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His Discarded Bride: Lied to from birth. Manipulated into marriage. Does love stand a chance?

Page 10

by Joy, Melita

  She looked at herself in the mirror and knew that she looked beautiful even without hair, makeup and accessories. The dress was made for her. Her skin tone looked luminescent, the colour wasn’t as traditional as white or ivory yet she was a bridal vision. If only she were marrying for love, instead the gown would be wasted on what was no more than a business deal. Still she would have to look back possibly for years to come and when she did she knew that she would be happy that she chose this dress.

  “Unlace me please,” she did not want to parade in front of the others. She did not seek or want anyone else’s approval least of all Camilla’s. Happy with her choice the only other person she wanted to admire her was Renato.

  The attendants weren’t sure what to do but taking a look at her resolute face they assisted her in undressing. “Thank you,” she murmured gratefully. Leilani stepped out from behind the curtain and announced that she would be taking the last dress.

  “What you aren’t going to show us? I insist that you try on the dress and let us determine if it is the right dress for your wedding. I’m in charge of ensuring that the day is to Renato’s standards,” demanded Camilla.

  “You may have some say over the events of my day, but I think you will find that the ultimate choice is mine. Now if you don’t mind, I have a few things I’d like to do before the wedding planner arrives,” proud of her surge of confidence she did her best to dismiss the other woman.

  Camilla dismissed the staff and sensing an issue they scurried out quickly laden with their gowns. Leilani not relishing the thought of a confrontation turned down the hallway and headed for her room and heard Camilla’s angry breath before she felt the tug on her arm. “I think you and I need to have a little talk,” she pushed Leilani into the bedroom.

  “I don’t particularly want to talk to you, and I certainly don’t give you permission to be in here,” she asserted.

  “Is that so, maybe it’s time I had a chat with Renato after all. Regardless of your protestations the other night that I could sleep with Renato, I don’t think you meant what you said. In fact watching you this morning it seems that you’ve gone and fallen for more than his wealth,” she sneered.

  The woman was awful and on full attack, “Go ahead and talk to him. In fact why don’t I get him on the phone for you right now and you can let him know what you’ve discovered,” Leilani pulled out her phone.

  “You think I won’t call your bluff? Be very careful Leilani. I know Renato, and the one thing he won’t abide is you cheating on him, he is a real Italian in that sense. As of now you will step to the side, deny him in bed and let me cater to his needs with the skill that he deserves or I will expose your secret,” she threatened.

  Maybe things weren’t as dire as she had first thought. Camilla wanted her to deny her husband of their bedroom privileges yet little did she know that they had not progressed beyond kissing. Maybe Renato was no longer frequenting Camilla’s bed, it would explain the threat but it gave her no clue as to what Renato was doing. Possibly he’d taken another lover that would explain why he wasn’t sleeping with Camilla or attempting to bed his fiancée. Bolstered with confidence Leilani took a step closer to Camilla, “you can threaten all you like,” Leilani smiled as sweetly as she could. “He already knows.”

  Camilla gaped unsure of whether Leilani was telling the truth. She could call Renato but if he already knew, then she would look like she was only stirring trouble. However, if he didn’t know, then it was a way for her to get this woman out of his life and guide him to a better option, herself. Luckily a woman engaged in battle always kept her biggest weapon hidden until needed. “Fine, if he knows then he knows. More fool him for marrying an adulterous woman,” she stated as though it no longer mattered. “I could have sworn you looked at each other this morning with feeling for one another. The reality though is that it’s a loveless match,” she stated dramatically.

  “Stay out of my marriage, you know nothing of it,” Leilani snapped getting impatient to be rid of her.

  “I have no intention of getting involved. It appears the two of you have it all worked out. You with your lovers in tow and Renato, well Renato he’s only in this to lay claim to the business when his father croaks it,” she fired off her remaining bullet.

  “What are you talking about?” cold crept into her heart. She knew it was nothing more than a business arrangement but how she could even be relevant in his inheritance, of that she was unclear.

  Camilla looked gleeful, the woman was utter poison. “Are you so obtuse,” she further tried to demoralize. “Put two and two together and figure it out. He collected you from Australia. Do you think he met you and just fell in love,” she derided.

  “I never indicated that it started as a love match. After the news article in Rome, we decided it would be in both our interest to legitimise the story, and we both believe that love will grow,” her stupid mouth. They hadn’t discussed any such thing, but pride could be an incredible motivator. She should have just told Camilla to go to hell, she had no need to justify herself to this woman. Morbidly she wanted to understand the situation and Camilla seemed to have the answers, and the seed was there whether she liked it or not. This spiteful woman may, in fact, have some truth in her story.

  “You are a fool. Renato has the power and ability to get rid of any news article he wants. If he wants it to die down in a day then, believe me, he will subdue the story. “All I know is that he was sent to Australia by Vittorio to go and collect you and that he did. Do you think Renato flies economy by choice?” the mirthless laugh bit further into the fine strands of remaining trust she had for her fiancé.

  “I thought maybe there were no tickets left in first class,” she felt foolish believing there would be any reason for him to be on that plane other than as an end to his needs. The one thing she knew with assurance is that Renato could be ruthless. If he wanted something, then he would find a way at all costs to get it, even if that meant flying cattle class with the likes of her.

  Camilla took her leave, confident that she’d hit her mark. “I think I’ll let you deal with the wedding planner this afternoon. After all, she is paid to take care of all the details that you’d prefer to not notice.” With that last not so cryptic jibe she left, and Leilani sat on the edge of her bed replaying the confrontation. She still didn’t understand why Vittorio would have sent Renato to marry her. She decided that she had enough time to talk Vittorio before the wedding planner arrived. Hopefully, he was home.

  Knocking, she waited impatiently to be let in. With quick pleasantries dispensed of she demanded to know, “Vittorio, I simply want the truth. Is it true that you sent Renato to Australia to make me his bride? If so, I need to know why, am I just a pawn in some game to all of you?” she was so frustrated she started to tear up.

  “Take a seat and calm yourself. Yes, it’s true that I sent Renato to Australia. You are my daughter, and it’s time you were here where you belong. I built the Favalli Empire from nothing. The result of years of sacrifice and hard work. Renato has been a good son and has helped the business to grow further, however; he is not of my blood. You are my blood, and I wish to pass my legacy to you. Hopefully, you will have some sons Renato can groom into the business, and the generations to come will have what’s rightfully theirs,” he stated. “Surely you would not begrudge your father this right.

  She sat fuming silently. Truly she was nothing more than a pawn for this outdated hypocrite. “You talk to me about entitlement yet you afford me none,” it was too late to put a lid on her emotions they were steaming out and all self-control was gone. “Where were you?” she raised her voice. “I needed what I should have been entitled to, a warm, loving father who cared about me and took an interest. It should have been you but instead you shipped my mother and me off to Australia as far away as possible,” she burst.

  “I sent you away, but I did not want you to go to Australia. That was your mother’s choice. Rosa insisted and with circumstances the way they
were I had little choice,” he stated.

  “There is always a choice; you chose to abandon your only heir only to think that you could just pluck me out of oblivion when you felt like it,” she half sobbed. “I still don’t understand. I was looking for you; this is all too coincidental.”

  “I can’t change the damage of the past and I make no apologies for decisions that I believed to be good at the time. I always supported you even if I did not publicly acknowledge you. Now you are grown up, and it’s time to step up as a Favalli. No heir of mine would be a snivelling mess like this.”

  “How can you be so cold? If I’m a snivelling mess then surely I have some right given the way my world has been tipped upside down?” she argued.

  “If you prefer to wallow in self-pity then I suggest you take your leave. I have neither time for it nor the inclination to hear your babblings. If you wish to lay claim to what belongs to you, then I suggest you grow a backbone. I would hope that your genes are more mine than your mothers,” he quipped.

  Vittorio knew his words were harsh but if it got him his intended outcome than he had no qualms in nudging his daughter in this way. Rosa had apparently raised her without spirit. The little she’d shown today was not enough to impress him which is why he needed her married to Renato. He would need to set the succession of his company up in a way that left Renato in charge of all decisions. To entrust his emotional daughter would be business suicide.

  He would urge his son to take better control of his fiancée. She was a loose cannon and if she didn’t marry Renato not only would the business be passed down to strangers but he would lose the potential of this upcoming acquisition. The Empire had the opportunity to add significantly to its already global presence, but it was already clear that the conservative seller wanted only to sell to a business of repute that included the reputation of its owners. If this situation became news fodder than the entire deal would blow up in their faces.


  Renato fumed, the last thing he needed was Vittorio feeling that he had to intervene with his marriage. He knew what needed to be done. He left the office early and decided to arrange a bit of alone time with Leilani. They were to be married this weekend, and he needed to ensure that she didn’t change her mind.

  “Get dressed I’ll be home shortly to pick you up,” he stated without preamble.

  “To be honest I don’t feel like going out at the moment.”

  She sounded flat which was not a good sign. “All the more reason to get you out of the apartment,” when she didn’t reply he added, “I promise you that you will enjoy yourself. So do me a favour hmm, find a cute dress and sandals, your sunnies and a hat and put them on .I’ll be home in fifteen minutes or so.

  He could insist and manipulate her further into this marriage, or he could try sweetening the deal for her. Renato would show her a good time, wine and dine her and bed her in that order. He’d noticed the change in her over the past couple of days. The tell-tale signs, a furtive glance when she didn’t think he was watching. Flushing cheeks when he touched her and most importantly the hitching of her breath when he leant in to kiss her and the shine in her eyes that couldn’t mask her emerging feelings.

  He arrived at the apartment and surprisingly Leilani was ready and waiting for him. He marveled at the difference in her appearance from a week ago. Renato complimented her as she got in and buckled her seatbelt, “that dress was made for you,” he wanted to say more but since this afternoon was about wooing her, he held back. If they’d already consummated the relationship, he wouldn’t have bothered taking her out, but instead he would have hauled her straight up to his room or any private area he could find. The dress was modest in cut, just above the knee, tempting his hands to slide beneath the silky folds and explore, those thighs and higher. He cut off his thoughts, he would drive himself crazy, and there were several hours to go until he would reach that goal.

  “How was your day,” he asked smiling at her. He would allow her to bring up Vittorio. She was already mistrustful enough if he broached the subject she would think they were conspiring further against her.

  “It was okay.”

  He could see that he was going to need a bucket load of patience. “Did you decide on a dress?”

  Leilani could see that he was trying, and if she were to marry him, she would need to get to know him better. She was still smarting from her conversation with Vittorio and what she craved was time out to figure out what to do. Both men were so powerful that the reality was she knew she had no choice but she still needed a tactic. It was important that she figure out how to guard her heart against getting trampled further than it already was. Right now it was in pieces at her feet completely unrecognizable. Picking up the pieces, what a lovely cliché, but how did she start when she didn’t know which part to begin with, and Renato’s presence just confused her further.

  The war in her mind quietened down, and Leilani opted for politeness, “yes actually I found a lovely dress.”

  “That’s great. Look Leilani I know that your head is probably spinning right now with so many things happening,” he moved his eyes off the road and glanced at her. She was looking straight ahead, her profile stiff. “I want things to work between us regardless of our forced union. I think the two of us could end up being a great couple,” he cajoled and this time when he glanced at her she faced him and he could see her eyes welling up.

  “How would you know that? You know nothing about me, Renato. We are to wed in a few days and what do you know about me? Not a thing. Do you know what I even do for work, my favourite colour, interests, music I like? I could continue and rattle a list off a mile long, and you would be lucky to guess one or two things about me. How will we make it work under these circumstances? All I feel is mistrust and suspicion and can you blame me after the way you have underhandedly brought this marriage about?” tears had started to fall in earnest, and he pulled the car over.

  He felt an unfamiliar twitch in his heart, her pain undeniable and he knew that he played a part in it. He didn’t regret his actions; he did what was necessary, and self-doubt would not serve any purpose. He could, however, find a way to soften the blow. Parked he reached over and stroked back a few strands of her hair that had fallen out of the knot she’d twisted and pinned up. “You are right, I don’t know you, yet the little I’ve seen entices me. We both know this marriage is going to take place. Personally I think we’ll both find it easier if we accept this and do our best to work with one another.”

  Leilani was looking up into his eyes the uncertainty still there, “There is not a great deal of time left to take it slowly but what if we did just that for the remainder of the day? Let’s date,” he proclaimed.

  His enthusiasm must have rung true for a semblance of a smile came through, “Do you think that is possible?”

  “Why not?” he stated, “we are both adults, and we can choose to have this day or we can choose to resist. The latter will only tire us out, so I’m willing to make a go of it if you are?”

  “It sounds good in theory but to make a go of it I’m going to want answers, to ask you questions. Will you agree to that? If you do, and I see any hint of dishonesty, well I doubt I’ll trust you again for the entirety of our marriage. If I have no faith in you then I can assure you I will be spending my days finding a way to release myself from our vows,” she was emphatic, and it lifted his spirit.

  Maybe his piccola farfallina was still transforming. He didn’t need a subdued wife in fact he had been happy with his life as it was. Since there was no choice, his preference would be a woman that complimented his lifestyle and didn’t need to his attention twenty-four seven. “At this point I could make promises but since we barely know one another they would be wasted on you. Let’s enjoy the day and see how we feel afterwards.” He raised her hand to his lips kissing her soft, creamy skin, held her eyes captive and breathed in deeply stirring himself on her sensual scent.

  He slowly pulled away once ag
ain admonishing himself. He was reacting too easily to her, and she was nowhere near ready for it. A challenge he was confident he could conquer, but he would need the full evening to do so. “What do you say, are you willing?” he was already half turning to the ignition, sure of her response.

  Her skin felt scorched where his lips had trailed. She was a closet romance buff, not that she’d tell anyone. Her love life had been dismal she’d never had an affair of the heart to write home about, nothing compared to fiction books she’d read. Maybe she was just starved for attention, how pitiful that a kiss on the wrist could flip her mind. Romance aside she knew her answer was yes. If he was willing to put aside the horrendous start to this relationship then so could, she and it was her opportunity to find out more about her past. If anyone could give her answers it would be Renato and Vittorio, so it made sense to keep both men on her side for now.

  “So I guess you haven’t done all that much sight-seeing yet?” he asked knowing full well her only free time had been spent searching for her father.

  “Ah no, I haven’t seen anything of the city yet. Are we going sight-seeing?”

  “What better way to relax and get to know one another. Learning about my country is an excellent way to understand me. Wouldn’t you agree?” he smiled. It was disarming. “Come on relax, let’s go enjoy ourselves.”

  Maybe he wasn’t two dimensional after all. “Where were you thinking?”

  “The Colosseum, Forum, Pantheon and Vatican could be a good start?” he glanced for her reaction.

  “You remembered all the places I told you when we first met?”


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