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Princes of Hell MC Set

Page 19

by KJ Dahlen

  When she walked into the main room, it seemed too quiet. There was no one around. Then she saw Beth coming out of the kitchen and when she saw Fiona, she turned pale and began to tremble. Then she looked out the back door and saw Cat outside. Fiona turned her head and saw Cat standing at the fence line looking very satisfied. In her hand was Bret’s toy cars. The ones he’d been playing with this morning.

  Fiona turned back to Beth. The other woman was looking very sickly at the moment. Fiona rushed over to her and grabbed her by the hair. “What the fuck did she do? Where is my son?”

  “Beth began struggling, trying to break free. “Ouch, let me go. I didn’t have anything to do with this. I don’t know anything about it. Let me fucking go bitch!”

  “Where is my son?” Fiona’s voice rose just as Eagle and Raptor came into the room.

  Both men stopped and watched as Cat opened the door and walked in. The smirk on her face fell as she saw what was happening. She backed up a step or two then turned and ran out the door.

  Raptor took off after her.

  Eagle stomped over to where Fiona and Beth were still struggling and demanded, “What the fuck is going on here?”

  Fiona turned her head to him and he could see the tears flowing down her cheeks. “Bret. He came out here about fifteen minutes ago and he’s not here now. Cat was outside with one of his trucks and Beth knows what happened. She won’t tell me where he is.”

  Eagle turned his head slowly to observe Beth. She looked guilty, but what would she be guilty of, that was the question.

  Just then, Raptor shoved a defiant Cat through the back door.

  She stumbled inside and cursed him.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Eagle roared. Glaring, he looked at Cat.

  Cat was disheveled and pale. She couldn’t meet his eyes.

  “Where is the boy?”

  Cat raised her head and snarled, “How the fuck am I supposed to know? I’m not his mother, she is.” She pointed over at Fiona.

  Fiona rushed over to her and slapped her leering face. “Where is Bret? Where is my son?” she screamed.

  Cat raised her own hand and curled her fingers into a fist. “Not so high and mighty now are you bitch?” She let her fist fly toward Fiona’s face but didn’t make it.

  Eagle’s fingers crushed her wrist as he held her hand in a death grip. “Where is the boy? I won’t ask you again.”

  “I don’t know and I could care less.” Cat sneered then she winced when Eagle’s fingers tightened even more. “Alright, he’s gone.”

  Fiona stumbled backward a step or two. Her hands flew to her mouth and she started wailing. “No, no, no, this isn’t happening. This can’t be happening. Not my baby...”

  Eagle jerked Cat closer to him. “Who took him? And don’t think for one moment, I won’t slit your throat if you don’t answer me.”

  Cat paled even more, her fear now easy to read. “He told me his name was Devin and that the boy was his son. He said that Fiona had run away and taken his boy with her. He just wanted his son back.”

  Fiona fell to her knees and wrapped her arms around her waist. Rocking back and forth her as dread filled her soul.

  Rogue walked into the clubhouse and halted as he took in the chaos.

  Eagle jerked her even closer and he glared down into her eyes. “That boy was Talon’s son not Devin’s. If Devin’s harms one hair on his head Talon will kill you, you stupid bitch.” Eagle snapped his head around to glare at Beth too. “And you helped her do this?”

  Beth just stared at the man.

  Eagle threw Cat toward Raptor. “Lock these two up until Talon gets back here. Which should be later today. Then gather up the boys. We got to hunt down this little prick and show him it ain’t nice to take something that don’t belong to him.”

  Cat struggled against Raptor’s hold. “I didn’t know the kid was Talon’s! Devin made a good story.”

  “Don’t matter now bitch. You screwed the pooch on this one.” Raptor snarled as he dragged them both toward the basement door. They had a cage in the basement where they kept their prisoners when they needed to. Cat fought as she tried and free herself but Raptor wouldn’t let her go.

  Rogue walked over as felt enraged. He’d gone out to get the boy some damn waffles. He’d seen him earlier in the club and told him he would go and get him breakfast. Bret had stated to a prospect, “I want waffles.”

  The prospect had looked upset as he told them they didn’t have any.

  So Rogue told the kid to stay right there and he would be back with his waffles.

  As Talon’s best friend, he’d felt it was his job to protect the kid and Talon’s woman. He glared at Eagle.

  Eagle shook his head at him.

  Rogue knelt beside Fiona and put his hand on her shoulder.

  She didn’t even flinch, she didn’t even know he was there. Tears trickled down her face at the thought of never seeing Bret again. Never hearing his laughter or feeling his tiny arms hugging her again.

  Rogue grabbed her chin and forced her head up. When his eyes slammed into hers he vowed, “I’ll find him and bring him home again.”

  “Devin threatened to kill him. He was going to make me watch him—kill my son,” she whispered brokenly. “Devin is going to kill my baby.”

  “No, he’s really fucking not.” Rogue growled. “We’ll find him.”

  “Oh, god!” She planted her face in Rogue’s chest. “I need my baby, I need Talon.”

  “Talon is on his way home, do you hear me?” Rogue scolded her. “Talon is coming home to you and his boy.”

  But Fiona didn’t seem hear his words. Rogue saw what was happening and knew he couldn’t let this go. Grabbing both sides of her face, he hauled her up close and personal. “Don’t you go there Fiona. Don’t you fucking dare. Talon is coming home today and we’ll find your boy. Do you hear me? We’ll find your boy and send Devin to hell. Nobody messes with us.”

  Fiona closed her eyes and when she opened them again, Rogue could see life coming back to them.

  “Do you swear Talon is coming home? You promise me he’s coming? And that you’ll get Bret back. Please you have to promise me you’ll bring Bret back to me.”

  “We’ll find him no matter what. I won’t let this go. I’ll bring him back,” Rogue vowed.

  Fiona then sat down on a chair and began to rock back and forth again ever so slightly.

  Rogue stood up as he clenched his fists at his sides and turned to his prez. “I’ll call when I find the fucker.”

  Eagle stared at him and nodded.

  Rogue went to the supply room and tossed the startled prospect away from the door. He opened it and went in. Strapping himself with the weapons, he would need, he thought about the contacts in that fucker’s cell that they’d confiscated. He looked down in the phone box and snatched it up. This would lead him straight to Devin.

  He sighed as he grabbed a long knife in a sheath. He’d failed in his job. He hadn’t protected Talon’s family. Besides, he was fond of that kid. How could he not be? The kid was all kinds of Talon. He grunted as he grabbed what he needed.

  Storming out past the group of brothers that Eagle was giving orders to, he ignored that bullshit as he went out and got on his bike, leaving them all behind. He didn’t fucking need an army, he would get this bastard on his own.

  As the men gathered in the main room, Eagle began dispatching them to certain parts of the city. He assigned some of the men to stay at the clubhouse to protect it and what would remain inside. He set one man at the door leading to the basement. It was the only way in or out and he didn’t want Fiona going down or Cat and Beth getting out. Their punishment would be up to Talon. Eagle knew what he would do with the two women but that wasn’t up to him. Bret wasn’t his son.

  Time moved slowly as Fiona waited for Talon to arrive. Every fiber of her being was stretched to the limits as time passed. The patrols Eagle sent out came back one by one and as they came into the main room, they all
shook their heads. They hadn’t found Bret or Devin.

  It was almost noon before they heard a car pull into the parking lot. Eagle and Condor rushed to the front door. Then they saw who got out, Eagle rushed outside.

  As Talon shut the door, he turned to greet his President with a smile. The smile then faded slowly from his face when he saw the look on Eagle’s face. “What’s wrong? Is Fiona or Bret hurt?”

  Eagle grasped him by the shoulder and looked him in the eyes. “Neither of them is hurt but Bret was taken by Devin early this morning.”

  Talon’s expression went dark. “What the fuck?” he growled. “How the hell did that happen?”

  “He had a little inside help.” Eagle sighed.

  “What did you just say?” Talon whispered low while his dark eyes glinted.

  “Not from a brother, never that,” Eagle assured him. “Fiona sent him out to find a prospect while she took a shower and Cat got to him first. She handed him over to Devin. It seems he convinced her the boy was his and that Fiona took him and disappeared on him. Cat was pissed at Fiona so she gave him to Devin.”

  “Is she still here?’ Talon asked as rage filled his heart and dripped down into his soul. A rage built of hatred, not only for Devin but for Cat as well. He survived the hell of prison only to come home to find his son missing. He wanted to rip Cat apart and watch her die slowly and painfully. Right beside Devin.

  “Yeah, Cat is in the basement.” Eagle nodded. “I’ve got brothers out looking for Devin and hopefully before long, we’ll find where he took Bret.” Eagle’s hands tightened on Talon’s shoulders as he watched his rage grow. “Talon...”

  When Talon didn’t answer him, Eagle tried again. “Talon,” he all but shouted.

  “What?” Talon whipped his head around to stare at his President. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “You need to talk to Fiona. You need to break through to her and bring her back from the hell she’s in right now.”

  Talon frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  Eagle shook his head. “She isn’t handling this very well. Apparently, she thinks she’ll never see him again. She doesn’t know you’re back yet and I can’t seem to reach her.”

  Talon shook Eagle off him and stomped his way into the clubhouse. The rage inside him was burning bright as he looked around the main room. He found her sitting in a corner with her knees under her chin and her arms wrapped around them. He face looked pale and her eyes were blank. Tears were streaming down her face and he could see her trembling from where he stood.

  The sight of her like this made him feel cold. He walked over to her carefully and knelt down so his face was level with hers. Reaching out he cupped her chin, lifting her eyes to him.

  Fiona didn’t flinch at someone touching her nor did she even look at him. Her eyes remained blank.

  “Fi,” he whispered. Leaning toward her, he gently brushed his lips against her skin. Her cheeks were wet with tears and pale with dread.

  He gathered her into his arms and lifted her up. Sitting down, he cradled her to him gently. He’d never been one for gentle or tender, but his woman was lost, he needed to reach her in any way he could. “Oh baby, my brothers will find Bret and bring him back. They’ll bring our son back to us.”

  Fresh tears ran down her cheeks and she relaxed enough to lay her head on his chest. For a moment, he thought he’d reached her. This woman loved his son more than herself. She’d done everything up until now for the kid, not for herself.

  Talon held her for quite a long time as he realized that maybe, he hadn’t gotten through to her.

  Finally, she lifted her head and gazed up at him. New hope dared to break through as their eyes met. “Talon? Is that really you? Are you here with me?” she barely whispered.

  “Yeah baby, I’m here. I’m home, right where I need to be.”

  Tears flooded her eyes. “Oh Talon, Bret i-is—gone.” Her voice broke. “Devin snatched him—away. I’m so afraid I’ll never see our baby again. Oh god, I’m so alone.”

  Talon’s grip on her tightened. “No baby, you aren’t alone anymore. I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere. We’ll find our son and the brothers will bring him home to us. I’m not giving up on my son, not this time. Never again. You and the boy are mine. You and he belong to me, belong with me. I’ll never give you up again.”

  “Oh, Talon,” she wailed. “I couldn’t protect him! I failed. I failed!”

  “But don’t you see? You did protect him. You did,” he insisted. “This isn’t on you. He shoulda been safe here. I’ll tear that fucker from one end to the other when I get my hands on him. You didn’t do anything wrong here. Cat is the one who handed him over to Devin, not you.”

  “I need him,” she cried out. “I need my baby back in my arms.”

  “Soon babe,” Talon whispered in her ear. “Soon, I promise.”



  Book Two

  Princes Of Hell MC Series


  All I thought about is one thing. Get my VP and best friend’s kid back safe. I made a promise and I intended to keep it. And no one had better get in my way. I’ve killed three men already to get to the kid. When I found Brett... a woman was with him. I had no choice but to take her back to the club. She had to be in on it with that bastard, Devin and for the sake of my club, I couldn’t afford to leave her behind.

  Then I really took a look at her and found I didn’t feel hate. I feel lust and maybe something else. I have to remain focused though. She somehow has ties to Devin and she has connections to the Bratva. I want her but can I trust her?


  All the sudden, my life is turned upside down. Taken prisoner by an MC named the Princes Of Hell... of all things. I’ve tried to convince them I had nothing to do with the little boy’s kidnapping. They refuse to believe me or let me go.

  It was all that big biker’s fault. He took me hostage by gunpoint. With a name like Rogue, it’s no wonder. Though every time he looks at me with those piercing blue eyes, I seem to forget all of that and I’m drawn in. But I have to stay focused on getting out of this mess, alive and in one piece.

  (Talon and Fiona’s Story Continues in Rogue)



  It had taken him twelve hours to track the fucker down. Rogue had beaten two men to almost bloody pulps in those hours and killed one of them before he got the fourth man to tell him where Devin was hiding.

  He then ditched his bike for a regular car, as he didn’t think it was a wise idea to show up on a cycle, giving them ample warning that he was a Prince tracking them down and he would have to get the kid on it to leave.

  Now he watched. He had failed his best friend. He had vowed to protect Brett and Talon’s woman. Then that fucker Devin had managed to take the kid. Not on his fucking watch. He would kill to save this kid if he had to. In fact, he wanted to bury this fucker Devin. Take him out entirely.

  He let out a sigh. He refused to return to the clubhouse and his VP, until he could bring Talon’s son back to him and his mother. He had promised her that he would bring her son back to He feared for Fiona. If she lost her son, she would be a vacant person with no will to live. Rogue could see that in her eyes. The kid was her world. Then what would it do to Talon? Rogue shook his head. It wasn’t gonna happen. None of it.

  He focused on the house again while refusing to think about the kid being dead or hurt.

  The house sat on a side street in a part of town no one would ever think a kidnapper would take his victim to. A regular burb house with maybe 3 bedrooms and a huge backyard. This was where the straight people lived. Walking their dogs, grabbing the Sunday paper from the front porch, heading to Starbucks to get a fucking latte before work.

  It was far from what Rogue had grown up in and far from the MC life, he led. But he didn’t care about these people in their dull, colorless 9 to 5 existence. He cared about what was in this house.
/>   Who was in this house.

  Finally, he saw that prick Devin leave in his fucking Mercedes with another man. He’d so wanted to cap him. Maybe make him pay with some pain first, but he hadn’t done a thing, even as he could almost taste the payback on his lips. No, he would leave that shit to Talon and the club.

  Rogue watched a while longer, because he needed to know what kind of firepower was in there. He saw no men outside, no guards of any kind. He pondered what this meant. Was this Devin dickhead stupid or what?

  Rogue couldn’t count on that. He had to move though before they came back.

  He slipped around back and approached the house through the backyard. Coming up on the kitchen window, he saw movement inside and he stilled.

  A woman, red hair hanging down in a long ponytail. Just the back of her. He frowned. Where were the men? More importantly, where was the kid.

  She then knelt down and leaned forward.

  Bret’s face came into view as she hugged the kid.

  Rogue’s breath got trapped in his chest as he stared at the likeness of Talon. He’d found the kid. He then moved to another window and peered in. A bedroom. He studied the glass and the frame for alarm wires. None. He shook his head. Fucking urbanites. Didn’t they know there were men like him in the world? He grinned and reached out to raise the window.

  It wasn’t even locked. Yeah, just stupid. He crawled in and then remained absolutely still as he listened.

  He could hear a soft voice as he crept forward and eased the door open.

  “It will be all right, little guy. Devin just went to find out where your parents went.”

  “B-but m-my Mama. She’s gonna be worried,” Bret replied.

  “I know. But it will be ok.”

  Rogue stepped out into the kitchen his weapon in his hand as his gaze swung all around to be sure no one lurked in the house.

  Bret jumped out of the woman’s arms and headed toward him. “Uncle Rogue!”

  The woman turned and saw him, her eyes widening.


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