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Friends Lovers and Family

Page 5

by M. A. Innes

  Chuckling, I took that as my cue to head out.

  Standing, I squeezed his shoulder and smiled. Ryland or Riley, it didn’t matter to me. I was just glad he’d finally found what made him happy.

  Chapter 2


  “Are you sure you shouldn’t be working?” I knew I’d asked some variation on that question too many times already, but he wasn’t supposed to be playing hooky with me.

  Holden shook his head. “I’m caught up on plans and grading for the most part. When the universe decides to kill the air conditioner in the history building, I’m not going to question it. Now, no more second-guessing. I want to spend the day with my boy.”

  Then, keeping an eye on the red light, he leaned over and kissed me.

  I grinned, shrugging. “Okay, Daddy.”

  It was one of my days off, so I hadn’t expected Holden to come in beaming, saying we were going to go have fun for the day. He’d even said no chores and had dressed me in a cartoon T-shirt with my training pants under my jeans.

  I’d accepted that no one could see under my pants and I’d seen the same shirt on several guys on campus so I wasn’t worried, but I was feeling almost little and couldn’t decide what he wanted to do. I knew he’d probably have fun walking around the history museum like we’d talked about the other day, but it didn’t seem like he’d dressed me for that.

  When we started heading toward the other side of town, I just sat back in the seat and tried to be patient, but it was hard. So, to keep myself from begging to know where we were going, I decided to bug him about the weekend.

  “Do you think Finn and Beckett will be at the playdate? I know Beckett isn’t little, but every time I bring it up, Finn gets this look on his face.”

  Holden reached over and squeezed my leg, smiling. “Do you want him there?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe? I know you’re going to be there, but it seems like I’m leaving him out if he doesn’t come. Most of the other guys are people he knows and hangs out with. I guess it’s like we’re going off and having fun without him. Do you think Finn feels that way?”

  I shouldn’t want him there, but it’d been nice to have him at the barbecue. He always knew the right thing to say to people when I got overwhelmed. He also was great at managing everyone else when we got…stressed.

  It felt a little disloyal to even think it, but we weren’t the most confident group and having someone bossy around helped.

  Having a Dom around helped.

  He wasn’t like the other Daddies who were trying to give us space and help us learn to be more confident. Finn liked to hover and I liked that he wanted to hover, so it worked well for us.

  Holden would be there for me, but he also didn’t want to take over completely.

  Finn didn’t have that compulsion and he did a great job of figuring out what Cody meant versus what Cody said…and if Kevin or Maddox wasn’t there, he was great at keeping Bryan calm.

  Oh, Bryan.

  Daddy started to answer, but I thought of something and broke in. “Do you think Kevin should come too? They always do everything together. Well, not everything—at least, I don’t think everything, but that’s not my business. But I don’t think he’ll like being left out either.”

  The more I thought about it, the more I thought we should’ve done another barbecue so no one would feel uncomfortable. I should have said that, but telling everyone my opinion was still difficult. Finn said I was doing great at being more confident, though. So…small steps.

  Maybe I’d tell him my plan next time and he could fix it.

  I liked that idea much better.

  Daddy started to drive again as the light changed, but he still kept his hand on my leg. As he softly kneaded it, he smiled. “What do you want? Not what do you think they want, but what feels right to you?”

  That wasn’t easy to figure out.

  “Um, I don’t want anyone upset?” That probably wasn’t the right answer, but it was all I had.

  Daddy chuckled. “Okay, let’s look at this a different way. How would you feel if Finn came too?”

  “Relieved. He’s seen me little and doesn’t care, and he handles everyone.” I wasn’t sure that was the right way to explain it. Waving my hands, I shook my head. “Not like handle in a bad way, but…”

  Daddy nodded, not quite smiling but looking like he got it and found me funny. “But he likes making things easier between all of you, and since he’s your age, it’s not like the rest of us trying to step in.”

  I felt a little sheepish, but I shrugged. “He’s not like a Daddy, but he’s…bossy but not…I don’t know.”

  Daddy moved his hand and stroked it over my head before settling it on my shoulder. As he drove, his fingers absently caressed me, sending waves of sensation through me. “It doesn’t matter why you want him there. He’s going to want to support you. You just need to make sure you tell him that.”

  “So he doesn’t think he’s butting in.” I grinned. “He’s been trying. He even let me do my chores the other day without trying to help.”

  Without trying to help too much.

  “Then talk to him so he knows he’s welcome, and I’ll call Sean and make sure he knows what you’re thinking. Does that work for you?” Daddy’s fingers stroked around my ear, making it hard to function.

  “I…yes…” I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to think of anything else but what he’d been doing to me last night when he was nibbling on my ears. “Yes…I think that’s a good idea.”

  He could talk to anyone he wanted as long as he kept touching me like that.

  Unfortunately, the car slowed again and he took his hand off my neck. “You ready?”

  Ready for what?

  Opening my eyes, I looked around at the tall, almost blank-looking building in front of us. At first, all I saw were tall white walls. “What…ohhh…”

  Daddy chuckled as he turned the car off. “What do you think?”

  “Really?” Daddy wasn’t the laser tag-and-ball pit type of guy. Was there a park nearby he wanted to walk around in?

  Looking behind us, I didn’t see anything else interesting. It was mostly an industrial part of town, and there wasn’t even a restaurant in the area. Daddy was just smiling and shaking his head.

  “I want to play with my boy.” He unbuckled and leaned over to kiss me. “If you have fun, maybe we’ll invite everyone else next time. Unless you don’t want to…”

  His voice trailed off and one eyebrow went up, questioningly.

  “No, I mean yes… I mean…” Shoot. “I think it sounds like fun.”

  It was a grown-up kind of fun that was almost like being a kid again. It was perfect. “It’ll be great.”

  The commercials for the fun zone play area made it clear it was for kids and adults. They even had two ball pits, one for kids and one for what they called “kids at heart”…adults. I could play all I wanted and probably not be the most interesting adult there.

  Not if what I’d heard from some of the other students on campus was true.

  Once a month they did a grown-ups only night, and a big group of people from one of my classes last semester had gone. They said they had a blast and the alcohol had been cheaper than going to the bar. Not that I had any intention of getting drunk.

  Having my inhibitions lowered while at a place where I might want to feel little didn’t seem like the best combination.

  “Good.” Daddy cupped my cheek and gave me another kiss. “We’re going to have fun for a while and then later there’s a new Disney movie out.”

  Grinning, I felt my face heating up, but I leaned in closer. “Can I have popcorn too?”

  Daddy nodded, his smile widening. “How about I get you the kids’ pack so you can have popcorn and candy?”

  I had the best Daddy ever.


  “Are you sure?” Hours at the fun zone place and then the movie was a big date day for us, and he still wanted to go out to dinner?

Daddy chuckled. “Yes. I was texting with William earlier. He said the restaurant isn’t busy tonight, so he was going to hold our table if we wanted him to.”

  I felt a blush heating up my face as I curled in closer against Daddy’s neck. “Is Jonathan working tonight?”

  Going out to dinner and going out to dinner at Master William’s restaurant were two different activities. Neither was bad…but they weren’t the same thing at all.

  Master William’s restaurant had enough privacy to make Daddy want to tease.

  And having Jonathan there as our waiter only made it…more interesting.

  It was getting easier to admit I liked going there, but only because what happened there wasn’t up to me. All I had to do was tell Daddy that going to dinner sounded like a good idea, and he’d handle the rest. So I was probably a bit of a chicken, but Daddy didn’t have a problem making the decisions for both of us.

  Daddy’s arms tightened around me and he pressed a kiss to my head. “He might have mentioned that Jonathan is working tonight.”

  Jonathan liked being our server. He’d never bothered to hide it and maybe that made it easier to admit that I liked it too. If Daddy and Jonathan weren’t ashamed, why should I be? Well, I might still feel embarrassed, but that wasn’t enough to make me tell Daddy no.

  I was embarrassed by everything.

  “He said they were packed last weekend and everyone was run ragged. He thought it would be nice to have some friends show up so Jonathan would have a fun evening since it wasn’t going to be busy.” Daddy said it so simply. We’d be doing Jonathan a favor. He’d see friends.

  We were kind of friends…but we were mostly just entertainment.

  But if it had been a bad weekend for Jonathan, then maybe we should go by…that was the nice thing to do.


  I didn’t lift my head, but I shrugged. “Jonathan is very polite.”

  Daddy chuckled again. “He said we were his favorite customers.”

  Because Daddy did outrageous things to me that made Jonathan squirm too as he watched us.

  “He’s nice.” I wasn’t sure if that was helpful or not.

  Daddy said he was cute and Daddy liked hearing me confess I thought he was cute too. But since Daddy usually had his hand on my cock when he said that, it never had the same feeling to it as if he’d have done it another time. Finn would probably understand the logic better, but I wasn’t going to explain it to him and find out. He didn’t need to know everything about our life.

  “Okay, good.” Daddy started running his hands along my sides, caressing more than comforting. “Then let’s get you ready.”

  I loved that I didn’t have to say much for him to understand what I wanted. I knew he wasn’t a mind reader, but sometimes it felt very close to that.

  “Yes, Sir.” Daddy cuddled and cared for me…Sir teased and showed me off.

  “I think this is the perfect time to try out some of your new briefs.” Daddy’s wandering hand stretched out and his thumb caressed over the head of my cock. “You look so sexy in them and you haven’t had a chance to wear them out yet.”

  “They’re still new.” Mumbling against his neck, I realized quickly my response should’ve been something about it not mattering because no one would see them. Right?

  I decided I wasn’t going to ask.

  It wasn’t my job to decide that.

  But my dick jerked anyway, and Daddy made a low understanding hum that said he knew what I wasn’t saying.

  My cock was such a tattletale.

  Daddy didn’t bother responding to my vague answer or the weird signals I was probably sending out. He just moved his hand to pat the side of my butt. “Okay. Upstairs, boy.”

  I knew he felt the shiver that ran through me, but I tried to ignore it as I climbed off his lap, face still hot. “Yes, Sir.”

  Daddy nodded, his normal relaxed smile a little more wicked. He was looking forward to dinner. That made the whirling in my stomach seem like a hurricane, but my erection got harder, so my brain wasn’t sure what I was feeling.

  Luckily, I didn’t have to decide anything. Well, all I had to decide was if I was nervous enough to safeword, but Daddy liked to make me squirm, not actually get upset, so I wasn’t worried. Just a little nervous…and turned on.

  But since that was how I spent a lot of time lately, I was familiar with the dueling sensations.

  As we headed upstairs, Daddy’s fingers ghosted over my ass, and I knew he was picturing the tight underwear he’d ordered online for me. Not that the tiny scraps could really be called underwear. They barely covered my cock when it was soft and the lower part of my butt cheeks hung out in the back, but Daddy loved them.

  And they made me feel a little naughty, but he hadn’t pushed me to confess that part.

  The erection I ended up with every time he put them on me had probably given that away.


  “You’re going to look so sexy tonight. I think it’s time to wear those black pants.” Daddy loved buying me clothes. Sometimes they were for when I was Riley, but sometimes they were for when I was Ryland. Sub Ryland…not boyfriend Ryland.

  Boyfriend Ryland got to dress himself, but he only came out on the occasional date and when my parents showed up. Sub Ryland liked having his Dom pick out clothes for him, but it was easier when it was just us around the house.

  As we headed into the bedroom, Daddy ran his hand over my head. “Go get a quick shower. No playing with yourself. I’ll have your things ready when you get out.”


  Following his directions, I didn’t tease my cock, but I thoroughly cleaned everything because dinner at William’s restaurant meant only one thing when we got back. When I got out of the shower, I dried off quickly and came out to the bedroom to see my clothes lying on the bed.

  Daddy’s hair was slightly damp as he finished buttoning his shirt, so I knew he must have used the hall bath to get ready. He smiled as he turned and walked over to me, but his expression was filled with more heat than laughter, which only made my cock harder.

  “Let’s get you dressed.” Normally when Daddy said that, it was to put my diaper on or my pajamas. It was always a turn-on no matter what he would do, but I wasn’t sure what to expect from tonight.

  “Yes, Sir.” I shivered as he unwrapped the towel and stared down at my obvious arousal.

  He tossed the towel toward the bathroom and reached out to trail one finger from the base of my cock to the tip, where he circled it slowly. “You’re going to look very sexy for me. But I want to make sure Jonathan knows how much you like his…service.”

  That didn’t sound like a good idea…at least, my brain was questioning it. But lower parts of me twitched and started to drip precum, making their opinion clear. “Yes, I thought you’d like that idea.”

  Sometimes the fact that he could read me so well had its downsides.

  Daddy didn’t ask what I wanted or how the plan made me feel, which I really appreciated because I knew I didn’t have the words to explain everything to him. But it was also a big responsibility because he was trusting me to safeword if I needed it. We both had important roles in our relationship, but I was glad mine didn’t involve coming up with ideas and words.

  When Daddy moved his hand away, I thought I was going to get a chance to relax, but I’d clearly underestimated how excited he was for dinner. I realized just how hungry he was when he reached over to the bed and grabbed a cock ring.

  Shoot. Very hungry.

  It was going to be a long night.

  Fingers crossed dessert was on the menu when we got home. I had a feeling I was going to have earned it.

  Daddy’s smile widened as he wrapped the restraint around the base of my cock. I hadn’t liked the ring type that slid over my dick, and I’d actually managed to explain that to him without having to resort to hand signals. He’d been so proud of me that I’d gotten a spanking and a blow job.

  I tried not to fidget as
he carefully fit the new one on me, but I couldn’t help it. Daddy was making it clear I belonged to him, and that had crazy sensations running through me. But some of those were because I was nervous too. This would be the first time I wore it out of the house. I was still a bit stunned when Daddy reached for the tiny red briefs. There was no way they would keep my cock tucked away discreetly, and every drop of precum would show against the fabric.

  Daddy’s expression screamed out how much he was going to love them.

  Which just made it harder to remember why they weren’t a good idea.

  Because they weren’t, were they?

  I liked making Daddy smile. I liked turning him on and being his good boy and his sexy sub. Shoot. I wanted to wear the stupid briefs.

  Crouching down in front of me, Daddy helped me step into the holes and pulled the soft fabric up my legs. They were silky and clung to me like a second skin but stretched around my erection like they wanted to highlight it.

  Daddy reached into the briefs and moved my hard-on around several times. There was no way to hide it, so I thought Daddy was trying to decide which way to show it off. Since I didn’t want to know if that was right or not, I kept my mouth shut.

  When my cock was angled to the left, stretching the fabric obscenely, Daddy declared me done. “That’s perfect. You look beautiful, sexy boy.”

  Then he leaned forward and kissed the tip of my erection before turning and pulling my pants off the bed. “Now for these.”

  They were…tight.

  The black pants looked fancy enough for a nice dinner out, but they were stretchy and clung to everything. Everything. I hadn’t worn them out yet either, but just remembering how they’d fit in the changing room at the store made me blush. There was no way the pants would hide my erection.

  That was probably the point, though, so I didn’t ask about that either.

  Nope, no questions here.

  I blushed and squirmed, but lifted my legs obediently as he held the pants out for me. Daddy’s expression grew even more heated as he pulled them up my legs and finally over my cock and the underwear.


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