Book Read Free

The Texan

Page 14

by Bobbi Smith

  “So, you’re looking forward to dancing with George to night, are you?”

  “Did you have any doubt? I can’t wait. I wanted to spend more time with him this week and get to know him better, but he was working so much, I never got the chance.”

  “You will to night,” Emmie assured her.

  “And you’re going to get to dance with Josh. I think we’ve got an exciting evening coming up.”

  “We definitely do.”

  The dust was thick and the heat nearly unbearable as the stagecoach traveled the seemingly endless miles to Shotgun. The driver was pushing the team hard, for they were running late, and he was trying to make up time. It was obvious to the driver that the area had suffered a bad storm recently, for the roads were far worse than usual and almost washed out in some places. It made the ride rough, and he was certain his three passengers were feeling every bump, but there was nothing he could do about their discomfort except get the trip over with as soon as possible.

  Inside the stagecoach, Kenneth sat staring out the window, trying hard to keep his seat. He could not remember another time when he’d been so hot and miserable, and he couldn’t imagine why Emmie liked it out West. True, he hadn’t reached Shotgun or the Rocking R yet, but judging from what he’d seen so far, he had little hope his surroundings would improve.

  Two years…

  Two years!

  The realization that he would have to live out here in the middle of nowhere on Emmie’s ranch for two years gnawed at him, but he kept telling himself the end result would be worth it. And there was still the hope that Shotgun would be a better town than its name indicated. Kenneth wiped the sweat from his brow with his handkerchief and looked over at the older couple, Victor and Margaret Turner, who were riding with him.

  “What time will we reach Shotgun?” Kenneth asked.

  “We’ve still got quite a ways to go,” Victor informed him, trying not to smile. The Easterner had said little during their hours together on the stage, and he could tell the man was not enjoying himself at all.

  “We will make it before dark, won’t we?” Kenneth was hoping to reach the ranch and Emmie to night.

  “We should.”

  “Is someone meeting you in Shotgun?” Margaret asked cordially.

  “No, I’m going to have to make arrangements to get out to the Rocking R once I reach town.”

  “The Rocking R is one of the biggest and most successful ranches in these parts.”

  “Yes, it is,” he agreed, although he really knew very little about the matter. He didn’t offer any more information. He had no interest in making casual conversation with his companions.

  Margaret and Victor fell silent as the man turned his attention out the window again. They couldn’t help wondering how he was going to like Shotgun. At that moment, though, the stagecoach gave a violent lurch, and they were thrown around the inside of the vehicle.

  Kenneth was caught off guard and thrown from his seat. The stagecoach rocked wildly, and he could hear the driver cursing as he fought for control. When at last the driver brought the coach to a stop, it leaned awkwardly to one side, and Kenneth was hard-pressed to climb out. He finally managed to open the door and jump down.

  “What happened?” he demanded of the driver.

  Jack, the driver, had already gotten down to check what had happened, and he was swearing under his breath when he saw the damage to the front wheel. When he looked up and saw Mrs. Turner stick her head out the window, he quickly caught himself. “Oh, sorry, ma’am.”

  Margaret gave him an affronted look. “Are we stranded here?”

  “I don’t know yet. I have to take a look at the wheel.”

  Victor climbed out and went to stand with Kenneth as the driver quickly assessed how badly the wheel had been broken.

  “I can mend it good enough to get us to town, but I’m going to need your help,” Jack advised the two men.

  “What do we need to do?” Victor asked, rolling up his shirtsleeves, ready to go to work.

  Kenneth was disgusted for a moment. This would never have happened to him back home—but he wasn’t back home. He was in Texas, and he had no choice but to help. He took off his suit coat and put it inside the stagecoach and then rolled up his sleeves. He had a feeling that they weren’t going to make it to town anytime soon. He took a look around at the deserted countryside, remembering Mrs. Ryan’s story about the Indian raid, and then got to work with the other two men.

  “You look positively gorgeous. That shade of blue is lovely on you,” Millie told Emmie as she stood back and stared at her friend. Her gown was simple yet elegant, and she had arranged her hair up in a sophisticated style.

  “Thanks. You look beautiful yourself,” Emmie replied. Millie’s gown was pale green and enhanced her blond hair.

  “Do you think I should wear my hair up like yours?” Millie asked, turning to glance at her own reflection in the mirror. She’d chosen to wear her hair down around her shoulders in a mass of soft curls.

  “No, it’s perfect just as it is.”

  “All right. If you say so. Are you ready?” She was eager to go downstairs.

  “I’m ready.”

  They were both smiling as they left the hotel room to meet Miss Harriet.

  The chaperone was waiting for them.

  “Look at you!” she said in delight. “You’re both stunning. I wonder if this town has ever seen two girls as pretty as you.”

  Millie gave her a quick hug. “You are so sweet!”

  “Come on,” Miss Harriet encouraged. “Let’s go show those boys what real ladies look like.”

  “You don’t think I should go back and change back into my pants?” Emmie teased.

  “Not to night, my dear. Not to night.”

  They left her room and started down to the lobby to meet Josh.

  Josh and George had taken a room at the hotel, too. After getting cleaned up, Josh had left his brother and gone out to take a look around town. He’d wanted to check on Steve and make sure he really had left town for good. He didn’t want any fights erupting to night at the dance. And that was sure to happen if Steve showed up unexpectedly and tried to cause more trouble for Millie and George. He’d been satisfied that things were quiet in Shotgun—or at least as quiet as they could be with everyone in town for the social that night. Now he and George were waiting in the lobby for the ladies, ready to enjoy the evening ahead.

  Josh heard them coming first. He looked up just as Emmie appeared at the top of the stairs, and he could only stare at her as she started down the steps to the lobby. She was moving with a supple grace that held him mesmerized until George spoke up from behind him.

  “I think your partner’s ready to go to the social,” George told him, a hint of mischief in his voice.

  “Sometimes it pays to have a partner,” Josh countered, going forward to meet her at the foot of the stairs.

  Emmie knew the men were watching her, and she smiled. Josh looked even handsomer than usual, clean shaven and dressed up as he was. She met his gaze as she reached the bottom of the steps. “We’re ready.”

  “So are we. Let’s go have some fun,” he replied.

  “You boys behave yourselves to night,” Miss Harriet told them with a smile. “I’ll be keeping an eye on you with my girls.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Josh and George had lost their mother early in life, but they knew a true lady when they saw one.

  “Of course, I might go a little easier on you if you both decided to save a dance for me.”

  “I was hoping you’d save a dance for me.” George spoke up first, charming her even more.

  They were all laughing in delight as they left the hotel to join the festivities.

  Chapter Nineteen

  It was easy to tell that the social was the biggest event of the year in Shotgun. Excitement was the rule of the day as folks made their way down the main street of town to the church hall, where the dance was being held.

  Josh and
George escorted Emmie, Millie, and Miss Harriet inside, where they were welcomed warmly by Reverend Hunt. The hall was already getting quite crowded, so they went looking for a table and found one on the far side of the room. Emmie knew most everyone, so she took Millie and Miss Harriet around to introduce them. Many offered her their condolences over the loss of her father, and she thanked them for their thoughtfulness. Josh and George, meanwhile, decided just to stay at the table and wait for word that the food was being served.

  “So, we’re getting a real good meal to night, are we?” George asked, looking around the room.

  “Oh, yeah. All the ladies bring their favorite dishes. No one leaves here hungry, that’s for sure.”

  “If the rest of the women are half as good cooks as Kate, this is going to be one fine dinner.”

  Miss Harriet decided to join a few older ladies at their table for a while, so Emmie and Millie started back to sit with Josh and George. Just then Carol Mason spotted them and made her way quickly over to speak to the two friends.

  “Well, Emmie, Millie, it’s good to see you,” Carol said as she looked them over with a critical eye. She couldn’t help being envious of the beautiful gowns Emmie and Millie were wearing. They were more elegant than anything that could be bought in Shotgun.

  “Good evening, Carol.” Emmie didn’t particularly want to engage the town gossip in any lengthy conversation, but she knew she had to be cordial.

  “Are you enjoying your visit?” Carol asked, turning to Millie. She’d been curious about how the young woman from the big city was adapting to ranch life.

  “Oh, yes. It’s been a true adventure,” Millie told her.

  “Will you be staying much longer?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t even thought about going back home yet.”

  Carol smiled at Emmie. “And how are things working out for you with your new partner?”

  “Everything has been fine.” Emmie knew the other woman was hoping to hear juicy tidbits about conflict between the two owners of the Rocking R, so she added, “I miss my father dearly. It’s hard some days not having him there with me, but Josh has been a big help.”

  “I’ll just bet he has,” Carol said, thinking how much she would have enjoyed having Josh for a partner. He was one handsome man. She glanced over to the table where Josh was sitting with another man. “Who’s the new fellow? I haven’t seen him around before.”

  Carol knew the other ladies in town would be curious about the newcomer, and she always liked to have information first. The stranger was as good-looking as Josh, and she was certain some of the unmarried women in town would be interested in learning everything they could about him. She knew there were already quite a few who were enamored with Josh and would be setting their sights on him tonight.

  “That’s Josh’s brother, George. He just hired on with us.”

  “Oh, my goodness. I didn’t know Josh had a brother. How interesting. Well, I’ll be speaking to you later.” Carol hurried off to spread the news to the eagerly waiting ladies.

  Emmie could only shake her head as she watched the gossip leave. “Soon everyone in the hall is going to know exactly who George is.”

  “From what you’ve told me, I don’t think you need a newspaper in Shotgun—you’ve got Carol.”

  They shared a knowing look, for they both had dealt with nosy women before and knew how much trouble they could cause.

  “I can’t wait for the music and dancing to start,” Millie confided as they went back to their table.

  Emmie glanced over at her and smiled. “I feel the same way.”

  They were both looking forward to spending the evening with Josh and George.

  They had just taken their seats when Reverend Hunt walked to the front of the room to get everyone’s attention. Once the crowd had quieted down, he announced that the meal was about to be served and that it was time to say grace. All bowed their heads and said the prayer. Once everyone had murmured, “Amen,” the social was officially under way.

  “How does this work?” George asked, as he saw those seated on the far side of the room get up to go to the serving tables. He’d been watching as the ladies who’d volunteered to help brought out the bowls and platters piled high with delicious fare.

  “We go up table by table, and everybody takes as much as they want,” Emmie explained.

  “We’re sitting so far back, there might not be anything left by the time we get up there,” George said anxiously. After hearing the talk of the other ranch hands, he’d been looking forward to this dinner for a few days now.

  “You don’t have to worry, George,” Emmie reassured him. “There will still be plenty of food left when it’s our turn. There always is.”

  As she remembered attending the social the previous year, Emmie thought of her father and the good time they’d had together that night. A pang of sorrow stabbed her, and she tried to fight it down. She wanted to enjoy the evening.

  “Emmie? Are you all right?” Millie noticed that her friend had suddenly gone quiet, and she had seen the shadow of pain mirrored in her eyes.

  She nodded. “I was just thinking of my father again. He would definitely be enjoying himself if he were here.”

  “Yes, he would,” Josh put in. He’d noticed the change in Emmie, too, and he wanted to make sure she had a good time to night. This was the first opportunity they’d had to be together away from the ranch, and he wanted to take advantage of it.

  “When are the rest of the ranch hands going to show up?” Millie asked. She hadn’t seen Burley or the other boys come in yet.

  “They’re probably over at the saloon right now, but they’ll be here soon. They know Kate brought her famous pecan pies, and they won’t dare miss the chance to get some,” Josh said.

  “And then once they’re through serving the meal and everyone’s finished eating, we go outside and the dancing starts,” Emmie added.

  “I can’t wait,” Millie said, casting a quick glance George’s way to find his dark-eyed gaze warm upon her.

  “There is one thing I need to warn you about,” Emmie began.

  “What’s that?” Millie asked.

  “Some of the ranch hands can get a little wild as the night goes on, and they aren’t the most light-footed when it comes to dancing, so be careful when you’re out on the dance floor.”

  “I will.”

  The time came for them to get their food, and they went up to the serving tables, more than ready to enjoy the feast.

  And it was a feast.

  The crispy fried chicken, steaks, mashed potatoes, corn, and biscuits looked delicious, and then they came to the dessert table. Fresh cut watermelon, chocolate cake, apple pies, and Kate’s pecan pies were all there.

  “Can I have one of everything?” Millie asked in delight as she looked over the vast array of rich desserts.

  “I was thinking two of everything,” George said.

  “I just want Kate’s pecan pie,” Josh put in.

  “It’s that good, is it?” George asked.

  “No, you won’t like it,” Josh told him, trying not to smile.

  “I know you too well, brother. You’re only saying that so I won’t take a piece and that leaves more for you when you come back for seconds.”

  “You used to fall for it,” Josh complained.

  “That was a long time ago. I’ve caught on to your ways now.” George laughed at him. He followed his brother’s lead and chose a piece of Kate’s pie.

  With plates heaped high, they returned to their table to enjoy the meal.

  Across the room, Mary Anne Watson and Linda Stewart had been watching Josh and George with open interest after talking with Carol Mason.

  “I can’t wait until the dancing starts,” Mary Anne said, giving her friend a conspiratorial look.

  “What are you planning?” Linda knew Mary Anne very well and could tell she was up to something.

  “I’m going to dance with Josh Grady to night if it’s the last th
ing I do,” Mary Anne declared.

  “Even after Carol told you he used to be a bounty hunter?”

  “That just makes him more intriguing,” Mary Anne replied.

  “I guess that leaves his brother, George, for me,” Linda said with a slight grin, thinking the brother was just as good-looking as Josh. “How are we going to do this? Emmie and that friend of hers look like they’ve already staked their claims on the fellas.”

  “Hardly,” Mary Anne said. “Josh is the foreman and part owner of the Rocking R, so I guess he thinks he has to stay with Emmie here at the social. You just watch. Once things liven up around here, he’s going to be mine.”

  “Are you planning on branding him?” Linda teased.

  “If I have to…”

  “Or…” Linda’s eyes lit up as she had an even better idea.

  “Or what?” Mary Anne asked.

  “Or…since he was a bounty hunter, we could put up a wanted poster with a big reward and have him go after you.”

  “Ooh, I like the way you think!”

  “I thought you might enjoy having him chase you.”

  “I would. And I wouldn’t run very fast. Then once he captures me and takes me in…”

  “You’d give him that big reward, wouldn’t you?” Linda was snickering. “What reward would you give him, Mary Anne?”

  Mary Anne gave her a wicked look. “I’ll have to think about that.”

  Both girls were laughing as they finished their meal and began to fantasize about the night to come.

  “That was delicious.” Millie sighed as she took the last bite of the pecan pie. “Kate’s pie is wonderful.”

  “Yes, it is,” George agreed. “That’s the best pecan pie I’ve ever had.”

  “It was my father’s favorite, too,” Emmie added.

  George looked at Josh and asked, grinning, “Is this why you decided to settle down at the Rocking R? You knew how good the cooking was?”

  “Absolutely,” Josh answered.

  “Did you all enjoy your dinners?” Miss Harriet asked as she returned from visiting with the other ladies to take up her role as chaperone again. She’d been keeping an eye on Millie and Emmie from across the room and was glad to see that Emmie seemed to be enjoying herself. She’d been a bit worried that the evening might prove painful for her, but her young charge seemed all right.


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