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Girl In The Mirror (Looking Glass Book 1)

Page 30

by Elizabeth Reyes

  More people walked into the break room, distracting Gio momentarily. Again, Allison took advantage of the distraction to work on her notes. One of the guys approached the table and smiled at Allison with a nod.

  “Sorry to interrupt, G. But when you get a moment, can you come to the big training room? Felix is here, and we’re trying to have a quick meeting about what we were talking about the other day.”

  “Yeah, I should be done in a few,” Gio said, and the guy grabbed a pan dulce then walked out.

  “Actually,” Allison said as she finished up her notes. “I think I have everything I need except . . .” She glanced up at him, meeting those amazing eyes again. “You think it’d be possible for me to interview a few of the guys in the program? I know you said they’re hopeful about turning their lives around. But I think it’d be nice to get an account from them firsthand as to how they feel about the program and what else they plan on doing to rehabilitate themselves, stuff like that.”

  “Absolutely. I don’t think I could right now, but—”

  “No, I didn’t mean now,” she clarified. “I have to get going anyway. But if we could set it up for later, that’d be great.”

  “Sure, just let me know when’s good for you, and I’ll set it up.”

  “I will. Oh, and Lila said I could get my membership renewed with you?”

  She’d leave out how long ago it’d expired, since one look at her ever-expanding behind was probably clue enough that she hadn’t stepped into the gym in months.

  “Just go up to the front desk and let them know you’re her sister. They can renew it for you.”

  Allison thanked him then started packing up her backpack. Gio excused himself, but then he just had to add, “And help yourself to some of this.” He grabbed a maple bar on his way out. “I try to eat healthy for the most part, but we indulge once a week. You know what they say about all work and no play, right?”

  Smiling, Allison nodded as her eyes zoomed onto the jelly donut calling her name. Gio left her alone, and even before she finished zipping up her backpack, she could already feel herself giving into the temptation. She was going to make a real effort to get her ass back in the gym. One little donut wouldn’t kill her, and she could start working out sooner than she’d planned, now that she’d be renewing her membership.

  Exhaling loudly, she gave into temptation and, taking a napkin, reached for the glorious donut. Her mouth was already watering before her lips were even on it. She walked out of the break room, licking the excess jelly from the little hole on the side of the donut. Allison had to literally refrain from groaning as she bit into it.

  Jesus! Why did it have to be so damn good? Maybe because she hadn’t allowed herself to have one of these in forever. She figured deprivation would do that to you. Just like when she gave into that Big Mac after not having one in over a year. It was the best burger she’d ever had.

  She slowed down when the jelly dripped out the side of her donut and nearly onto her blouse. She managed to catch it with her tongue then licked the rest off. Feeling like a sloppy, donut-eating pig, she glanced around, hoping no one noticed her orgasmic reaction to the pastry. For a second, she thought no one had; then she saw him.

  She could only imagine he was part of the work-release program. He was what Gio described as rough-looking. Though tough would be more accurate in this guy’s case. Dangerous even. He was very tall, bald, with tattoos and bulging muscles as far as the eye could see, only his hardened expression was anything but respectful and humble. His eyes slowly lifted from her body to her lips until they made eye contact and then there it was—that look of utter disgust. She was still licking her lips clean, and his eyes dropped down to them again for a moment before literally shaking his head and turning away.

  The mortification slapped her like a bucket of ice water. Trying desperately not to let the asshole get to her, she lifted her chin and tried to shake it off. So many times in her life during moments where she found herself trying to be strong—brave—needing to overcome an uncomfortable situation, she asked herself the very question running through her mind now. What would Lila do?

  Her older sister was the epitome of strength and self-assuredness. Of course, she had every right to be. She’d soon be a superstar boxer. Yet she was beautiful enough to be a fitness model as well for crying out loud. Still, over the years, her sister’s strong will and ability to shake off any kind off any insecurities had begun to rub off on Allison. She may not have the looks and athletic abilities her sister possessed, but she was not about to get down on herself over one nasty sneer.

  Fuck him! was exactly what Lila would say. Allison had heard stories of strangers fat-shaming heavy people they saw enjoying a large meal at a restaurant or something sinful like her donut. Even online where the fat-shaming was rampant, she’d always thought it incredibly rude and intrusive. No matter how fat anyone was, no one had a right to take it upon themselves to shame them. And while Allison was aware she could stand to lose some weight, her sister and her best friend Jen were forever insisting she wasn’t fat. She’d never actually said she was, but she could do without some of the extra junk in her trunk. Still, no one, and especially not some jerk she didn’t even know, had any right to make her feel bad about it.

  With a quick spin of her heels, she went the opposite way because she refused to walk by the guy. Just because he was clearly in the shape of his life and still working out didn’t make him any better than her. He was probably what her sister so often referred to as an idiot meathead who had nothing better to do than lift weights all day in front of the mirror.

  Despite the little rant going on in her head, her face still felt flushed. She also tossed the rest of the calorie-bursting donut in the trash and made her way to the front desk. That was it. She was renewing her membership, and she’d set a workout schedule as soon as she could.

  Getting her membership renewed took a little longer than she expected. Apparently, they’d made changes, and she now had choices on the type of membership she wanted. Some automatically included all the extra classes. Some let you choose a certain number. Allison had to decide right then too. By the time she was done, she’d nearly forgotten about the idiot from earlier. Then she nearly collided with him when, in her haste, she rushed away from the front desk toward the front door, only to stop in her tracks before running into him.

  If being that close to such a huge and daunting presence hadn’t rendered her speechless, she might’ve said something in response to the obvious continued distaste in his near glare. It bored deep into her with a purpose, almost as if he might say something, but he didn’t. Before she could gather her wits, he and the guy with him walked around her without so much as a word.

  Of course, just like back in high school, it wasn’t until she was out the door and at her car that the zingers she should’ve shot back at his nasty glare started coming to her. “Oh, I’m sorry. I almost ran into you and your fuck buddy there.” She brought her hand to her mouth, feigning exaggerated embarrassment as she tossed her backpack onto the passenger seat. “Sorry, I meant jailbird buddy.” She plopped into the driver’s side with a huff. “Sorry I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel about that look of condemnation you’re shooting at me!”

  She started up the car then worked on plugging her ear piece to her phone. She absolutely refused to give any more thought to how infuriatingly hot the guy was—therefore likely full of himself.

  “God, I should’ve said something to him!” she said, banging her steering wheel as she pulled out of the parking space.

  Thankfully, before she could start reciting anymore lame comebacks she knew full well she’d never have the nerve to actually say, her phone rang. She hit the answer button, pushing the earpiece farther in as she drove through the parking lot.

  “Oh, my God, you’re not gonna believe what just happened to me.” Jen groaned; though Allison could tell it was a playful groan. “This is why I don’t date white
country boys or rather why they don’t date me.” She laughed so much it snapped Allison right out of her irritable mood. “OMG, I’m an idiot. I still can’t get used to his southern accent, so I keep messing up. I had a missed call from Jaxson, so I called him back, and he answers but says ‘Hold on. I have a piece of ass in my mouth.’ Then the phone gets all muffled, and I’m like what the fuck? So, the second he comes back on the line, I start going off on him. ‘Don’t let me interrupt you and your piece of ass.’ Halfway through my rant, he interrupts me to emphasize it was a piece of ass, which only riles me more”—she squealed with another giggle— “until I realize he’s saying ice. I felt so stupid I hung up and called you. What do I do?”

  Allison was laughing so hard she was glad she was at a red light. “Shit, that’s him calling again.” Jen said, sounding panicked.

  “Just answer it and tell him what you told me—that you’re an idiot,” Allison said, still laughing. “I’m sure he’s laughing too.

  Grudgingly, her idiot friend agreed and they were off the phone. Allison thought about her own embarrassing incident today again after hanging up with Jen and decided her bestie’s was way worse than hers. She wouldn’t give it another thought.

  Not since Allison had mentioned the look she’d gotten from the work-release meathead to her sister had she thought about it again. By then, she’d been so over the mortification she’d been able to see the humor in it. She admitted and teased her sister that she thought the tattooed bad boy was kind of sexy. Only Lila didn’t think it was funny.

  Not at all.

  As usual, her sister had been instantly annoyed at the guy’s blatant rudeness. When Allison tried to explain that her fat ass had practically been making love to the jelly donut while this guy with a perfectly sculpted body was working out, Lila wasn’t having it. She’d immediately jumped all over Allison for her constant self-depreciation, so Allison was done talking about it—at least to her sister.

  In addition to Lila’s annoyance with the guy’s rudeness, she’d been adamant that Allison not get any funny ideas when it came to doing more than just interviewing these dangerous men. Even now, as Allison stared at the new her in the mirror, she had to scoff at Lila’s unnecessary worry. Regardless of how little respect her sister seemed to have for brainless meatheads, fact was they clearly took staying fit very seriously. The discipline alone had to count for something. It also meant no one with that kind of mentality, when it came to keeping his body in tip-top shape, would be impressed by a little makeup and a new hairdo when her out-of-shape body was still seriously lacking.

  Though Allison had to admit finally stripping away those god-awful bottle cap glasses was a huge improvement to her overall appearance. That alone would’ve been gift enough, but her sister had not only gotten her a newish car last week for her birthday, she’d also surprised her with an entire makeover—including those contacts she’d been promising her for years.

  Turning sideways, she examined her outfit in the full-length mirror. She was grateful that at least her belly was flat enough. It wasn’t nearly as tight as Lila’s six pack, but at least, it was one part of her body she had under control. If she were taller, she might appreciate the full C cups she thought made her look heavier. But unless she had a breast reduction, she couldn’t do anything about that. Turning around to look at her bubble butt again, she frowned. That she could definitely do something about, and she had every intention to.

  “Holy shit!”

  The gasped exclamation had Allison jerking her eyes away from the mirror and at Drew, who’d just walked into the ladies’ room at the gym. Drew brought her hand to her mouth, her eyes practically bulging out as she took Allison in from top to bottom.

  “Charlee told me about the makeover, but . . . whoa.” She shook her head, smiling big. “I didn’t expect all this.”

  Allison felt her face warm, but she smiled. Drew was Charlee’s best friend. Charlee’s husband was Hector, one of the other owners of 5th Street. Allison had met Drew a handful of times and had since decided she really liked Drew. Unlike the other wives who were a lot older than Allison, Charlee wasn’t that much older. Hector was the youngest of the gym’s owners, and his wife and Drew were his age. So, it was much easier to relate to her than the other women.

  “It’s just a little makeup and new hairdo.”

  “Are you kidding? You look amazing! So different,” Drew said, taking her in from top to bottom as she circled around Allison. “You went from this meek little girl with such a baby face anyone would mistake you for a high school kid to sexy and sophisticated.” She shrugged. “You could probably still pass for a high school student if you wanted. That baby face is still under the new makeup and sexy arched brows, only I’d hardly refer to you as meek now.”

  Allison knew meek was Drew’s nice way of saying mousy. Allison knew exactly how she came across with those glasses so thick she could fry a grasshopper with them. But Drew was right. The new look had given her a little pep in her step she’d never had before. Even that pompous editor in her journalism class had been nicer to her lately.

  Drew had to hurry to get to her CrossFit training but promised to give Allison a call and tell her about it since it was her first day. Allison walked out into the gym and to the area where Gio said he’d be meeting her. His earlier text letting her know he’d have two guys for her to interview had inevitably reminded her of the guy who’d made no qualms of showing his distaste for her weeks ago. Gio had wanted to know if she needed more than two guys to interview.

  God no. She’d said two was fine. Just thinking about it made her heart speed up, but she was glad she hadn’t seen him anywhere in the gym when she’d first walked in today. And she’d made it a point to look out for him. As big and daunting as he was, she didn’t think she could miss him. At least he hadn’t been in the same area where he’d been working out the last time.

  She walked over and stood just outside one of the training rooms. Drew was in there doing her CrossFit, and it did not look like fun. But Allison was determined to at least try and get into better shape. She glanced around as Gio walked around the corner and out of sight, not sure what to do with herself.

  Fortunately, her awkward alone time was fleeting because, within moments, both Lila and her boyfriend Sonny arrived from different directions. She smiled as Sonny pecked her sister. The man was truly a heartthrob the way all the articles referred to him online and on TV. Allison was just glad Lila had gotten past her initial apprehension that, as big celebrity as Sonny was, he could truly be interested in her.

  “You look different,” Sonny said, taking her in just as Drew had—completely astounded by the change.

  Lila told him more about who had done the makeover. She was a friend of Bianca, Gio’s wife, named Toni. She was the same lady who had given Lila a makeover just weeks ago. Though of course, unlike Allison, her sister didn’t really need one. She’d just gotten done up for some ritzy charity event she’d attended with Sonny.

  Sonny commented on how womanly Allison seemed now with the new look, while Lila gushed about how she seemed to be glowing. Then she made the other comment Allison hadn’t been expecting: about having seen heads turning when Allison had walked in. That had Allison laughing nervously and waving off the nonsense. But she did admit to being beyond glad to be rid of the glasses finally.

  “Best damn birthday day gift ever. But”—she eyed Lila suspiciously because it suddenly dawned on her why her sister would be there when her shift as a youth coordinator was over– “I know why you’re here and you need to be gone. I don’t want you anywhere around, threatening these guys I’m interviewing with your evil eye. I’m already nervous enough as it is.”

  She clarified that she was nervous not scared the way she knew her sister thought she should be of the bad work-release guys. But Allison made it clear she was only nervous about botching the interview and how she needed to get it right. She’d leave out what else had her insides roiling now, the more she thou
ght of it.

  Lila assured Allison she had this and then had the nerve to say her days of snapping were long behind her. Neither Allison nor Sonny, who knew Lila too well, even attempted to keep a straight face.

  Just then Gio got there. He, too, did a double take when he saw Allison. “Wow, you look different.” Allison had to giggle now as she glanced at Lila, who smiled proudly. “Bianca said the makeover had made a big difference, but I didn’t think she meant this much.”

  “It’s the bottle-cap lenses being gone that make the biggest difference,” Allison said, knowing her sister was probably already annoyed at her response. “It’s what feels most different to me anyway.” She smirked before adding. “My head feels lighter.”

  “I thought you looked cute in them.”

  “Yeah, if you’re into nerdy little bookworms with glasses so thick they could see into the future.”

  Again, her sister was quick to give her a disapproving look but then turned her attention to Gio, who began explaining about the guys Allison would be interviewing. “As I explained to Allison when she interviewed me, it might be hard to get past the hardened exteriors of some of these guys, but trust me. I wouldn’t allow them around my friends and family if I couldn’t vouch for them being respectable guys just trying to change their lives.”

  Allison’s insides were just beginning to knot up when she heard the cheery voice behind her. “Ready when you are, chief.”

  The cheery voice gave her hope. Somehow. she just knew Mr. Disgusted would in no way sound this friendly. Gio and Allison turned around to face what Lila and Sonny were already looking at, the two guys she’d be interviewing. She’d been right. It wasn’t the guy from that day that did the talking. But to her horror, Mr. Disgusted stood next to him. Allison had to refrain from gasping, especially because, up close, he was incredible. Sure, she’d give Lila that he was intimidating looking as all hell, but the softer expression he wore now gave him a much less menacing appearance than that first day. But then, he wasn’t looking at Allison this time. Of course he didn’t appear disgusted. His eyes were on her gorgeous sister instead. He hadn’t even noticed Allison.


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