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Raising a Cowgirl

Page 4

by Jana Leigh

  Lou wiped her hands on the apron she wore, then grabbed the pot of coffee and ordered them to grab cups for everyone. The three walked in the living room where the others were waiting with the box already sitting on the table. Thane had them all stored for when they needed to do this.

  “Let’s hear it,” Lou said and plopped down in the comfortable rocker and motioned the others to the coffee, then folded her hands and waited patiently.

  Chapter Three

  Master Chief,

  If you are reading this, then something really bad happened. I update this letter with every mission and right now, I am sitting here staring at the team as we get ready to go to the tag and bag mission with the terrorist. I have not had a chance to meet my daughter yet, and hopefully I will, but in case, here it goes.

  I gotta tell you, I have a bad feeling about this, and if I changed this letter for no reason, then I am sitting here laughing my ass off at myself.

  Gage looked up and saw all of the fallen members of his team standing in a circle behind the others. Wolfman was there, too, but he was faint and leaned against the back wall. Gage knew he had already passed over since Wolfman knew his sister, Sable, was safe and happy with Alex and Slone. They had all seen him leave.

  Raider nodded to him, knelt next to him, and listened closely as Gage continued.

  I really hope we are having a beer, but if not—then you need to know a few things. First, man, you are the best friend I have ever had. I know you don’t trust much, others or yourself. But don’t go getting all closed up and pitiful, sitting in that cold disgusting apartment all alone and shutting everyone out. Talk to someone. You need to, I know you do, since I was the only sorry ass who would listen, I know what you are doing to yourself.

  Two, it was not your fault. I know you are thinking you were responsible for all of us. LC is thinking that, too. Get over it. I knew what I was getting into when I joined the SEALs. There was nothing more I wanted to do or be, I made my own decisions, and so let’s just mark this down to wrong place—wrong time.

  Three, Marie, man, I know you are going to make a big deal out of this. The guilt, you aren’t worthy, blah blah, blah. Now I am not saying I want you dating my wife. NO FUCKING WAY! No, I just want you to check on her, make sure her and Sammi are okay.

  There is a letter in here. I am a little hesitant for you to give it to Marie until Sammi is older, like ten or so. I don’t think Marie would handle it real well. It was one of her biggest fears—getting one of these letters—she made me promise not to write one. So, this is really for you.

  Look at the keychain. There is a bank box with your name on it waiting. Everything important is in there. Marie has her own and has copies of this stuff. But I need you to have this one. Like a back up. Plus, there is money in there, from the parents. Marie and I agreed to start a college fund when Sammi was born, obviously I didn’t have the chance if you are reading this.

  My will and Marie's will is in there. I know you are gonna kick my ass, and ask Marie to change it as well. But if anything happens to both of us, man—you get custody of Sammi. You and the guys are the only ones I would trust raising her to remember Marie and I, if God forbid anything happened to us. There are more directions in the box if that is the case.

  So, pull up your thong, tuck it away, and get your ass on the horn and call Marie, she knows all of this, we both agreed. Tell the others the time with the Team were the best years of my life. I served my country with the best men I could have ever hoped for. Together we were unstoppable, continue the tradition, don’t leave them.

  Not to be all kissy—huggie, but I love you like a brother, man. Now, take care of my family. No screwing my wife, and if she starts dating again do a background check before the first date. You know how trusting she is.

  Also I am sure you don’t know this cause we never told you or anyone. Sammi's full name is Samantha Gage Farat. She is your daughter now. Make sure you tell her all about me. I have her picture here, too, tell her when she is old enough that she was one of the last things I thought of. Marie and Sammi are always the last thing I think of when I go on a mission.

  Thanks, Gage.

  There was silence in the room as they all digested what Raider wrote him. What the hell was going on? How could he do this to him? Gage turned to look at Raider and sucked in a deep breath at the sight before him. With a cry of rage, he stood and yelled.

  “What the fuck is going on?!” Gage yelled and pointed to where Raider was standing.

  “Dude, chill, we will get through this. Call Marie and ask her to come for a visit. Maybe she will like it and move to town. We can fix this, man,” Alex said calmly and looked around the room. All of them were nodding and trying to talk to Gage who was focused on the wall.

  “Can’t you see?” Gage sounded like a desperate man.

  “Yeah, man. I can see them,” Alex soothed.

  “Master Chief, you need to focus,” Voodoo said.

  “I am, man, I am.” Gage groaned and fell to the floor.

  Lou was the first one to reach him, pulling him into her arms and rocking him slowly. “It will be alright, we will all help. Let’s settle down and talk about it calmly. Alex is right, let’s invite Marie and the babe here,” Lou whispered.

  “Don’t you see? How the hell am I supposed to do that?” Gage said in frustration.

  “Honey, it is the push of a few buttons,” Lou crooned.

  “Grrr, you people are not getting the jist of what we are seeing, are you?” Gage yelled and stood.

  “Dude, of course we are.” Alex sighed and looked at Slone. “It was hard for me to accept as well, I thought I was going fucking crazy. I don’t talk to dead people, only the team, we have to finish what they are asking of us. Shit, Wolfman sang a fucking song over and over until I listened. They won’t give up, they can’t move on without our help. I don’t know about you but I couldn’t live with myself. I don’t know if there is a heaven or hell, all I know is I don’t want my friends hanging out there just stuck. They deserve more than that.”

  Gage sighed and said, “I get it, I WANT THAT, TOO! Aren’t you the least bit curious why Marie is standing next to Raider?”

  There was a silent pause as everyone in the room digested what Gage was saying. He frowned at Alex who was looking worried about him, to staring at the couple who were clasping hands and looking worried, too.

  “Where do you see Marie?” Thane asked and then looked at Alex. “Do you see her?”

  So far, Alex and Gage were the only ones the guys revealed themselves to. Each one of them was taking a turn, respecting what the guys could deal with. Just as if they were still a team.

  “Hang on!” Gage said and looked round the room. “Alex, you can see Frog, Emo, and Dag?”

  They were standing on the right side of the room. All of the guys stood silent and raised their hands. Gage could feel his stomach begin to revolt as his gaze swept to Alex.

  “Yep,” Alex said. The others were just looking at the empty space Gage pointed to.

  “Clipper, Wolfman?” Gage asked.

  “Yep,” Alex sighed and nodded.

  “And here, Raider and Marie?” Gage demanded.

  “Man, I am seeing Raider only,” Alex said.

  “What the hell kind of game is being played here? Are you all trying to drive me insane, 'cause I gotta tell you it is working.” Gage stalked over to where the couple were standing and held up his hand flat above his dead friend's head. “Raider…" then he moved his hand to hold over Marie's head, "Marie…” he said slowly as if talking to someone who was dumb.

  Raider turned and looked at him. “I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t until Marie came to me.”

  “Oh shit,” Alex muttered and looked at Thane and the others with a grief-stricken face.

  “What?” the commander demanded.

  “Now I can, Marie is with Raider,” Alex whispered.

  “How?” Gage demanded Raider to answer.

tell you, you know how this works, man. You have to find out on your own. But she needs help,” Raider said.

  “Damn you!” Gage yelled. “Sammi is in trouble?”

  “Yes and no. Just find out,” Raider said.

  “What is going on?” Thane said.

  “Raider is telling Gage that Sammi needs help,” Alex said quietly.

  Lou made a noise and then whispered, “The babe, she is alone?”

  Voodoo nodded and said, “Raider and Marie were only children and their parents passed away already. No outlying family. We were their family.”

  “And you still are,” Marie said, stepping forward and putting a hand to Gage’s cheek. “Gage, I know we were both grieving and shut ourselves off. But we would have gotten through it. You and the others were my brothers as well. Now I need you to find Sammi and help her.”

  Gage closed his eyes and felt Marie's touch against his skin. She was like their little sister, and he had failed her once, but not a second time. “Where is she?”

  “We don’t know. You have to find her though,” Raider said grimly and Gage nodded.

  “I will find her,” Gage said with determination.

  “We all will,” Alex said firmly and the others nodded. Each of them in deep thought as they processed the little bit of information they had been given.

  “Soon,” Marie said and smiled. The ghosts around the room faded as they left the living alone to deal with the situation.

  “How in the hell have things become so fucked up?!” Gage yelled and slammed his fist into the wall.

  “Life,” Timothy stated.

  “Well life sucks,” Gage grumbled.

  “Life is what you make of it,” Lou said firmly. “Let’s make a plan. To the kitchen where the phones are at, and the food is waiting.”

  “I will get Sable,” Slone murmured and they heard the thumping of his feet as he ran to find his and Alex's new pregnant wife.

  Chapter Four

  San Diego California, home of Coronado SEAL Training’s main facility. All of the guys had come, while Sable, Lou, and Timothy stayed back to take care of the ranch.

  Gage had been grateful when David found out the circumstances and chose to come with them as well. Coming home was hard enough to deal with. This was the first time any of them had been on base. None of them had the heart to do this before. If they met someone, it was in San Diego.

  Driving up to the gates in their huge rented SUV, Gage felt his hands grow clammy. What were they going to find here? All of them had spoken to various men from the base. Not wanting to draw attention to themselves, they had quietly retired and hired someone to come and get their stuff.

  “Well fuck,” Thane said from the back and groaned. All of them strained to see what he was looking at. On the side of the rock wall, next to the entrance were the large signs that are made for each of the teams. They look like the coins they approved of when they first joined the Unit. There were only 100 coins made and given to the members, spouses, support staff, and the higher ups. The wall was lined with each of the Teams circular sign and before going on a mission, the guys would walk out and hit the sign for luck.

  The Team TEN sign had a black ribbon across the top of it. Signifying that they had lost a member of the team. One ribbon was not enough, Gage thought, there should have been one for each of the men who died for serving their country. Being a Navy SEAL was not a job—it was a lifestyle—a belief—something tangible to each and every man and woman who served within these gates.

  The MP walked out with a clipboard in his hand, looking down not at the driver of the SUV, who was Thane, one of the most decorated men to serve in the SEALs. He was a legend here, once an enlisted man like the rest, he'd clawed his way up, becoming an instructor, and finally joined a team when he saw the team that was put together. He had worked with each and every member of the squad before and he knew what they could do.

  “ID,” the MP said gruffly before looking up.

  “Here,” Thane said and handed the man all of their IDs. They were needed to gain access to the base.

  It took only a moment for the guard to glance at the ID and then his head snapped up, he looked at the driver and then the passengers of the SUV, his eyes grew huge and he snapped his hand in a salute and nodded.

  “Clear,” the man said, holding his head high out of respect for the men, and Thane nodded back and took the IDs.

  When they cleared the gate, Ice said, “Bet the phone lines are burning up right about now.”

  “Fun times, guys,” Gage said solemnly. None of them wanted to do the whole dog and pony show. It was going to be rough, trying to grin and bear it while men shook their hands and saluted them.

  None of them wanted that. They were not men who did what they did for the accolades or the glory. It was and had always been about the men they fought next to—the country they loved—and the family they left behind. There was nothing else.

  Thane pulled to the admin building and parked. They sat silent for one minute, then two, gathering themselves. David sat in the back, respecting their need to prepare themselves.

  Thane was the one to break the silence. “Pony up,” he grumbled and the men nodded briskly and opened their doors. “In and out, no socializing. The quicker we are out of here, the quicker we will have Sammi.”

  David stood next to Gage when they exited. He could feel the tension coming off his friend and knew there was nothing he could say that would help the situation. His silent support was felt by all of the men.

  Thane led the small group to the front of the building and then paused briefly and looked back. His men nodded and David felt the suction of the door opening. The cool breeze felt good after being outside.

  As they entered the building, David noticed several things. The lobby was decorated with pictures of all of the teams, including the men who had fallen in the line of duty. It was arranged in a hierarchy with the President on the top, then the Joint Chiefs and down. Hell, the wall had to be forty feet tall, and forty feet wide. The stairs situated in the middle of the lobby had to be needed to see the whole thing.

  Then along each wall stood men and women standing at attention, and when they entered the lobby the snap of the salute was unmistakable. Wow, was all he could think. He had never seen anything like this.

  Thane and the others froze as they took in the sight. Men and women wearing uniforms, men and women wearing BDUs, and off-duty men and women who had apparently rushed to get here before they did. All of them showing the respect these men deserved. It was an awesome sight, and an awesome feeling to know these men, and be with them.

  Thane snapped his boot clad feet together and saluted back, as did the rest of them. A tall distinguished-looking man in BDUs lowered his arm and then walked toward them. He looked larger than life, his shoulders were broad, and his white hair speckled with streaks of black made him look like someone they could trust.

  “LC, Master Chief, Voodoo, Ice, Boyscout, and Lobo, good to see you home,” the man said and Thane nodded.

  “Good to be here, Commander Greese,” Thane said gruffly. David knew from the tone of his voice the leader was touched at the outpouring of support.

  He would have thought the men and women would disperse. But it was the opposite, they seemed reluctant to leave before speaking to the guys. It was a tribute to the men he already knew.

  “We have people on the horn, getting rooms reserved for you to stay. We will figure this out from there,” the Commander said.

  “Thank you, sir, but we are a little pressed for time here. I need info on Marie,” Gage said stepping forward.

  “Marie? She is on leave, called at the beginning of the week, said she had company coming,” the Commander said.

  “To the house?” Gage said. “Is Sammi in the daycare then?”

  “No, she said Sammi was being taken care of, she needed a little space. Now that I think about it. She did say something a little strange,” the Commander said and frowned. “She
has had a rough time of it so we have been giving her all the time off she needs to make sure they are solid. My wife calls on her every other day to talk.”

  “When did she speak to her last,” Gage pressed.

  “The day she called to ask for leave, she called me at home, which was a bit strange, but she had done that a few times. No, she said she needed a bit of space to deal with some company she was having. Said it was unexpected. I asked if there was a problem and this is where it got a little weird. Marie said she had to go and pick up an impounded dog name Diego that was sent from overseas. She didn’t know how the baby would react so she had someone watching her. We offered. Anyway, she asked for June and I turned the phone over,” the Commander said.

  “Marie is allergic to pet dander,” Gage said grimly.

  “Shit,” Thane swore. “That’s right. Remember when Ted tried to find one of those hairless dogs for her as a companion. Marie said it looked like a rat.”

  The Commander turned and began barking out orders to the men and women who were still there. Thane and the guys didn’t hesitate. They broke into a sprint and headed for the door.

  Chapter Five

  It had taken him more than a year and a half to find the assholes who took his father. More than seven million dollars in bribe money to hire men to help him. All of it was worth it, as long as he finally got his hands on the team who was responsible.

  He didn’t care if his father was a mean son of a bitch who sold arms. He was his blood. His family demanded revenge on the United States military who still held his father at Guantanamo Bay. They had not been able to speak to him at all. In eighteen months, their family empire had almost crumbled when the men captured his father. Now he was in charge, and his father had taught him well.


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