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Raising a Cowgirl

Page 9

by Jana Leigh

  “Oh my God, you two need to take a chill,” Jolie said with a horrified expression on her face.

  “Hey, we are not taking any chances. We are doing this right,” David said and they leaned over, kissed Sammi’s cheek, and left the room after winking at Jolie.

  “They are too much.” Jolie moaned and covered her face.

  “Yeah, well I can help you out with that,” Sable said smugly and Desire walked in and asked.

  “What are we talking about?” She brought a huge breakfast tray in and set it on the table in front of her.

  “Dumb and dumber,” Sable said.

  “Ahh, the wet wipe thing?” Desire laughed.

  “Partly, but if I read the situation right when I walked in, David and Gage declared their intentions for our new friend,” Sable said and sat down.

  Desire clapped her hands and bounced. “Yay, another sinner! Oh now we can tell you what the real story is about managing two men. Piece of cake!”

  Jolie smiled weakly and looked at the two women who began chattering while they got breakfast set out.

  Chapter Twelve

  Damn it, why did they have to talk about sex. She felt her need increase as she drifted off into a nap later that day. All morning the girls had talked to her about being in a ménage, so much so it was almost impossible for her not to put David, Gage, and herself in the situations that were explained. It was frustrating to say the least.

  Now that she had time to herself she could analyze it, but she was so tired, how on earth was she going to stay awake and think about this. Finally succumbing to her heavy eyes, Jolie fell into a deep and very satisfying sleep.

  Her dream started out in the room she was in right now, it seemed right that they would consummate a relationship here, together. The men started their evening by drawing a bath filled with rose petals, she soaked until her skin was smooth and fragrant and then they helped her out of the large tub that was in her bathroom after washing her thoroughly. They dried her off together, making sure they rubbed and caressed her body until she was begging for their touch. Then they helped her get dressed in a sexy gown they had already laid out for her. They had dinner waiting, and she refused to eat hot stuff naked, even if this was a dream, she had to be realistic.

  Jolie sighed as she pictured herself in the middle of the bed, lying sexily against the pillows, wearing a midnight blue lacy gown with her hands propped up on the pillows pushing her taunt nipples forward in an invitation. David and Gage were dressed in matching midnight blue silk bottoms, Jolie frowned in her sleep, why when you dreamed did you always put yourself in something you would never actually wear or look that good in. It was disturbing, although she was certainly going to ask Calli if she could make the men’s pants. They looked hot in them.

  They fed her dinner together while she fed them in return. She could feel the sexual tension building even as she dreamed. They were whispering softly to her words of seduction intended to drive her slowly out of her mind, and they were doing a good job of it.

  Strawberries, whipped cream, and champagne were dessert. Jolie smiled and ran her hand over their chests showing her appreciation for their romantic gesture. They laid on the bed with her in the middle, each feeding her and whispering sentiments like how beautiful she was, and she would reply in kind. The words made them all needy for each other’s touch.

  David picked up a glass filled with champagne and tilted her back farther, and pulled on the neckline of the gown she wore. He grinned, then poured a small trickle of the liquid on her nipple, leaned over, and cleaned it up. She arched into his mouth loving the feel of his tongue lapping at her sensitive tips while Gage fed her strawberries and whipped cream.

  Gage ran them along her lips to make sure they were covered with sweet cream. Then he put one end of the strawberry in his mouth, leaned forward, and let her bite one-half while he took the other. Then he lapped the cream from her lips and kissed her deeply, sharing the sweet nectar from the fruit.

  Then David became inpatient wanting to taste her more, he pulled off her gown with one stroke, leaving her naked and needy under both men. He then poured more of the champagne down her body until it pooled in her belly button and dripped lower to her sweet mound. He followed the trail of liquid with his tongue, making sure he cleaned every drop from her body. Sucking and licking each area he touched.

  When David reached her mound, he pulled a pillow from the side of the bed and positioned it under her hips. With her raised lower half, he poured more of the champagne on her pussy until it was mixed with her own sweet cream.

  Not to be out shown, Gage took a strawberry and bit it in half so the juices were flowing from it, then he dipped it into the whipped cream and spread the fruit juices and cream over her nipples. Teasing and taunting them with the soft touch before leaning over and cleaning her off. Her nipples strained to him, begging him to pay attention to them.

  David spread the cream around her pussy lips with his finger, then asked Gage for a large plump strawberry. He grinned at the look of passion on her face, anticipating his next move, Gage nodded and handed him the largest one he could find. Of course, David made sure she would be prepared for what was to come so he had a tube of lube sitting off to the side. While he pressed the plump strawberry into her pussy gently, so not to go too far, he popped the tube of lube and coated his fingers to stretch out her little asshole they planned on fucking.

  Jolie was writhing in pleasure underneath them, not knowing who she wanted to touch her more. Gage, who was teasing her breasts, or David who was slowly teasing her pussy with the strawberry. When she thought she could not take any more, David leaned over and began licking the champagne and cream from her weeping pussy. One long pass with his tongue had her bucking a little.

  Gage leaned over her so she couldn’t move around, sucking and nipping at her breasts, up to her neck, and then to her lips. On and on they teased her going slowly and making her feel loved and cherished.

  David slipped first one finger in her back hole and then sucked her clit into his mouth so she would concentrate on that. Flicking it with his tongue, he built her passion until she was almost ready to come, then backed off and allow her to catch her breath. Then he started over again, each time adding another finger into her ass so she would be ready for them.

  Gage could almost hear her cries and moans as they pleasured her. She became impatient, grabbed his hair, and put his face where she wanted him. Of course, he teased her and circled the area of her nipple not giving her the release she craved.

  When David was sure she was ready, he signaled Gage. They had already decided that because David was a little larger in width while Gage was longer, Gage would take her ass for the first time. David settled on the bed. He laid on his back and pulled her over him until she was straddling him. They kissed and explored each other while Gage got into place.

  Gage grabbed her hips and settled her over David’s straining cock. He reached in between her legs and ran a finger through her slit, gathering her juices and then gasping, David grasped his cock in his hand firmly and spread her over him. Pumping once, and then twice, making sure that they were all ready.

  David lifted Jolie a little and then as he held her, Gage used his hand to help her lower onto his friend. Slowly, so he would make sure she would feel every touch and ripple. Moving his hand, he trailed his finger to her back hole. He pushed her forward so her ass was in the air and David was fully seated in her pussy.

  Slowly he pushed into her ass with his cock. Making sure, they were all feeling the joining. He was able to feel David through the small membrane separating them. Jolie would cry out in pleasure from the feeling of taking her men at the same time for the first time.

  She arched her back, pushing her breast into David’s lips until Gage was fully seated in her ass. They set a pace that would drive her crazy. David pulled out while he pushed in, the friction bringing her to the brink of orgasm, and then they stopped and started again. Finally, when David told
him that he was close, they pumped in and out of her faster and faster until they were all crying out in pleasure.

  Gage reached around and pinched her clit when he knew he was going to come in her ass. Her rippling orgasm would push them over, filling her with their seed. David sat up and gathered her close while Gage pressed in from the back and they would each kiss her on one side of her neck at the same time, prompting her into another orgasm, this time she would scream her love for them as she came.

  Shit, she thought and struggled to sit up. She heard the pounding of footsteps on the stairs as Gage and David flew through the door, guns drawn, looking for the source of her fear. When they saw no one, they looked at Jolie who had her head buried in the pillows, hiding her face from them.

  “Sweetheart, what is it?” David said.

  “Nothing, bad dream,” she muttered and peeked out of the corner of her eye, watching them both. The men looked confused and then it dawned on them. She cringed in embarrassment and pulled the covers over her head. “Get out!”

  The men laughed and pulled the blankets together, leaned in, and kissed her cheek. “Next time call us. We would be more than willing to help you, sweetheart,” Gage said and stood.

  “Just go away,” she moaned.

  “Until tonight, sweetheart,” David said and tugged on Gage’s sleeve until he followed.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jolie avoided the guys until the next morning, claiming she wanted Sable and Lou to help her bathe since she intended to get out of this room in the morning. She couldn’t stand being there another second as she thought about her dream and everything it meant.

  The guys hadn’t let her run away completely, checking on her several times, teasing her, and kissing her softly. She was going to go fucking mad soon if she was trapped within these four walls much longer. The infection had really done a number on her though, but she was feeling a little stronger.

  Today was the day she was going to get to see what was really happening with regards to her friend’s death. They were not going to keep it from her anymore. Sable and Desire tried to explain the big board they had going on, but there were so many names and arrows going everywhere, they weren’t sure who they were looking at.

  She was dressed, even though it took her an hour by herself, and ready to go when there was a soft knock on her door. Last night the guys had respected her need to be alone, other than to come in and make sure she took her meds, they had left her alone. However, every time they did come into her room it was together, and they both kissed her softly. They were double-teaming her, just like Desire and Sable said they would, but they also said when that happened she could handle it easily.

  Jolie was waiting for the right time to do it though, the girls told her she couldn’t use it too much or they would get suspicious. Since it seemed to be two against one, she was going to listen to them. Being at a disadvantage all the time with the men was not something she was prepared to do.

  “Hey, sweetheart, are you ready to venture out of the room?” David smiled at her when she opened the door. Jolie shyly smiled and nodded, hoping she was being compliant enough like they told her. It was not really in her nature to be compliant since she generally was in charge of everything in her life. It was the way she dealt with having to work with PTSD, it could make a person feel out of control when you dealt with so many symptoms and problems every day.

  “Absolutely,” Jolie said and stepped out of her room.

  “Hungry?” Gage asked, taking one side of her while David took the other side. Stuck in the middle she thought and grinned, right where she wanted to be anyway, so really it didn’t matter.

  Jolie nodded and allowed them to help her down the huge staircase, as they pointed out the different rooms she hadn’t seen when she was brought in from being shot.

  “Living room, formal dining room, which we didn’t start using until recently when the number of people eating here began to rise. Then there is the library, Alex’s office, and there is also a study-type of a room, which we have converted into more of a game room than anything,” Gage said as he pointed out the rooms they walked by.

  She was enchanted, the place was amazing, she had not been in a place like this before and truthfully, she was going to need a few days to explore. But the décor was amazing, it had a southern country feel to it, warm and inviting. As they drew close to the kitchen she could hear the people in there talking. But just before they reached it, Gage stopped and looked at her.

  “Hang on, I want to show you Sammi’s playroom. Well right now we have a lot of stuff in it, because it will be the kids’ playroom. However, it has Sammi’s stuff in it until we can move things upstairs, we didn’t want your room to get too cluttered with all of this when you were recouping,” Gage explained and opened the door to a bright cheery room to the side. Inside it was white with pale green curtains and pretty, yellow walls.

  Jolie could still smell the fresh paint and knew they had set this up just for Sammi. She saw a crib and changing table in the corner. A rocking chair and a small table in the opposite corner. In the middle of the room a cheery multicolored rug sat with all of her favorite stuffed animals, they must have brought them from San Diego, but what made her eyes tear up was the picture on the small table. It held Marie and Ted on their wedding day, grinning into the camera with a look of sheer joy on their faces. It almost broke her heart until she realized the men were trying to make sure Sammi had reminders all around her of home, and her mother and father.

  “It is beautiful,” she whispered and the men’s face cleared. They had apparently been worried about what she would think because when she declared it amazing, they rocked back on their feet and grinned.

  “Okay, let’s get this show on the road. I actually have to go back to work today for a few hours. The town folk have been gracious enough to allow me to have the phones transferred to here so I can work; however, I still have things to do, like making sure old man Jones is not still drunk on the side of the bar like he is most Thursday through Sunday nights.” David grinned.

  She looked at his attire and wanted to laugh aloud, he wore his standard jeans and long sleeve shirt, but on the pocket was his badge—she hadn’t noticed it earlier. Jolie knew she had been too excited to get out of the room to pay attention to most things.

  “Don’t forget the vicious jaywalkers you have to deal with daily. Did you know that in Healing they had a crime spree a few weeks ago? Yeah, David here gave out five tickets to people for jaywalking. It was an exhausting day,” Gage teased.

  Jolie laughed when David glared at Gage and then slapped him on the back of the head, it reminded her of one of her favorite shows, but she stifled a giggle.

  They each took a hand and pulled her back into the hallway, making sure to move slowly and gently, neither man apparently wanted her to have a reason to go back to her room now that she was out.

  When they entered the kitchen through the old-fashion swinging door, everyone stopped speaking and looked at them. Jolie felt like a bug under a microscope at that point. They were all staring at her intently.

  “Guys, tone it down a little, I think she is good,” Sable laughed and stood. “Come over here and sit with me, Jolie. We girls have to stick together.”

  Gage chuckled but led her to the chair that Sable indicated. While she was sitting she introduced the ranch hands, and she nodded to the family members she had already met, it was overwhelming to see so many handsome men in one place, it oozed testosterone. She wondered briefly, would they do a male revue anytime soon, she would certainly pay whatever it took to see these men undress.

  Jolie’s cheeks burned as she realized what she was thinking. She really needed to relieve herself tonight. Gage and David were excessively potent.

  “So are you ready?” Sable asked with concern.

  “As I will ever be,” Jolie muttered and then she heard Sammi giggling. When she turned, the baby was in Gage’s arms and she was laughing and smiling at the faces h
e was making at her. David stood next to her, touching one of her feet and wiggling it. It was a cute sight, and one that tugged at her heartstrings as she watched.

  “Let’s go and see, Jolie, shall we?” Gage said softly and nuzzled the baby, then looked up and smiled at her. “Do you feel well enough?”

  “Of course, I always feel well enough for her,” Jolie said softly and let Gage place her in her lap, not using her sore arm. Although it felt better, lifting the little one would have put a strain on it.

  Sammi squealed and patted her cheeks as she greeted her. Jolie couldn’t help but feel the tears in her eyes as she looked on the small child’s face. She was so trusting and full of love.

  “Hey, baby girl,” Jolie whispered and kissed her chubby cheek.

  Sammi laughed and snuggled into her neck, where she stayed while Lou and Sable put food on the table. The men began to leave, but as they left all of them touched Sammi’s head in a caress. She knew the child had worked her magic on them as well.

  In the end only David, Gage, Alex, Slone, the dads, and brothers were left in the room. Lou and Timothy excused themselves, too. They knew they were going to start talking business.

  Jolie ate her breakfast with one hand as she held the small child with the other, kissing the top of her head or cheek often. She was finally feeling like they were back to normal, well whatever normal was at this point. She saw Noah, one of Alex’s fathers, stand and leave the room. A few moments after he left, he reappeared with a large rolling board that he set in the corner.

  Alex stood and kissed Sable before filling his coffee and then looking at Jolie. “Ready?”

  Jolie took a breath and nodded. “Let me take Sammi to Lou for a little while,” David said and kissed her cheek and took the baby. It was for the best, she didn’t want to project her feelings on the baby, nor did she want her to hear anything they talked about. It didn’t matter if she understood or not, it didn’t seem right.


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