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Rebels Advocate - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4

Page 71

by Sheridan Anne

  “I know you have,” I say as the smile on my own face begins to grow. Even if she says no right now, I’m still the happiest man on the planet knowing I’ve just given her something that she’s always wanted. “What’s it going to be?”

  A smugness seeps into her joy. “I should tell you no,” she says as the smile continues growing. “I should have you begging to even be in the same room as me.”

  “I know you should,” I tell her.

  “I should have you following me around on your hands and knees, day in and day out, with a box of chocolates and strawberries, feeding me like an ancient Egyptian queen. You could be my slave boy.”

  “I’ll do it,” I tell her as the people in the theatre chuckle to themselves. “Come on, babe. Put me out of my misery.”

  She lets out a little laugh before falling to her knees and crashing into me with her arms around my neck. I catch her with ease as her lips come down on mine. “I love you so much, Jace King,” she tells me with her lips moving against mine. “Of course, I’ll marry you. Nothing in this world could possibly make me happier than being your wife.”

  I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding before crushing her lips to mine. I wrap my arms around her waist and hold her tightly to me. It’s only then I realize I have no idea what happened to the ring. It was in my fingers before, but now, my hands are firmly on her body.

  The people in the cinema start cheering and hollering, though no one is louder than the boys. Not one of them knew I was doing this. They all knew that I was making a big gesture to her tonight, hell, they were all in on making it happen. They helped me with the video, they helped me by stalking her Facebook page to get in contact with her family. They even helped me to rent out the fucking theatre. They thought I wanted to make her my girl, but not one of them knew that my end game was to propose, and from the sound of it, they’re all fucking stoked, but not as stoked as I am.

  I pull back from Cami and I can’t help but spread my fingers over her back as I lift her off the ground and help her find her feet. “I can’t believe you just did that,” she tells me as I spot the familiar little velvet box lying on the ground at her feet.

  I scoop it up into my hands and take the diamond ring out. “I swear to you, Cami,” I tell her as I take her hand in mine. “I’m going to make you so fucking happy.”

  With that, I slide the ring onto her finger and officially make her my fiancé.

  I want to pull her in again but it’s made impossible when the girls crash into her and start screaming in that way that girls do. I’m too busy smiling at her to even notice anyone approaching.

  “Dude?” Luke says, suddenly right by my side. “What the fuck was that? How could you not tell me?”

  I can’t help but grin at him as he pulls me in and claps me on the back. “Good fucking work,” he tells me. “It’s about time.”

  “Thanks, man,” I say, finding it impossible to remove the smile off my face. “You know you’re my best man, right?”

  “There would be trouble if I wasn’t,” he warns me.

  I can’t help but laugh as the rest of the guys come storming in on our bromance. “Fuck, man,” Xander says. “You threw us a fucking curveball there.”

  “That’s a fucking understatement,” Caden grunts. “Now the rest of us are going to have to pick up our game or the girls will be pissed.”

  “Congratulations,” Cole laughs. “Now, what do you say we take all these people back to my place and we throw you guys a fucking party.”

  I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face, especially as I glance across the room to see Cami’s eyes already on mine. “Fuck yeah, man. Let’s show these girls how real men like to party.”

  With that, the theatre begins emptying out and I take my fiancé by the hand. “So, we’re not actually perving on Chris Hemsworth?” she questions as I throw my arm over her shoulder and pull her into my side.

  “Only if you want to, babe,” I tell her as I start leading her towards the door.

  “No,” she says, shaking her head. “I’d rather perve on you.”

  We’re about to walk through the exit when she looks back into the theatre. “What is it?” I ask her.

  Her eyebrows pull down in thought before she turns back and looks up at me. “How the hell did you get everyone in here without me noticing?”

  A smirk cuts across my face and I press my lips to her forehead. She doesn’t need to know all my secrets and it’s not like it’s that interesting. There’s a back door and I simply snuck every last person in here while getting a few strangers to walk through the main doors to keep her suspicions down. “It’s not my fault you’re not very observant,” I laugh as she narrows her eyes on me.

  I can’t help but laugh as I press a kiss to her forehead. “Come on, babe,” I say as I pull her out the door while skipping straight over her questions. “We’ve got a party to get to.”

  Chapter 25


  How is it possible to be this happy? When I woke up this morning, my day was about celebrating the fact that shark week was over, now, at the end of the day, I have a fiancé whose hand hasn’t left mine, a ring on my finger that symbolizes a promise of just how fiercely he’s going to love me, and a man who’s taking me back to his home to show me exactly what it means to be his woman.

  He pulls up in his driveway and I reach for the door. As I go to climb down from his truck, he’s already there, helping me out. As I get to the ground, I smile up at him. “I’m going to be so damn happy for the rest of my life.”

  He leans in and presses his lips to mine as his hands scoop down and effortlessly lifts me into his arms. “I can’t wait,” he tells me. “Now, let me take you to bed. I’ve been waiting too damn long for you.”

  He walks us right up to his front door before adjusting me in his arms so he can pull his keys out of his pocket. He slides it into the lock and before I know it, he’s pressing me up against the back of his bedroom door.

  It only takes me a second to realize that I haven’t actually been in his home since before my trip but I don’t have a chance to dwell on it as his lips are suddenly on mine.

  He pulls back slightly to allow his eyes to roam over me and even though I’m still fully dressed, I can’t help but feel naked under his gaze. I lock my eyes onto his before pressing my hand into his hard stomach and pushing him back.

  He allows me to walk a few steps before the back of his legs hit the bed. I give him a gentle push and he willingly falls back to sit on the edge of the bed. His eyes flame as he watches me, wondering what I’m about to do.

  I reach up for the strap of my dress and slip it off my shoulder and his eyes zone in on the bare skin as though he can’t breathe without it. I trail my finger over my bare shoulder and pull in a breath that raises my chest up and down.

  My finger moves across my skin and over to my other shoulder where it pushes the other strap down. I slip both my arms out of the straps but my dress remains loosely held up around the top of my breasts.

  My finger trails back down from my shoulder and across my collarbone. I close my eyes as the sensation is starting to become too much for me to handle. Maybe it’s the feel of my own fingertip trailing across my burning skin, or maybe it’s the way Jace’s eyes haven’t missed a single movement.

  My fingers move down and gently pull on the dress which makes it fall to the floor at my feet. His eyes grow hungrier and the burning within them spurs me on. I stand before him in nothing but my underwear and I’ve never felt so exposed. It’s intoxicating.

  I continue moving my hand down my chest and trail it over my breasts before going down over my waist. It tickles slightly and has me sucking in a breath while I bite down on my bottom lip.

  Jace goes to reach out for me and I shake my head. I’m not finished with this performance just yet.

  I reach around my back and unhook my bra before letting it fall to the ground. I run my fingers over myself and feel my nipples hard
ening beneath my touch. I let out the slightest moan before hooking my fingers into the waistband of my underwear.

  I slide them down my body before straightening myself up and continuing to touch myself. I run my hands over my breast and down across my hips, but I never go any further south. That’s all for him. Only ever for him.

  Finally, when the need is getting too strong, I step forward and place myself right between his legs. “Touch me, Jace,” I whisper into the dim room.

  He doesn’t need to be told twice. His hands take possession of my waist before he starts letting them roam. He pulls me in a little closer while scooting himself right to the edge of the bed and putting himself right in front of my breasts.

  He instantly sucks my nipple into his mouth and runs his tongue over the hard bud. It sends an electric shot straight through me and has me desperate for so much more.

  As he assaults my body with his tongue, I place my hands on his shoulders. But it’s not enough. I need to feel his skin under mine. I reach down his strong back and bunch the fabric of his shirt between my fingers before pulling it up and over his head. I throw the shirt away and press my body impossibly closer into his.

  His need gets too much for him and before I know it, his hands are at my waist and he lifts me so I straddle his lap before he twists and lays me down on his bed. He comes down on top of me but he doesn’t come up to my face like I expect him to do, instead, he goes down.

  His lips leave a burning trail from my nipple, down my waist, and over my hip before he’s pushing my legs apart and looking at me.

  I prop myself up on my elbows, desperate to watch the arousing show as his head dips down between my legs. I feel his tongue first and I moan out as he runs it over my clit before circling it and going further down.

  My hands clench into the bedsheets as he adds his fingers to the mix. I’ve never done this with Jace, and fuck me, it’s explosive. He’s been so unbelievably good at everything else that I don’t know why I’m so surprised that he'd be a fucking champion at this too.

  Jace pushes his fingers up into me and works my body as his tongue continues setting my nerves on fire.

  My hands tighten in the sheets and I bite down on my lip, groaning for the release that I know is just moments away. I feel his smile against me but he doesn’t dare stop moving. He picks up his pace and uses his fingers to massage inside me all while continuing pushing them in and out. It’s torturous in the best fucking way.

  Jace’s free hand comes up and cups my breast before he pinches my nipple. It sends another electric current right down to my center and it’s just what I need to throw me over the edge.

  I detonate as I scream his name, but it's not over yet. He continues moving, letting me ride out my orgasm on his tongue.

  When my body finally finishes spasming, he crawls back up and presses his lips to mine. I taste myself on his lips. “Where the hell did you learn to do that?” I pant as I try to catch my breath.

  He chuckles as he reaches down between us and works on releasing the button of his pants. “Just you wait and see what else I can do.”

  My need for him is too strong. I need to have him inside me so I’m not surprised by the desperation I show when I slip my hands down between us and help rid him of his pants.

  The second he pushes them down, his erection falls heavily against my stomach. I wrap my fingers around his hard length and he lets out a satisfying groan. As he kisses me, I pump my hands up and down while running my thumb over his tip.

  Jace kisses me deeper before reaching down between us and taking himself out of my hands. He lines himself up with my entrance and within moments, he pushes himself up into me. It’s agonizingly beautiful and has my eyes closing with need.

  He begins to move. Slowly at first, pushing himself deep within me before sliding and thrusting up again. His lips move to my neck and I gasp out with the instant satisfaction. My hands run up his arms, over his strong muscles before coming to a stop at his back where I dig my nails in.

  He continues his slow tease of my body and I see the desire within him to really move, but he’s determined to have me feel every bit of pleasure he’s throwing my way. “Jace,” I pant. “I need…”

  “I know, baby,” he tells me before picking up his pace and thrusting harder.

  “Fuck,” I gasp, squeezing my fingers into his muscled back while bringing my legs up to wrap around him.

  Without warning, he slips his hands under my back and rolls us, placing me on top and allowing me to take over control. In this position, he’s impossibly deeper and I groan out as he touches me in places that no man has ever reached before.

  I grin down at my beast of a man and place my hands on his sculptured chest. His automatically come to a stop on my waist which is when I start to move.

  “Fuck, babe,” he groans as I ride him.

  I take his hands in mine and lean down on top of him before giving it my absolute all. He pushes up into me, meeting my thrusts with his own and drives us both wild with need. He winds my body up and I squeeze my fingers in his as he brings my body right to the edge.

  He thrusts up into me one more time and it’s exactly what I need to explode.

  My body spasms.

  My toes curl.

  I suck in a breath.

  My eyes clench.

  I scream out his name.

  My orgasm completely takes over me.

  He stills and I feel him pouring himself inside me and I’ve never felt sexier. “Fuck, Cam,” he says as he releases my hand and pushes the stray hairs off my face.

  I tilt my head into his hand and grin down at him. I don’t miss the way his eyes pass by my boobs on his way to meet my eyes. “You’re so fucking amazing,” he tells me. “Why the hell did I waste two years when I could have been having you?”

  “Because you’re a fool, Jace King,” I tell him. “But don’t worry, I’ll be sure to remind you all the time.”

  A wicked grin takes over his face before he grabs my hips and rolls us once again. I squeal out and suddenly, he’s right there on top of me, thrusting up into me once again. “Every time you remind me, I’m going to remind you why you can’t live without me.”

  I look up into those eyes that have been my world and pull him down to me. He rests his forehead against mine and I gently press my lips against his. “Don’t ever let me forget.”

  “Not possible,” he murmurs. “You’re my whole life, Cami. Without you, I’d surely drown, so there’s no chance in hell that I’m ever letting you go. You’re going to grow old with me. We’re going to get wrinkly together and every single day, until I take my final breath, I’ll be falling in love with you all over again.”

  I smile up at him. “I think I’ve already fallen in love with you ten times over today.”

  “Good,” he murmurs before pulling out and pushing up into me again. “Let’s make it eleven.”



  12 Months Later

  I rush around like a crazy person, checking over the dresses while the models get their hair and makeup done. I’m so damn nervous and the fact that the left heel for my third outfit has been misplaced is making me freak the fuck out.

  Tonight is the night I’ve been waiting for since I was a little girl. It’s my runway show for the very first Cameron Drew collection.

  I’ve worked my ass off for this. I’ve been pricked by sewing pins at least one thousand times, I’ve had countless late nights where my head never really seemed to hit the pillows, and not to mention, there have been hundreds of meetings to have just to make sure all the people in the industry who I’m wanting to show off for are actually turning up.

  I am a mess of nerves.

  And I still can’t find this fucking shoe. I mean, who steals just one shoe?

  “Cami,” Bec calls from across the backstage area. I look up and see her waving a hand, indicating for me to get my ass over there. “Come here for a sec,” she yells out.

  I d
ash over there as quickly as possible and find her holding two different blouses while looking down at my black pencil skirt. “What’s up?” I question.

  She looks up at me which is when I notice the same nerves in her eyes that I’m sure is showing within mine. “I can’t remember which top went with the skirt, and which heels you had picked.”

  I let out a breath. At least this is a question I can actually answer unlike the hundreds of other questions that have been thrown my way this afternoon.

  I don’t know what’s wrong with me right now. Usually, I’m so in control, I’m focused, and attentive, but right now. I’m a fucking mess. I’m too close to this and the thought of failing is scaring the shit out of me.

  I try to shoo the self-doubt from my mind and focus on the task before me. “Ok,” I say. “The yellow blouse goes with the skirt and the black pumps,” I tell her before indicating to the other top she holds in her hands. “This was the back up if, god forbid, anything was to happen to the other one. Keep it close by.”

  “Got it,” she says before sliding the hanger through the top of the yellow blouse and matching it with the skirt before turning and searching out the black pumps.

  “Hey,” I call to her back. She turns back around and raises a questioning eyebrow. “Have you seen the heel for the third outfit? It’s missing.”

  “Shit,” she says with a cringe before looking around to glance at the heels beneath the outfits. “No, sorry,” she tells me. “It will be here somewhere. It couldn’t haven’t gotten far.”

  I let out a quick, sharp breath. She’s right. It will show up. It has to.

  “Cami,” I hear from the hair stylist. I let out another and head on over there. “What were you thinking for this one?”

  I look down at the model and try to remember which outfit she’ll be in. “You’re the fourth girl down the runway?” I question. The girl, who must only be nineteen, nods and I look over the features of her face. “I think a high bun will be good, though, make it a little edgy.”

  “No problem,” she says with a laugh before turning her attention back to the head of hair before her.


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