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Bought by the Raunchy Cowboy: A BBW Billionaire Romance

Page 15

by Raina Wilde

  He joined her on the bed, pressing the front of his body against the length of her side. His fingers trailed lazy circles across her skin sending tendrils of heat to the center of her body. Their gazes collided when his hand came to rest at the joining of her legs. He paused, waiting for any sign of her discomfort. Instead, she leaned toward him and brought their mouths together with a passion that left him smiling against her mouth.

  Neelia pressed her body against his hand. She could not help it. As his fingers danced against her warmth Neelia found her hips searching for more, searching for what she knew was to come.

  When his finger slipped inside of her, Neelia threw her head back and gasped. She had never felt intensity quite like this moment. Her body was torn between the desire to allow him to continue and the need to shout that the sensation was too much for her to handle. When his mouth bent to cover her breast, Neelia could no longer contain the quiet sounds that were slipping past her lips.

  His mouth transitioned to her other breast and Neelia, lost in the passion of the moment, cried out his name.

  “Now. ” She begged. Drew lifted his head to kiss her once more. “Drew, now. ” She commanded, giving him a look that clearly stated that she was on the verge of losing control. He sheathed himself from the nightstand and positioned himself with his body suspended above her, the edge of his erection pressed against the heat of her center.

  “You’re sure? ” he looked into her eyes.

  Neelia lifted her legs to wrap them around his waist, increasing the pressure between their bodies.

  “I’ve never been more certain in my life. ” She replied.

  Drew’s mouth descended upon her at the very same moment that he eased inside of her. They both released a breath of air as the full length of their bodies collided. The connection was unlike anything that Neelia had experienced and she would guess, from the groan of pleasure elicited from her partner, that he was experiencing much the same reaction.

  Neelia had the sudden realization that she had grown to love this man. Her heart urged her to utter the words that she had never spoken to a lover before. Her mind put a halt to the action in time for her to experience the gentle rhythm of their lovemaking, sending them both over the edge of an uncontrollable climax.

  Neelia did not know what to expect from Drew after their lovemaking. She had been so floored by her realization that she had kept painfully quiet afterward. For a moment she considered returning to Hillary’s house. She was afraid of overwhelming Drew with the magnitude of her emotion, unsure of her ability to hide the truth for very long.

  She had almost decided to leave when Drew wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close against his body. He nuzzled the back of her neck and mumbled something about her hair smelling wonderful, before they both drifted off to sleep.

  The next morning Neelia awoke feeling slightly tender from their repeated lovemaking. She hung in the pleasant space between dream and reality, basking in the warmth created by Drew’s larger body.

  As her brain lit on a thought, Neelia sat up with a jolt and a gasp. Her hand covered her mouth and she stared down at Drew who was watching her with an amused expression.

  “What are we going to tell Hillary and your brother about where I’ve been all night? ” Neelia muttered from behind her hand.

  Drew pulled her back down, now facing him, and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Would it be such a bad thing to say that you were with me? ” The kisses that he was trailing along her neck were distracting Neelia from the problem at hand.

  “I’m a journalist, and you are my subject. ” She giggled as the shadow of his facial hair tickled her skin.

  Drew leaned back and stared at her with a suddenly serious look.

  “Does that change the truth? Would it affect the way that you write? ” He asked.

  “No. ” Neelia admitted. It pleased her that he trusted that her story would not be swayed by their relationship.

  “Good. ” He returned to his trail of kisses. “Then we can say that you were with me and that you plan on staying here every night. ”

  “Every night until I leave” she giggled again. His hands had now joined in roaming over the sensitive areas of her skin.

  “Hmm, ” he hummed against her breast, “Only if I fail at convincing you to stay indefinitely. ” He nipped at her skin with a playful tug that turned their laughter into passion very quickly. Neelia only had a moment to wonder if he had been serious.


  The next few days were a blur of happiness for Neelia. She spent the daytime writing and researching her article and the nighttime wrapped in the warm embraces of Drew Matherson. The newlyweds were not the least bit surprised at the turn of events. In fact, they seemed to have expected the couple to come to this conclusion as the looks of I told you so passed from wife to husband with a knowing smile. Drew did convince her to extend her stay for an additional week, though indefinitely had not yet been discussed.

  The story was coming along beautifully. She had already received dozens of email responses to her letters, confirming the statements from MaryAnn’s tour. It had all the workings of a major award-winning piece. On Monday morning Neelia sent an outline to her editor, promising a final draft in the days to come.

  Tuesday morning Drew crawled out of bed and left for work, as usual, promising Neelia that he would be back in time for dinner with Hillary and Jake. There had been no indication that the day would go any differently than those before.

  At noon, Drew arrived back at his house, where Neelia had been working diligently on her final draft. His face was ashen and a look of utter disbelief had shadowed his features.

  Neelia rushed over to him immediately.

  “What’s wrong? ” She asked, running her hands down his arms. She was not sure what to do or how to help but she had never before seen Drew in this state.

  He turned his head toward her, his eyebrows drawn together. Without saying a word he held up a rolled newspaper and handed it to Neelia.

  Preparing herself for another interview from the theatrical ex-girlfriend, Neelia shrugged. She knew that her own article would counteract any malicious intent from Melina’s front, though she and Drew had not discussed her work, having agreed to keep a distance between their professional and personal relationships.

  She read the heading.

  Award Winning Journalist Neelia Jones Writes Exposé: The Terror Behind Matherson Developments.

  “What’s this? ” she asked, thoroughly confused.

  “I’d like to ask you the same question. ” Drew stepped away from her.

  “Well, this isn’t our publication so I’m not sure what to tell you. ” she did not understand why he was so upset. This was clearly a fabricated article.

  “How do they even know that you are writing an article? You told me it was being kept quiet until it went to print. ” That was a good question, Neelia conceded.

  “I’m honestly not sure. But, ” she had been about to say that it didn’t matter because her article was nothing of the sort when Drew cut her off.

  “Is this a joke? ” his whisper was so soft that he might as well have shouted.

  “Drew, I don’t know what you are talking about. ”

  “I knew you hated me in the beginning, but I honestly thought we had gotten past all of that. ” He accused. “Is this some ploy to punish me because we didn’t get along at first? Were you just pretending the entire time that you were sleeping with me? ”

  Neelia’s jaw dropped. She could not believe what she was hearing. She was so stunned that she could not even formulate a response before he plunged onward.

  “Here I was thinking that I was in love with you, and you are writing some cock-and-bull story just like the rest of them. ” He threw up his hands when Neelia made a grab for his arm. “I wouldn’t even care if it was true, but its not and you know it, Neelia!” Now he was shouting. Neelia stammered to try to explain but she couldn’t get a word in edgewise. T
he small part of her heart that had soared when he had said that he loved her was instantly crushed by the realization that he thought her capable of utter betrayal, and lies.

  “How dare you!” she yelled back him. “How dare you insult my writing. As if I would ever concoct some sensationalist story out of spite. If that is really what you think of me then you don’t know me at all. ”

  Neelia threw the paper down at his feet, grabbed her purse and stormed out the door. She made a quick call to Hillary apologizing about her sudden departure and requesting that her things be sent on to Neelia’s New York apartment. It was not until she hung up the phone, and was on her way to the airport, that Neelia let the tears fall.


  Two days later her article was published. Her editor had discovered that his secretary was selling information to a competitor, explaining how they had been aware of an article but not its contents. Assuming that Neelia was conforming to the other journalist’s techniques they had assumed that she was attempting to take down the real estate giant once and for all.

  Neelia could not bring herself to answer her phone on the day of publication. Part of her feared that the caller might be Drew and she knew that she did not have the strength to speak with him. For the entire day she allowed her phone to ring, the list of messages from her secretary piling up at an astronomical rate. Neelia did not read those either. She did not want to know. When Friday rolled around, Neelia was still avoiding her telephone. She promised herself that she would deal with the growing pile of messages on Monday and headed home for the weekend.

  When she arrived at her apartment Neelia was surprised to see Drew waiting on the steps outside of the main door.

  “Your doorman wouldn’t let me in. ” He sighed. The doorman would have left for the night almost an hour ago.

  “Smart man. I’ll have to remember to thank him. ” she jabbed.

  “Neelia, I’ve left you at least fifty messages. Please, just give me a chance to talk to you. ” Drew stood up and followed her to the door that she was currently unlocking.

  “Like you gave me a chance to explain? ”

  “I’m so sorry about that. ” He ran a hand over his face. “Please let me apologize. ”

  She knew that she was being purposely argumentative, but his rumpled hair and frazzled demeanor were simply too cute of a combination. Her heart went out to the man that she loved, despite Neelia’s best efforts to hang on to her anger.

  Neelia held the door open for him to pass.

  They rode the elevator to her apartment in silence. Neelia berated herself for being excited that he was here. She very badly wanted to stay mad at him. The fact that he was here could only mean that he was ready to acknowledge that he had been wrong. Was she ready to forgive him? Neelia’s heart had already decided but her mind was putting up a good fight.

  She stomped into her home and turned on him like an angry viper, ready to strike.

  “Well? ” she demanded.

  Drew took a step toward her, stopping only when she held her hand out to halt his progress. She could tell that he wanted to touch her. The truth was, she wanted to touch him too, but she knew that even the slightest contact would destroy the last of her weakening defenses.

  “I have absolutely no explanation for my behavior. ” He sighed. “I was so certain that there was no possible way that you could feel as strongly as I do in such a short time and…” He began to pace across the small rug at the entrance. “I guess that I was worried that it must all be too good to be true. ”

  Neelia stared at him. She bit the inside of her cheeks to keep from telling him the words that had been trying to escape her from the moment that she saw him sitting on the stone steps.

  “I never should have doubted your intentions. I do know you better than that, despite what you may think. I knew from the beginning that no matter what your feelings were you would only write what you had determined to be the truth. ” Drew pulled a newspaper from the pocket of his jacket. “It’s a beautiful article and it tells more truth than I think I even realized that there was to tell. ” He hung his head. “I don’t know what to say that can make this better except that I have been miserable without you in my home. I want you there with me, every day. I know that you have a career and I am not asking you to change that. I don’t care if it means that I need to move to this tin can of a city as long as I can wake up next to you every day. Neelia, I’m so sorry. ”

  She realized that her eyes were welling up. Drew stepped forward and tentatively placed his arms around her shoulders. When she did not pull away, but leaned against him, he tightened his embrace and pressed his face against her hair.

  “I love you. ” he whispered into her tresses.

  Neelia lifted her head to look into Drew’s magnificent blue eyes.

  “I love you too. ” She whispered in response.

  His mouth descended upon hers and they shared in a kiss that had the power to communicate all of the emotions that their words were unable to describe.


  Ride of Their Lives

  Chris Ryker’s life is on the rocks. The Navy Seal is on a temporary leave of absence while the death of his entire unit is being investigated, and the execution-style deaths of his teammates have pointed fingers in his direction. It would be so easy for him to reveal the truth, but his honor prevents him from doing so. Chris has a secret—a secret that he wants to keep buried with his teammates.

  Natalie Barnett is a rough-around-the-edges therapist who is looking to start a new career in the military town. Her exposure to Chris has been pleasurable to say the least, but when Natalie finds out that he is one of her patients, she has some tough decisions to make.

  Can Chris keep the secret that would bring the entire investigation crashing down, and destroy everything that his commanding officers think they know? Or, can Natalie help to find a solution that can save Chris’s career, without revealing the secret that he so carefully guards?

  Chapter 1:

  Chris Ryker was bored. Bored and frustrated. The meeting this afternoon with his commanding officers had not gone as planned.

  For a month already he had been waiting for the clearance to return to active duty. He had argued passionately the he was ready to return to the action, ready to continue to do his duty for his country.

  For Chris, there was nothing else. No other purpose. He was not looking for a quiet life. He had no family, and no intention of starting one of his own. This time off was killing him. He had no reason, no enjoyment, being stateside.

  The military had turned his life around, changed it for the better, but at the moment he felt as if it had abandoned him.

  In his youth, Chris had found himself an active member of a local, ruffian biker gang. When he started to see his life turning toward a pattern of crime, Chris decided that things were going to have to change if he wanted a future that he could be proud of.

  He joined the military straight out of high school and never looked back.

  Now, he was a Navy Seal sharpshooter. Or, at least he was until the incident. Now, he was not sure what he was. He was impatiently awaiting the conclusion of an investigation into recent events so that he could continue to do his job.

  On their last tour of duty, three men in Chris’s unit had been killed, including his best friend. The entire unit, except for Chris.

  While the investigation ensued, Chris was on a temporary probation.

  To make matters worse, his refusal to talk about the incident had lead his commanders to order PTSD counseling.

  He knew what their motives were, and he did not like them one bit.

  It did not matter. Talking was a waste of time. The very last thing that he wanted to talk about was what had happened in Afghanistan.

  For the time being, without the distraction of work, there was nothing that mattered to him. Nothing perhaps, except his Harley.

  He steered the motorcycle toward a local military bar that sat just outside of the bou
ndaries of base. He parked up against the curb and entered the bar.

  What he really needed was a drink.

  He did not need therapy. He needed to be back on a plane with a new team. He needed to forget and to move on.

  He ordered a shot and downed it in one gulp. The burn felt more real than anything else had in the past month.

  Barkley, one of his commanding officers, had recommended the idea of therapy as a way to deal with the sudden loss of his best friend, and the two other men that Chris had trusted most in the world.

  He scoffed.

  The last thing that he needed was to talk to some uppity military shrink who would make all sorts of inaccurate assumptions about his feelings and motivations. There was nothing to interpret. Nothing to understand. He knew exactly what had happened and that made him all the more determined to keep the secret to himself.

  Several minutes later the doors opened to admit a rowdy group that made its way to the far end of the bar. Chris kept his head down and stared blankly into the depths of his newly filled glass. He was not really in the mood for interaction. He did not want to trade war stories or give advice to those aspiring to be the next Navy Seal.

  That was inevitably how these things always went. He would return home and someone would recognize him, his reputation carrying a heavy weight of its own.

  Today, he silently wished that he would not be recognized. The small community of the military base made it difficult to maintain any sort of anonymity, but over the last month he had been fairly successful at remaining in the shadows.

  The stool beside him creaked as an occupant took possession with a heavy sigh. Chris felt a short stab of frustration that his quiet corner of the bar had been infiltrated. He was too used to women throwing themselves at him after hearing about his impressive feats in the field, to have much tolerance for the event today.

  The faint, exotic scent that wafted his way told him that the occupant was distinctly female.


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