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The Iron Room

Page 22

by Sarah Himebauch

  I wanted a fresh start.

  I wanted it more than anything with Katie, but a part of me realized that she didn’t deserve all the baggage that came with me. I knew her dad needed her more than I did and wanted to give in to my selfless inhibitions for the first time ever.

  I wanted her to have a chance at a normal life, one that sadly would be without me. It was better for her after all. I would find somewhere to shack up for the night and would give Katie her final piece of jewelry before leaving her and this town forever.

  I needed to get out of the house before they did show up. I held the bag in my hand and went down to my dad’s tool shed. He had a power saw perched on the edge of the table and I dropped the bag. Switching on the power button, the blades started to whir loudly. Very carefully, I inched my hands spaced as far apart as the cuffs would allow and let out a big whoosh when it sliced through the center of them.

  I was still handcuffed, but now had free range to at least use my hands. I would figure something out later.

  I turned it off and started to head upstairs before remembering my dad’s safe he kept hidden under the stairs. I knew there wasn’t much in there, but all four of us knew the code in case something should ever happen. It was still closed, hidden beneath a loose floorboard. I knew the police would have cleaned this out… had they found it.

  I typed in the familiar four-digit code- 0113. My mother’s birthday. I breathed a loud sigh of relief when I realized that the money was untouched. Stacks and stacks of hundreds filled up the small safe. It had to be at least fifty thousand.

  I stuffed the money into my duffle bag as quickly as I possibly could. I slammed the safe shut, replaced the floorboard, and headed up stairs. I didn’t even look before I was sprinting towards the forestry which would be sure to hide me well.

  The funny thing about this whole situation was that a week ago, I would have had no idea of where to go in the forest patch. It had been behind my home for years, but it wasn’t until the first time I tried to help Katie escape that I actually was forced to attempt to navigate my way around it.


  I couldn’t stop thinking about her, especially as I raced past the spot that I had us hide in that night. I was comforted in knowing that I would be able to see her one last time before I left Prairie and her forever.

  I knew it was risky… trying to break back into the home of not only the girl I kidnapped, but the home of the Sheriff of this town.

  It was insane, but worth it.

  The last jewelry gift was a pair of sparkling diamond earrings.

  I knew she would love it.

  I reached the familiar edge of forestry and trekked across the road to the new patch. This one would take a little bit longer to get through especially since I wasn’t too familiar with where this one led. I would follow my usual routine of trying to stay far enough out of sight, but close enough to observe everything else.

  I was beginning to get hungry, and even more thirsty. I knew I had to get a lot farther than this before I was able to stop.

  I had to be out of Prairie, and out of the next two towns at least if I wanted any chance of being unrecognized.

  I had no idea of how many hours had passed since I began my journey but had yet to hear any police sirens. I had seen a small number of cars drive past, but none were police cars or seemed to be looking for anybody, just driving.

  I knew I was halfway through the next town when I saw the familiar field that I had almost lost my life in… all thanks to Katie’s gun toting grandfather with a taste for vengeance.

  I made sure to take the long way around the field, as walking through the middle of it would leave me far too exposed, even though it was beginning to get fully dark outside.

  I tried to keep a clear head as I mudded through the dirt, pushed past the trees, and navigated around large bushes. However, I continuously failed on that as my mind was an endless replay of the last week’s events start to finish.

  The moment where I realized that Katie could be someone that potentially could ruin my family and everything we built, the rash decision to stick the needle in her neck, wrecking her car and hiding the parts, especially the moment where I realized that I didn’t belong in this family because I wasn’t cut from the same cloth that they seemingly all were.

  I wasn’t a monster like them.

  I tried so incredibly hard to fit in with my sister, my mother, and especially my father given that I always looked up to him.

  Even growing up I did always feel like the odd man out, and when all of this started, I had tried to change myself and the way I did things to finally feel accepted by my family. Towards the end, especially after Katie and my first escape attempt failed miserably, that’s when I think everything clicked. I would never fall in this line that they created for Amy and myself.

  I wish I could say sorry to the other girls.

  Maybe I could. I would leave a message with Katie so that she could pass it on to Kim and Tara.

  I was able to see the hospital in the distance, so I knew I was getting further and further away.

  Just then I heard police sirens coming and I ducked down, covering myself in the brush. My eyes peered out, trying to ascertain where they were headed.

  The sirens were coming from the opposite directions driving towards Prairie.

  I waited a few moments, desperate to see if there were any more police cars, but after a minute of dreadful silence, I concluded that there was no one else coming.

  I stood up and wiped the leaves and branches off me. I continued on my walk, getting exhausted. I wanted to find a place where I could stay for the night and would see Katie tomorrow before leaving her and this town behind me.

  Most people would have run the other way with no intention of ever looking back. But I knew the truth. Katie cared for me, and I didn’t want to just fall off the face of the Earth with no explanation for her

  I wanted to give her my reasoning for everything I did, as well as why I was choosing to leave everything behind. I knew her dad had told her about my escape by now, and I didn’t want her to get the wrong idea about me.

  I would set the record straight tomorrow.

  It was well into the night now, and I really wished I had packed a flashlight.

  I found myself stumbling over rocks, and branches which seemed to be haphazardly thrown across the path.

  Finally, a small diner came into view, and not recognizing any other business or shops around me, I figured I was far enough away that I could stop.

  I headed across the street and into the well-lit twenty-four-hour diner. I was greeted by an older waitress named Mary who gestured to an open booth and handed me a menu. The place way nearly deserted besides one lone coffee drinker at the counter.

  “What can I get you to drink sweetheart?” She smiled at me.

  “A place to live would be nice… just kidding um a coffee would be great.” I joked.

  “Coming right up.” She turned and walked to the counter grabbing a fresh mug and poured coffee in, grabbing a cup of creamers on her way back.

  “Thanks.” I replied as she set the coffee and creamers on the table.

  “No problem. And were you serious about needing a place to live?”

  “Yes actually. I’m new to town and trying to set myself up. What town is this by the way?”

  “We’re in Gatlin. But, there’s a new apartment up for rent in my complex if you want it.”

  “That would be awesome. Could you get me an address?”

  “Sure thing.” She pulled out her pad and scrawled on it, ripped it off and handed it to me.

  “Anything to eat?” She gestured to the open menu in my hands.

  “Yeah, can I get a turkey burger with fries? Thanks.” She smiled, and grabbed the menu heading off to the counter.

  Now that housing was taken care of, I could eat, relax, and focus on my next task.

  Seeing Katie one last time.


  Katier />
  The jewelry box on my bed started to make a lot more sense once my dad informed me of Mark’s escape.

  My dad seemed furious that Mark was able to skip out on his punishment, as he so poetically put it.

  When he told me, I could tell that he was awaiting the same reaction as his, so I feigned disgust with Mark’s actions.

  Secretly, I thought it was hilarious. I mean Mark never truly belonged in a mental facility as it was. Sure, he had made some questionable decisions but had gone through the ringer in order to right those wrongs, including getting shot by his own mother.

  Mark had nobody. His sister was dead, his mother and father were in prison, and now after the escape he would never be able to show his face in this town again. I knew deep down that it was probably for the best. Mark and I had no future together, we couldn’t. My father hated him. My grandpa apparently hated him. This town… they would never forgive him.

  I had the jewelry stashed in my underwear drawer, knowing that was a place that my father would never look. He would rapid fire questions if he saw me wearing any of the pieces, so for now, I would just keep it as my little secret.

  The fact that Mark took the time to leave me a gift, even after he escaped and would be searched for made me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. My feelings were fleeting, as I knew it did my heart no good to want for something I couldn’t have.

  I was still shocked with myself at how quickly the feelings for Mark turned from platonic to hatred and now love.

  Did I love Mark?

  No, it wasn’t possible. I simply cared for him in a way that I would something I admired.

  Despite what I had earlier believed, the only way that any of the girls taken would have been freed is if someone from the family had a change of heart. The locks, the location, no one else would have suspected. If you did seem to figure out the charade they had going on, that meant you were too close, and you were dealt with… just like Kim and myself.

  I tried to push…no, shove, the thoughts out of my mind. I took Mark’s last jewelry gift as a goodbye to me. I knew he wouldn’t risk ever stepping foot in this town again, and I had to be okay with accepting that. In order to avoid mulling over the situation further, I decided that keeping busy would be the best course.

  I used my new phone my dad got me to text Kim. I would’ve texted Tara, but she has been so busy with Johnny lately.

  Katie: Hey Kim, are you free today?

  Kim replied almost instantly. I could see that boredom was getting the best of both of us.

  Kim: Anything for you. What did you have in mind?

  Katie: Movies?

  Kim: That sounds good, but for the love of God, no horror movies!

  I found myself laughing because I agreed with her. We had basically been starring in our own horror movie, that the thought of watching one was incredibly off-putting.

  Katie: I heard there’s a new romantic comedy.

  Kim: Then count me in. 5? We can eat dinner then the movie?

  I checked the time. It was three. That gave me two hours.

  Katie: Pick me up then.

  I tossed my phone on my bed and headed downstairs to fill my dad in on my afternoon plans. I knew he would approve simply because my dad had liked that I was immersing myself in busy work lately. We were two of the same people and he had chosen to move on the same way. I had barely seen my dad lately because he was over his head in a ton of new police work. He had clocked more hours at the station than anyone else lately.

  I’m worried about him.

  “Hey dad. Kim and I have plans tonight.”

  “Yeah? What are you guys doing?” My dad was sitting in his armchair, sandwich in hand.

  “Dinner, and then we’re watching a movie. Is that okay?”

  “Of course. Is she picking you up?”

  “She is.” I smiled and took a bite of his sandwich. He yanked it back jokingly.

  “Okay. I’m sorry about you having no car. I’m working on getting you a new one, I promise.”

  “Dad, that is the least of my worries. Car or no car, I’m just happy to be home.” I smiled and turned to go shower.

  I was still using crutches but could now get up the stairs on my own, which felt pretty damn good. I always loved having independence and needing to be dependent on others to get around was really dragging my mood.

  I turned on the hot water, and stepped in. It let the water cascade down my avoid, narrowly avoiding my ankle which was wrapped.

  I poured the rose smelling shampoo into my hair and created a lather, letting the water rinse the soap away. I let the conditioner sit as I washed my entire body, stopping at a few inches over that ankle. I used a dry washcloth to pat the area around there dry to ensure no drips of water leaked into the wrap.

  Compared to when I originally had my surgery, I was doing a lot better. It was still a long healing process but being able to mostly do things for myself again helped.

  I rinsed the conditioner out and shut off the water.

  Stepping out, I grabbed a towel to wrap around my body, and propped my ankle up on top of the toilet. I dried the entire leg, and the rest of my body before heading to my room.

  I wanted something cute but warm, since it had been particularly cold out lately. I settled on a pair of jeans complete with bootie heels, a blouse, and a cashmere cardigan. The cardigan was a birthday gift from Amy last year, as I would have never splurged on a clothing item like that. Some people would have thrown it out, but it was cashmere, and I wasn’t that petty.

  Even though she did try to kill me.

  I checked my phone. 4:12. I headed into the bathroom and began blow drying my hair. It took about ten minutes as I recently did a big hair chop. I wanted to create a fresh start, and nothing screamed that more than a haircut.

  I plugged in my curler and started on my makeup. I just did a little mascara and lipstick. By the time I finished, the curler was hot enough and I swiftly curled my hair. I unplugged it, grabbed my phone and purse, and grabbed my crutches as I hobbled down the stairs.

  I might have benefit from asking my dad for help, but I would never get better if I didn’t try and do some of it on my own. I couldn’t rely on my dad all the time.

  “Wow. Honey, you look great.” My dad beamed, still in the same armchair.

  Oh, boy.

  “Thanks. It has been a long time since I got dressed up for the hell of it.”

  He knew exactly what I was referring to. We used to go out with my mom all the time, and we would go all out. After she died, dad and I became homebodies and wouldn’t bother with fixing ourselves up.

  I knew it was nice for him to see me doing it again, and honestly, it felt nice to break out of that shell I was in for so long.

  I walked in the kitchen and grabbed a coke while I waited for Kim to arrive. It was fifteen minutes until 5, and I knew she was an early bird so it shouldn’t be too much longer.

  My dad and I became engrossed in a reality show that came on the tv, that I didn’t hear my phone go off. Kim responded by honking several times, to which I jumped up nearly dropping my can of soda.

  I set it on the table, hooked my purse on my shoulders, stuck my phone in my pocket, and grabbed the crutches.

  “Walk me to the door?”

  “I would love nothing more.” My dad smiled as he stood up from his chair and headed to me.

  My dad swung the door open and watched me walk to Kim’s door. I opened it myself, swung the crutches in the back and used the door as leverage into the car. I pulled the door shut, and my dad waved to me.

  “Have fun!”

  Oh, we would.

  Kim drove off, as I stole a final glance at my dad in the doorway.

  “Where are we going for dinner?”

  “Le Meilleur. It’s a new French bistro a town away.”

  I love French food!

  “That sounds amazing. How have you been?”

  Kim launched into a ten-minute breakdown of her life recently. She
was settling back into school, had made a few new friends, and had a small crush on this guy in her history class, named Brian.

  “Does he feel the same way?”

  “Hmm, I think so. Or it at least seemed that way when he asked me out this Friday.”

  I started squealing with excitement for my friend. Everyone was finding a new center and happiness surrounding our captivity and it made my heart soar with adoration and excitement. Weirdly enough, Kim seemed happier now than when I had seen her around school prior to the capture. The whole thing had taken a lot out of each one of us, and it made us realize more than anything just how much we wanted to live.

  We arrived at the restaurant, and our car was immediately valeted.

  Fancy fancy.

  The hostess inside greeted us warmly and had us follow her to a booth in the back. The ambience of the restaurant was warm and infectious. They had beautifully soft music cascading throughout the dining room, and the servers were all smiles.

  “Hi, what can I get you girls to drink tonight?”

  “Water.” Kim and I both said at the same time, and then we burst out into a fit of laughter.

  “Sure thing.” The waiter smiler, and then ducked away.

  He returned within a minute of two glasses of ice-cold water, garnished with a lemon wedge on each.

  “Do you need some more time to look at the menu, or are you ladies ready?”

  “I’m ready. I’ll have the Ratatouille.”

  “And for you?” He said gesturing towards Kim.

  “The Coq au vin please.” She smiled and handed her menu back to him, and he turned to take mine before heading towards the kitchen. Just then, another server walked past, putting a basket of cut pieces of baguette and butter on the table.

  My favorite.

  The meal was served no later than twenty minutes later, and Kim and I practically devoured the entire plate. We opted for dessert later as well, and then split the check when it came.

  We had about thirty minutes until the movie started, and we liked to watch the previews, so we started our twenty-minute drive back to Prairie right away.


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