Hedonism Box Set (BBW Menage Swinger Romance): All Five Cuddly Swinger Episodes In One Volume! (Cuddly Swingers Book 6)
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It was almost dinner time when I got home that day. Keith had picked up the kids and was starting to make supper when I walked in the kitchen.
“Hi. Sorry, I’m so late but I got caught up in shopping.” I held my breath waiting for him to turn around to see me. It was a new me who had walked in the door, transformed in new clothes, new hairdo, make-up and nails. The kids, seated at the table looked up at me like I was an alien.
“That’s okay Babe. I got it cover—“ He stopped, wide eyed and still as a statue, looking at me, from my hair to the new shoes I’d bought. Crash! That broken dish was the best compliment he could give me.
“Do you like it?” I clasped my hands together in front of me, picking at a hang nail.
“LIKE IT? I LOVE it!” He stepped over the pieces of the dish he’d dropped and stood in front of me. “Turn around. Let’s see the whole effect.”
“Wow! You were beautiful before, but now you’re gorgeous!” Being careful not to touch my new dress, he leaned forward and gave me a quick kiss.
My face was warm when I looked at him and swept forward to kiss and hug my kids. Kira, the oldest, continued staring at me, speechless. “It’s okay dear. It’s the same Mommy. I just look a bit different. You’ll get used to it.”
I kissed Eric’s chubby cheek and turned once more to Keith. “I spent a lot of money, Keith.” I pulled a face, like I’d expect him to give me hell.
“Do you like the new look?” He stepped closer and placed his finger under my chin.
“Yeah.” I whispered, eyebrows high.
“Then that’s all that matters. You’re feeling that you look great, because you do!”
Chapter 6
The heat hit me like a wall when we stepped out of the airport in Montego Bay. The short cotton sundress, that I’d thought would be just the ticket felt clammy after about five minutes standing on the sidewalk, waiting. But at that minute and after four stiff drinks on the plane, I didn’t care. Keith, standing beside me was beaming, excited as a small boy going to Disneyland.
“Just look at this scenery Lori! The hills covered in green, everything so lush. This is gonna be a great vacation!” He squeezed my hand and grinned at me. “I’ve dreamed of coming here, the climate, the relaxed pace and well…Hedonism, for a long time. And to share this with you…I can’t tell you how happy I am.”
“It’s beautiful. Look, there’s the bus pulling up.” I pointed to a large white bus with the words Jamaica-Tour printed on the side. “I’m glad we opted for the bus instead of flying to Negril. We’ll be able to see more of the country, even if it’s an hour and a half trip.” I watched people picking up their bags, getting ready to board the bus.
“I’ll get the luggage. You get us a seat near the driver, so we can see more.” He rubbed my arm to get my attention. I stepped in line behind a woman in a big sun hat and dark glasses. When she turned her head, I got a better look at her. God, she was fifty, if she was a day!
Actually, I’d noticed a real hodge-podge of people on the plane. Most people were in their thirties and forties but there was also a good many, older than that. Some of them were what I’d pictured would be at a resort like Hedonism—good looking and thin—but most were the type of people you’d see anywhere. Maybe this trip wouldn’t be as bad as I’d thought.
By the time we got to the resort, the drinks in the plane were causing me to squirm in my seat. Instead of the dread I thought I’d be feeling, seeing the sign to the resort, it was only relief. Hedonism II – Be wicked for a week. Wicked would have to wait.
A dark, pink palmed hand reached for my elbow as I descended the steps off the bus. I murmured thanks to the smiling black man and entered the resort check-in area. There were three ebony people in uniforms standing behind the counter waiting for people to check in. Music began to play while other smiling staff, holding trays of orange colored drinks, greeted people. I saw a sign ‘Ladies’ and rushed to it.
When I emerged, Keith was chatting with a man and his wife, waiting to be checked in. They looked friendly enough, smiling as Keith pulled me to his side.
“Lori, this is Glen and Abby. It’s their first time to Hedo as well.” Keith’s arm was around my shoulders.
Abby was probably in her early forties, blond hair and pretty. But it was her blue eyes that caught my attention. With the laugh lines at the corners, this was someone who liked to have fun. Her husband was dark haired, swarthy and handsome like Keith, but not as tall.
Keith signaled for the server with the drinks, to bring one for me.
“We have friends who’ve been here and they told us we’d have a blast.” Abby stepped back, to allow the server to hand my drink to me.
“I read all the reviews and ninety-nine percent loved it. It was on Keith’s bucket list to come here, at least once, to experience this kind of place.” I took a large gulp of the fruity, strong drink, feeling it burn its way down my throat.
“Bucket list! You two are too young to be thinking of that. But I get what you mean. You only live once and being HERE, is living.” Glen’s smile was broad, showing bright perfect teeth against a laugh-lined face.
“I can’t wait to finish here and get out of these clothes. You look like you’re warm too, Lori.” Abby fanned her face with her sunhat.
“Yeah, getting into my bathing suit would feel good right now. Then the pool, with a cold drink in my hand.” This time it was me who signaled for another drink.
“Not me. I’m nude all the way.” Glen put his arm around Abby and pulled her close in a short hug. “First time? Go wherever you want; believe me, I understand!”
Keith touched my elbow to nudge me forward when a space opened in front of the desk clerk. He handed the documents over, signed papers and I took the opportunity to scan the lobby. Everything was so airy, from the bright stucco walls leading to a beamed ceiling and beyond to the large, open breezeway, revealing a glimpse of the pool area. The fronds of palm trees outside fluttered in the air, beckoning me outside. When Keith nudged me again, I took the pen and signed my name.
We stepped away and Abby turned to touch my hand. “Maybe we’ll catch up with you later in the day, have dinner together or something.”
She really was nice. “Sure, we’d love to.” I turned and followed Keith to the outside where a porter was waiting with our luggage on a cart.
We wove our way along a winding walkway bordered by red and orange hibiscus flowers. The warm air was heady with the aroma of flowers and coconut sun tan lotion. The porter edged to the side of the walkway, almost stopping.
The laughing face of a woman wearing tight ribbons of braids in her blond hair appeared. “Eire mon.” Her hand rose, fingers extended in a peace sign as she skipped by us. Keith squeezed my hand to reassure me. The woman could have been a model for Playboy magazine. She sure was dressed, or more accurately un-dressed for it.
I looked up at Keith, my mouth open, but not quite as wide as my eyes were.
“You’re twice as attractive. You know that, right?” His hand lifted to cup my waist and pull me closer.
I took a deep breath and held my head high, squaring my shoulders, the way Lacey had shown me when I was trying on dresses. What was it she kept saying that day? Oh yeah. ‘Beauty is an attitude. It’s confidence.’ I was at a sexual resort with the man I adored. He thought I was hotter than the woman we just passed.
I looked up at him and smiled. “Maybe not twice as attractive, but I’m in the game.”
When I stepped out of the shower in our hotel room, Keith was waiting with a towel spread between his out-stretched hands. He wrapped it around me and pulled me close to his body, running his hands up and down my back. I breathed in the masculine scent of his chest and with my teeth pulled one of the hairs covering it.
“Oow!” His hand slapped my ass. “You want to play do you? Didn’t your Momma ever tell you, if you play with the bull, you’ll get the horn?” His
lips brushed against my ear lobe.
“She did.” I pulled back and smiled up at him.
“Get in on that bed and spread out. I’ll be with you after a quick rinse.”
My fingers trailed across his crotch, feeling his hardness and I left the room, exaggerating the wiggle of my ass.
“Rrowl.” And then the sound of the shower turning on.
I plucked the towel folded in a swan shape off the bed and laid down. Above me, mounted to the ceiling was a mirror as wide and long as the bed. My blonde hair, now in damp ringlets, lay on the crisp white pillow, surrounding my heart shaped face. I pulled the ends of the towel open to expose my damp body to the cool air in the room. Immediately, my nipples puckered and a shiver went down my spine.
Seeing my reflection, laying on the bed, tummy flattened by gravity, my face with the red lips and dark blue eyes, it was a voluptuous woman who stared back me. This was how Keith saw me. The shower turned off and I knew he’d be with me soon.
I spread my legs and my hand slid across my body to touch myself where I wanted him. It wasn’t the dampness from the shower that I felt so much, as the swollen pussy lips and slippery wetness between them. My finger pressed in spreading the lips, slowly glided upward to my hard little love button. Ahhhh.
My finger lingered there, lazily circled the firmness, while I pulled my knees up and out. The wantonness of watching me play with myself made me wetter still. There was a sound to my left. I looked and there was Keith, leaning against the door frame, his hand slowly stroking his cock.
“Don’t stop. This is hot. Keep playing with yourself.” There was a small smile on his lips while his eyes were almost closed in lust.
My other hand rose to grasp the fullness of my breast, fingers digging into the soft succulent flesh. I held my breath, my hand now on the under-side of my clit, stroking upward to the sensitive tip. Oh God, this was hot. I pinched my nipple hard, felt the jolt of pleasure shoot downwards to my clit.
With lips parted, breathing faster, I turned to look at Keith. His cock was so damned big, the bulbous head peeking out at each of his downward strokes. “Fuck me. I need that inside me.”
He walked to the foot of the bed and lifted his knee to get on, inching forward so that he was between my thighs. I lifted my head to watch him guide his cock to my opening, gasped when he thrust into me. God it felt so good to be filled with him. His hands were on my hips pulling me towards him at each thrust he gave.
“Ahhh yes. Keep doing that. Harder. Fuck me harder.” My teeth were gritted together, my breath now hissing through my nose.
“Yeah Baby. Hard, like this! Squeeze my cock. Milk it.” His hips were like a jack hammer, pounding fast and furious into my wetness, filling me.
“Oh God….I’m coming! Yeah. Just like that. Don’t stop.” My words tumbled out of my mouth as my core melted in wave after wave of bliss. I felt his body stiffen and jerk hard into me a few more times, his lust shooting through me.
His head hung between his shoulders, as he lost himself in me. I reached for him and drew his body down onto mine, kissing his neck, his face, his ear…
He blew through his lips and kissed my forehead before rolling to the side. “That was great. A wet dream come true for me. You were like one of the women in my porn mags, when I walked in here. So sensual and sexy. I loved watching you.” He turned his head to look at me. “Let’s do it again.”
I reached for his hand and kissed it. “Okay. But after I walk barefoot in the sea and check out the resort.”
Chapter 7
Twenty minutes later, the sand on the beach slid between my toes, wading through the warm water, hand in hand with Keith. Music and laughter drifted down from the bar and swimming pool area, but I was in no hurry to join the party atmosphere, enjoying the sun and peacefulness of the shore.
Ahead of us, a group was playing beach volley-ball. I knew that at Hedonism, people left their inhibitions at home and I expected to see bare bodies. The brochure and reviews had made that clear. Yet, I still gulped, seeing the topless women and bare assed guys jumping in the air to spike the ball, totally at ease. Sure, there were women who were svelte, but there were also a couple carrying some extra weight. What struck me was the nonchalant attitude. Some were naked, some weren’t. It didn’t seem to matter.
Even the people lounging on white beach chairs, reading, looking out to sea and having a drink, never gave a second glance at Keith and I strolling the beach in our bathing suits. It seemed that here, anything goes, which was fine with me. My bathing suit was flattering (thanks to Lacey’s help) but I couldn’t see myself going nude.
“Are you going to take your bathing suit off and go nude this week?” What if he wanted to get an all over tan and I was still in my bathing suit? How would I feel, seeing him go native?
“Only if you do.” He bent to dip his fingers in the water and splash my legs.
“You know, that’s not likely to happen.” I took a few steps deeper into the ocean until the water was up to my knees.
“Then I won’t either. No big deal.” He splashed me again, this time on my back and shoulders, walking towards me and laughing.
“Stop!” But, he kept coming and scooped me up into his strong arms, carrying me out where it was deeper. I put my arms around his neck and he lowered himself until we were both submerged.
The water was warm, clean and felt wonderful as we kissed under the surface.
When we bobbed up, Keith shook the water from his dark hair and wiped the water from his face. “Let’s go get a drink and check out the rest of the resort.”
“Okay. I could use a drink.” We walked out of the water, and across the hot sand, holding hands. It was late in the afternoon and from the sounds of the people in the pool area, there’d been a lot of drinks consumed.
We passed a giant chess board with large plastic chess pieces. Two men were playing, wearing nothing but frowns of concentration on their faces. Behind my sunglasses, my eyes drifted across their bodies, from the hairy chests to their thighs and of course lingered in assessment of their packages. They were probably in their fifties, with the fullness of muscles and flesh that often comes to that age group, a slightly rounded tummy, but the hollow at the side of their ass cheek was still evident.
“Lori?” Keith’s head dipped close to my ear.
“Mmmhmm?” My head was turning, eyes still focused on the players, as we passed them.
“Would you like to play with them?”
My face jack knifed around to face him. When I saw the grin on his face and eyes, I knew he was teasing. “No. I’ll play with you. We are talking chess, right?” I gave him a playful swat on his arm.
Ahead, there was a beautiful, dark haired woman dancing with a black man, one of the staff. She was wearing a bright sarong, low on her hips, breasts bare, topped with dark nipples. A couple of times the strong arm of the man was the only thing that kept her from falling on her ass. As we passed her, she winked at us.
The bar at the side of the pool was almost filled with people either ordering or standing nursing a drink, chatting with the bartenders. Keith slipped in between two men and raised his finger to get the bartender’s attention. I stood close behind him and turned to look at the late sun bathers surrounding the sparking turquoise pool.
There was a couple sprawled out on the two chairs closest to the bar, their chests, shaded by the overhang of the thatched roof. They were so still. They looked like they were having a siesta, while their legs continued to tan in the late rays of the sun.
A group of three sat under a thatched umbrella tree, laughing and sharing a drink. The husband and wife of the set were sitting on the chairs while a topless older woman stood next to them. She picked up the empty plastic glasses and started towards the bar. I couldn’t help but feel good about myself seeing her. She had a bit of a tummy and muffin top above the low line of her bikini. There was a small roll of fat on her ribcage
, next to her pendulous breasts.
“Hi. Did you just get in today?”
My head turned at a deep masculine voice, to face a guy who looked just a bit older than me. His face held a small smile, while light grey eyes peered at me above the sunglasses his hand held down. There was a rough shadow of stubble across sculpted cheeks and full lips. In short, he was gorgeous.
“Ahhh. Yeah. Just today.” My eyes were wide and I smiled despite the fact that my mouth was suddenly dry. A guy this hot was actually hitting on me! It was only the second time this had ever happened and the first was Keith.
“It’s great, isn’t it! I’ve been here for a few days. The night life’s pretty good and the hot tub’s just that--HOT. You’ve GOT to try it. Can I buy you a drink?” He flashed a wide smile as he shoved to the side to make room for me at the bar.
“Thanks, but I’ve got it Buddy.” A plastic glass of some orange drink was placed in my hand and I looked up to see Keith’s thin lipped smile.
“The name’s Rob.” He extended a hand to Keith and then to me.
“I’m Keith and this is my wife, Lori. Nice to meet you.” I could see Keith’s hand grip Rob’s, hard.
“I was just telling Lori how much fun the hot tub is, late at night. Anything and everything happens there. Blow jobs, hand jobs, and lots of fucking. Anything you’d ever want.” Laugh lines spread from the corners of his eyes as he drained his glass and signaled for another.