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The Victorian Vampire

Page 14

by Nick James

  ‘Hey, baby,’ she purred.

  I smiled and embraced her, and then we kissed passionately. Clearly, she had just been eating some kind of chips. ‘Hi, Kelly, you started dinner without me,’ I joked, making her blush and slap my chest gently.

  ‘Come on in. I guess you didn’t pick anything up for us, then,’ she said, playfully chiding me. She swayed her way into her tastefully decorated place. It was warm with plush carpeting and family photos littering the walls. She was part Irish; her great-grandparents came over from the Emerald Isle in the early 1900s. ‘So, Alby, what food do you want, or do you want to share my funyuns?’

  I shook my head at her. ‘Order a pizza, you Yanks eat that, right?’ I teased and gave her rump a playful slap. ‘But no pineapple; I’m not a savage.’

  Kelly poked out her tongue at me as we both remembered the large Hawaiian pizza she ordered last time. Never again.

  We curled up on the sofa and chatted about her work and how tired she was of surviving rude people. ‘Well, what else can you do?’ I asked as I massaged her feet. Her eyes were soon fluttering enjoying my touch.

  ‘I don’t know, I’ve never known. Ever since school everyone asks what you want to do when you grow up. I never knew,’ Kelly admitted.

  I smiled at her. ‘Don’t worry about it. I didn’t know either,’ I explained. ‘My dad wanted me to follow him in the trade, but I wanted more.’ I took a deep breath. I had told many people about my story, although I’d had to hold back some details, like my real age, and the fact I’m a vampire. ‘The family never talked to me after that day, so I never went back,’ I admitted and took a sip of the water she had supplied me with. ‘I’m just lucky I was left some money, so I invested it in property, but that was never planned.’

  Kelly hugged me. ‘Are they still alive, your parents, I mean?’

  I shook my head. ‘No, they died in a car crash. But not talking was down to both of us. My father and I were just as hard-headed as each other, but they are gone and I have to live with that,’ I partially lied. Mother died of a heart attack in the street, I heard, and Father just died in his sleep, with his new son at his side.

  We fell into silence until the buzzer for the door went. Kelly jumped up happily and grabbed the cash I had left on the table. Moments later she bounced back in with a large pizza and her blue eyes blazing.

  ‘Here we go, Alby, half Hawaiian and half meat feast.’ She put it on the coffee table with a flourish and smiled a happy grin. ‘TADAAAAAA!’

  ‘Fucking pineapple,’ I grumbled, seeing that some of it had slipped onto my side of the pizza. Some gangbanger would pay for this injustice.

  For someone who looked so good, Kelly packed it away with the best of them. I had a flashback to Veronica eating the roast dinner I had made her; it was a sight to behold. She had finished her half and then moved on to mine. But did she ask…? No.

  ‘So, piglet, what you up to Friday night?’ I asked and waited until she managed to swallow her overfilled mouthful of cheese and meat.

  ‘Nothing, I have a rare weekend off. Why, baby?’ she asked with hope in her eyes.

  ‘Well, there’s a party in my building and I’d like you to be my date. You can stay the night if you want,’ I said and heard her squeal with happiness. I then found myself falling off the sofa with the kissing Kelly not taking any prisoners. ‘I guess that’s a yes, then?’

  She looked down at me with remnants of my half of the pizza stuck between her teeth. ‘You bet, Alby, can’t wait to see your place,’ she said as we continued our kiss, and then continued our travels towards the bedroom, losing clothes as we went. It was a fun night, and a gangbanger did pay the price for the wayward pineapple, although I’m sure he didn’t understand my ranting as I pummelled him into unconsciousness.

  Chapter 13

  The days blended into one, as they do when you are immortal. I still waved at the brunette beauty across the way every evening; she looked a bit disappointed when I came out in just normal clothes with coffee in hand. I hoped that she came there every day just for me – one can dream. But could I dare to love again? Did I deserve it again? Over the years, as the world had changed, I had changed, too. Not since Suzie did I have a guiding light to keep me on the straight and narrow.

  Finally, it was party night at the neighbours’. I walked down to the front door to meet Kelly who was just stepping out of a cab with a holdall. She was beaming as she looked up and down at my building. I watched her walk in.

  ‘Hey, Kelly, did you have a good week?’ I asked, embracing the tall, curvy blonde.

  ‘Hi, Alby,’ she answered and gave me a brief kiss before pulling back and scanning the entrance hall. ‘Damn, hon, are you minted?’ She giggled like a schoolgirl as I just shrugged and took her bag, slung it over my shoulder and walked her to the elevator. It wasn’t Jasper tonight; it was a new doorman who just smiled and nodded at me.

  We headed up to the fifth floor with Kelly still hanging off my arm. ‘Are you looking forward to the party?’ I asked as we reached my level by the announcing electrical beep.

  ‘Oh yes, I like a little dance now and then,’ she said happily as we entered my abode. I watched as she ran off to look through the large window. I was nervous about the woman from the other building seeing me with my date, but I knew that her and her workmates left dead on five on a Friday. And as it was half past six I was safe. Although I didn’t know why I cared so much.

  I left Kelly to use the en-suite while I used the main bathroom, as two in a shower –although fun – takes longer and you tend to have to wash yourself twice.

  When I entered the lounge after my shower, I noticed Kelly standing in just a towel looking at all my pictures. Any of the ones which involved me were locked away.

  ‘Are these your family, Alby?’ she asked, picking up one of Annabel on our wedding day.

  ‘Oh yes, my great-grandmother on her wedding day,’ I lied, but I saw a slight frown creep onto her face.

  ‘But where’s her husband? You have two different women getting married, but no grooms?’ she pushed. She wasn’t the first person to notice that. Photoshop here we come. People were not that easily swayed any more when you told them that you look like a father or grandfather.

  I hugged her from behind and nipped her exposed and slightly damp shoulder, making her giggle. I could feel her pulse race. ‘Mum never gave me the reason why, that’s all I was left,’ I explained and saw her eyes go wide at the dates written on the white border surrounding the photo. ‘Time to get ready, love; time waits for no man,’ I instructed and watched her walk away. Just as she turned into my bedroom, her towel fell to the ground exposing her curvy bum. The giggles I could hear were warming, but for some reason I was worried about her, and tonight.

  It was time to go. We were about twenty minutes late and I could hear foot traffic still filtering down the hall to my neighbours’ apartment. I wore a pair of slacks with dress shoes and a crisp white shirt with the top button undone. It seemed like the right thing to wear, but just in case I checked the other guests as they walked past my spyhole in the front door. I would blend in quite nicely; if I didn’t, I could always rip out their throats.

  There was a little cough, and I turned around to see Kelly wearing a red strapless gown with a small necklace of pearls and matching heels, but not too high as she was tall already. ‘How do I look, Alby?’ she said, sounding slightly nervous as she turned around slowly, letting the bottom of the dress flare slightly.

  I walked over and took her hands in mine. ‘You, Kelly, will light up the room. You are truly beautiful, and none will hold a candle to you.’ I placed my lips on hers just enough to reassure her. ‘Now, let’s go and blow them all out of the water.’ We linked arms and headed out of the apartment. That name really narked me back home, it would’ve been called a flat, but once again I tried to coach myself to use their unique speak, just to blend in.

  Kelly was nervous as I knocked on the door, but I gave her a kiss on the cheek
which seemed to quell her nerves. I couldn’t fathom why she was nervous; she looked like a model.

  ‘Albert, you made it!’ screamed Kitty before embracing me. I was glad I was wearing dark colours just in case her tan wasn’t real, but by the state of her skin they were real sun bunnies.

  ‘Good evening, Kitty, this is my date, Kelly O’Brien,’ I said, pushing her into the firing line. No, I didn’t feel guilty at all.

  I saw a flash of red as Kelly was pulled into the affray. I followed in chuckling and tried not to lip-read the curses coming from my willing cannon fodder, or date. She was soon surrounded by half a dozen ladies from Kitty’s age bracket. It seemed like they were drawn to her because of the youth and tautness of her skin. Could they be zombies? I mused.

  A beer was thrust into my hand by an overly zealous Stephen, with a ‘ph’. ‘Hey, buddy, how are you finding the Big Apple?’

  I took a sip of the beverage; thankfully it was one I used to partake of back home. ‘Not too bad, thank you. Easier than London to find your way around, thanks to your grid system layout, it’s child’s play.’ I noticed he wasn’t sure how to take that comment, but I just smiled and raised my beer to his. ‘The people are friendly, though.’

  He gave me a big false smile. ‘Best in the world, buddy,’ Stephen said, getting a few cheers from the surrounding ilk. I realised these people were upper-class arseholes. Like painting a dog turd gold, it may look shiny and nice but it was still shit.

  I grabbed another beer and spirited my date away from the group of skin-admiring zombies. ‘How you doing, love?’ I asked and placed the ice-cold drink into her hand, which she consumed with vigour and in a very unladylike fashion, wiping the remnants from her lips with the back of her hands. She was blessed with full red lips, so Kelly never really bothered with lipstick.

  ‘You leave me like that again, Morris, and I will tear your balls off like a paper towel!’ Kelly growled. The snarl on her lips and her nails in my arm screamed she was serious. ‘Bunch of ghoulish bitches, them,’ she hissed, giving the gossiping bitches a scathing look. ‘They asked me what work I’d had done.’

  The tanned brigade kept giving us furtive glances throughout the night. It was very disconcerting and, unfortunately, I could hear what they were saying. The men weren’t too sure if I had taken the piss out of their city amongst other witty comments I had said during the night, which I had to explain to them later. And then you had the sun zombies who hated Kelly and her skin, but mainly her youth. They thought she was an escort, or a gold digger.

  ‘Do you know what? I think it’s time to leave,’ I stated and saw the look of gratefulness on her face. The hosts seemed to be far away from the front door.

  ‘C’mon, Alby, let’s go,’ she whispered, leaning into me and filling my nose with her scent. She turned the handle and slipped out into the dimly lit hall. She was stifling a giggle as we walked towards my front door.

  I struggled to open the door as her giggling had turned into full-on laughing. We fell through the door, and that’s when my lights were turned out.

  Suddenly, I could hear struggling and muffled screams. My eyes shot open and I felt that my hands were tied. The room was dark, only lit by a sidelight, but I could see perfectly. Someone large, donned in black clothes and masked was struggling with Kelly on the floor. She was gagged but her hands and legs were free.

  As I allowed my senses to explore, I realised there were two others going through my bedroom and the study, which I had made out of the second bedroom because the Bronx and seedier side of the city was a ‘target-rich environment’, as the military say. So, no need for a killing room – until now.

  I snapped the zip ties that held me like tissue paper, stepped up and put my dress shoe into the man’s ribs, who was trying to rape Kelly, sending him flying. I pulled her into me. ‘It’s okay. Shhhh…’ I said to her, seeing the panic and fear in her eyes.

  I could hear someone, so I released my date and launched myself towards the man. With a punch to his stomach, I silenced him. Unfortunately, it caused him to void his stomach and bowels. A gentle punch then sent him to the land of nod.

  While I was doing this, Kelly was busy kicking the potential rapist in the stomach. I moved into my room and saw that it was in turmoil. Everything I owned had been turned upside down. I could hear the muttering of the man bent over throwing things out of my cases; that’s when I recognised his scent.

  ‘Hello, Jason. Find what you are looking for?’ I asked the balaclava-clad man, who jumped and spun around with wide eyes. ‘You, mate, have fucked up,’ I commented angrily. Then I saw a large silver pistol in his hand and what seemed to be a smile which could be seen through the mask’s mouthpiece.

  ‘Fuck you!’ he snarled, and I heard the hammer clicking back ready to send the projectile towards me, but I was not there when it left the barrel. I was putting my fist against his jaw, dislocating it and knocking him out.

  I headed back into the lounge and found many people standing there. Kelly was being held by Kitty when a man from the party walked up to me.

  ‘Mr Morris, my name is Captain Ray Hughes. Can you tell me what happened?’ the tall and broad policeman asked firmly.

  ‘We were tired, so we left the party early. Then as we came into the apartment I was hit on the head,’ I stated and rubbed the back of my head, which didn’t hurt any more. I then explained how they tied me up, but not well enough, and how the one on the floor still groaning had been attacking Kelly, which made her sob even harder. ‘I hit one over there,’ I explained, pointing. ‘Then I saw another intruder in my bedroom going through my things; he turned and took a shot at me.’

  Kelly pulled away from Kitty and ran to me continuously whispering, ‘Thank you.’

  It was then that the first responders arrived and all the other guests were moved away. We were both checked over by paramedics and given the okay. The bruised and battered criminals were taken straight to hospital. Some of the party guests thought I had been overly aggressive with them, but the captain and most of police thought I should’ve done more.

  They took Kelly and I back to her apartment, where we spent the whole of the morning shacked up in bed just sleeping and not much of anything else. When we started to move around the place I could feel that something was different between us, so without even a hug I headed home to clean up. Jasper wasn’t on the door that night, so at least I didn’t have to tell him about his cousin, and hopefully they wouldn’t paint him with the same brush.

  Once home, the doorman said the owners were horrified something like that would happen in their property and they would be in contact. He handed me some new door keys as the detective had told the owners that the perpetrator, Jason, had copied my keys while helping me move. My place was a mess, but it didn’t take me long to get it all back together again. Thankfully, all my photos had been left alone.

  I popped down to the local police precinct just after the sun had gone down to sign some paperwork. They had all pled guilty, but what else could they do since they were caught red-handed? That’s when I learnt that Kelly had gone down alone to the precinct earlier in the day to give her statement. Clearly, we were now done. And that final nail was driven home by a text thanking me for our time together, and for saving her, but every time she thought of me, she would be reminded of that night, so it was goodbye and she was sorry.

  Feeling a bit down, I headed out onto my balcony hoping to see my neighbour, but of course this is me we are talking about, so not a dicky bird was seen. I thought it being Monday she would be there…but no.

  I decided to hunt, so I put on some old clothes and headed downstairs. I saw Jasper was on duty as the lift opened in the foyer. ‘Hey, Jasper, how are you?’ I said brightly when I saw him standing at his station, but he looked tired and withdrawn.

  The tall man dipped his head slightly. ‘Evening, Mr Morris. I’m glad to see you’re okay,’ he said apologetically. ‘I don’t have the words to say how sorry I am.’

>   I held up my hands to stop his misplaced apology. ‘Hey, unless you put the keys in his hands it’s not your fault,’ I stated forcefully. ‘It hasn’t affected your job, has it?’

  He shook his head. ‘It was close. If it wasn’t for you and other residents they would’ve canned my ass. Plus, he admitted to taking imprints the day we helped you move,’ Jasper explained while wringing his hands together. ‘Stupid idiot, leaving his wife and daughter all alone now.’

  I didn’t know what to say. Yes, I felt bad for them, but in the end it was his own fault. ‘Well, I am sorry for his family, Jasper, but it was all down to him,’ I stated and started to head towards the door. ‘Want me to pick you something up, Jasp?’ I asked, looking over my shoulder as I pulled on the door letting the fresh air in, which made the man at the desk shiver.

  ‘Dealers choice, Bert. I will never say no to food.’ He smiled, albeit with less life than he usually had.

  I barked out a laugh. ‘And you’re still so skinny. You’re a lucky man, Jasp. See ya later, mate,’ I said before heading out into the cold night.

  People were just heading home. I shot a quick look to my mystery girl’s window, and there she was with her hair shining thanks to the light above her. I could see her searching for me, or at least that’s what I thought anyway.

  It was getting late, so I decided to continue into the underbelly of the city, maybe under Brooklyn Bridge again. With thoughts of the brunette and which outfits I would surprise her with, hoping for the exact same coffee spraying reaction as last time, I didn’t see the two ‘man-mountains’ standing in my way.

  ‘Ooofff! What the…? Sorry, mate, my mind was somewhere else,’ I said apologetically with a smile on my face, trying not to piss off the walking steroids.

  ‘Mr Morris, the Blood Coven wish to invite you for a meeting…now!’ boomed the mountain on the left, with no emotion at all.


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