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S-Duality: A Marauders Novella

Page 4

by Lina Andersson

  “I like that idea,” Trudy said and took his hand to lead him upstairs. “Think we could invite a guy next time?”

  “Maybe, but I’m not gonna sit on his face while you fuck him.”

  “If we invite a guy and a girl?”

  “Think that’s a good start.”

  He might’ve sounded sure about it, but he was still nervous the first time they had another guy in the bed with them, that he’d just flip when he saw another dude fucking his girl. But just as the guy entered her, Trudy opened her eyes and met Sisco’s, and that was enough. He knew she loved him like hell. He gave her a kiss before turning his attention to Jane, who was with them again.

  They’d agreed on some rules. They might not be in a monogamous relationship, but if they fucked others, they did it together. No hiding, no lies, and they ended it alone—just the two of them. Eventually, he was okay with just one other guy with them, but he didn’t sit on his face as he fucked Trudy. It was all about her those times. It worked. None of them were the jealous type, and he knew the difference between sex and love. He loved her, she loved him, and they fucked others on occasion.


  He Can Watch


  Present day, Greenville, Arizona

  SISCO WOKE UP WITH a sneeze. He had blond hair in his face and tried to get rid of it. The woman that the hair belonged to woke up during his attempts to untangle himself from both her hair and her limbs. When she tried to put her arm around him, he shook his head and pointed at the door before going into the bathroom. She was gone by the time he got out, and he sighed in relief. It was still the middle of the night, and he could hear that the party was still going on in the bar. He found his jeans and stumbled out of the room and through the corridor while closing his fly.

  There weren’t that many people still in the bar, just a few hang-arounds and girls. Most members took the girls to their rooms, but the hang-arounds didn’t have that option. Not all members bothered, either. To Sisco, it depended on who the woman was and what he was after. If it was just a quick B.J., he tended to take it where he sat.

  Mace was still out in the bar, and when Sisco sat down next to him, he got handed a joint while he reached for the coffee pot.

  “Think I’ll go home for a few hours of sleep,” Mace said as he scanned the room. “I’m done here.”

  Sisco lit up the joint, and it didn’t take him long to start glancing towards the kitchen.

  “Do we have any steak?” he asked Mace.

  “Think so. Mel dropped off some food for the party.”

  He didn’t ask why Sisco was craving meat when he was stoned; he knew why. Mace was probably the member Sisco was closest to. They’d joined around the same time, were both single, both liked to share their women, and were both shit at cooking and therefore went to Brick’s place for a decent meal at least once a week. Mel, Brick’s old lady, never minded. She liked having people over for dinner.

  Over the years, Sisco had shared most of his story with Mace, so Mace always knew when he was off—and why. Which meant he didn’t ask questions about it; he got it. He’d had his own heartbreak and would probably stay single, too.

  Mace had also fallen madly in love with a woman and would’ve done anything for her. The only problem was that the woman in question was his brother’s fiancé. So instead of spending family holidays watching the love of his life on his brother’s arm, Mace spent them with Sisco. They started off at Brick and Mel’s place with the family stuff, and then fucked some girl—or girls, whichever they felt like at that particular moment.

  So Mace knew why Sisco asked for steak; it was because of Trudy.


  Seattle, Washington

  IT HAD TURNED OUT that Trudy was a vegetarian, and she hated when he cooked meat. Initially, when he was still wearing those new-love goggles, he’d done anything to please her, and he didn’t want her to get pissed at him, but he still wanted to eat meat. He’d quickly figured out that if he smoked pot while frying a steak, it hid the meat smell from her. It had worked excellently, but a while later, he’d told her that he ate meat and that she just had to deal with. By then, he’d gotten used to having meat with his weed, though.

  They’d ended up having a damn kosher kitchen, with his pots and pans for meat, and her pots and pans for rabbit food. She’d arranged a special box in the fridge and the freezer where he kept his meat. For dinner, she cooked, and he made some side dish with meat for himself. She called it his meat-sprinkle.

  Sisco was in the kitchen washing out the pan he’d used. It was his meat pan, so Trudy couldn’t say anything, but she still glared a little when she walked into the kitchen with Jane behind her. The glare quickly disappeared, and she put her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss.

  “Do I smell dead animal?”

  “Dead, cooked, and chewed,” he confirmed. Then he turned his attention to Jane. “Hey, want some dead animal?”

  They might fuck on occasion, but outside the bed he and Jane kept it friendly. It would just be too fucking weird to do it any other way. Jane obviously felt the same, because she was never even close to stepping over the line with him or Trudy when they just hung out.

  “What kind of animal?”


  “Sure,” she said and sat down at the table.

  Both girls were wearing worn jeans, big tshirts, and flannel—just as he was. The current fashion in Seattle, if you could call it fashion, was very unisex. It was also practical and warm, which was useful, since it was cold and rained all the fucking time.

  Trudy started making some tea, and Sisco put a plate in front of Jane.

  “Simon called earlier about a gig,” Trudy said. “Did he get hold of you?”

  Even if Sisco worked at the garage part time it wasn’t enough to make a living, so he still sold pot. It was the same for most of his friends; they worked at coffee shops, gas stations, whatever they could get, and often more than one job at a time. The economy in Seattle sucked, and the jobs that were around for them weren’t well-paid jobs. That was actually how it had started to some degree—kids found a place to gig, bought some cheap instruments or invited anyone who had an instrument to play with them, and they jammed to have something to do.

  Simon was another one of the guys who’d made himself useful in other ways when he’d realized he didn’t have a talent for music. Being butt-fucking crazy and prone to extreme outbursts of anger, he’d had some problems keeping a regular job. Having the Seattle mentality that made high school kids release albums and fanzines, Simon’d decided to open his own all-age place in Chinatown. That way he didn’t have to worry about having a boss.

  It might say it was an all-age place, but Sisco didn’t think Simon had bothered with getting any actual permits for it. The fire department had come by once to shut it down, since it didn’t have enough fire exits. In one of his famed outbursts, Simon had grabbed a chainsaw and cut a hole in the wall leading out to the alley. Then he’d pointed at it while looking at the firemen and said, “Is that enough, or do I need to make another one?” They’d left, never to be seen again, and the show had continued.

  It was a shitty place, though. Simon put on good shows, great bands and not just local ones, but the place was a mess. It was actually the first place Sisco had seen people fucking in public. He’d seen people fuck, but that had at least been someone’s house. But that was sort of the vibe you got there, you were just visiting some guy’s home, and people acted accordingly.

  The rowdiness of the place and the frequent fights meant Simon wanted some big guys there to keep order. He often asked Sisco because he was a big guy, but also because he could fix anything electrical, had basic knowledge of how to do the sound and light, and the local bands knew who he was and trusted him. It was another one of those jobs where he didn’t make much money, maybe a few bills under the table if it’d been a really good night, but Simon was okay with Sisco selling pot while working, which meant tho
se nights were pretty lucrative anyway.

  “Yeah, I’ve talked to him,” Sisco answered Trudy’s question and slipped his hand into her t-shirt to tease her nipples. She still hardly ever wore a bra, and he fucking loved that. “Promised I’d go by and help them.”

  “Think you have time to give me a lift to work?”

  “Sure. Night shift?” he asked.

  “No, just late shift. Think we’ll be home around the same time.”

  “So you can’t go to the gig?”

  “No.” She gave him a kiss. “Gonna take some stuff to sell?”

  The dealing had been taking off lately, part due to Trudy’s insane art all of a sudden becoming a thing in certain circles. They were circles with people who were totally cool but didn’t have much money. Which meant they bought her art for peanuts but also introduced her to people who liked pot. At least she’d never repeated her glitter period. These days he could sort of see what the paintings were—if he squinted his eyes and was mildly stoned. A bottle of Jack also helped.

  But he wasn’t complaining. Every painting she sold made her insanely happy, and he dutifully celebrated every sale in whatever manner she wanted to. Usually with sex.

  “Yeah. I’m bringing some stuff to sell, too. Another gig at The Vogue tomorrow. Think you’ll come to that one?”

  “Frank told me about it, and no,” she said. “It’s one of the needle bands. You know I can’t stand watching them up there, just barely aware of what instrument they’re holding in their hands.”

  ‘Needle bands’ was her nickname for the bands with members who were heroin users, and those were becoming disturbingly common. Trudy hated watching them half gone on stage, staggering around, sometimes looking surprised at where they were.

  He gave her cheek a kiss and her nipple a final pinch, before he took his hand out of her t-shirt.

  “Okay. I have to go, I’ll see you tonight.” He turned to Jane. “There’s meat in the fridge in case you want more.”

  Jane just nodded and kept eating.

  “Hey!” Trudy yelled as he left the kitchen. “Don’t stay at the gig too late. Make sure you’re at home when I get back from work tonight.”

  “Okay,” he mumbled, but he didn’t think about it too much.

  He’d forgotten his promise to get home on time, but he was in bed when he heard her walking up the stairs. Then he heard her talking, and he was pretty sure there was a second set of steps. He sat up with a big smile and double-checked to make sure they had condoms. On occasion, she came home with these little surprises.

  When the door opened, and he saw who she’d brought, he couldn’t fucking stop smiling. It was Laurie, a tall, blonde girl Trudy was working with. He’d always thought she was hot, but she seemed really shy, so he’d never suggested that they invite her to play with them. He knew Trudy thought she was hot too, and apparently she’d worked her magic.

  With the exception of Trudy, Sisco’d always had a thing for tall blondes, and Trudy shared his taste in women. Her theory was that he had one taste when it came to girls he wanted to fuck and another one for girls he loved. He had no idea if she was right—she was the only girl he’d ever loved.

  Trudy smiled at him and pointed at Laurie.

  “Laurie has never had an orgasm. I told her we could help her with that.”

  “So no pressure then?” he asked with a cocked eyebrow.

  Trudy giggled. “She’s nervous, so she’s just going to watch at first. You okay with that?”

  He looked at Laurie and gave her a smile as he nodded. Trudy undressed and got into bed with him. Laurie hesitantly sat down in an armchair not far from the bed. Sisco soon forgot about her, but he was reminded while Trudy was riding him and she turned towards the pretty blonde.

  “You can start with just me,” she said. “He won’t do anything unless you’re okay with it. He can watch us for a while. He likes that.”

  Laurie nodded and started to take off her clothes. Sisco left the bed to leave the girls alone. She gave him a shy smile when he went to sit down in the armchair she’d been in not many minutes earlier.

  He didn’t mind, not at all. Watching girl on girl action live was hot as fuck, and even if Laurie wouldn’t want him there, he knew he’d get some from Trudy once Laurie was gone.

  As Trudy started playing, he watched while lazily stroking his hard-on. When Trudy leaned against the headboard and had Laurie on all fours over her, he knew what was coming.

  “Laurie, look at his dick,” Trudy mumbled, and Laurie turned her head and stared at him with big eyes. Her mouth open, panting, as Trudy rubbed her clit and kissed her breasts. “Want it? You can stay like this, looking at me the entire time.”

  With her eyes still on his dick, Laurie nodded, and he got up, grabbing a condom on his way to the bed.

  Early on, they’d been sloppy with the condoms, but when Trudy’d caught some shit they’d realized it could’ve been HIV, and since then they always insisted on it.

  He sat behind Laurie and stared right between her legs as he rolled the condom on. Trudy’s hand was still rubbing Laurie’s clit, and her juices were running over his girl’s hand. It was so fucking hot.

  He got up on his knees, grabbed hold of Laurie’s hips and looked at Trudy. She gave him a nod, and he slowly pressed inside.

  Sisco liked this position, the girl on her hands and knees with Trudy lying almost underneath her, playing with her clit and kissing her. One of the reasons was that all three of them were close, and he could even lean over the girl to kiss Trudy if he wanted to. Another reason was that everyone felt included.

  But when it was like this, a girl like Laurie, he stayed out of the way. This was about Trudy and the girl. His main job was fucking the girl and getting her off while being noticed as little as possible. It was Trudy running the showing, giving him cues on what to do.

  “Like that?” Trudy asked when Laurie groaned. “It’s great, isn’t it? I love it when he makes those slow, deep thrusts.”

  He moved slowly, letting her get used to him but pressed as deep inside as possible. She had a great, tight pussy, and Trudy’d made sure it was soaking wet.

  “Yes!” Laurie moaned.

  When Trudy put her other hand around Laurie neck, he reached for it and gave her fingers a stroke. Just a quick connection between the two of them; he liked it, and he knew she wanted those when he was dick deep in some other girl.

  “Want it fast?” she asked Laurie. “Want him to fuck you?”

  “Yes!” she panted.

  Sisco grabbed a firmer hold of her hips and started to fuck her with deep, hard thrusts. His dick, and Trudy’s hands and mouth, soon made Lauri’s pussy throb. He could feel her getting closer.

  “Oh my God!” she screamed, and Trudy was mumbling in her ear, but he couldn’t hear what she was saying. He was sure it was good, though, because Trudy was very good at dirty talk. Then he lost any comprehension of what anyone else was doing, because her pussy started cramping around him, milking him, and he was getting closer while Laurie kept urging him on. “Oh fuck! Fuck! Harder! Fuck!”

  That’s when he felt Trudy’s wet hand around his balls.

  “Shit, babe!” he groaned. “Pull!”

  She did, and he came with a roar, doing his very best to not fall over Laurie. He leaned back to rest on his hands while looking at the two girls tangled together in bed.

  Trudy gently pushed Laurie to the side and crawled up to him, giving him a deep kiss. “I love you.”

  “Love you, too, baby.” When Trudy let go of him, he noticed Laurie watching them. “You okay, doll?”

  “Yes,” she smiled. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure,” he said, as he took off the condom and tied it off. He lay down and pulled Trudy between him and Laurie. “Since you’ve been such a generous girl tonight, I think you deserve some love now. Don’t you agree, Laurie?”

  “Yes,” she smiled and started kissing Trudy’s neck. “Thank you, Trudy.”

p; They strayed from the rules that night and let Laurie stay. They made it clear that it was an exception, though, and that if she wanted to come back it would just be for the evening. But the poor girl could barely walk, and it was obviously the first time she’d done anything like that.

  Trudy slept in the middle, and during the night she turned towards him and nestled into his arms. When he woke up, he kissed her. He could hear Laurie in the bathroom.

  “You okay?” she asked, and he nodded. “I was seriously close to high-fiving you yesterday when we managed to make her come.”

  “Yeah?” he laughed. “Think that would’ve been a bit of a turnoff for her.”

  “That’s why I restrained myself. We should make this our life mission or something. Setting girls free.”

  “You go find them, and I’ll fuck them.” He kissed her nose. “But they only get to stay the first night.”

  “Sorry about that. She’s just too much of a nice girl. She would’ve felt like a whore if I’d sent her off.”

  “I know.”

  “She’ll be better prepared next time.”

  “You think there’s going to be a next time?”

  “I do, but if she starts crushing on you, she’s out.”

  “I trust your judgment on that.”

  There had been a few girls Trudy’d said weren’t welcome anymore, since they’d started to focus on only Sisco in bed or had talked about him in a way that had bothered Trudy. He’d refused a few guys on the same basis. Obviously, if there were two guys and Trudy in bed, she was the focus. Sisco had no interest in guys that way, but it was still easy to tell when there was more than sex involved for them.

  They’d both learned quickly to see when someone got a bit too interested in one of them. A person like that was out. Immediately.

  They never argued about it. If Trudy didn’t want a girl to come back, he wouldn’t question it if even if he thought she was wrong, because it wasn’t about being wrong or right, it was about both of them being comfortable with what was going on. He’d refused a few girls, too, since he’d thought they were falling in love with Trudy. He didn’t give a shit if the person had a dick or a pussy—he was the only one who was allowed to love Trudy in that way.


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