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Wrangling the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch Book 3)

Page 15

by Kennedy Fox

  “Hey, man,” I say. “Need another?”


  “How are things going? Anything new with Kenzie since she’s been home?”

  “Pfft.” He grunts as I hand him a bottle. “She’s a complicated egg I’ll never crack. These damn Bishop women are confusing as hell. Maize and Elle are nice to me, but Kenzie? She’d murder me if given the option.”

  “Dude, you must’ve done somethin’ to her.” I lean against the counter and take a sip of my beer.

  “Wish I knew. I’d apologize if she’d just tell me already, but instead, she insists on busting my balls every chance she gets.” He groans.

  “You like her,” I say. “Or it wouldn’t bother you so much.”

  Grayson shrugs casually. “I do. From the moment I met her, I thought she was beautiful and wanted to get to know her, but it’s never been reciprocated. So instead of pursuing anything, I’ve just pushed her buttons since she won’t tell me what the fuck her problem is.”

  I chuckle, having seen their back-and-forth banter firsthand. It’s comical.

  “What about Maize? Figure out why she hates your guts?” he asks.

  “Which time?” I sigh, frustrated as hell. “Honestly, we do have a history.”

  He snaps his fingers and grins. “I fuckin’ knew it!”

  “We had a one-night stand a couple of weeks before I got hired, and on my first day of work, she acted like she didn’t know me. She introduced herself like normal, and for months, she pretended she didn’t remember me. Drove me crazy until she finally admitted it on New Year’s Eve. But she doesn’t date men who work on the ranch because she’s been burned. Then at the rodeo, something happened, and we hooked up again.”

  Grayson’s jaw nearly smacks the floor as his eyes bug out. “Dude. I should’ve known. I could always tell there was something between you two.”

  “I’ve been chasing her since the day I got here, and all she does is run.” I sigh, chugging my beer. “I thought we’d gotten past all that at the rodeo, but then two weeks ago, she said it was a mistake and that I needed to get over it.” Doesn’t help my ego that I’ve never had to pursue a woman before, but Maize’s different. The connection we share isn’t like anything I’ve experienced before.

  “Ouch.” Grayson cringes. “That’s not good.”

  “Especially since I still want her.”

  “These damn Bishop women are difficult, I’m tellin’ ya. Just when you think you’re making progress, they go and rip the rug out from under ya.”

  I laugh at the truth of his words. I haven’t felt sparks with a woman in years, nothing like what I feel when I’m around Maize, and I hate that she won’t give us a chance. Some people never find love once in their lifetime, and it’s even more rare to find it twice. I’m not ready to walk away from someone who I’m falling so hard for—not after all this time. Especially not when I know how it feels to be inside her. I’ll always remember the way she screams my name as she comes. She felt it too, and I’ll do whatever I can to prove I’m worth the risk.

  “Maize’s a sweet girl, and from what I know about her, she’s reserved and keeps to herself a lot. Don’t give up on her yet,” Grayson genuinely tells me.

  “Trust me, I don’t plan on it.”

  We leave the kitchen, and when I get to the door, I see a group of ladies walking across the yard toward Diesel and Riley.

  “Ah shit.” Grayson says what I’m thinking. “Looks like they told their women about the party.”

  Rowan, Kenzie, Elle, Maize, and Zoey come into view.

  “Who are the guys with them?” I narrow my eyes at Kenzie and Maize as frustration and jealousy ripple through me.

  “No idea, but I think they’re townies. I’ve seen them at the pub before.”

  Just great.

  We walk outside and say hello. Kenzie smiles at me but avoids Grayson, while Maize pretends I don’t exist.

  “Sorry, man.” Diesel pats my shoulder. “Rowan overheard me and decided to invite the girls. Hope that’s okay.”

  I nod. “Sure, no problem. Plenty of beer and food inside.”

  Looking around, I realize my small gathering is now at least thirty or more people.

  “Get used to it because nothing on the Bishop ranch is a small affair. Ever.” Grayson chuckles.

  A few people walk inside and return with plates and drinks, but one guy has two bottles, then hands one to Maize. She smiles and squeezes his arm. What. The. Fuck.

  Did she seriously bring a fucking date to my party?

  After getting no closure and waiting six months for her to acknowledge we hooked up the first time, this is how dirty she wants to play?

  I want to confront her, but that’d make a scene, and I don’t want everyone seeing or hearing our conversation. I’m too old for these childish games, but dammit if it’s not working.

  For the next hour, I do my best to keep my eyes off Maize and her little boy toy, but it’s nearly impossible when she purposely stands in my view. I’ve learned her friend’s name is Leo, and if his arm wraps around her one more time, I might snap off his fingers.

  “I’m gonna use the bathroom, be right back,” I overhear her tell him. As she walks away, his gaze lingers on her ass, and my jaw nearly cracks in half.

  A few moments later, I head inside, using the opportunity to be alone with her. The bathroom door is wide open, and when I walk down the hallway, I see Maize snooping in my bedroom.

  “Can I help you?”

  She jumps, quickly spinning around. “Jesus!” Her hand presses against her chest as she catches her breath. “You scared the shit outta me, Gavin.”

  “Well, imagine my surprise when I catch you not in the bathroom but in my bedroom. Lookin’ for something?” I lean against the doorway with a smug grin on my face. She’s not getting out of this easy or walking away this time.

  “I got lost.”

  “Is that so?” I don’t feed into her bullshit for a second as I push off the doorframe and step toward her. “You wanna tell me what you’re doing here tonight?”

  Maize crosses her arms, pursing her lips. “I was invited. That a problem?”

  “Considering you’ve ignored me for two weeks and brought a date to my party, I’d say yes, it is a problem. You and I need to talk.”

  I nearly close the gap between us as her arms fall to her side, and the way her breath hitches doesn’t go unnoticed. She licks her lips as her eyes flick up to mine.

  “We have nothing to talk about, Gavin.”

  “Sure we do. For starters, why don’t you tell me who your little friend is?”

  “None of your damn business.”

  “You gonna sleep with him, then bail the next morning, too? Should…” I throw a thumb over my shoulder. “Should I warn him? Give him the Maize 101 on what to expect?” I lean down until my lips nearly brush her ear, then whisper, “Tell him you like it fast and deep and to slap your ass real hard. Save him the trouble of having to hear you talk.”

  “You asshole,” she spews when I back away. “What’s your problem? We hooked up, twice, and that’s it. Move the fuck on!”

  I smile in amusement because seeing Maize fired up is fucking hot as hell. She’s trying to keep her walls up by being bold, but I see right through her façade. When I catch her staring at me when I’m eating at the B&B, it’s with intent, not disgust. I see the way she bites on her lower lip, and how her chest rises and falls any time I’m near. She tries so damn hard not to be affected by me even when her body aches for my touch.

  “You’re adorable, Maize. A little spitfire even, but a horrible liar.”

  “What?” She gasps. “I’m not lying. I’ve already moved on, and you should too.”

  “You mean, that little Leo dude?” I bark out a laugh. “He couldn’t find your clit even if you drew him a map with color keys.”

  She rolls her eyes, folding her arms.

  “Alright then, go out there and kiss him. Stick your tongue down his throat
and prove to me you’re over us.”

  “You’re ridiculous.” She steps around me and moves toward the door.

  I spin around, walking into the hallway to watch her ass. “But make sure you’re not thinking about me the whole time when you do!”

  “Fuck off, Gavin!” She flips me the bird over her shoulder, and I stifle a laugh.

  Her mouth says one thing, but the way her body reacts is another—the actual truth. She doesn’t want me to play this game and start dating for the hell of it. Or maybe she does?

  Perhaps it’s time to test that theory.

  Chapter Fourteen


  It’s been two weeks since Maize pulled her little stunt and showed up at my birthday party with Leo in tow. I’m still annoyed as hell about it and determined to make her feel the fire that scorches me each time she’s around. I’m not stupid and know she planned to make me jealous. Maize makes the rules to this game, and it’s time for me to break them.

  I’ve chased her enough, and if she really wants me to get over her, I’ve come up with a plan to see if she’ll believe her own bullshit. When we were at the rodeo, I remember how she looked at Sarah Cooke like she may steal me away. Though I’m not the type of guy to lead a woman on, I asked Sarah if she’d like to join me at the big Fourth of July celebration at the Bishop ranch. Riley encouraged me to bring a date, and she was the only woman who I’ve really spoken to who wasn’t a Bishop or married to one.

  I drive over to pick up Sarah from her house, and she’s dressed in a mini skirt, boots, and a strapless shirt showing off her summer tan. Though she’s beautiful, I’m not really into blondes. When she climbs inside the truck, she immediately grins.

  “Hey! How have things been going?” she asks. As soon as she buckles, we head toward the ranch.

  “Good. I don’t have any complaints.” I smile at her as we continue to make small talk. We chat about the rodeo and Cooper placing and how he won first place again.

  “I heard him tell my daddy he was planning to go pro and wanted you to travel with him full-time,” she tells me when we park and get out of the truck.

  “Yeah, that’s all true.” I leave the conversation there. I’ve lived in this town long enough to know that rumors travel like speed trains ’round here, so I’d rather not get into the specifics.

  I grab a blanket from the back seat so we can sit on the grass comfortably. A tip Diesel offered when he told me he’d be proposing to Rowan today. As soon as we walk up to the crowd of people, I watch everyone’s eyes zip to Sarah, but no one says a word. I’ve never brought a woman with me anywhere, so I’m sure it’s a shock. Considering Maize is like a vault with her secrets, I doubt any of them would notice something’s off except for her or Kenzie.

  I spread the blanket and lay it flat, then we sit next to Rowan, Chelsea, and her boyfriend, Trace. I met her once before and say hello to the group. She recently moved back so Diesel could see his son more and she could see where things go with Trace. Sarah leans into me and laughs as Riley runs all over the place chasing after Zach. He’s a cute kid, but I can already tell he’s gonna be a handful when he’s older.

  John and Jackson are grilling burgers while a few of the others set up the fireworks. I watch as Alex takes Diesel and Riley off to the side. A moment later, “Life of the Party” by Shawn Mendes blasts through the speakers. Diesel walks across the pasture to Rowan and takes her hand. Dawson moves on to his mama’s lap and twirls his fingers in her hair.

  Watching Diesel and Rowan dance is mesmerizing. It’s obvious how much they love each other. She smiles as Diesel dips and spins her around. Above, an airplane flies low, and everyone looks up to see the message drifting behind it.

  It reads: Will You Marry Me, Rowan Bishop?

  All eyes are on them as Diesel clumsily fidgets and tries to pull the ring from his pocket. As soon as he flips open the box, tears spill down Rowan’s face. Diesel drops to one knee and tells her he knew she was his the first time they kissed. My eyes fall on Maize, who’s standing with her hand on her chest over her heart, and she looks so goddamn beautiful with her hair pulled back. Even from a distance, I can see the softness of her neck and have the urge to run my mouth across her skin.

  She may be anti-love, but I’m convinced it’s all a ploy.

  Rowan hesitates with her answer, and eventually, her grandma Bishop speaks up. “Rowan Bishop, you better give that man an answer and not keep him and the rest of us waitin’.”

  With a grandma like that, no wonder she’s a spitfire.

  “Yes, yes, yes! I will marry you,” Rowan yells, loud enough I’m sure everyone in San Antonio could hear her answer. They have a little make-out session, then Diesel slips the ring on her finger. It’s adorable, and I’m glad they’re so happy and will officially start their life together.

  After they walk away for some privacy, Jackson and John serve everyone what they’ve been grilling. I get up and grab food for Sarah and me, then deliver it back.

  “I’m so happy for them,” she says, taking a bite of her burger. “I love engagements and weddings. Mama says I’m a hopeless romantic, always have been, if I’m being honest,” she admits.

  “I can see that,” I say. “It’s not a bad thing to have a heart. Shows you’re compassionate.”

  After we finish, the fireworks are nearly set up, and they’ll start lighting them any minute now. I see Maize, who looks like she’s ready to internally combust when Rowan walks up to her. It’s obvious she’s pissed. When Rowan pulls her away to talk to her, I nearly chuckle. While her anger shouldn’t bring me joy, it does. It’s proof she’s jealous as hell. Once they head to the drink table, I turn to Sarah. “You thirsty?”

  She nods, leaning back on the blanket.

  “I’ll be right back,” I tell her and stand.

  As soon as I’m close to Maize, I gently pull her away from Rowan so I can get a few words in.

  “I’ve put the pieces together, Maize,” I say in a lowered tone. She looks at me like she wants to throw daggers at my face.

  “What are you talkin’ about exactly?” she asks, playing dumb like usual.

  I glare at her, allowing the silence to pass between us as she stares me down. Unfortunately for her, I’m immune to her act because, at this point, I could write a book on her reactions. The thought has me laughing, which only infuriates her more. “I’ve tamed wild horses, Maize Bishop, and I’ll tame your attitude too. I like a good challenge.”

  She scoffs and rolls her eyes at me, but I can tell I’ve gotten under her skin. “Is that a threat or something?” she asks with shakiness in her voice.

  “Not a threat, sweetheart. That’s a damn promise,” I confirm, meaning every word. I give her a smirk, then walk away. Before I make it back to Sarah, I grab two waters from an ice chest. I can only imagine how angry Maize is right now, and it fills me with joy knowing I can see through her.

  I hand Sarah the water, and she thanks me. When I sit next to her, she scoots closer and leans her head on my shoulder. When I turn around, I catch a glimpse of Maize watching us and chuckle. I’ve got all the goddamn proof I need. She tells me to move on, then is ready to murder me when I invite another woman to join me. One thing is for certain—Maize needs to make up her mind because, at this point, I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t.

  The firework show starts, and it’s incredible. I’ve seen displays this big at rodeos, and I’m amazed they’re able to pull it off so flawlessly. The booms from the mortar shells echo in the distance, and the colors are bright and spectacular. Some crackle and pop while others glitter and fade.

  The summer breeze brushes against my skin, and I realize how much I love being on the ranch. It’s been almost a year since I took the job, and I haven’t once regretted it. I’ve found my second family, and I can’t imagine how hard it’s going to be to leave this behind.

  When it’s over, the big group of us burst out into applause while some hoot and holler. Considering nearly fifty peop
le are here, it takes a while to tell everyone goodbye. I pick up the blanket, and we walk back to my truck so I can take Sarah home.

  “Want to go to the bar and have a drink?” she asks when we climb in, and I start the engine.

  “I’d love to, but I have to be up early. Should probably get some sleep.”

  She sticks out her bottom lip and pouts as I turn toward her house.

  When I pull into the driveway, I park and smile at her. “Thanks again for joining me. That was a lot of fun.”

  “It was. Do you want to come in?” she whispers. She leans in and tries to kiss me, but I pull away before our lips can connect.

  “Whoa, whoa,” I calmly say. “Sarah. Because I'm a gentleman and I don’t like to lead ladies on, I think I should set the record straight. While I think you’re a very beautiful woman, we’re just friends, and that’s all we can be.”

  She rolls her eyes, obviously annoyed by the rejection. “Wow. Okay. Is it because of Maize?”

  My heart rate quickens, and I meet her eyes. “All that matters right now is that you understand where you and I stand. I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.”

  She sucks in a deep breath and lets it out. “It’s fine. I feel really stupid now, but thanks for a good time.”

  “I’m sorry.” I want her to know I genuinely mean it, but I don’t think her embarrassment will allow it. She gets out of the truck, turns, and gives me a wave before going inside. On the way home, I feel like an utter asshole. If I were in my twenties, just passing through, I probably would’ve followed her inside. I’m a different man now, and my door no longer revolves. The only woman I want pushes me away continually, and it’s frustrating as fuck.

  By the time I walk into my house, I’m more than annoyed. I go to the fridge and pull out a beer, then sit on the couch. After I kick off my boots, my phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out and see it’s Cooper.

  I open the message he sent.

  Cooper: Hey man. Just checking to see if you made up your mind about traveling the road with me and coaching me to pro level.


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