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Zherosha Chronicles- Unknown Origin

Page 10

by Nancie Neal

  Amnika nodded.

  "Did you want me to help?" Amnika asked.

  Natia grunted her confirmation.

  Amnika helped chop some of the plants into small pieces. Before Natia could heat up the cooking pan, Mother walked into the cooking area. She didn't look tired anymore.

  Moving over to let Mother cook, Natia joined Amnika and finished the food prep.

  Mother's cooking was unusual. Instead of cooking the meats plain, She used plants in combinations that made the meal taste different each time. Zakkon joked once that Mother was an artist with food.

  Mother had taught Amnika about the plants and how certain ones can make a meal taste sweet or savory. She also showed Amnika how to cook some plants in Scant fat to soften them, after they added the other ingredients.

  Natia had shown Amnika how to taste the food before adding more plants. "It's my favorite part."

  They were almost done cooking the meal when the door buzzed. Amnika jumped to answer it. She knew who it was.

  "Hello, Amnika!" Petrez greeted her after the door opened. Amnika greeted Mahnisha, and they walked in.

  "It smells like Glondikia's cooking." Petrez smiled. "You know, I miss it."

  "You know everyone misses it once they try it," Amnika said. "At least that's what I heard Rodgistan say a while ago."

  Everyone sat down at the table Natia set up earlier. They talked about the mines and the Hemerians. It seems that every time Zherosha citizens met, the topic of the Hemerians always came up.

  "Mihka thinks that if Kinku were to become the Hemerian leader, things would change," Amnika said after explaining her experience. "He actually protected Kinku on their way out."

  "Mihka was raised by Nahaeda. I'm not surprised he would be an outlier for a Natisien." Petrez said. "Too bad we don't have more like him."

  Finishing off his plate, Father sat back in his chair. "You know, we've almost reached the limit of the what the community could hold."

  "I know, that is such great news," Mahnisha said. She reminded Amnika of Anias. Mostly quiet, and taking everything in.

  "Zakkon already commissioned the researchers to come up with plans for building an extension. It will be about five cycles before we start."

  Pausing before she took another bite, Amnika remembered what Rhada told her. She figured it would be best if she didn't say anything.

  Everyone finished their meal, and they picked up their own settings. They all lined up, and Natia took the dishes and put them into the sealed dish cubby on the racks. She filled it up and closed it. Then she slid her finger on the side of the opening, and the cubby whirred to life, cleaning the dishes.

  Petrez asked Amnika if he can show his wife the project.

  "Its name is Roniathan," Amnika said as they walked into the room.

  "I do not like being called it," Roniathan said.

  Petrez and Mahnisha stopped right inside the door. Petrez gave Amnika a surprised look.

  "I programmed him that way," Amnika cast a thought to Petrez. Mahnisha picked up on it and smiled.

  "Well, Roniathan," Petrez said. "I heard so much about you. The Natisiens speak of you the most."

  "Zeth said that the Natisiens like to talk," the box said.

  "I think Rodgistan is coming to register him tomorrow," Amnika said to her brother. As soon as she said that, she sensed Petrez's pride.

  "So, you are sharing it with the city," Petrez said. "This should benefit us greatly."

  "I know," Amnika said, and they headed out the room.

  Petrez hung back as everyone walked past him. When Amnika tried to pass him, he pulled her back into the room and closed the door. "What's wrong with Glondikia? I hear a lot of rumors."

  Amnika looked down and shared the answer. She couldn't bring herself to say it out loud. "I'd rather not think about it at all if I can help it."

  Petrez hugged her. "I know that it's difficult," he said. "But Glondikia lived her life well. Everyone will know when she passes on."

  Amnika buried her face in her brother's chest.

  "I understand," she said. "But it doesn't make it hurt any less."

  Petrez held her for a moment. "I will be here during half-cycle." He pulled away from Amnika and kept his hands on her shoulders. "Manisha will be here to take on another apprentice. Of course, since she is my wife, I'll be with her."

  Amnika nodded. It was nice to have her brother nearby, but what must be done, must be done. She understood that every citizen has their duties to attend to. She took a breath and calmed her emotions.

  "I'll see you then," She said.

  That night, Amnika laid in bed. Her mind would not slow down. She turned to face the edge of her bed where Rhada sat only two nights before. She missed his singing.

  Chapter Nine

  The next day, Amnika was in the project room when the door buzzed. Since her father was home to oversee the registration of her project, he was the one to answer the door.

  Looking up from her project, Amnika knew who it was that buzzed. She hurried to put the loose components away, then set the display neatly in front of the box.

  Rodgistan walks into the room beaming. "Well, Amnika, are you ready to register your project?"

  "My name is Roniathan," The box said, "and you are?"

  Rodgistan looked impressed.

  "This is Rodgistan." Amnika Chuckled. "He's the head instructor. He's registering you for my project. You will be going to formal education with me."

  "I see."

  Rodgistan held his tablet up so it could take a few snapshots and scans of the box. Then he stepped back and looked at it.

  "You do need better components, " he chuckled. "I'm surprised that you didn't have any problems, considering how many patched connections you have there."

  "You mean after I accidentally took the grid down?" Amnika still felt apologetic.

  "Yes. I almost forgot about that." Rodgistan laughed.

  Amnika smiled with relief. She was glad he could laugh it off. "So far only minor problems. Most recently, there was a problem with the processor temperature. Roniathan helped me today to get everything running properly." Amnika looked back at her project and straightened the display. "Still, new components will help a lot. I won't have to keep checking on him." She looked back at Rodgistan and smiled.

  Nodding, Rodgistan poked at his tablet, then he took a stylus and wrote a few things down Looking back at Amnika, he shifted to his other foot and straightened up, studying her. It took a moment before Amnika realized he was hiding something.

  "Okay, so what is it?" Amnika glanced at her father who stood at the door.

  Rodgistan pulled out another tablet.

  "This one is yours," he said.

  Amnika could not say anything for a few moments. Connected to the city's system, only citizens can have city-issued tablets.

  "We've made many exceptions for you, and it's paying off," Rodgistan explained, and he winked at Father. "We would have put you in formal education the last half-cycle, but you are good for Trinka." He handed the tablet to Amnika. "And Natia complained when we mentioned it. She likes having you around."

  Amnika heard her father chuckle. "The Natisiens like you, Amnika."

  Rodgistan then proceeded to explain how to use the tablet and order parts. He showed her that there were a few puzzles and reaction games to help her to get familiar with the tablet. They would disappear after her first full formal education cycle.

  "You are to keep a journal of everything you do on your project from now on. Any progress, any failures. Everything." Rodgistan brought his tablet under his cape. "Since you are sharing this with the city, you can order anything you need for the project. I don't think I need to tell you not to waste resources."

  "We can't waste city resources, or it could put the city in danger." Amnika reiterated.

  Rodgistan nodded. "Good, you understand." He brought his tablet back out and tapped a few more times. He turned the tablet towards Amnika, and she saw that it w
as waiting for a DNA scan. Surprised, Amnika looked up at him.

  "You do want to become Citizen, don't you?" Rodgistan asked. "It's another exception. After all, you won't be able to sign into your tablet without a DNA scan."

  Amnika looked at her father who studied her. Amnika smiled and put her hand on the tablet.

  After Rodgistan finished registering the project, he left. Before her father followed him out the door, he gave her a hug.

  "My little girl is growing up," he murmured.

  "I have almost ten cycles before I'm of age," Amnika tried to comfort him.

  Father laughed a little. Then he let her go and headed out the door. Amnika knew he had his duties to fulfill.

  She watched them leave the house before she looked at her tablet. It was new, so there were no scuffs from normal wear and tear. Amnika held the silver edges surrounding the clear thin rectangle. The tablet had two layers of polymer that allowed the rikta energy to pass through. This worked well for the walls, but tablets get dropped and knocked around. The city made provisions to replace the devices once a cycle so the old ones can be restored, but it still used resources.

  She remembered hearing her father discuss with Zakkon about trading with Nahbor for a new polymer that resisted scratching. She wondered if the tablet she held had the updated polymer.

  The thought gave her an idea.

  "Roniathan," Amnika said. "Was there anything on the new polymer from Nahbor on those data crystals?"

  "No, I'm afraid not," Roniathan responded.

  Amnika took her tablet and signed on. As soon as the transparent part of the tablet turned white, she put her hand on the screen. It recognized her immediately.

  Written on the top of the screen was "Naei, Amnika." She felt goosebumps form on her arms.

  Below was the menu. Amnika got to the section where it asked what part she wanted. This stumped Amnika She wanted data crystals, but she couldn't find them anywhere.

  Right then the front door of her home buzzed.

  Hooking her tablet under her cape, Amnika walked over and opened the door.

  "Greetings, fellow citizen!" Oshtron said.

  Amnika chuckled. "We don't use that greeting anymore."

  Standing behind her husband, Tanishia laughed. She shifted Zonstan onto her other hip. Oshtron stepped into the home and gave her a hug. Amnika shared the moments with Rodgistan and how excited she was to be a citizen.

  "So have you enjoyed your first few moments as Citizen," Tanishia asked. Zonstan looked restless.

  "Well," Amnika walked over to the door in front of the lifts and closed it. This blocked off all the rooms including the project room. She didn't want Zonstan to crawl into there. "Other than happiness, I don't feel any different."

  When Amnika came close to her aunt, Zonstan reached out for her.

  "Nikka!" he said.

  "Well, then!" Oshtron chuckled. "Looks like he's trying to say your name."

  "A few days and he will begin to say it properly," Tanishia said. "As long as we say it a lot in front of him."

  "I still say Natia," Amnika teased. "I may be Nikka for the rest of my life! It's Amnika," Amnika said to Zonstan "Am-ni-ka!"


  Amnika made a pouty face towards her cousin. He giggled and tucked his head onto her shoulder.

  Zonstan looked back up at Amnika and smiled. "Nikka! Nikka! Nikka!" He patted her face. Tanishia took his hand away.

  Amnika chuckled as she handed her cousin back to his mother. "I think Natia would be annoyed if I called her Natishsehda. She seems to like her short name."

  Tanishia put Zonstan down on the gathering room floor. Amnika grabbed a few lighted blocks and handed them to Zonstan. He took one and rolled it onto the floor. The block changed colors as it tumbled towards the plush seat.

  "I can't seem to find the data crystals." Amnika took out her tablet and held it up. "I guess I'm not familiar with the selections."

  "I can help you with that," Oshtron said. They both went into the project room while Tanishia played with Zonstan in the gathering room. Amnika made sure to close the door behind her.

  He showed her that the data she was looking for was in the "information" section. He picked out the polymers and then the type of polymer she was looking for.

  "This polymer is hard to come by. We haven't established a stockpile yet," Oshtron said. "It's for a hypothetical research ship. I don't think I'll need it anytime soon," Amnika explained.

  "Oh, okay." Oshtron nodded and pointed to the data crystal reader. "So, normally, you really don't need a data crystal." Oshtron took her tablet, tapped on it, and waved it in front of the data crystal reader. There was no response.

  "So that's why it was put up for recycling," Amnika said.

  Oshtron laughed. "Perhaps, you should replace all the components first." He tapped on her tablet before handing it back. "There, I ordered a new reader for you at least. But the rest, you'll have to do on your own."

  "That was fast!" Amnika stared at her tablet, reading the results of the order.

  "Certain searches become easy when you have to make them a few times. I had to search for readers at least one hundred times when setting up the staging base."

  Amnika too her tablet and hooked it onto the loop on the hem on her shirt. They both walked out to the gathering room. Again, Amnika made sure the door slid shut behind her.

  "Tanishia is in charge of information and information systems," Oshtron said. He motioned to his wife. "You can give the old data crystals back to her, and she can bring them back for you."

  "If you need data crystals, I can get some for you," Tanishia said.

  "The reader should be in tomorrow, though. So most of the information can be transferred from your tablet."

  "That's true, but you can also write to the data crystal. So if you have a new crystal to submit, you can also give it to me," Tanishia picked up Zonstan and kissed him on top of his head. "Just be sure to label it."

  "I have to go." Oshtron nuzzled his wife. "I have duties to attend to." He then put his head on Zonstan's. Amnika could feel the love Oshtron gave to him. Zonstan was a little too young to share back.

  After Oshtron left, Amnika offered to play with Zonstan. She figured her Aunt needed to work on her tablet for a while.

  Amnika couldn't keep her mind all on Zonstan though.

  "Amnika, I know you're excited, but it's a little distracting." Tanishia chuckled.

  "Oh, sorry." Amnika put her hood on.

  Chapter Ten

  Zonstan played on the floor with Amnika in the gathering room while Tanishia sat on the long plush seat, studying her tablet. Zonstan stopped smiling and let out a long yawn.

  "Well, then," Tanisha said. "Somebody needs some rest." She took a long piece of stretch fabric and wrapped it around herself. Then she picked up Zonstan and put him in the wrap. He yawned again and leaned up against her chest.

  Feeling a little hungry, Amnika grabbed a bar and went to check on her project.

  "I am finished with the task you gave me," Roniathan said. "It is the best I can do with the information you gave me. If I understood your conversations, you are to give me more material information?"

  "Yes," Amnika said. "But I want what you have for now. I can send it in as an example of what you can do even with limited information. When the new reader comes in tomorrow, I will give you more."

  Amnika picked up the display. "Show me the design." The model flashed on, and Amnika studied the screen. She glided her finger across, and the ship spun with the swipe.

  "It doesn't look that much different. I mean…" She took a closer look. "I think I can see some design changes."

  "The hull is similar to your fleet in shape. Most of the changes are internal. I redesigned the way the energy goes through the components. It will be more efficient."

  "Okay, I see." Amnika took out her tablet and tapped on it. She paused and wondered how much she looked like the adults working. She let the giddiness stay for
a moment before she continued. She had to order more components, but she wasn't sure how much to get at first. She only picked a few essential parts that could prevent her entire project from failing.

  "Okay, I manage to get some parts. I have one data crystal you can write to. I'll give it to Tanishia to take with her to the research center later." She grabbed data crystal from her necklace. She studied it a little more and realized that she could order a better quality one. Amnika put the clear data crystal into the slot.

  "I need you to only put the ship design onto the empty data crystal."

  She watched the data crystal light up.

  "It has a lot of flaws," Roniathan said.

  "Yes, it does," Amnika responded. "Use that for now and only for the design. I need to give that to my aunt today. I'm ordering one as soon as you are finished. The parts will be in tomorrow. Try to avoid the imperfections."

  "I understand." The crystal lit up in several colors and darkened. "Finished. You can take it now."

  Amnika grabbed the crystal out of the reader and checked the box for a label clamp. There was one left. She took it out and folded the metal piece over the edge. She looked back in the box for an etching pen. There was none.

  Sitting next to her Aunt in the gathering room, Amnika waited for Tanishia to finish what she was doing. After a few moments, Tanishia looked up at Amnika.

  "I have a data crystal to submit, but I have no way of marking the label clamp." Amnika showed her the data crystal. "It only has a model design. The crystal has imperfections, but I think Roniathan was able to avoid them."

  "Our new readers can read the imperfections," Tanishia responded. "The Hemerian crystals are not as good as ours, but Nahaeda insists that there should be fewer Natisiens doing crystals. So we have our high-quality crystals for long-term storage. The lower quality crystals are for projects that will change quickly." Tanishia pointed to Amnika's crystal. "Like yours. So, we built new readers that will accommodate the imperfections."

  Tanishia took Amnika's crystal and held it up to look at it. "Well, I've seen worse." Tanishia took out of her pouch a small tube. She took the cover off one end to reveal a pointed tip.


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