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Zherosha Chronicles- Unknown Origin

Page 26

by Nancie Neal

  As they got closer to the wall, Amnika could hear the defense system power on. One of the Scants jumped at them but disappeared in a cloud of dust as Rhada ran into the opened gate.

  "Scant swarm!" Rhada yelled, and several wall guards grabbed the energy weapons stored inside the outer gate.

  Rhada continued into the city. He didn't stop running until he reached the old landing platform in front of the mountain hangar.

  Rhada carefully stooped to put Amnika down, but she held onto his neck tightly. She began to cry again.

  "Amnika," Rhada said gently.

  Amnika tightened her grip on Rhada's neck and whimpered. Her body trembled, and she could not meter her emotions.

  After a long moment, she could feel her father's calming energy.

  "My foot!" She cried, but she was too emotional to say anything more.

  "Go and take her to medical," Father said.

  Rhada brought her over to one of the medical rooms in the research buildings. She cried out in pain as he set her down on the bed. She couldn't stop squirming as the images of the hunt played back in her head.

  "Amnika!" One of the healers held up what looked like a metal boot. "You need to calm down enough for me to put this on."

  "Almost all of the healers are needed for the Natisiens." A medic's aid took her hand and held it. He was a low-level Inersien, but he tried his best to give her calming energy.

  Amnika took a few deep breaths but then saw the scant chomp down on her foot again.

  "I keep seeing it!" Amnika squealed again. The Image of the scant chomping on her foot caused her to jerk back.

  "We are all seeing it!" The lower level squeezed her hand. His voice wavered. "We all see it," he whispered to her.

  Rhada huffed a few times while watching the Inersien medics try to calm her down. He huffed every time Amnika screamed.

  "Is there something we can do?" The assistant asked in desperation.

  Taking a deep breath, Rhada grabbed his friend's other hand and began to sing a familiar tune. Amnika recognized it as the Natisien lullaby she heard a few years prior. Unlike the boyish voice of a young Rhada, a deep, soothing sound emanated from his throat. She could feel it travel down her body and through her feet. She stopped squirming, and nearly forgot about the pain and her fear.

  The moment of silence from Amnika was all the medic needed. She quickly straightened out Amnika's leg and snapped the boot shut over it.

  When the song was over, there was a long silence as everyone waited to see what would happen next.

  Amnika cried again. This time it was a softer cry of relief. "I'm sorry for causing a lot of distress."

  "I don't think you could have controlled that," her father said. He took the aid's place next to her.

  "I am exhausted." Amnika knew that her body was starting to heal and it needed all the energy it could get.

  "We gave her the stabilizer not too long ago. It's too soon to give it to her now. She will have to sleep it out," the medic said. "The other healers need to take care of the Natisiens. I don't think any of them will have the energy to help her when they are done."

  "Zeth, Rhada." Amnika was relieved to hear Nahaeda's voice. She opened her eyes in time to see her father and Rhada stand up. Rhada looked massive from where she lay. She noticed a large gash on his arm.

  She closed her eyes again.

  She could hear Nahaeda and Her father talking, but she only could make out a few words.

  "I thought they weren't supposed to swarm yet," Father said.

  "It was unusual." Nahaeda's quiet voice didn't carry so far, and she could only make out "they actively sought her out and attacked her."

  "I refuse to believe…" Father lowered his voice and Amnika could only hear muffled speech.

  "It's that time." Nahaeda sounded angry. "You don't have to believe, but that doesn't stop it from happening."

  Amnika wished she could hear their conversation, but she knew she wouldn't be able to listen to the end of it anyway. She wearily glanced up at her father, who peaked in at her. Feeling safe, she fell asleep.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Amnika woke up squinting in a bright room. On either side of her was a healer.

  "How long I was asleep?" Amnika was surprised by the harsh sound of her voice.

  "It's been a few days," one of the healers said. "We got enough rest to help you get better faster." He looked at the other healer. "Everyone is talking about you. Some strange things are happening with the wildlife. Zakkon recommends that all Inersiens stay inside the wall until we can figure this out."

  "I suppose that means even with a Natisien," Amnika said.

  "Yes, this means even with a Natisien." The healer checked her boot. He slid his finger along the face of it, and an indicator lit up. "It looks like your foot is almost healed. We can remove the boot, but you need to stay off of your foot for a few more days."

  The other healer stepped out of the door, then walked back in. "Looks like Rhada will be more than just a protectorate for the next few days." She stood in the doorway, leaned up against the doorpost and watched down the path.

  Amnika sat up, and she nearly fell over.

  "Oh, easy." The first healer took her hand and help her up. "You did sleep a while. You'll be a little lightheaded for a few moments."

  Amnika steadied herself until the room stopped spinning.

  The healer standing at the door looked back into the room as Rhada stepped in.

  "Oh good, you were close by. Amnika isn't allowed to step on her foot for a few days." The healer that was next to her put his hand on her boot, and the boot split open. "You will wiggle your foot frequently. You need to exercise those muscles. Why don't you do that now."

  Amnika wiggled her foot. It felt odd. She made a face.

  The healer noticed and chuckled. "It's going to feel off." He took his tablet out and tapped on it. "Your father is busy with a small problem with the Hemerian shipment. He can't be with you right now. Rhada will help you if you need anything, I'm sure."

  Amnika looked at Rhada who leaned up against the door frame with a huge grin.

  "I can tell you about the Hemerian problem when we are home," Rhada said. He chuckled at the thought. "I have a lot to talk about so you won't be bored."

  Rhada then walked over and picked Amnika up.

  "Remember," the healer said. He laid Amnika's cape over her lap. She noticed that it was new. "You need to stay off your foot for a few more days. Do not walk on it at all, except if you need to stand for a brief moment like when you use the toilet or wash closet."

  Rhada walked out with Amnika. It was nearing the end of the day, so the air was beginning to cool. Amnika pulled her cape over herself like a blanket.

  "There you are!" Mother said. Amnika noticed that she had some of her energy back. Both Amnika and Rhada inhaled deep. Her mother had been cooking for the evening meal.

  Rhada set her down on the long plush seat. "She's supposed to stay off her foot for a few more days. I can carry her to where she needs to go."

  "There may be a couple days that you have to do a little more." Mother put some food on a plate and set it on the short table in front of her.

  Amnika pulled herself up and set the plate on her lap. There was a large mound of scant besides seeds and a mix of leaves.

  "That's a lot more scant than usual," Amnika said.

  Rhada chuckled. "You already forgot the last hunt? They're stored in the cooling bins below, but they won't last long. Natisiens can't dry them fast enough, so everyone is encouraged to take as much as they like." He pointed at her plate. "You need it."

  Amnika looked at him and waited.

  "Only one Natisien was seriously injured. The rest were okay." There was a hint of pride in his voice. "We all live to hunt another day."

  Amnika touched his hand, and he knelt next to her. Rhada pointed to her plate again. "Eat! You need it."

  Amnika didn't realize how hungry she was until she took a few bites

  Later, Father arrived to find Amnika on the long plush seat with Rhada behind her. They were studying Amnika's tablet.

  Mother sat at the larger table with her tablet. When she saw him, she smiled and went to greet him.

  "You seem to have your energy back," Father said, and he held her.

  "Are you getting better?" Amnika was hopeful.

  Mother sighed. "No, I'm afraid not. We are trying this plant that the Natisiens use for energy. It doesn't help with the illness, and I still hurt, but at least I don't feel like sleeping all day."

  "Father told me about this illness. Can you tell me more?" Amnika asked.

  Mother sat at Amnika's feet. "Yes, it's an illness that mostly females get. It starts in the mammary glands as a tumor."

  "You can get tumors at a young age?" Amnika was surprised. "And in places other than the brain?"

  "I think the tumors that happen in Inersiens are a little different the tumors that happen in the human body. For one, DNA damage caused the tumors that I have. If the damage spreads to the blood, then it's only a matter of time." Mother patted Amnika's ankles. "It did that two years ago. You know, it' funny. On earth, I would have only a few moon-cycles left. Here, my life was extended."

  "DNA damage comes from high radiation, doesn't it?" Rhada asked.

  "Most of the time, but we did a lot to our environment that also causes DNA damage."

  Amnika glanced at her father. "Father said you were ill when you left earth."

  "The medics on earth gave me only a few months on earth." Mother sighed. "Your father suggested I try the medicine they had since our DNA was similar. The tumor shrunk a little."

  "The tumor did come back, though. Your mother had to continue to take medicine to keep it from growing." Father knelt beside her mother and kissed her on the temple. "She had a choice between staying behind with you, or coming with me and possibly living longer and seeing you grow up."

  "You would have stayed with mother?" Amnika said.

  Father nodded. "The only two who would go back would have been Afkistan and Annia."

  "You said that mother influenced Zakkon not to attack earth."

  "I'm…" Father sighed. "I'm not sure what would have happened if we had stayed."

  There was a long pause. Amnika laid her tablet on her chest and looked at her mother. "You did live longer, though."

  "We didn't know that the medicine had this much effect on the tumors." Father chuckled.

  Mother put her head on her husband's. "I even forgot I was ill for a while."

  After another moment of silence, Father stood up. "It is getting late. Tomorrow, I shouldn't be so late."

  "You mean we aren't expecting any ships from Hemeria tomorrow." Amnika motioned to Rhada who picked her up. "It's the only time we seem to have trouble."

  Rhada laughed and brought her to her bedroom and set her in the wash closet. She kept most of her weight on her right foot and used the walls in the small room for balance.

  "Remember, keep off your injured foot," Rhada said. "Only put weight on it when necessary."

  "I know, I know." Amnika slid her finger along the opening, and the door closed. She did have to put weight on her injured foot, but the medic said as long as it was brief. She wasn't sure how brief, but she wasn't taking any chances. When she took her pants off her uninjured foot, she moved as quickly as possible. It felt odd putting weight on her weak foot, but there was no pain.

  She put her clothes in the bin behind her and closed the door. Then she put her finger on the sensor. Immediately, warm water began to come down like rain from the ceiling. Amnika closed her eyes and made sure her hair was wet. Then a light flowery scent filled the air as the cleanser dispensed with the water. After massaging it onto her body, it switched back to clean water, and Amnika rinsed off.

  Amnika finished washing up, and the water stopped. She hit another sensor, and warm air blew in from the ceiling. She finger-combed her hair until it was dry. Then she opened the second bin and pulled out clean night clothes. This time it was a long gown instead of pants.

  With it was a note that said, "Health suit suspended until morning. Minimize weight on foot."

  It will feel odd having nothing under her nightgown, but Amnika understood. She finished dressing, and she opened the door. Rhada stood there, waiting for her.

  He picked her up and put her in bed. "I'll sit-sleep tonight in case you need anything." He took his position on the edge of her bed.

  Amnika moved back a little a chuckled. "You take up a lot more room than you used to."

  Rhada laughed. It was a deep laugh typical of an adult Natisien male. Amnika looked at the gash on his muscular arm. It healed some, but she knew it would scar. It was hard to believe that two cycles ago, a young Natisien boy sung her to sleep.

  The walls began to dim. Amnika settled down in her bed and wiggled her injured foot. She felt safe.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  More moon-cycles pass. Amnika continued with her studies, adding the English language to everything she had to learn. However, her lessons with her mother were getting shorter. Her mother's energy waned as the illness took over her body.

  A few times, Mother didn't teach her anything but only talk about her home. She missed the "ocean" and watching the "airplanes."

  "As children, we would watch the planes fly overhead in the distance. Then we would spread our arms out and run through the fields pretending to be airplanes." Mother shifted in the plush seat. It was the third time she did during their conversation.

  "I don't think I'll be able to see earth again before I pass," She lamented.

  Amnika tried to convince her father to take her mother in Roniathan to go back to Earth. Zakkon and Rodgistan were entirely against it. Father didn't argue with them. Amnika could sense his struggle.

  "You were lucky once," Zakkon said. "I don't want to repeat my mistake again, only to regret it later. We need the shielding first. That is final."

  Amnika watched them leave knowing that was the last time she could ask. Afkistan approached her from behind. "He baffles even me, sometimes," he cast a thought to her. "And I'm supposed to be like him. Your mother should be able to go home."

  When the time came, it was a typical day. Rodgistan was training Amnika when Afkistan showed up at the door.

  Amnika and Rodgistan joined her father in the Medical room. Her mother was resting. Amnika hugged her father.

  "We did our best to take away the pain, but there's only so much we can do." The medic moved the scanner to make room for her father.

  Father sat on one side of the bed, and Amnika sat on the other. She leaned over and laid her head next to her mother's.

  "You don't have to come back to your training." Rodgistan put his hand on her shoulder. "I'll go now and if there is anything you need from me, just let me know."

  Amnika looked up at him and nodded. She then looked back at her father who held his wife's hand up to his face. They sat there for a while without saying a word. Mother finally opened her eyes and looked at Father.

  She took her hand out of his grasp and ran her fingers through his hair.

  He got up and kissed her on her forehead. "We are going to get Petrez. We should be back by tomorrow."

  "She needs her rest anyway," the medic said. He closed the door after Amnika followed her father out.

  "We can take Roniathan," Amnika said.

  "We will. I think Petrez would like to ride back in that ship."

  The flight technicians helped them get their flight suits on. One of the technicians showed Amnika how to hook a breathing tank on the suit if she needed it.

  "Zherona has oxygen, but the air is thin." The technician fastened her suit. “Natisiens have to wear breathing masks all the time, but we can be there for a limited time.”

  Father handed held out Amnika's cape. "There will be Inersiens there, and our emotions are high." He cleared his throat. "Let's go."

  Amnika grabbed her cape and stared at it
for a moment before following her father into her ship.

  "You look sad," Roniathan said.

  "My mother is..." Amnika paused. How much did he understand? "She doesn't have much time left." She glanced at her father. She could sense his sadness.

  "She's going to pass on." A display showed up on the front panel. An algorithm scrolled on the screen.

  A little intrigued by the seemingly random action taking by Roniathan, Amnika studied the display as she sat on her seat. "Yes, that is correct."

  "What is death?" Roniathan lifted off the pad, and they were on their way to the largest of the two moons.

  "I thought you researched this when you connected to the city's system," Amnika said. She realized that she really didn't have to mention it. The display split to show the algorithm on one side and the research information on the right side.

  "The answer doesn't seem satisfactory to me, so I ask anyone passing by. I get a different answer every time."

  Amnika gave an uncomfortable glance at her father. He seemed as confused as she was. There was a long silence.

  "Anything outside the science description is philosophical. I don't think you will get the same answer ever. Even the Nahborians have a different explanation." Father checked his harness as they approached Zherona.

  "You don't trust Roniathan's flying?" Amnika teased. It was an attempt to lighten the mood.

  "I do that to everyone." Her father sat back in his seat and sighed. He gave her a weak smile.

  When they landed, Father stopped to talk to another Inersien who heard about his wife. Amnika looked towards Zherosha and tried to make a circle with her hands around the planet in the sky.

  "Come on, Amnika," he called, "You'll get sick if we stay out here too long."

  Amnika turns and followed her father. She starts to feel a little lightheaded by the time they reach the airlock. They step in, and in a moment, Amnika felt the pressure build, and the inner door opened. She took a deep breath and was hit with the smell of rock and sweat.


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