The Rhythm of Love

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The Rhythm of Love Page 4

by Hussein Farah

  “Why did you tell them about Bruce?” Maria asked angrily.

  “I only told Diane, seems like she can’t keep her mouth shut. I’m sorry, she just asked if you were seeing someone, and I briefly told her that you met someone.”

  Keep Your Cards Close To Your Chest

  When you are pursuing the person you desire, it is important to keep your cards close to your chest. If you choose to reveal your cards to friends, family or associates, then you must know the flaws of human nature.

  Even the closest friends or family are capable of negative emotions that may lead them to:

  Gossip – people generally love something to talk about. The more thoughts, feelings and secrets you reveal, the more gossip will prevail.

  Feel Jealous – jealousy is a negative emotion felt by someone who desires you. Your friends or associates may view you as the person they desire. If you reveal information about the person you desire, they may feel jealous and act negatively or gossip.

  Feel Envious – envy is wanting something that somebody else has or wants. Your friends, family or associates may want the person you desire for themselves if you reveal details about them.

  Be Spiteful – spite is having malicious intent to cause harm to someone. Anybody you know, including family, may seek to sabotage you pursing or having a relationship with the person you desire.

  Because human beings struggle with controlling their emotions, and we are unable to decipher someone’s true intention, it is best to keep your cards close to your chest when it comes to your love life. Anything you reveal may sabotage your success with happiness.

  Bad Advice

  We are unable to differentiate good advice from bad advice we receive from family, friends and associates because of lack of experience or we doubt our own decision making. Low self-esteem causes you to have no confidence in yourself.

  Before you take advice from anyone, you should:

  Question the motive of the person giving the advice.

  Are they influenced by negative emotions stated above?

  Assess the positive and negative consequence of the advice. Will the advice increase or decrease your attractive value with the person you desire?

  To evaluate if the any advice will have a positive impact or improve your chances, you should always rely on the six attributes of the rhythm of love. Will the advice be challenging, unpredictable, exciting, elegant, powerful, and enticing? Bad advice results in the opposite effect of the six attributes.

  Do not allow others to dip their hands in your love affair. If you do, they may run off with your honey.


  The Love Story

  The day had finally arrived, it had been three months since Maria had met Bruce at an improbable place. There he was, outside her street. Maria had been peeking through the window of her apartment. She had stood by the window for the past fifteen minutes. She quickly shut the curtains, dashed to the other side of the living room to switch on the lights.

  “This dress won’t do for him.” She hurried to her bedroom, undressed and slid into a white dress with a blueish flower-like design that stretched from the left side of her shoulder to her right knee. The dress accentuated Maria’s fine shoulders, long lean arms and slender figure. She wore white matching heels with a blue bow tied in a knot on top.

  The evening had been warm, the perfect ambience for the long-awaited date. “Oh my god, my heart is pounding so hard,” she said with her hand placed against her chest. The doorbell rang, and Maria exited her bedroom, stopping near the door frame to gain her footing. “My knees are weak; the way this is going I’ll be on the floor.” She stood straight, took a big breath in and thought. “Get yourself together, Maria, you’ve been waiting for this day for so long.” She gathered strength and walked down the staircase to the front door.

  A gush of a familiar scent graced her nostrils as the door swung open. Bruce stood tall, at 6 feet and 2 inches, with a beaming smile. He wore a brown jacket with a blue shirt, black pants and black shoes.

  “Hello Maria,” he said as he smiled. “These are for you.”

  “Stay calm,” she thought with a smile stretching across her face. “They are lovely, thank you. I’ll take them up, just a moment.” She climbed up, passed through the hallway to the dining where she placed the bouquet of a dozen flowers on the table. Bruce offered his arm as she returned.

  “Where are we going?”

  “We are going somewhere special,” he replied. She turned and glanced at him. He had seated himself behind the driver’s side.

  “Don’t get too excited Maria. Remember: be challenging, unpredictable and powerful.”

  His presence was overwhelming; quiet at times. He seemed to be in deep thought as he stared out of the car window.

  The car had arrived at the front door of a tall skyscraper. Maria walked over to the entrance. “I always thought this was some kind of a business building. There is a restaurant here?” The entrance had been laced with red carpet leading up some steps.

  “They serve some of the best food in the country here,” he replied as he offered his hand.

  They boarded the lift to the top floor of the sixty-story building. Bruce held the door for Maria as she entered. The restaurant had tables covered with the most exquisite tablecloth, and the finest glass and silverware. “Wow, this place is lovely.” Bruce held the chair for her, and she took a seat.

  “I would have thought a restaurant like this would be packed,” she said.

  Bruce had been staring at her, his cheek resting on his palm, his elbow placed on the table.

  “Is this how…,” she began before biting her tongue. “I shouldn’t mention other women,” she thought, “It’s weak and insecure. That’s the old me. Believe you deserve the best, because you do.” She glanced at the menu, focusing her mind away from the noise in her head.

  “Are you not having anything to drink?” she asked, as she lowered the menu.

  “I am; I’m having what you’re having.”

  “What if I get something you dislike?”

  “I am sure you’re worthy of suffering for.”

  Maria’s face lit up; she quickly lowered her eyes back to the menu. “I am sure that’s what he says to all women.” Bruce was charming and handsome. His unyielding confidence added to his aura. “I’d better rise to the occasion, no more doubt or fears.” The main course had finally arrived.

  “Bon appetite Ma’am,” the waiter said. “Sir, if there is anything else, please don’t hesitate to ring the bell.”

  “I think the place is too quiet.”

  “Ah, yes. Right away.” The waiter sounded two claps, and the place was filled with some soothing classical sounds.

  Maria grabbed the cotton cloth and placed it on her lap. “He is smooth, very smooth, I’ll give him that.”

  Beyond the glass walls of the place, the city lights offered the backdrop with the most magnificent picturesque view. The setting was perfect. She could neither have dreamt for a better date nor envisioned herself with a more fascinating man. A man of few words but when he spoke, his words mattered.

  “I’ve told you a lot about myself. Tell me little about you?” Maria asked.

  “The night is long, I am of less importance for now,” he replied.

  Bruce was attentive to who she was as a woman. It made her feel special, like she mattered. She grinned each time she revealed herself to him. The laughter’s came naturally, too.

  By the time dessert had been served, the butterflies had taken hold of her. The giggles, the stares, and the twiddling with her hair, they all became more frequent.

  “What am I doing? I’m behaving like a teenager. If this goes on any longer, I might as well make out with him right here.” She gently wiped her mouth and fixed her hair as she stood on her feet.

  “Excuse me, I have to use the toilet,” she said before walking off.


  “How is the date going?” Michelle

  “It’s going great. He is so calm, and his vibe is so damn sexy. He is charming too, and so attentive. He’s just amazing.”

  “I’m so happy for you and jealous at the same time. What will you do?”

  “I’ve got to stop getting too excited and regain control. I need to read my list of positives quickly. I got to go now. Call you later. Love you.”

  A short while later, she had returned. “It’s getting late; I have an early start tomorrow,” she said with a stern face

  “That is fine, we’ll be on our way.” Bruce followed Maria to the elevator.

  “Why is it taking so long?” She had pressed the button numerous times. The relaxed atmosphere had clearly changed, to a tense one. The elevator arrived and she hurried in. Bruce followed right behind her.

  “Why are you mad at me?” He had gotten close as she turned, staring right in her eye. She panicked and stepped back onto the wall. He moved up-close and placed his hands against the walls, trapping her in-between.

  “I asked you a question. Are you avoiding me?” He leaned his face right up-close to hers.

  “No, I am not,” she replied, staring right at his lips.

  “Then what is it?”

  “I don’t…” She was lost for words.

  For the first time in her life she felt like she never felt before. The feeling that touches one’s soul. It was surreal. It was a once in a lifetime kind of an experience. She would not miss it for the world.

  She reached forward and touched his lips with hers. The softness, the warmth, and tenderness; she felt alive. The lift fell back down sixty levels. Sixty levels of the most passionate kisses that graced her body, mind and soul.

  He dropped her off back home, and they parted ways with memories worth cherishing for days to come.


  The Love Story

  It was late afternoon; Maria had been lounging on the sofa talking to Michelle on the phone. Suddenly, her phone vibrated; she had received a WhatsApp message from Bruce.

  The message read: “Hey Maria, hope you had a great start of the week. You came to mind today.”

  “Michelle, he’s just texted me,” Maria said excitedly.

  “See, you were worrying for nothing.”

  “I know the date was three days ago, but it felt like forever. Let me call you back, I need to spend some time working on my reply.”

  “Oh, what will you say?” Michelle asked.

  “I don’t know yet, maybe I’ll tell him to come over now and I’ll be waiting for him in the shower. Just the thought of it excites me,” she replied laughing. “Anyway, I gotta go.”

  Maria wrote her first draft of the WhatsApp message, it read: “Hey Bruce, so happy you messaged me, haven’t been able to get you off my mind. Since the date, I have been thinking of you. The week has been great, how has yours been? xxx”

  She took some time to assess the message. “The first part of the message I am pouring my heart out. Come on, how is that challenging? I’m handing myself on a plate,” she thought.

  Her second draft read: “Hey Bruce, my week has been great, how has yours been? Xxx”

  “Argh, it’s not exciting, no details of what I have been doing. Also, the question at the end will lead to endless back and forth messaging, nothing to entice or challenge him. I want another date; the end has to be powerful and unpredictable,” she thought.

  The third draft read: “Hey Bruce, I had a lovely and busy week. Apart from hectic work, I’ve been attending my cross-fit sessions, they’ve been amazing. I’m learning to cook some new dishes, too, thanks to a book my friend gave me. Anyway, looking forward to seeing you soon.”

  “Now it’s exciting, enticing and unpredictable, but the ending is kind of eager and needy. I can’t say that yet, we just went out three days ago. It’s not unpredictable and challenging. I need to end it with something that is a pull away, so he becomes curious and wants more.”

  The fourth draft read: “Hey Bruce, I had a lovely and busy week. Apart from work, I’ve been attending my cross-fit sessions, they’ve been amazing. I’m learning to cook some new dishes, too, thanks to a book my friend gave me. Speak soon.”

  “Speak soon? That’s kind of harsh. It’s like my intention was to gloat and close the door in his face. Also, I didn’t ask anything about his week. It’s not elegant at all, it’s plain rude and selfish.”

  The fifth draft read: “Hey Bruce, I had a lovely and busy week. Apart from hectic work, I’ve been attending my cross-fit sessions, they’ve been amazing. I’m learning to cook some new dishes, too, thanks to a book my friend gave me. Hope you had a lovely week too. Glad to hear from you.”

  “Ahh, much better. Glad to hear from you entices him to message back without making it obvious that I want him to. Now that’s challenging, unpredictable and powerful. I’ve pulled him in, and I’m pulling away with elegance,” she thought.

  She took an hour to compose her reply message, and then she took another 30 minutes to make sure it was perfect before sending it.

  The Right Way To Message

  Every interaction you encounter with the person you desire is an opportunity to showcase your attractive value and to seduce them to want you.

  The right way to message consists of:

  Your actions before you receive the message.

  Composing the message.

  Timing your response.

  Your actions after you send the message.

  Before You Receive The Message

  Messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and others, display your online activities. If you were online regularly and then you received a message from them, they could make assumptions, based on your past daily activity, that you were ignoring or avoiding them if you suddenly disappeared for a few hours.

  Your actions before you receive a message will determine how they view or feel about you after they have sent you the message. You will find it difficult to be challenging, unpredictable and to be powerful if they figured out your movements before you even make them.

  Maria changed her online presence before Bruce had sent her the message. She would go online once in the morning, and once in the afternoon. She informed her girlfriends and family she would only respond to texts immediately, otherwise they would have to wait. Bruce would have been unable to figure out her activity. Her mysterious aura led him to be curious, which made him to have thoughts of Maria.

  Composing The Message

  When you are composing a message, you should utilise the six attributes of seduction to construct a perfect message so that you leave the person you desire feeling positively about you.

  The general rule of thumb is that at least two thirds of the message should be about your attractive value and the rest should be a statement, asking or answering a question.

  Maria pulled Bruce in with her attractive value, as most of the message was about things she did. Then at the end, she pulled away elegantly without seeming to be disinterested or shutting him down.

  Timing Your Response

  The time it takes to respond is important in maintaining or increasing your attractive value. Immediate responses leave the person you desire feeling powerful, in control and comfortable while at the same time lowering your value. Taking too long to respond may make it seem you are not so keen to communicate with the person you desire. The timing has to be just right. The time it takes to respond changes as your relationship progresses from a first few contacts, to the dating stage and to having a long-term relationship.

  For early contact after meeting, the response time should be two to four hours. After the first few dates, the response time should be one to two hours. At the early stages of a relationship, the response time should be thirty minutes to an hour.

  Remember, love has a rhythm. The time you take allows you keep the flames of attraction alive.

  After You Send The Message

  Your online presence after you send the message d
etermines how you affect the person you desire. If your online presence is frequent, and they respond immediately, they would expect you do so too.

  Therefore, it is important that after you send the message, you come off online and follow a strict timetable to when you will log back in. The strict timetable should be consistent throughout the week. This will allow you to have a powerful impact when you do respond, it would leave the person you desire feeling challenged by your unpredictable response time. We want them to feel that you are valuable and make them curious about you.

  Maria responds to Bruce either early morning, and late in afternoon. She follows a strict timetable so that Bruce is unable to predict her movements. Once she does respond, she would wait till the next planned time to go online. Again, she interacts with family and friends via text or email because these platforms do not display her online presence.

  The art of messaging is the vibe you give off before you compose your wonderful piece and after you have signed, sealed and delivered it with love.


  The Way Of Seduction

  The six attributes of the rhythm of love are the guiding force in the art of seduction. The attraction level towards you is determined by these six attributes. They should be used in all forms of contact, whether it is direct or indirect contact.


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