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Tayrym (Galactic Defenders Book 4)

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by Jessica E. Subject

  The doctor tapped her stylus on the table. “As much as the Yarwin like to believe their race is superior, it turns out Hemera genes are much more dominant. The only thing Tayrym seems to have inherited is their long-lost ability to predict the future. And I’m sure the Defenders will find that useful along with your other skills.”

  Tayrym flushed. Though Guri tried to do it as often as possible, he knew Tayrym wasn’t used to being praised for his skills.

  “Okay, now, both of you are released.” She shooed them toward the door. “I heard Captain Mulgrave has a new assignment for you guys.”

  After leaving quarantine, Guri rushed back to the room with Tay. He wanted to spend as much time with him as possible because he had no idea what the Alliance had planned for them next.


  “And then I slammed my palm on the button, hoping to the universe that it was the one Tay Tay had told me to use when he showed me how to use the emergency signal back on Hemera.”

  Tayrym laughed as Guri recounted his escape from the Erebus to Katrina and Jager. The four of them along with two precious sleeping toddlers were heading back to Hemera for a quick visit with family and friends. While his boyfriend was excited, Tayrym couldn’t stop his stomach from churning. It would be the first time he’d seen or spoken to his brother since the other had been forced to leave Hemera so many Galactic years ago. Not that he was mad at Myar. He simply didn’t know what to say, how to get past all those years apart, years he’d believed his brother to be dead. So he’d avoided talking to him on the com system, instead waiting to reunite with him face-to-face.

  Guri intertwined his fingers with Tayrym’s. “I didn’t grasp most of the information about all of the technology Tay Tay has shown me, but thank the universe I remembered that much. Otherwise, I’d be dead on that Gaspra planet.”

  Tayrym squeezed his hand. “I’m thankful for every moment since then that I get to spend with you. I almost didn’t get them.”

  “You two are so cute together, it’s sickening.” Katrina slapped Jager’s thigh. “We were never like that. We were usually fighting.”

  With a smirk, Jager nodded. “Yep. Everything I admired about you, I also hated. It wasn’t until we were stuck together and I saved your life that I actually learned to tolerate you.”

  “You saved me?” Katrina punched his arm. “Thank goodness you’re hot and a great father. Otherwise I might spend my time on Hemera with Scrym and Guri.” She quickly covered her mouth. “I’m sorry. Gwennie called you that for so long. I didn’t know your real name was Tayrym until you became a Defender.

  He shrugged. “It’s okay.” Tayrym understood why Katrina would use that name. Yet he loved that she, and even Gwenodyn, were trying to use his real name now.

  “Buckle up, Defenders,” their captain said. “We’re entering Hemera’s atmosphere.”

  Already buckled in, Jager glanced over at him. “So, the next time we visit Hemera, will you be our pilot?”

  “Maybe.” He and Guri had been given a new assignment, one where they’d get to spend a whole lot more time together. Guri would continue his training to fight and kill Erebus while Tayrym would learn to pilot a shuttle along with keeping up-to-date on all Alliance technology. Together they’d do recon missions to planets before any squadrons were sent, releasing probes to monitor the surface, examine Erebus populations and other dangers a squadron might encounter. Other times, they’d return to the planet after a mission was completed, helping to restore their technology or guiding them through the adoption of new technology. Just like when the dome was installed on Hemera. And, of course, if he had any strong gut feelings or visions about any missions, he was expected to speak up. While Guri wouldn’t be required to utilize all of the technology on a regular basis, he’d still learn to use them and act as Tayrym’s guard against any Erebus they might encounter. But, he would focus on his new responsibilities when they returned. His mind was currently on the reunion about to happen.

  “Relax.” Guri curled an arm around his back and brought him closer as the ramp of the shuttle rolled out onto the surface of Hemera. “It’s not as if you’ve never met your brother before.”

  Sure, yet that didn’t calm the ylafats in his stomach. “I know, but—”

  “Okay then, think of him as Sol’s new boyfriend.” Guri let go of his arm to hold his hand. “He should be more nervous to meet us than for us to meet him.”

  “But I don’t want him to be nervous.” That was the last thing he wanted his brother to feel about reuniting with him. Tayrym had dreamed about meeting his brother again for so long after Myar had been forced to leave. But that dream had faded after a couple of Galactic years, everyone he’d talked to sure if his brother had survived the Erebus attack, he would have died of starvation. But, somehow, he hadn’t. Myar had persevered, finding his own food and shelter. Now he was back in the kingdom, working and living with Sol as if he’d never left. How Tayrym wished that were true.

  “And I don’t think he’d want you to be nervous, either.” Guri launched down the ramp, dragging him along behind. “Look! Myar and Sol are right over there.”

  Tayrym saw faces of people he knew, people who had come to greet all six of the shuttle’s passengers. He met Gwenodyn’s gaze first and hoped she would rush to greet him in order to delay his reunion with his brother. But she only smiled and waved before racing to her sister with Coop in tow. No help at all. Queen Lalia was also there. And Prince Bryce. Dunn. Rosh. Hakon and his wife. Before he had the chance to see everyone, he was face-to-face with his brother. Guri had let go of him to hug Sol.

  He stared at a familiar face, one that resembled his own more than the brother from his memory. “Um, hi.”

  The corner of Myar’s lip twitched before it lifted in an awkward smile. “Hi, Baby Tay. It’s been a long time.”

  Tayrym grinned and shook his head, his nerves suddenly disappearing. “So long that you should notice I’m not a baby anymore.”

  “I guess.” Myar punched him lightly in the shoulder. “But you’ll always be my baby brother.”

  Tayrym launched into his brothers arms, hugging him with everything he had. He wasn’t dreaming or high on nehbred. He had his older brother back. He had family again. An actual blood relative who accepted him for who he was. “I missed you.”

  Guri and Sol cleared their throats at the same time.

  He didn’t know how much time had passed, but he finally pulled back from his brother’s hug. “Sorry. I guess I should introduce you to my boyfriend. Myar, this is Guri.”

  His brother chuckled then reached for Guri’s forearm. “Nice to meet you in person.”

  They shook as Tayrym flushed. He’d forgotten they’d already met each other over the com system. “Well, um, do you have room for the two of us, Sol?”

  “Of course.” His former teacher smacked him on the back. “Don’t be silly. But, I think there’s something else planned first.” He nodded to something over Tayrym’s shoulder.

  “Tay. Tay. Tay. Tay,” a voice screeched.

  Tayrym turned just in time to see Gwenodyn barreling his direction. She didn’t stop in time and fell into him. If not for Guri suddenly supporting him from behind, he would have fallen back with his best friend on top of him.

  “Gwennie, what are you trying to do to me?” He might be a Defender, but he still wasn’t coordinated enough to save himself from her attack.

  “Sorry.” She brushed her clothes off and moved her hair away from her face. “I was just excited to see you again.” She yanked Coop over to stand beside her. “There’s a feast tonight to celebrate your return. We need to head back.”

  Tayrym turned to his brother and Guri. They both nodded as if there was never a question as to whether they would go to the feast or not.

  “Okay then.” Along with his boyfriend, friends, and oddly acquired family, Tayrym entered the Hemera dome station then headed toward the palace. When he’d first decided to become a Defender, it was to escape this
planet so he didn’t have to hide who he was. But with this group, he could be himself and not have to worry. They accepted him as he was. Though he planned to return to the carrier as soon as his rest time was over, he would always welcome a chance to visit Hemera. Because while he was away, it had become home.

  Thank you!

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  Alien Next Door

  Alien Adoration

  Alien Admirer

  Alien Attraction

  Alien Next Door: The Complete Series ~ ebook and print anthology

  Galactic Defenders



  Gib and the Tibbar


  Mars Squadron 17

  Always Her Wingman

  The Underground

  Never Gonna Let You Go

  Never Gonna Desert You

  Never Gonna Say Goodbye

  The Complete Underground series ~ ebook anthology

  1Night Stand

  Beneath the Starry Sky

  Celestial Seduction

  Unknown Futures

  Satin Sheets in Space

  Sudden Breakaway

  Another Night, Another Planet

  His Alien Virgin

  Her Alien Hero

  Intergalactic Heat ~ ebook anthology

  An Alien to Love ~ ebook anthology

  Single Titles

  Accidental Romance

  Alien Lover

  Beyond Reach

  Cosmic Sutra

  Crash Landing

  Hey, Santa

  It Took A Zombie Apocalypse

  Made For Her

  Taken by the Billionaire Alien Next Door

  The Power of Three

  The Star Princess

  Love in a New World ~ ebook and print anthology

  Cosmic Desires ~ ebook and print anthology

  writing as Paisley Brown (erotica)

  Sexy Suitors from Space

  About the Author

  Jessica E. Subject is the author of science fiction romance, mostly alien romances, ranging from sweet to super hot. Sometimes she dabbles in paranormal and contemporary as well, bringing to life a wide variety of characters. In her stories, you could not only meet a sexy alien or two, but also clones and androids. You may be transported to a dystopian world where rebels are fighting to live and love, or to another planet for a romantic rendezvous.

  When Jessica is not reading, writing, or doing dreaded housework, she likes to go to fitness class, listen to BTS, and walk her Great Pyrenees/Retriever her family adopted from the local animal shelter.

  Jessica lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and two energetic children. And she loves to hear from her readers. You can find her at and on twitter @jsubject.

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