed her chin and then her nose. “I am glad you found me. Who knows what would have happened if you hadn’t. Besides me missing out on the best thing ever.”

  “I think you were already on your way to figuring it out,” she said. “Timing. I got lucky.”

  “Figuring out that I was falling for you? Sure,” I knew that wasn’t what she was talking about exactly but I just wanted to be happy right now.

  “Anyway,” she said. “Why are we talking about all this again? I had to kiss you, and confess my undying love, for you to even notice me.”

  “Untrue. I noticed you, I was just too dead inside to consider that you were a possibility.”

  We could argue all night about everything. We were both stubborn and a little crazy but we were perfect. No matter what I was feeling in each moment I knew that without fail we would recalibrate and recenter with one another.

  “Possibility for what?” She challenged, her eyebrow rose up intrigued.

  “This.” I wasn’t going to elaborate on the ghost of a thought I might have had weeks ago about a girl I barely knew. It was a reality now and that is what mattered.

  “Well, okay grumpy pants. Why do you bring up all these things if you don’t want to talk about them?”

  “I’m not grumpy. I just didn’t think you were into girls and I wasn’t about to ask. It was a stray thought I had. That day you first interviewed me. I thought you were hot.”

  “Okay, but then what about AFTER I kissed you and what about the room when you just wanted to be friends?”

  “After you kissed me I knew I got scared because I felt too much and I wasn’t ready for something on the scale of epic. What we have, I consider it the kind of love that everyone’s always going on about in books and movies.”

  “Mmmmm, you’re right about that,” she said, drinking me in.

  “Like a far less tragic Juliet and Juliet.” I looked up to the house, thinking about the balcony scene.

  “How would that even work?” She laughed. “We’d have to be sisters? And there would be no family feud…”

  I put my finger to her lips. “Shh, just let me think about this.” I pretended to consider and then just shook my head. “Nope, all I can think about is kissing you onstage and how people would just think we were really, really good actresses.”

  “I’d drink the poison,” she joked.

  “Don’t you dare. I’d just have to use the dagger. Then where would we be?”

  The sun had set and my chest was getting a little cold from being out of the water so I stood up, setting her down in the shallow end. I dipped under the water, swimming a little and coming back up.

  “I have a hot tub ya know.”

  I walked back toward her. “Oh! Yes, let’s go.” I took the steps, going right past her. I shivered when the night air hit me. “Oh, this sucks.” I plodded over to the hot tub and got in, careful not to slip. I would have the bad luck to bust my head open and cause even more trouble.

  Olivia got in slowly. She moved to touch something that appeared to be in the ground. A few seconds later the jets were on and it got even warmer.

  “Oh, that’s nice.” I settled into the water and hugged myself. I hated being cold. “I don’t want to go home. Can I just live here in this spot?”

  “That can be arranged,” she said. “I’ll just shut the lights off. My parents would never know.”

  Olivia floated over to me and then hovered in the middle of the tub. I felt her hands grab beneath my knees and tug.

  I unfolded and floated into her. “They wouldn’t notice a really pruny blonde girl in their backyard? Talk about blind.”

  “They can be that, yes,” she said, touching me.

  “Why, Miss Holbrook, you’re being rather forward.”

  “Perhaps you’re right,” she said, walking me back to my seat and moving to let me go.

  “Hey! I never said it was a bad thing.” I pouted and bent my head, looking up at her. “I demand that you touch me.”

  “You demand?” She asked threateningly.

  I felt her hands fall down on the wall behind me on either side of my head as she led her knees up on either side of me too and trapped me up against the wall. The problem was, she still wasn’t really touching me. She was surrounding me, yes, but touching me? No.

  I felt her mouth so close to my ear. Her whole body surrounding and hovering over mine.

  “Is this bothering you?” She asked, in a low sort of hum. She’d even tilted her head just a bit so that I could feel her breath tickle my ear. “I must admit, I’ve been saving you till the end of the day. I hope that’s not bad.”

  I almost came right then and there. My walls clenched but I held back. “Please?” I looked at her with open eyes, submitting myself to her. “You can do anything you want to me.”

  I felt her exhale, her entire body sinking in to finally touch mine. When she touched me right now it was more intense and sexual than any of the ways she had touched me throughout the whole day.

  Her whole body seemed to sink into mine and move ever so slight, the friction causing goosebumps to rise on my skin as she breathed in my ear.

  “But what do you want?” She asked, leaning back to watch my face and my eyes.

  Her hands slid down off the wall and onto my shoulders. I felt her fingers pushing at the straps on my suit and pulling them down.

  “I want you to do whatever you want to me. Any little thing your mind has thought up. Do it. Surprise me.”

  Her eyebrow rose and she cleared her throat.

  I felt her run her hands down my sides beneath the water until her fingers hit my suit bottoms and hooked in. She slid them right off me, tugged them off. Pulling her top off all the way and letting it float ontop of the water with the bubbles and the steam.

  “Sit up on the wall,” she nodded her head back to show me where. No nonsense all of a sudden, all stern.

  I was too ready for her. I didn’t even know if I could move b
ut I felt myself doing as she said. I lifted up and sat down, leaving my legs dangling. “Okay.”

  She moved her knees up onto the bench in the water and used both her hands to push my legs apart to accommodate her body that soon rest in between.

  So smooth, her body pushed into mine, she masqueraded it as a hug but really she wanted me to be closer to the edge. I felt her hands cup my ass as she led me where she wanted me and slid back down to rest her butt on her ankles in the hot water.

  I was already coming apart as she was moving me. She was in control and that’s what I really wanted. Being part of Olivia’s world, and wanted here, was so enticing.

  I felt her hands on my knees leading into my body.

  She was teasing me. Avoiding the one space I knew she’d been dying to go.

  Her tongue touched down on the back of my knee and I twitched as she softly licked me before traveling inward.

  She bit lightly at my inner thigh, leading in towards my center, placing kisses mostly but an occasional BITE.

  Once she got there, she just breathed and pulled away.

  She sat up again and leaned into me.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, holding me with her warm body. The air was cool so when she did this the temperatures made me shiver in a good way. “I’ve just been thinking about tasting you all day. It’s been kind of addicting.”

  “You have?” My words were shaky and I took short, shallow breaths in and out. “I’m all yours.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” she said. Her teeth grazed down my neck and over my body. The way her hands touched did things. When they got to the hem of my top she used them to tug it down.

  As soon as my nipple was out she was on it and sucking. I felt her hands at the backs of my knees, holding my center to her stomach. She really knew how to make a girl wet.

  My hand shoved into the hair at the back of her head and I pulled her to stay and taste as she teased my nipple and destroyed any hope I could have of surviving this all in one piece.

  Just as I felt she would pull away, I heard her laugh and then BITE. Every nerve in my body lit up. I felt my legs wrap around her back and squeeze. “Fuck,” I groaned, wetness escaping me.

  I shuddered, tipping over the edge, not feeling anything but sensation as she continued but it wasn’t over. She kept on going, lowering her body and teasing me. She slipped down between my legs and lightly touched her tongue to entrance of my folds, slipping it delicately inside. I jumped, still not over the first unexpected orgasm. She hadn’t even been touching my sex then and I’d cum.

  She backed off for a second and let me breathe. She wasn’t going to give me much of a break. She slid her tongue through my folds again, this time I little more generously, and then I felt her fingertip lightly tease my opening. I edged forward, wanting her to engage more but she pushed me back with her other hand and I groaned.

  “You’re killing me,” I whined.

  “Mmm,” she hummed into me, breathing. “That’s kind of the whole fucking point,” she cursed. My eyes lowered down and I could see her staring up at me fiendishly as she lowered herself down again. I tried to brace myself. Her tongue went even lower this time and it felt wet and addicting as it pushed itself inside of me where her finger had just been playing. I don’t know how she did it but she went in pretty far with her tongue.

  As soon as she entered though she came right back out. Disruptive. That’s what it was.

  She was giving me a little here, a little there. Pretending she would build, only to attack and surprise me.

  It was hard not to feel caught completely off guard.

  I felt her move her tongue up again and gently tease at my clit with feather light precision. She was toying with me.

  I couldn’t be still. I wanted her too much.

  Not caring, I buried my hands in her hair and pulled her into me, begging her to press harder. Apparently that was dumb of me. Instead of licking, her tongue stole my clit. I felt her lips suck at it generously and then tug. My eyes drifted back into my head as I briefly stared up at the sky before seeing nothing but black.

  “Mmmm,” I heard her humming but felt it too.

  Every tiny vibration from the sound transferred into me. I felt it all as I fell out of space. I started to lose it but she caught me, jumping up and wrapping an arm around me to catch me as I fell. I couldn’t even speak.

  “I gotcha,” she whispered, her voice tickling in a good way. I felt her tongue lick lovingly at my neck and then at the back of my earlobe. “Now what do you really want?” She asked huskily, holding me as she played. She knew by now I actually might say. She had me teetering, dizzy. I felt her push me back by my neck with her strong fingers and kiss me sloppy like to taste me was the most transcendent of gifts. Then she moved her mouth away from me again, leaning her head down by my ear and trying to be careful. “Tell me,” she said. “I’d rather do what you want. If you don’t tell me I’ll just lick you forever. Extra slow.”

  I just sat there, catching my breath and trying to decipher her words. English was hard- language, speaking- and moving- all hard after she’d just given me the best orgasm I’d ever had but I tried.

  “I told you,” I smiled a lazy, silly smile. “I want you to do what you want to me. That’s what’s hot. You having your way, making me do what you want.”

  “Fine,” she said, holding me. I felt her lowering me down to lay back on the fancy patio floor. She had to stand up and almost get out to lay me down. I felt her hot body press into me before she slid away. “You better stay here if we’re going to be safe.”

  Her hands trailed down my body once I was down. They went from my face all the way down to my ankles. Olivia had completely dipped back into the water.

  I felt her warm hands at the inside of my knees playing with how shaky I was.

  When her tongue hit me again it was really warm.

  This time she didn’t play with pressure. When she licked me this time it wasn’t timid or soft, it was generous and brutal. She licked me hard and I felt her tongue drag my clit up as it released it.

  “Shit,” I clenched my hand into a fist. There was nothing to grab onto and it enhanced the fact that I was helpless under her. I grabbed at air and pounded my hand flat onto the hard surface under me.

  Her fingers came up and entwined with mine forcefully. She didn’t like it when I hurt myself. Her lips touched down on my sex and she kissed my clit before sucking it again and then allowing it to drop so that she could tease it. It felt so good because by now I was more than wet and so was her mouth. She sucked at me again and hummed, long and loud. The noises were hot.

  I felt her hands pulling away and running down my cold shaky body. It was going to take longer this time. The first two were so quick that my body wasn’t ready in the same way.

  She came up out of the water and crawled onto me, her warm wet body dripping all around.

  She leaned down over me. I felt her center rub on mine as she teased, intentionally pulling her body up onto mine to press into me and tug at me.

  “I want you on me,” she said, realizing.

  Just as she had come she was gone.

  She turned over onto her back next to me and waited.

  I turned over and crawled on top of her. I didn’t know where she wanted me? Was I supposed to lay down? Was I supposed to stay low? “How?” I asked desperately. I was breathless and throbbing.

  “Higher,” she said. Her hands holding at the backs of my thighs and urging me to move up.

  I moved up her body until I was right over her neck. “Like this?” I asked, looking down at her scared.

  “Little bit more,” she said, her eyes magic, extra dark right now and penetrating in their certainty.

  Her hands were still asking for me to scoot up on her more.

  “I want you to ride me,” she said.

  I closed my eyes, trying to absorb the impact of her words and the way she said them. I inched up until I was in reach of her mouth.
It was the first time I’d ever done anything like this and with her it was unbelievable. I was nothing but a mass of overexcited nerve endings.

  When I finally got close enough she sighed with relief. “Thank you,” she said, her hands coming up and pushing me just that extra inch more.

  The next thing I knew she was licking me again sweetly, only this time I had her accidentally pinned so it felt completely insane. I had so much control if I wanted it. This was a trust move. I could completely smother her and she invited that.

  “Mmmm,” she hummed into me, her tongue moving faster as she tasted.

  This position sort of made it. I felt how wet I was and how it helped her to easily play me.

  I felt my own body buck and when it did her tongue went even lower, pushing inside of me in such a way. My whole center sucked in as my body fell and she pushed inside me again, trying to fuck me.

  “Mmmhmm,” I heard her mumble. Her hands were holding me into her, asking me to come down on her mouth and use her. She was immersing herself in me, wanting to drown in me.

  My body moved without my asking it to. Her tongue felt too amazing so I lost myself in getting her everywhere but I kept trying to adjust so she would hit certain spots more than others. The more she teased and moaned, the more I wanted her to keep going.

  Being upright was different, heady and like having a power I’d never felt. I sank down onto her a little more, not thinking of much past wanting to feel more. I could feel her deeper inside now and her hands squeezing my ass were driving me down even further. Now, I was starting to come to a little but the edge of reason was calling out.

  I was so close. My brain screamed for me to not suffocate her but my body wanted more of her in me. I rocked up and down until I felt her teeth close around my clit and squeeze. I jumped up a little but she came after me, pulling me down onto her tongue again, and I came, feeling my body convulse more than it ever had.

  I was letting out little sounds, trying not to lean all of my weight on her. I could feel the ground now scraping against my legs. I was going to be sore and I loved it. When I regained my senses I did my best to gracefully move off of her but I fell to the side and rolled over on my back. I lay panting and looking up at the sky. “You are a fucking genius,” I breathed.


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