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Spirit (Legend of the Dragons Book 1)

Page 27

by Denelle Elison

  “Oh, Briahnna!” Gabriela knelt in front of her and took her in her arms. “Stop scaring me! I don’t think I can take it anymore!” She held Briahnna at arm’s length and looked at her. “You stay where it’s safe; always…in the center of the Queen’s guard. If the King leaves to save the world, you stay safe in the center of your guard of men. If you see someone in need of assistance, then send an assistant to assist them! I am done having you run headlong into everything! I don’t think my heart can take it.”

  Briahnna nodded and leaned forward letting Gabriela gather her back into her arms. “Does this mean acquiescence? Are you actually going to listen to me?” Gabriela asked. Briahnna shrugged, too tired and hurt to argue.

  They heard a man clear his throat and they looked up. Desmond was standing in the entrance with some food. Gabriela stood and took it. “I’ll take care of her now. She needs to eat and wash. Then she should probably rest a little more.”

  Desmond’s eyebrows rose at Gabriela’s sudden boldness. “Please, Your Majesty,” Gabriela corrected herself. “Could you give me time with her now?” Desmond nodded. “I should probably do the same anyway,” he said, about to step out again.

  “Desmond,” Briahnna whispered before he stepped out. Desmond paused. “There was a boy…about your sister’s age, running after Jerrick. Do you know where he is? What has happened to him?”

  “Are you serious?” Desmond asked surprised. “The crazy kid who tried to kill me after Jerrick disappeared?”

  Briahnna’s eyes widened. “He tried to kill you?”

  “He attacked me after Jerrick left him screaming.” Desmond lifted his shirt slightly. “He made his knife fly to my stomach while I was distracted with you. I was able to catch it before it went too deep. Then he jumped on my back, screaming at me that it was all my fault. That I should have let you both leave with Jerrick.” Desmond shook his head. “He’s being held prisoner.” Briahnna gasped. “Don’t worry,” Desmond scoffed. “He has a bedroll, it’s clean, and he’s being fed around the clock. More than he deserves.”

  “Thank you,” Briahnna said.

  Desmond studied her for a second. Now that he knew she was okay, she could see his demeanor toward her changing again. See his mask of untrust sliding into place. Briahnna ground her teeth and glared at him. He exhaled and looked down. “It seems I owe you my life; a few times over if my men are correct.” Desmond squatted in front of her. “They said it was you who stopped Jerrick the day I fell from the tree.”

  Briahnna looked down. She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t like that he felt indebted to her.

  Desmond lifted her chin with his finger. “Thank you,” he said, his eyes softening as he looked into hers. Then he stood and walked out of the tent.

  . . .

  Gabriela and Briahnna went to wash in a stream in the trees. After Gabriela helped her get dressed, Briahnna sat on a rock to rest her aching body as Gabriela gathered their things. Gabriela cleared her throat, and Briahnna looked up to see Abigail, flanked by two of Briahnna’s guards. She was glaring unabashedly at Briahnna.

  “Abigail,” Briahnna whispered. “Let her through,” she ordered the guards. Both guards dropped their stance and stood apart, letting Abigail walk through.

  Briahnna stood slowly and walked toward Abigail, but Abigail took a step back and Briahnna paused. “Abby, I’m so sorry.”

  Abigail tilted her head to scrutinize Briahnna. “You always seem to save those who are important to you. Or I guess those who can make you more important.”

  Briahnna’s eyes flew wide with rage, and she ground her teeth together before she said something rash. Abigail was mourning the death of her twin brother. She was angry, and rightfully so. Abriel should never have died. Just then Desmond walked passed the guard with Liam and stopped quietly behind Abigail

  Briahnna took a deep breath, still speaking to Abigail, “I would have tried to save him if I had been near him, Abby. I wish I could have.”

  “He loved you, you know,” Abigail continued quietly, and Desmond’s eyebrows shot up. “He always thought that you had a little love for him too; that if our parents could betroth him to you before Jerrick, then that love would grow.” Abigail scoffed. “He was so foolish.” She glared at Briahnna. “You could never see past Jerrick.” She stepped forward. “Do you see now Briahnna? After everything he’s done, after all his destruction? Do you finally see?” Abigail’s voice grew with every question. “He killed my brother! His supposed friend! You never saw it! You never saw him for what he truly was!

  Briahnna shook her head, determined not to cry. “I was foolish, Abby. I admit it. I thought I could help him see past his ambition.”

  “You should have killed him a long time ago!” Abigail shouted. “You’re the only one who can stop him.” Abigail shook her head. “Do you think I’m blind? I grew up watching you both. I know you have the same powers.” Briahnna’s eyes shot to Desmond who stood dismayed. “This is all your fault!”

  Briahnna took a step back, and Desmond took ahold of Abigail’s arm. “Enough!” he growled. “I think it’s time for you to leave, My Lady.”

  “No!” Abigail shook her head again and closed her eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Briahnna. I really didn’t come here to accuse you.” She yanked her arm free and ran to Briahnna. She grabbed Briahnna’s hands and pleaded. “Bring him back! Please!”

  Briahnna yanked her hands free and stepped back. “What?”

  Abigail was sobbing now. “You have the power to heal! Heal him! Bring him back!”

  “Abby…” Briahnna shook her head in dismay. “He’s dead.”

  “I don’t care! I want him back!” Abigail stepped forward. “Briahnna! Try…for me…for him.”

  Liam took ahold of Abigail’s arm this time. “My lady. I think it’s time for me to escort back to your camp.”

  “I’ll try,” Briahnna said before Liam could haul her away. Abigail rushed forward and hugged Briahnna fiercely. Desmond looked at her over Abigail’s shoulder questioningly and Briahnna shook her head slightly. But the only way she was going to appease Abby was to try.

  . . .

  The stench was horrific. Briahnna wanted to gag when they entered the tent where Abigail was holding Abriel. Abigail ran to her brother and took his hand in hers; hope filling her eyes as she prodded Briahnna forward.

  Briahnna stepped forward and took a deep breath, regretting it instantly. She placed her hands on Abriel’s face letting her magic feel for anything. He had a broken wrist that he must have fallen on when Jerrick killed him. He had cuts and bruises. She concentrated, knowing that Abby would be satisfied with nothing less than her best effort. So she stretched her magic further, curious, and then she found him… except he wasn’t inside his body…but he was here. He was with them. She could feel it. She could feel Abriel moving closer to her as she pulled him to his body. She could tell that he was resisting, and she didn’t know why. This was actually possible, and now she was determined to make it happen.

  Desmond’s eyes grew wide as the tent filled with the light that emanated off of Briahnna. “Stop!” he yelled.

  Briahnna’s eyes flew open, and she lifted her hands immediately when she saw how bright she was.

  “No!” Abigail protested. “It was working, wasn’t it? I could feel it. Why did you stop her?” she demanded.

  Desmond grabbed onto Abigail’s arm and turned her to face him. “Just listen to me. Please…” Abigail nodded at his insistence. “Think about this. Whenever Briahnna heals, she takes on the ailment of that person.” Abigail nodded slightly, eyes growing wide, and covered her mouth immediately with her hand. Desmond nodded. “What’s going to happen if she is actually able to bring your brother back?”

  Abigail stifled a sob and Briahnna stepped back in dismay taking in a large breath. She shouldn’t have, it was too much of Abriel’s morbid scent. She ran to the tent flap and wretched violently; throwing up every last bit of the small amount of food she had eaten earl

  Abigail watched her in distress. “Would your brother want that? Would he want her to give her life for his?” Desmond asked.

  Abigail looked at him suddenly and shook her head. “I’m sorry.” She stepped back from Desmond and looked at Briahnna kneeling on the floor, barely able to hold herself up. “I’m sorry, Bri. I didn’t think…” Then she ran out of the tent. Liam took a step to go after her then stopped, remembering his place was to guard his king.

  Briahnna crawled out of the tent and sat back on her haunches. Desmond followed. “It didn’t even occur to me,” she said as she squinted up at him. “I honestly didn’t think it was possible.” Briahnna shook her head.

  Desmond sat down on the other side of her while Liam spoke to one of the Magiean guards about taking care of the body. Briahnna overheard him say something about letting his sister say goodbye first and Briahnna turned to Desmond. “I felt him. He resisted, but I felt him. His presence. It was going to work.”

  Desmond leaned his head on one of the tent poles. “I know.”

  . . .

  Briahnna stood beside Desmond and Liam as Magiean soldiers placed Abriel’s body atop a wooden plank to be burned. Abigail stood with her parents and siblings, Cassandra on her other side. After he was placed, Abigail turned to Briahnna. “Will you light the fire?” she asked.

  Briahnna nodded and stepped forward hesitantly. She looked at Abigail who nodded that they were ready then turned around and created an orb of fire in her hand. She could feel Desmond and Liam flanked directly behind her. Then she heard their intake of breath as she blew the flames into the pile of wood under Abriel’s body. Liam had seen her do this kind of magic before, however it was a first for Desmond. She stared as the flames grew, licking up the dry wood and then covering Abriel’s body in his element.

  . . .

  Briahnna stood there long afterwards; Desmond and Liam keeping vigil alongside her. Abigail stood alone, her parents having long departed. Finally Briahnna turned to leave.

  “Take me with you,” Abigail whispered loud enough for Briahnna to hear.

  “What?” Briahnna turned and asked.

  “Take me to Thornhold with you,” Abigail said, walking toward them. “There’s nothing for me in Mageia.”

  “What will you do?” Briahnna asked.

  Abigail looked down then smirked at Briahnna. “I could be your lady’s maid.”

  Briahnna snorted and gave Abigail an incredulous look. “You couldn’t be a lady’s maid. You’ve been brought up to be a lady, not her maid. Besides, I’ve Gabriela.”

  “Maybe Gabriela wants to return to Mageia with her mother,” Abigail retorted. “You can’t expect her to be with you forever.”

  “Even so, Abby, you can’t be my lady’s maid.” Briahnna looked at Desmond but Desmond was watching Abigail.

  “What of your parents?” he asked. “They’ve already lost one child.”

  Abigail looked away. “I’ve been here for over a year.” She looked back at Desmond. “You of all people should realize what war does to a person, Your Majesty. I’m not the same girl they expect me to be. They have my younger sisters. I’m fairly certain they’ll survive without me.”

  Desmond nodded. “You can come. We’ll figure it out.”

  “Thank you,” Abigail said bowing her head slightly.

  Chapter 39

  “We have a meeting with your father about the Magiks that Jerrick kidnapped,” Desmond said, entering Briahnna’s tent. Briahnna blinked the sleep out of her eyes and looked at him crouched next to her. “Can you be ready in a few minutes?” he asked. She nodded, and he stood and walked out.

  “Well,” Gabriela said, poking her head around a curtain that separated them. “It seems he’s getting more comfortable with the idea of you as his wife.” She shook her head. “It would be nice if he announced himself. What happened to your high and mighty lectures about decorum and such?”

  Briahnna smiled, “I guess he makes me a little nervous.” She got up and got dressed as quickly as possible, eager to find out what they were planning in order to find the magiks that were taken.

  Gabriela watched her for a moment. “Since when does he make you nervous? You’ve always spoken your mind around him, or so I’ve heard,” she smirked.

  Briahnna ducked her head as she pulled her dress on. “Since he became my husband.” She dressed, brushed her teeth, and put her hair up into a loose bun. Then she stepped out of the tent and stopped short when she saw Desmond and Liam standing just outside the flap. “How long have you been standing here?” she asked cautiously.

  Desmond had a strained look on his face. “Since I came to get you,” he said, still looking straight ahead. So he’d heard everything…Briahnna let out a deep breath, squared her shoulders, and walked ahead. Desmond and Liam scrambled to catch up. As they walked to their mounts, she could tell he wanted to say something because he’d opened his mouth, looked at her, looked at Liam then shut it and turned. Oh, what she wouldn’t give for just a little bit of time alone with him.

  They arrived at her father’s war tent, entering to see a table with the Elders, her father, and Darian on one side, and Lord Braxton and Lord Kirtzene, hands bound, on the other. There were three chairs open for Briahnna, Desmond, and Liam.

  “Thank you for coming,” King Rinald said as he gestured for them to sit. “We have made a bargain with our two former Elders. In return for information regarding the magik’s, their lives will not be forfeit.”

  Desmond watched the two Elders as they glared at him and said, “And what will their punishment be?”

  “Imprisonment for life,” Rinald answered.

  Desmond nodded seeming to think it fair enough. Although, he wasn’t positive that it would have been a choice he would make. Death seemed a far better release than to be locked up for the rest of his life. Especially after feeling the confinement he felt when his body was so broken. Maybe the crimes of these men were so great that death seemed more daunting. For who knew what awaited them on the other side.

  “Shall we begin?” King Rinald asked. Everyone nodded.

  “I guess it’s obvious what we want,” Rinald said. “Where are the magiks that Jerrick took?”

  Lord Braxton turned to Briahnna. “You must realize what we went through when we were working with Jerrick, Your Majesty.”

  Briahnna’s brows shot up. “I’m fairly certain that was not an answer to the question at hand, sir.”

  “Your father does not believe that we were manipulated!” Braxton said in earnest.

  “Lord Braxton,” Rinald interrupted, “you are on thin ice as it is. I suggest you answer the question we ask and refrain from veering off subject.”

  “But she of all people must realize how easily Jerrick swayed those he preyed upon!” Lord Braxton insisted, and Briahnna flinched. He had manipulated her in so many ways. “How many men in here were threatened by Jerrick to see things his way?”

  Lord Archibald shook his finger angrily at Lord Braxton and Lord Kirtzene. “I remember you being present and threatening for my votes alongside that boy!” He turned to King Rinald. “He had my daughter wrapped around his finger, and those two men sneered as Jerrick seduced her then threatened her. I had no choice! There was no manipulation involved from him with me, just pure threat. I don’t recall you trying to talk him out of it!” he said, pointing again at the two elders. “I was the only one who could save her! There were no threats against you! Don’t you dare speak to us about manipulation and threats!”

  Briahnna was going to be sick. There were so many things of which she was unaware. She looked at Lord Braxton. “I have nothing to say to you. I suggest you answer the question.”

  Rinald nodded, and Lord Kirtzene looked around the room at all of the accusing glares, knowing that they had no choice and would be put to death if they didn’t start giving answers. “They’re in the shielded forest!” he barked.

  Briahnna closed her eyes and wanted to run out of the room. She
knew she was probably the only hope they had of saving the magiks, and she had no idea how.

  “Lord Kirtzene,” Rinald said, “it seems you have secured your spot in prison.”

  “You said the both of us!” Lord Braxton roared.

  “I said the both of you if you answered our questions!” King Rinald snapped. “So far you have skirted the one simple question we have! Are you willing to cooperate now?”

  Lord Braxton ground his teeth together and nodded his head once.

  King Rinald only looked at him. “We know that Jerrick has been the one infiltrating our forest shield for the slave traders, but what about before that? Ten years ago when Jerrick was found, who was able to break through the shield for those street thieves to enter?”

  Lord Braxton exhaled. “Jerrick’s father, Lord Tristeil, had a deal with the street thieves. When things weren’t being watched or threatened a signal would be given at a certain time every month for them to know they could enter the kingdom through the forest.”

  “How was this signal given if the forest is impenetrable?” Liam suddenly cut in.

  Lord Braxton glared at him then looked to King Rinald. But Kind Rinald only nodded, interested in his answer.

  “I do not know,” Lord Braxton answered. “Lord Tristeil kept the forest secrets to himself.”

  “But how did he know the forest secrets?” Desmond asked. “I’m told nobody knows them.”

  “Am I to be constantly interrupted by these savages?” Lord Braxton bellowed.

  “Watch your mouth!” Briahnna defended. Desmond placed his hand on her knee and squeezed. “It’s okay,” he whispered in her ear. “He means nothing to us.”


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