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Wrangling the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch Book 3)

Page 17

by Kennedy Fox

  She brings her gaze to mine with a smile. “Thank you. So do you.”

  I furrow my brows because the sudden flip in her attitude is confusing. “So, wanna tell me why I’m here?”

  “I want to talk about us but not in here. Outside.” She glances over her shoulder to the back door that leads to the wraparound porch.

  “Alright.” I motion for her to lead the way.

  The moment she opens the door, I spot a small round table filled with food.

  “Take a seat.”

  I sit across from her and look down at the spread. “What’s all this?”

  She blushes nervously and shrugs. “Wanted to make you dinner.”

  “Okay, I’m gonna be honest with you. I feel like I’m in the twilight zone right now, Maize. After everything, I’m not sure what the hell is goin’ on.” I swallow hard. “One minute you’re hot and the next you’re cold. Your mood swings are givin’ me whiplash.”

  She nods. “You’re right. I have been, and it’s what I want to talk about.”

  “Okay, well I’m all ears then,” I tell her.

  Maize grabs a roll and pulls it apart. “I’m sure you know by now that I’m not great in the sharing my feelings department or talking things out when my emotions get the best of me. While my past is no excuse for how I’ve treated you, it really messed me up. I had basically given up on dating, and the morning after our night together, I was embarrassed I jumped into bed with a man I had just met. We didn’t know that much about each other, and I was judging the shit out of myself.”

  She stuffs her mouth with food, and I silently wait for her to continue. I can tell she’s nervous, so I don’t want to speak until she’s done.

  “It was really shitty of me to pretend I didn’t know you. I should’ve owned up to it long before I did. You didn’t deserve that kind of treatment, so for that, I’m truly sorry. Even though I’m in my mid-twenties, I’m not experienced with dating or having one-night stands. I get shy and anxious, so I resorted to playing dumb instead of acknowledging you. The fact that you even wanted to talk to me after that shows what kind of man you are. I should’ve realized you had good intentions.”

  She pauses to take a sip of her drink. I look down at my untouched plate and dig in while she continues.

  “I’m far from perfect, and while you don’t owe me a damn thing, I’d really like it if we could start over. I’d love for us to get a second—well, third—chance. No more ignoring or avoiding you, no more acting like a brat, and I’ll definitely work on communicating better.” She chuckles, and it makes me smile to hear that sound again.

  “Well…” I swallow. “Honestly, I’m not sure if that’s possible. You’ve been running this whole time, and I’m kinda tired of chasing you. I thought we started over at the rodeo, and then you blindsided me and pulled a one-eighty on me. So...” Shrugging, I hold back a smirk as I watch her squirm. As much as I want to give in and taste her lips, I won’t make this easy for her.

  “Okay, well first, Leo is just a friend, and I didn’t know it was your birthday until after. Don’t forget you brought Sarah Cooke to the family Fourth of July party!”

  The anger firing through her voice causes me to chuckle. She really didn’t like me bringing her.

  “You told me to move on, so I was just following orders.” I smirk, stabbing a piece of meat and taking a bite.

  Maize groans with an eye roll, and it’s adorable how worked up she’s getting. “The only reason I said that was because I overheard a conversation and got spooked. I should’ve talked to you about it, but I didn’t.”

  I tilt my head, curiously. “What are you talkin’ about?”

  “Knox and Kane asked about your job offer with Cooper, and you confirmed it. I knew if you took it, we’d be over, so I thought if I ended it before anything started, then maybe I’d save myself from heartbreak.”

  Fuck. If I had known that, things would be different between us right now.

  “Wow. I’m glad I finally have an explanation at least.”

  “I’m sorry. I know I fucked up big time. My sister and cousins basically had to smack some common sense into me before I lost you for good. Or perhaps I already Sarah.”

  The sad expression on her face is just too much, so I put her out of her misery. “Sarah and I are just friends. She understands I have no romantic feelings for her.”

  “Okay.” She flashes a small, relieved smile. “We weren’t friends in school, and she made my life hell. Seeing her with you made me hate her even more.”

  I frown. “I’m sorry to hear that.” Had I known that, I would’ve never invited her. Now I’m twice as glad I turned her advances down.

  She shrugs. “It is what it is.”

  “This is really delicious, by the way,” I admit as I inhale another bite. “Beef tips are one of my favorites.”

  “That’s a relief. I wasn’t sure.”

  “I’m not picky, but you’re an amazing cook, Maize. If I hadn’t picked you up at the pub that night, I definitely would’ve tried after eating your pancakes.”

  Maize snorts and laughs again. This is the side of her that I adore. I’m just not sure if it’s here to stay.

  “You picked a great spot,” I tell her, looking out at the sunset.

  “I love it out here.” She watches the clouds float across the sky. “Figured if you were gonna tell me to take a hike, at least I’d have a nice view to console me.”

  Smiling, I shake my head. “You knew feeding me would keep my ass here until my plate was at least cleared.”

  “Ha-ha.” She playfully rolls her eyes.

  Once we’re both finished eating, I’ve made up my mind. Standing, I lean in and grab her hand, then place a soft kiss on her knuckles. “Thanks for dinner. It was delicious.”

  She looks up at me in confusion. “You’re welcome. Thank you for coming.”

  Then I push in my chair.

  “Are you leavin’?” she asks in a panic.

  “Yep. I accept your apology, but I’m not sure where we stand right now.”

  She quickly rushes to her feet when I walk down the porch steps toward my truck.

  “Wait, you’re leaving before we finish our conversation?” The hurt and shock in her voice along with her scrambling to keep up with me has me holding back a smile. It’s the first time she’s chased me.

  When I make it to my truck, I spin around to face her. “I’ve accepted your apology, but if you want to start over, then it’s time for you to work for what you want.”

  Maize folds her arms over her chest and narrows her eyes. “Are you serious?”

  Smirking, I open my door and hop in, then roll the window down. “Sure am, Maize Bishop. I’ve been chasing you for months. It’s your turn.”

  “What?” She throws her arms to her sides.

  “Gonna have to prove you’re serious, sweetheart. You’re a smart girl. You’ll figure it out.” I flash her a shit-eating grin and reverse out of the parking spot.

  Her jaw drops, but before I drive off, I add, “Appreciate dinner. Already lookin’ forward to breakfast.” I throw her a wink, then speed off.

  Watching her pout in my rearview mirror has me releasing a bellow of laughter. I can’t imagine the thoughts running through her mind right now.

  I’ve never stopped wanting her, but if she truly wants us to be together, she’ll have to show me she’s one-hundred-percent committed this time.

  And I can’t wait to watch her try.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Dust flies in the air as my jaw drops in shock. I can’t believe he fucking left!

  Gavin drives off, and the anger pumping through my veins has me stomping my feet back to the table where I poured my heart out to him. If he forgave me, then why do I need to prove I want to be with him? Shouldn’t my apology and spilling my truths be enough?


  Did I need to spell it out for him? I thought I was clear when I said I wanted to star
t over. Didn’t he realize that meant I wanted us to go out on a date or hang out and get to know each other again?

  I basically pleaded for another chance, tried to work through my humiliation, and now he wants me to grovel. Gavin knows exactly what he’s doing.

  While I deserve it, I don’t know how the hell I’m supposed to show him I want a chance and that I’m not going to run again.

  After I clean up and put the dishes in the dishwasher, I call Rowan.

  “Hey!” she greets eagerly as if she’d been waiting to hear from me. This was her idea after all.

  “Listen to what this asshole did!” I blurt out, then tell her the whole story.

  Once I finish, Rowan bursts out laughing.

  “Are you seriously laughing?”

  “I have to commend Gavin actually. He’s a genius. You admitted you were wrong and apologized, but now he wants you to fight for him.”

  “That was me fighting for him,” I deadpan. “What else am I supposed to do? Show up in lingerie and seduce him?”

  “Girl, I’m not sure, but I’m living vicariously through you, so whatever you do, I wanna hear about it.”

  I groan, rolling my eyes. “Ugh. You’re no help!”

  “You fucked up, and now it’s your turn to win his heart. You hurt him, and he needs to know you’re serious about him now.”

  “But I am! I said I wanted us to have another chance and to start over. Should I have explained in detail what that meant?”

  “You’re gonna have to put some effort into it.”

  “Fine, fine. But hell if I know how or what to do…”

  “Well, better get brainstorming.” She chuckles.

  Once we hang up, I head home and find Kenzie in her room. I explain what happened, and though part of this night was her idea, she says she’s still “Team Gavin” and can’t wait to see how I win him back. After getting zero advice from her, I lie in bed, thinking about everything. Before any ideas come to mind, I fall asleep.

  The next day, I go through my early breakfast routine at the B&B and run into Gavin earlier than expected. He gives me a shit-eating grin, and I somehow restrain the urge to strangle him for leaving so abruptly last night.

  “Howdy.” He tips his hat after taking a seat.

  “Howdy?” I arch a brow.

  “That’s what I said, ma’am. How’re you on this beautiful day?”

  Now I’m really confused. “Are you runnin’ a fever or something?”

  He chuckles, stuffing two pieces of bacon in his mouth.

  “What? I’m always in a good mood when I see your gorgeous face in the mornin’.”

  Grayson barks out a laugh, and I finally realize he heard everything as he sits down across from Gavin. By the way he looks at us, I know he’s aware of our situation.

  “He knows, doesn’t he?” I place a hand on my hip and scowl.

  “You sayin’ your cousins don’t?” he counters.

  I rock on my feet. “They might know a little.” With a shrug, I continue, “But girls talk. Didn’t know you and Grayson were that close.”

  “Hey,” Grayson chimes in.

  “He’s the only guy around here who isn’t consumed with a chick, so we have more time to talk and hang out. Plus, he’s not related to you.”

  “Dude, thanks.” Grayson grunts. “The girls around here are batshit crazy.”

  “Hey,” I scold. “Maybe we’re just not willing to put up with your antics. Ever think of that?”

  “Antics? Y’all must be talkin’ about Grayson.” Kenzie comes to Maize’s side, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “And you’ve just made my point.” Grayson flicks a piece of sausage in his mouth.

  “So Gavin…” Kenzie directs her attention to him. “Heard Maize made you a nice dinner last night.”

  I groan with an eye roll.

  “She sure did,” he responds with a smug grin. “Best meal I’ve ever had.”

  “Well, I just want to say…” Kenzie looks over her shoulder at me with a mischievous smirk. “I’m rooting for you. But if she fails, I’m single. Just a heads-up…”

  Oh my God. I’m gonna kill her.

  “Is that so? Well, thank you. It’s refreshing to have one Bishop girl on my side.”

  “Don’t you have a job to get to?” I elbow her ribs and push her out of the way. “Mom won’t like it if you’re late.”

  “I’m not afraid of her,” she taunts. Kenzie talks a big talk, but she’d never be late, considering she’s teaching now.

  “Ha, don’t let her hear you say that.”

  Kenzie quickly looks around in a panic, and I laugh. Point made.

  “Well, I have to get back to work. If you need someone on your side, Grayson you have my number.” I flash him a wink to get under Kenzie’s skin, and luckily, it works.

  “Why does he have your number?” she asks. At the same time, Gavin says, “He doesn’t.”

  Chuckling, I head into the kitchen to clean. Lunch is baked chicken casserole and doesn’t take long to prep, especially with Sandra and Jane bouncing around. Once it’s baked and served, I meet Elle at the diner for a late lunch. My employees are more than capable of handling the kitchen while I’m gone. Right now, I need another woman to talk to about Gavin since my sister insists on antagonizing me about it.

  “Hey!” She stands from the booth and immediately hugs me.

  “I’m so excited you were able to come,” I say, taking a seat.

  “Me too. Honestly, it’s been so hectic.”

  We grab our menus and flip through them even though we know what they offer.

  “Yeah, same. Lunch rush is over, and my employees were fine.” If I’m lucky, they’ll start washing dishes too.

  “Oh good, so we have time to chat.” She smiles up at me.

  “Yeah, I owe you an update on Gavin.”

  “Girl, yes. I wanna hear all about it.”

  I go through all the details– the nice dinner I made and our conversation that quickly shifted to him getting up and leaving. It takes me nearly twenty minutes to explain it all.

  “Wow…Gavin’s not messin’ around this time.” She snickers. “Sounds like he’s trying to protect his heart just like you. What would you want a guy to do if the tables were turned?”

  I hadn’t thought about it that way. Shrugging, I draw a blank. “I don’t know, I guess…a nice gesture of some sort. Something that shows he’s thinking of me, but not just materialistic things. Something from the heart and thoughtful.”

  She waves out her hand. “There ya go.”

  “I don’t even know where to start,” I groan. “I tried to win him over with my cooking, and that didn’t work, so I’m kinda screwed.”

  “What’s he interested in? Obviously bull riding and horses since he trains them. But you gotta go deeper than that. What kind of music does he like? Or movies? Figure out some personal things, go out of your way to find out his favorites, then make it special.”

  “Hmm…that’s not a horrible idea.” I tap my bottom lip. “I have a lot to think about. But anyway, enough about me, what’s going on with you? How’s Dr. VetDreamy?”

  “If it’s possible, he’s even moodier and more asshole-ish than before. He glared at me the whole time at Gavin’s birthday party, then barely said a word to me the next day. It’s like, no matter how well I do every task he gives me, it’s not good enough or even acknowledged. I’m ready to open my own business, but even if I did, he has all the contacts. Everyone around here trusts him, and I’d go bankrupt within my first year.”

  “Have you ever just asked him? Like hey, you want to hate bang this out so we can work together or hey, need help gettin’ that stick outta your ass so we can be civil?”

  “When he was super edgy, I snapped at him a few times, but it barely fazed him. He’ll hardly look at me when he gives instructions, then freaks out when I don’t pay attention. Like talk about a double standard. I have to listen to his every word, but he pretends I don’t ev
en exist.”

  “My best guess is that he’s actually attracted to you and is trying really fucking hard not to be. He’s pulling a Maize.”

  She frowns. “A what?”

  “A Maize. Me! He’s pushing you away so you can’t get close because he’s scared he’ll get hurt, or that he’ll hurt you. Probably worried it’d ruin your professional relationship too. I mean, he’s basically me in a man’s body.”

  “I think you’re reading into this way too much. He gets phone calls throughout the day, but one woman calls almost every hour, and he’ll walk out of the room or distance himself to answer it. So I think he has a girlfriend, which makes your theory moot.”

  “You’re sure it’s a woman?” I ask.

  “Yep, based on the few seconds of conversation I overheard.”

  “You don’t know it’s a girlfriend, though. For all we know, it’s his drug dealer.”

  Elle snorts. “Yeah, that makes me feel better, thanks.”

  I shrug. “Gotta think of all options here.”

  The waitress comes over and takes our order. Surprisingly, I’m not super hungry, so I order a salad and a sweet tea.

  “Maybe you should join a dating app,” I suggest. “Then let it slip into your convo and watch his reaction.”

  “After your disasters, you want me to suffer through that?”

  “Well, you don’t really have to participate to see what he thinks about it. Maybe he’ll try to find you and swipe right.” I waggle my brows.

  Elle rolls her eyes. “Very doubtful. Good looks aside, his personality is dull, humor is dry, and don’t get me started on our one-sentence conversations.”

  “You need some kind of drastic change and see if he notices. Wear something different and tight, cut or dye your hair, put on a padded bra. If he looks even a tiny bit fazed, then that means he’s looking.”

  “Okay, I can do the first two, but I’m not wearing a padded bra. Aside from being uncomfortable, I wear scrubs, and they’re tight enough as it is.”

  “I would love to see you with bleach blond hair!” I exclaim. “It’d look hot with your tan, too. Get some layers or side bangs.” I move my head from side to side as I imagine it in my mind. “Yep, it’d look sexy as hell.”


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