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Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5)

Page 8

by Aimee-Louise Foster

  "Yes I've spoken to a doctor, it was a mild heart attack and your dad will now need to make some serious changes to his lifestyle."

  "He's going to be a nightmare," I released my hands and flexed my fingers not knowing quite what to do with myself.

  "He already is, why do you think I'm out here." I looked at her confused, "He's getting them to draw up the paperwork so he can go home already."

  "You're fucking kidding me!"

  "Watch your mouth!" I rolled my eyes, "He wants to go home, states he knows what to do and can look after himself."

  "You've got to stop him mum, tell him that he has to stay here for as long as the doctors want him too."

  She sighed, "I have and he's not listening."

  "What about Duke or Diesel? Can't they convince him to stay?" I was annoyed that he'd be so stupid as to leave the hospital.

  "They're in there now, trying to talk some sense into him but he ain't listening."

  We turned to the sound of raised voices, "Mr Watson, in my professional opinion you should not be leaving the hospital."

  "I appreciate that Doc but I'm feeling much better. There's still some life in the old dog yet." He took off the hospital gown in the middle of the waiting area, and I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that he'd already put on his jeans. "Right where do you need me to sign?" Dad pulled his t-shirt over his head and turned to face the frustrated doctor.

  "Dad, what are you doing?" I joined the group that had now congregated including Duke and Diesel.

  "Chloe, how you doing babe?"

  I frowned, "How am I doing? For fucks sake dad you've just had a heart attack, why are you leaving the hospital?"

  A few of the guys sniggered at my outburst as they'd never heard me curse. "Watch your mouth young lady," I rolled my eyes again as he reprimanded me like my mum had earlier.

  "Well? I'm waiting." I placed my hands on my hips and tapped my foot impatiently.

  "Well what, there's nothing to say. I'm feeling better so I'm going home." He snatched the paperwork and pen from the doctor. "Turn around," he ordered shouting at Ramsey. He leaned on Ramsey's back to sign in the places required to be discharged.

  "By you signing that form Mr Watson, it means that we're not liable if your condition worsens."

  "That's fine mate, does that mean that I'm now free to go?"

  "You are," the doctor nodded his head and took the paperwork and pen from my dad. I could see the frustration on his face but he was a professional and didn't say anymore.

  My dad stretched and I saw a grimace on his face, he caught me looking and smiled. "Stop worrying Chloe, I'll be fine trust me." He turned his attention to Ramsey, "Right boy are you giving me a lift home?"

  Ramsey nodded and walked through the waiting area, my dad's pace was a little slower than usual but I saw that he was doing his best to not register the pain.

  "He shouldn't be leaving Duke." I vented feeling frustrated that I couldn't stop him.

  "You know that, I know that but he won't listen babe. He's a grown man, I can't force him."

  "Are you coming to the house?" I turned to see Mum with the same feeling of frustration.

  I nodded, "There's a few things I need to take care of first but I'll come by later." Mum smiled briefly before walking to the exit.

  "Are you okay for a lift?"

  Diesel was ever the gentleman making sure I was ok. "Yeah I'm fine, I've got my car."

  "Okay, we'll see you back at the house."

  Duke and Diesel followed Mum from the waiting area. Once they were out of sight, I rummaged around in my handbag for my iPhone. I hadn't spoken to Woods in some time now, I'd asked after him in a roundabout kind of way as to not draw attention but I found myself wanting to talk to him about my dad. I knew that he'd find out anyway from the club but I knew he'd make me feel better about the situation. I hovered my thumb over his name contemplating what I'd say if he answered. Would he still feel the same way as he did or would it be out of sight out of mind? I pressed his number not giving me the chance to change my mind. I listened impatiently as his phone rang and it eventually went to answer phone. I didn't want to leave a message so I quickly ended the call and returned my phone to my handbag. I sighed upset that he hadn't picked up, I knew that he was probably busy but I could've really done with a friend right now.

  Chapter 5


  I'd managed to have another successful day without any drama. During my free periods, I went to the library as I knew people from the party that particular evening didn't frequently use such a place. It was my sanctuary, somewhere I could relax and forget about my worries if only for a couple of hours, surrounded by the things I enjoyed most.

  I sniggered as my tummy rumbled and glanced at my watch. It was nearing dinner time and I hadn't even stopped for lunch today as I'd been too busy studying for my exams. I opened my rucksack and placed my books inside before fastening it securely, groaning to myself regarding the sheer volume of reading material I had with me. As I stood, I felt faint and rested my hands on the table in front of me to take most of my weight. My tummy rumbled again, I'd need to get a snack or at least a drink on the way home as I probably wouldn't make it otherwise. Once the dizziness had subsided, I secured my rucksack to my back and took a slow walk from the building.

  It was still a pleasant day and I looked forward to my walks to and from school as it was the only exercise I was currently getting. I held onto the straps of my bag and walked across the grass in the direction of the car park.


  My heart lurched in my chest but I kept my head down and continued to briskly walk in the same direction.


  Shit they weren't giving up, I heard a door to a vehicle slam and the jingling of keys and loose change as the person jogged in my direction.

  Someone grabbed my arm lightly and I spun around ready to attack if I needed to.

  "Easy tiger, it's only me." His bright blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight and I was physically relieved by his presence. "Everything okay?"

  I nodded my head, it was now that he was here. "You just startled me that's all. I don't know that many people so I was concerned when someone called my name."

  "Not a problem, it's better to be safe than sorry." His cheeky grin was infectious and made me smile.

  I nodded my head agreeing with his comment "So what brings you here?" I asked genuinely surprised to see him.

  "I know that you've been working hard so I wanted to take you out for something to eat."

  "Ah babe that's really sweet of you but I've got a lot of studying to do tonight." I shrugged my shoulder to pull the strap of my rucksack up further, the books were heavy and I made a mental note to clear my bag out tonight and keep the most important reading material.

  Ramsey stepped closer and took the rucksack from me, "What the fuck you got in here, it weighs a ton?" he looked at the bag before returning his attention to me with a puzzled expression.

  "Just a few books..." I trailed off amused by his expression.

  "No shit Sherlock," he flung the rucksack over his shoulder and linked arms with me. "Right I'm taking you for something to eat, you'll be home at a respectable hour so therefore you can still study this evening." I glanced at him from the corner of my eye as he marched me across the car park towards the van. It looked like I didn't have much of a choice and to be honest, I quite liked the fact that he was making the effort. I didn't have many friends as people didn't understand the whole motorcycle club thing and the majority thought my studying regime was strange but if people couldn't take me for who I was, then they wouldn't make very good friends anyway.

  "Do I have much choice?" I asked humorously.

  Ramsey smiled, "No."

  I continued to allow him to guide me through the car park as I did my best to keep up with his strides, he stopped as he reached the passenger door to the van and opened it wide. "Your chariot awaits."

  I sniggered, he was just what
I needed at the moment. His cockiness was in full flow this evening and it allowed me to relax and have fun. I was struggling to know how to unwind. I'd seen Mark over the years let his hair down and enjoy himself but it didn't come naturally with me. I was a little socially awkward, I knew that and my naivety was shown in full force on the night of the party but it had given me the time to analyse my life. Everything happened for a reason. However big or small, I was a true believer of this. It hadn't felt that way the night my parents died but that event led me to live with Mark and because of that my life had completely changed. I wasn't sure if it had changed for the better but the turn of events had opened my eyes and thrown new challenges at me which possibly wouldn't have happened.

  I was devastated that I'd lost my parents but the bond that Mark and I had now formed had filled some of that void. I would forever blame myself for their deaths but I knew deep down that my parents wouldn't and I couldn't wait to see them again although I knew they'd be watching down over me every single day.

  The night of the attack however horrific, was a challenge in its own right. One of the hardest that I'd ever encountered. I could've let my attackers win, I could've reported it to the police and had my name dragged through the mud or I could've quite easily told the club and stood back as all three men disappeared but that would've been too easy. That wasn't a challenge, my challenge was to see how this event would affect me and how I would react. I hadn't realised how strong I actually was until now. People saw me as a weak nerdy book type from a privileged background but they were wrong I wasn't just that. Those turn of events had released something else, a beast inside me that had been waiting to emerge. A strong independent woman that in the face of adversity, had dealt with her pain, suffering and turned it into a positive. I was determined that this was only going to make me stronger and no one or anything was going to stand in my way in order for me to achieve my dreams.

  "So what have you been up to today?" I asked securing my seatbelt. His hesitation was noticeable and I immediately remembered that I shouldn't be asking. "Sorry I was just chatting, I forgot about the rules."

  "That's okay." He started the ignition and pulled out of the space heading in the direction of the exit.

  "So what can you tell me?"

  He chewed the inside of his mouth contemplating my question, "I cleaned the bar, ran an errand for Maggie and later I'm going to help her set up for this evening's party."

  "Ever the little helper!"

  He smiled, "I do what I need to do."

  We both fell silent and listened to the radio play. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence which I liked, it was two people comfortable within each other's company and I was starting to enjoy spending time with him quite a lot.

  "So where are you taking me?" I asked intrigued as he hadn't asked my likes and dislikes.

  "For pizza," he smiled.

  "Oooh my favourite."

  "I know."

  I looked at him confused, "How do you know it's my favourite?"

  "I asked Chloe," he stated as a matter of fact keeping his eyes firmly on the road. I smiled inside knowing that he'd been asking after me and grateful that it was Chloe as she wouldn't say anything, she owed me a favour after I caught her and Mark together. I sniggered at the thought earning myself an unreadable expression from Ramsey before I snuggled into the seat and looked out of the window.

  He parked the van and eagerly jumped out. I watched as he jogged around the front of the vehicle and opened my door.

  "Are you for real?" I asked surprised by his actions.

  He furrowed his brows, "What you mean?"

  "I'm not knocking it but I'm a little surprised with you being such a gentleman."

  "What because I'm associated with an MC and was raised in the care system?"

  "No I didn't mean that..."

  "And isn't your brother a gentleman? I see the way he is, he's a good bloke. Maybe it's how he was raised, to respect women and make them feel special. I had fantastic foster parents that taught me all of those things."

  "Whoa, easy tiger! Let's back up a little and take a breath. I wasn't knocking it, I was just surprised in a good way. Now aren't you going to take my hand and help me down from here?"

  "No do it yourself," he stated humorously folding his arms across his chest. I laughed and snorted in the process, I quickly lifted my hand to my face to cup my mouth and nose. "I can't take you anywhere," he sniggered rolling his eyes.

  This set me off further and I doubled over laughing and snorting in the process. Ramsey dug his hand in the crook of my arm and helped me from the van as tears streamed down my face.

  He shut the door behind me and locked the vehicle before directing me to the pizza restaurant. As we reached the doors I had calmed down a little and wiped my tears.

  "I'm sorry," I stated still sniggering lightly.

  "I haven't seen this side of you."

  "Ooops is that a bad thing?"

  "No I'm pleasantly surprised," he stated throwing my words back at me.

  As we entered the building, I glanced around at the customers and noticed Spike, Angel and the twins. "Erm, we've been spotted Ramsey," I nodded in the direction of their table.

  He lifted his head in recognition that he'd seen them and turned to the lady ready to seat us.

  "Can we be placed with that family over there?" Ramsey pointed to Spike which surprised me.

  The waitress smiled and took two menus from the counter top. "Follow me," she stated walking in the direction of their table.

  I grabbed Ramsey's hand and pulled him back. He glanced down at our entwined fingers and a smile grew across his face, "Babe if you want a bit of TLC you only had to ask." He lifted my hand to his mouth and laid soft kisses on the back of my hand. He took me totally by surprise but I was annoyed at myself that I didn't immediately stop him. He worked his way across my hand to my wrist and continued up my forearm, "Do you want me to carry on babe, coz I will."

  I shook my head and blinked several times gaining my composure and dropped my arm, "Stop it you're causing a scene."

  He glanced to his left and then his right, "No one's looking babe. They're more concerned about their pizzas then us making out." He gave me a cheeky wink and pulled me gently towards the table as I felt my cheeks redden.

  "Good afternoon," Spike greeted us as we approached the table.

  "You don't mind us joining you, do ya?" Ramsey asked leaning on the back of a spare chair positioned at the end of the table.

  Louise smiled, "Of course not more the merrier." She extended her arm encouraging us to sit.

  "Thank you," I smiled as Ramsey pulled out the chair from under the table for me to sit down.

  Spike smirked but quickly turned his attention to Tommy. "I'm sorry," the little boy's eyes welled with tears as he knocked his drink over.

  Spike picked Tommy up from his chair and placed him onto his lap, "It's an accident mate don't get upset."

  Tommy squeezed his eyes shut forcing back the tears and after a while opened one and then the other, "Look no tears."

  "High five to that," Spike held up his hand and Tommy slapped it with a huge smile now on his face.

  Louise looked lovingly at their interaction although she was busy mopping up the spilt drink from the table. I enjoyed watching people interact, you could learn so much from body language rather than words and the four of them just oozed love and respect.

  "What can I get you?" The waitress asked holding her note pad and pen ready to take the order.

  Ramsey looked at me expectantly. I shrugged, "I eat anything."

  He nodded, "Okay then, we'll have a large pan BBQ base Texas chicken pizza with garlic bread and a sharing combo. Can I also have two diet cokes please?"

  "Thank you," the waitress took the menus and left us to our conversation.

  "So what you two doing here?" Spike asked placing Tommy back onto his own chair.

  I felt a little uncomfortable under his scrutiny but I knew he was one
of the least scary club members. I sat quietly hoping that Ramsey would take the lead and answer his question rather than leaving it to me to respond.

  "Lauren's been working too hard lately coz she's got exams coming up but she needs food for energy to study so I've brought her here."

  I listened to the conversation like an outsider looking in although they were talking about me. Ramsey hit the nail on the head with his explanation, which surprised me as the boy actually listened to what I'd been saying. In fact he'd paid more attention to me lately than my own brother had.

  "I didn't realise you knew each other so well." Spike glanced between the two of us and leaned on the table resting his chin on his clasped hands.

  "We don't really but I know Woods has been busy lately and I thought Lauren may be lonely," Ramsey moved his arms from the table so the waitress could place our drinks.

  I smiled at her and lifted my glass to take a sip, I didn't like where this conversation was going and felt a little awkward. Maybe Spike wasn't so understanding after all.

  "And you thought you'd take it upon yourself to keep her company?"

  Ramsey nodded, "Pretty much."

  "Leave them alone Spike, they've come here to have their dinner that's all." Louise spoke firmly enough to get her point across without causing a scene.

  "Yeah sorry, it's just I don't want to be involved in any more drama where your family is concerned." Spike sniggered looking directly at me. I narrowed my brows confused by what he meant at first but then I remembered the story Mark had told me about him and Chloe over the park when they bumped into Spike.

  "No drama here I promise," I held up my hands indicating I wasn't crossing my finger and the group laughed.

  "What's your name?"

  I looked down at the little girl sitting beside me and smiled, "I'm Lauren and your name is?" I knew who she was but I waited patiently as she looked me up and down checking me out.

  "I'm Devon."

  "Well Devon, I'm very pleased to meet you."

  "Is he your boyfriend?" she pointed to Ramsey and I was a little taken aback by her boldness. I'd heard stories regarding how outspoken she was for someone so young but I'd never encountered it until now.


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