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Master's Milking Cow

Page 5

by Faye Parker

  But then he broke the hold. "I should've told you where to find me. That was my fault. What is it you're looking for?"

  "Something sweet," I said. I sounded childish, but he didn't seem to mind.

  "We all need something sweet sometimes," he said, gazing down at my breasts.

  He went over to a cupboard far from the refrigerator. He brought out some tiny strawberry cakes, but there was a whole tray of them. He laid them out on the table for me and nodded. I went for one.

  "When we haven't indulged in a long time, what was once mildly sweet becomes an exotic treat. I haven't had anything sweet in awhile."

  Really? I thought for sure Master Riggs would've tried all the girls' milk.

  "I thought you tried the milk," I said, then added, "I mean, I thought you would be into having all the girls. Most of them would throw themselves at your feet. I'm surprised you don't get jugs of milk thrown at your limo every time you pass."

  He laughed. "In the beginning, I tried it, but it didn't work out well. This place is difficult to live in for a long time. You have to be a special kind of person."

  I finished two of the cakes. Master Riggs sat and contemplated, staring off into the other rooms. He occasionally checked out my swollen, heavy breasts.

  I wanted to tell him that I was made for this life, but to be honest, I wasn't sure yet, and I didn't want to lie.

  "All done? I suggest you go back to your room and rest."

  "Yes, I'm done, Master. Thank you."

  We headed out of the kitchen. He shut the lights off behind him.

  "I'm still restless. Can I go for a night swim, Master?"

  He chuckled, but then realized I was serious. I was. I enjoyed swimming so much, and it would be majestic swimming in the pool at night. It would be the perfect thing to calm me down.

  "A night swim, no, you can't do that. What do you think this all is, cakes and pool parties?"

  "No, no, I don't think that. I know it's much more than that."

  "Good. I still can't let you go swimming at this hour. If you knew what you were in for tomorrow, you would understand."

  "OK," I said, and I almost forgot to add, "Master," which if I left it off, might give him the impression I was spoiled.

  We got to my bedroom door. I turned around to face him. I wanted to ask him to come in. He seemed to get the hint even without me asking. It must've been the long pause and the doe eyes.

  “I want to be in there with you desperately, but I can't. I touched you far too much in the kitchen. I'm afraid if I touch you again, it'll set me off and I'll want your sweetness far too much for me to contain myself. For now, you'll have to sleep alone. Good things come to those who wait, and there's a lot of good coming your way tomorrow."

  I nodded, and said, "OK, I understand," even though I really didn't. I opened the door and headed inside. Being obedient wasn't difficult yet, but I knew that he was being easy on me because of what I went through at the bidding.

  "Now go to sleep," he said, and he closed the door on me.

  Sufficiently packed full of carbs, and dismissed by the Master of the house, I dropped onto the bed and eventually passed out.

  The first time I moved in the morning, I looked down at the gigantic weights on my chest, and I almost screamed. I dragged myself over to the edge of the bed, rolling, because I wasn't in the mood to do a sit up when I had such heavy breasts. When I leaned over the bed, they did their usual aching routine, but this time, it was much stronger.

  Whatever the Master gave me the day before, it was a more potent mix.

  There was a knock on the bedroom door.


  I expected Master Riggs' voice, but it was a female's voice. "There's a note for you on the door."

  I figured I should read it.

  It was written in the most exquisite penmanship I'd ever seen. It was done with a fine pen with real ink. Whoever wrote it put a lot of energy into it.

  "Good morning. I'm excited to see what you can do today. I might have been nice before, and trust me, I am nice, but being my milking cow means you must be disciplined and follow the rules of the trade. You're inexperienced, but that's not your fault.

  Your outfit is waiting for you in your bedroom closet. I hope you can find it. There is a snack waiting for you downstairs. Use any of the products you need in your bathroom. Meet me in the first barn as soon as you leave the front doors in an hour.

  - Your Master"

  That was a sweet note. It was a little alarming, but still sweet. I tucked it under my blanket to remember to store it someplace for later. I wanted to keep it.

  With only an hour to get ready, I rushed. I checked out the outfit first. Once again, it would leave nothing to the imagination. This one was more fitting for a milking slave. It was a bikini, but in cow print, with a cow tail to place on my ass. He also left me with some cow ears to complete the outfit.

  After showering, doing my hair and make up, I wondered who couldn't live there forever. There was enough products in there to fill an entire Sephora. I stretched into the cow bikini, my tits pressing into it. It would give an eyeful to anyone who saw me. My perky, ripe tits were ready for action.

  Breakfast was fast. I decided not to go for the milk. I didn't know what kind it was.

  I was too busy before to be nervous, but when I took the walk to the barn, my ass bouncing around, barely staying in the bikini, I started to. My giant breasts bounced with my big ass. I'd gotten so curvy ever since I took the serum.

  I didn't know what I was in for. Every step felt heavier. I didn't have much time to feel self conscious. I simply had to do it. There was no other option. I wasn't going to disappoint my new Master.

  As soon as I stepped in Master Riggs said, "Look at you."

  That made me feel better. But I couldn't say anything back. I was too busy looking over what he had planned for me. The whole barn was one huge pen. As soon as I stepped inside, he hit a button and the barn doors closed. The gate opened, but he held his hand up, not wanting me to move, which was fine with me.

  I was too busy looking at all the tools. These looked like the tools from the bidding, but there was much more. He had all sorts of machines for milking, but what struck me most was the whips, the floggers, the paddles, the chains, the ropes, and all of the other bondage gear. It all looked like painful stuff, more like a torture chamber than a milking room.

  Before I could voice my concerns, he placed my collar around me. Snapping it shut, he smiled and I fell for him all over again. Having that collar around me, being his, was worth it, was worth whatever he wanted to put me through. I trusted him. I knew that he would only discipline me as much as I could handle.

  Getting nervous, I rocked a little while standing. The friction between my breasts and my thighs got my juices running. I could feel the excitement building. Not only was my excitement building, but also my milk.

  He wore a full length black apron, which looked like something a farmer would wear to avoid getting a milky mess on his clothes, but this was different, it was all leather. Underneath, he wore the sexiest, rugged black boots. My Master pulled me by my leash into my pen, then he shut the gates, closing me off in his world of bondage.

  A tall wedge shaped cushion that looked like a gymnast's horse waited for me in the center of the pen. It was the right height for me, and looked adjustable, so if I leaned on it, he could lift or lower me anytime he wanted.

  "I don't know," I blurted out.

  I wished I didn't say that.

  My Master stared me down.

  "I'm not sure I can do this. This is - I'm, I'm not like this -"

  I didn't know the first thing about being a submissive. I wasn't exactly experienced. The most rough sex I ever had was a little hair pulling, and it didn't even hurt. It was just enough to keep me in place.

  All of this told me Master Riggs was serious, far more serious than I was.

  Instead of disciplining me, he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me agai
nst him. I stared up at him in disbelief, then reeled back when he put his lips to mine. As soon as I backed up in shock, I went right back, letting him split my plump lips apart and swerve his tongue against mine.

  I surrendered.

  All of my worries washed away with that kiss. I was swept up in him. My Master grooved his tongue around mine in artful motion, starting off slow, and slowly getting more rabid. I was getting frantic as well, wanting him closer, wanting to feel him deeper. Our kissing got rougher. I needed to break for air. My hands fell down his apron.

  But he wasn’t going the same pace as I was. All of that pent up horniness unleashed, and, wild, he snatched my wrists, bringing me stumbling over to the sex cushion. He thrust me on it. I hit it, taking a sharp inhale to get my breath. My Master grabbed me around the waist, pushing me against it and bringing his lips closer to the back of my neck.

  I could feel his breath on me, tingling my ear. I shuddered, but then shot in place from his dominating hold.

  “What were you saying?”

  I wasn’t saying anything. I couldn't remember what I said.

  Oh, right, I was thinking that I didn’t know about all this. How could I deny my part in this now?

  He shoved me against the cushion more, lifting me off the ground and draping me over it. My plump, big ass perked up. I clenched my thighs to keep my pink from showing. He would have none of that. He grunted at my attempt, and then he grabbed the top of my bikini bottom, and tore it right off me.

  I yelped, maybe that was wrong of me, I’m not sure, but I wasn’t ready for him to attack me like that. I didn’t think he would be that ravenous.

  It seemed that he didn’t just care about getting to my milk, because the first thing he ripped off was my bottom. When I let out a yelp, my thighs budged from contracting, and I exposed my pussy to him.

  “Look at that lovely pussy. I can’t wait to have it.”

  He brushed my sex with his fingers, swiping them slowly across, but he didn’t stay. He was just teasing me. I could tell that I was unbelievably wet, my juices flowing onto my inner thighs My breasts felt even more constricted in the small top.

  “You need to trust yourself. It’s OK to have what you want. What’s stopping you?”

  “I-” I wasn’t sure what to say. I never got what I wanted. This was a new experience. It scared me.

  I couldn’t tell him that.

  “You’re scared,” he said, figuring me out. “You’ve got to push past the fear. Do you trust me?”

  “I trust you, Master,” I said.

  I settled onto the platform, letting my thighs spread wider to prove it. I could feel his stare on my ass. I knew it couldn’t be long before his willpower broke and he would be on me.

  “Good. I need to have you the most obedient, trained milk slave I can, which means I need to discipline you. The first thing I’ll use is the paddle. You might not enjoy it right now, but I promise you will. It’s an acquired love.”

  I heard a rattle from the hook on the wall. He had the paddle. I didn’t bother to look. I tightened, every muscle in my body squeezing tight in anticipation. I was never paddled before.

  He spanked my ass first. I thought it was the paddle, but it was his hand. I still let out a loud scream.

  “Relax, it was my hand. Look at that beautiful ass of yours. I can’t wait to have you. It’s going to be hard to keep myself in line.”

  You don’t need to be in line.

  You can have me right now.

  Go on, Master, take me, I’m ready. Can’t you tell? My breasts are full of milk and my pussy is nice and tight and wet.

  He slipped his fingers over my wet pussy again. I could feel it like electricity moving through me. I flopped around on the cushion. If he would only keep his fingers there, I could get off, but he wouldn’t do that, not yet.

  “The more relaxed you are, the more milk you’ll give me. I’m going to wear you out and then fuck you nice and hard. But first, I’m going to bring you to your edge.”

  I didn’t know what to say to that. Before I could think of something witty, I heard the whiff through the air, then felt the sting and heard the crack on my ass. I tried not to whimper, biting my lip, but some noise escaped.

  “Mmm, babe, you’ve got the perfect body.”

  He brought the paddle back, then he spanked me again. This time, I thought it would hurt less, but it actually hurt more. After he brought it off my jiggling ass, the pain spread through my ass cheeks and into my lower back. It burned.

  “Fuck,” I moaned.

  “You’re supposed to say, thank you, Master.”

  Do you want me to say, fuck you, Master, because that’s where you’re going with this….

  Yet I couldn’t deny that it was getting my attention off my full, luscious breasts, which were apt to ache and be stringent on their daily milking routine.

  I began to say it, but not fast enough.

  He walloped me on my ass again. And again. Four spanks in total, leaving my ass numb for awhile. When the stinging stopped, the carnal desire consumed me again. I was so turned on. After every blow, I wanted him inside me more. It made my cravings much worse.

  “Thank you, Master,” I said, managing to say it in a louder voice than expected.

  “You’re doing well. But I want to continue with you. I think you can handle more.”

  Could I? I was finding that hard to believe, yet I remained there, looking ahead, blinded to what he would grab next, but knowing that I should keep my legs spread and my ass in the air. Out of curiosity, I rubbed my thighs together.

  Loving the friction, I groaned, and brushed my tits against the cushion. They needed to be freed. They needed to be fucked with my tight little pussy. That pussy dripped more of my hot juices. I couldn’t believe how much was sticking to my thighs. I was terribly excited. After each spank, the craving rushed in.

  He strolled ahead of me. He held the whip in his hands.

  No, I couldn’t do it.

  I said, "no," out loud.

  Geez, that wasn’t good. I would certainly get the whip now.

  “Let me indulge first,” he said, and then he threw the apron off him. I didn’t realize before, because I was never behind him, but he was completely nude underneath. I sprung back, then settled in, a recurrent experience when it came to Master Riggs.

  His cock stood straight and erect. It was the most beautiful cock I’d ever seen. It was at least seven inches, not too long and not too short, and it was thick too, and it looked hard, yet smooth. My pussy panged at the sight of it. I tightened, getting ready to wrap my pussy tight around him once he was inside me.

  I knew what he wanted.

  He took my hair, wrapping his fingers through it, keeping it snug but not hurting me as he brought his cock head to my lips. I smothered his precum all over them, getting a taste of his salty yet sweet flavor, but not enough. I would need to drain the rest out of him.

  Ravenous like he was on me, I opened my lips and thrust him inside my mouth. My tongue swirled around his tip as he entered me deeper. I was used to having my hands to do it, but with him holding my hair, I couldn’t. He wanted to use me. He was gentle at first, his cock stretching my mouth wide, but he let me play with my tongue against his tip for awhile.

  Then he stroked, slowly entering and exiting from my plump lips. He held me there, grasping and groaning, his abs clenching tight with my pussy. When he reclined back, closing his eyes, and enjoying the sensation, I opened wider, and he thrust to the back of my mouth. My gag reflex kicked in and I coughed.

  He pulled out. I caught my breath, but I couldn’t help but notice the mess I made on his cock with all of my saliva.

  “Sorry, Master.”

  “No, that was good. Again.”

  He slipped his cock head through my lips. This time, my gag reflex didn’t kick in and I could take him deeper. He pulled out, fearing I would have a bad reaction, but the truth was, I enjoyed seeing him get off like that.

cock looked red and on edge. Didn’t he want to continue? I wanted to keep going. I wanted to drain those full balls of all their cum.

  “Almost time to fuck you,” he said.


  I wanted badly to scream at him, to berate him for not fucking me. I couldn’t do that to my Master. I needed to shut my mouth and take the whipping. After all, I just told him I trusted him.

  He cracked the whip off the ground as he circled me. Then he came to my rear again, and he cracked it near me. I jolted on the cushion, almost flying off it. I decided to hug it to stay on. I closed my eyes and bit my lip, waiting for it.

  “This hurts more than the paddle. Remember, as soon as we’re done, you’ll be milked. Just keeping thinking of that, that release as I finally milk you and make you come.”

  I heard the whip through the air for a second, the same second it broke over my ass. He had excellent aim. I feared it might hit my lower back or even my pussy, but he struck right between the highest point of my ass cheeks, striking that soft flesh.

  It burned. I slowed my breathing, trying to regain composure.

  The next strike brought tears to my eyes. I scrambled up the cushion, but then fell right back down, knowing I would only be disciplined harder for my disobedience.

  I thought there would be another, but it didn’t come. His hands massaged my ass, a welcome feeling after all those marks he would leave me in the morning. He gave my ass a playful smack, liking the way it jiggled, but even the small spank was enough to cause a major sting. I would be sore for days, but like my Master said, I would get used to it.

  “You’ve been good. I think you deserve this,” he said.

  His hands lowered to my thighs. I didn’t want to seem overly anxious, but I was sure my thighs swung wide to let him in. His fingers brushed my soaked pussy lips. I let out a deep, long moan, letting him know that he should continue. I didn’t think I could last.

  That familiar sensation occurred in my chest. It wouldn’t be long until I started leaking. Would that mean more paddling? I needed to save my milk for my Master.


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