Hedonism Box Set (BBW Menage Swinger Romance): All Five Cuddly Swinger Episodes In One Volume! (Cuddly Swingers Book 6)
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Chapter 5: Praise The Lord!
The flight to Hedonism started out tedious as hell but by the time we landed in Jamaica I was glad I didn’t charter a private plane.
From Black Rapids I had to make two other connections before the final leg. I had to go to Syracuse, New York, then to Miami, and from there to Jamaica. Waiting for the second connection, I was people watching at the gate, trying to see if I could deduce who among the couple of hundred passengers were swingers.
I could pick out a few—it wasn’t hard, there was a group of about 10 people in their 30’s to 40’s who were sitting together and having a great time. The big clue was that about half of them were wearing T-Shirts that said ‘Tremolo Tours Hedo or Bust’. Yeah, I was such a Sherlock Holmes.
I kept my surveillance up on them while pretending to read a copy of Cosmo.
They weren’t dressed like swingers. Or, at least what I expected swingers to wear in public. I thought the women would all be in hooker heels and miniskirts and the guys to be wearing shirts unbuttoned to their navels showing graying chest hair and a beer belly.
Instead, they just looked like normal everyday people. Yes, some of the men did have paunches, but so did some of the women. Nobody was showing a lot of skin though. Maybe it had to do with the fact that this layover was in Syracuse, New York and it was February?
Nobody was pawing at anyone either. I shook my head—what the hell was I expecting, a grope fest or orgy right in the middle of an airport? No, the closest that any public displays of affection came to being naughty was a few of the women perching on some guys’ laps. I couldn’t tell if they were the couples together, or if they were play partners… umm… ‘touching base’ or something.
“Jess! I thought it was you! What a surprise seeing you here!”
I looked up to see two of my Sunday morning after church regulars, Karen and Dan Baker. They stood before me with wide smiles. They were a retired couple in their 60’s I guess, and this was the first time I saw them in anything but their Sunday best. On Sundays Dan was always in either a suit or a sports jacket and tie, and Karen would be wearing either a dress or blouse and skirt. They came in at 11:00 on Sunday morning after the 10:00 a.m. service at their church. Right now, they were wearing jeans, sneakers and a jacket.
I looked at them with my jaw hanging open.
“Are you going on vacation, Jess?” asked Dan. In response to my silent nod, he said “Where are you heading? We’re going to Jamaica!”
“Oh?” and yes, it came out as a squeak.
“Yes! We’ve been there before, and have had a wonderful time each trip,” said Karen with a smile. She was wearing some makeup highlighted her eyes and cheekbones. The years had been okay to her—but she could never pass for less than mid-fifties. “Where are you heading?”
“Uhhh… Jamaica too?”
They both tilted their heads at me and glanced over to each other. “Which resort?” asked Dan.
Oh shit. “Uhhh… I can’t remember the name… a travel agent booked it?”
Karen chewed on her lower lip, still smiling. “Oh, I understand. Is this the first time you’ve been to Jamaica?”
“First time out of the country, to tell the truth.”
“I understand,” she said again. Now her smile was widening. Was she about to laugh at me? “We’re going to resort in Negril. Do you remember if your resort’s in that area?
“Umm… I think it could be? I’ll have to check my paperwork.”
Karen gave Dan a slight elbow and squatted down in front of me. She placed a hand on my knee, her eyes dancing. “You’re going to Hedonism, aren’t you Jess?”
I nodded.
She giggled. “Don’t worry! I won’t tell! You look like you just got caught doing something naughty!” She patted my leg. “Don’t you worry, you’ll get all the naughty you can handle, hon.”
My jaw began to work again and it found its way back to where it could make words. “But… but…” I looked from Karen to Dan, back to Karen, back to Dan, like I’m watching a tennis match. “You go to church!” I finally blurted out.
“Praise the Lord and pass the condoms,” said Dan in a low voice. Karen shot him a look and they both laughed out loud.
I looked back and forth from them again. “But you…”
“Have sex with other people?” asked Karen. “Yep.” She got up from her crouch and sat in the seat beside me, Dan sitting next to her.
I froze. Oh. My. God. Were they hitting on me? We weren’t even there yet, and are they trying to get to hook up with me? I peered up at Dan. He had to be 30 years older than me! Old enough to be my father! Ewwww!
“We mostly stick with people in our age range though,” said Karen.” She patted my hand. She must have read my mind, and now I started to blush. She leaned into me. “If we played with young people your age, well, it’d be like playing with my son’s friends! Ewwww!”
I breathed a sigh of relief.
“Have you ever done anything like this before?” Dan was leaning forward looking at me.
I shook my head. “No. My girlfriend and her husband went a few weeks ago and had a fantastic time so I figured I could check it out.”
We sat and chatted for a while until they announced boarding. Honestly, of all the people I knew in Black Rapids, Karen and Dan were the last people I’d have ever expected to see on this trip. Who am I kidding—they’re the last people I would envision having sex!
When our flight landed in Miami, it was a short walk to the next gate for our last leg to Jamaica. Dan and Karen had stayed with me and brought me over and introduced me to a group of about twenty people that were waiting for the same plane.
“How do you know all these people?” I asked Karen.
“Oh, we met them a few years ago. They have an annual trip down as a group. There are a lot of groups that go down together at the same time each year. For the last three or four years we’ve been going at the same time to hook up with them.”
I scanned the crowd. Some of them were Karen and Dan’s age, more or less. But the rest of them were a scattering of ages from late 20’s to late 40’s or so.
A couple came over and hugged Karen and Dan lovingly. They were about my age.
“Jess, this is Josh and Carrie. They’re from home too!”
Carrie looked at me brightly, her blue eyes shining. “You’re from Black Rapids? That’s great!” She threw her arms around me in a big hug. “I’ve never seen you at the club though. Do you play in Black Rapids?”
She was so bubbly and excited that I really wasn’t put off by being hugged by her. For some reason, it was okay. I mean, I’m an affectionate person myself, but I’d never dream of hugging someone at first meeting. But then, why the heck not, I thought.
She was in a lot better shape than me, some sort of gym rat I guess. She was wearing yoga pants and a T-shirt. She was shorter than me by a full head, I could see that the top of her head didn’t show any roots in her hair—great, a natural blonde. I should have resented her great looks and trim fit body, but I didn’t. I was too busy liking her from the start.
“Play? I play the radio back home, but that’s about it.”
Carrie looked over her shoulder at Josh. Now I hated her. He was a fucking stud. He was over six feet tall, and another gym rat. I didn’t know what I liked more about him—the V shape of his physique or the way his arms filled out the shirt he was wearing. He crinkled his grey eyes at me and grinned. “I’m a virtuoso with my X-box myself,” he said.
Karen leaned into Carrie. “It’s her first time, Carrie.”
“Oh! You’ll love it!” she said, holding my hands. “It’s Josh and mine’s second trip!”
“No, Carrie… it’s her first time anything,” said Josh. I looked over and saw Josh had stepped back to give them room, but had put his arm around Karen, pulling her close into him. She threw him a smile and relaxed into his chest as he began to stroke soft circles on her belly, right at the waist.
“There’s exceptions to every rule, Jess,” she said to me with a twinkle in her eyes.
“Now wait a second!” said Carrie. “This is your first time exploring the Lifestyle?” She stepped away from me, her hands now on my upper arms. She looked me up and down. I began to feel fat again, being given the once over by this hard body.
“You got to start somewhere,” I said.
“Well, just take it nice and slow.”
“Not my style.” The hell with it. “I’m going to release my inner slut.”
Carrie’s eyes popped at that comment. “Slut,” she said, her voice steady.
I nodded. “That’s right.”
She crinkled her nose at me, still smiling. “Takes one to know one!” She stretched her arm out, gesturing at the rest of the people milling about chattering with each other. “We’re ALL sluts here!”
“I never liked that word, Carrie,” said Karen, still nestled into Josh.
“Shhh…” said Josh. “We put a spin on that word. It describes you too.”
Karen stiffened and shot him a look that could kill.
“Yes, Karen… S.L.U.T. Sexy, Loving, Unadulterated Temptress.”
Karen’s face softened a little. “I still don’t like the word, though.”
“I prefer Sex Kitten myself,” I piped up.
Karen looked over to me. “I haven't heard that term in years! I love it!”
“Me too!” said Carrie. “But still, small steps at the start, okay?”
“I don’t know about that,” I said. “I’m more of a jump into the deep end kind of gal.”
“She’s a Unicorn, Carrie,” said Josh. “She doesn’t have a husband to worry about you know.”
Carrie looked over her shoulder at Josh while still holding onto me and nodded. “You’re probably right.” She turned back to me. “I wouldn’t ever have had the guts to come down to Hedonism solo though.”
“She can take care of herself, Carrie,” piped up Dan, sidling up to us. “She’s a hell of a waitress. If you ever saw her at work, you’d think she owned the place.”
“Okay, okay just my mother hen coming out I guess.” She looked back up at me. “With your figure, the guys are going to flock to you like bees to honey though.”
“Yeah, right. You should talk.” I patted my own gut. Even though I had my pants tailored for this trip, the bulge was unmistakable. I looked like I was four or five months pregnant. “You got the body of someone in the brochure, and you know it.”
“I don’t have your boobs, and your curves are a lot sexier,” said Carrie. Her hand drifted down to my waist and started to stroke it. “I love how tall you are too…” Her face began to pinken a little bit, but she didn’t look away. Oh shit, I was definitely being hit on now, no question.
I’ve been hit on by women before. In my job, you meet all types, and Black Rapids isn’t that small a city. I just brushed the passes off, and that was that. This time though, a voice was screaming in my head ‘Jessy! This girl wants to have sex with you!’ Good Lord, I never even did the ‘kissing practice’ at slumber parties in high school!
Her come on scared the hell out of me. Did she have some agenda? Did she get some kind of rush out of being the first one for a girl the way some guys get all worked up taking a virgin’s cherry? I didn’t think so—looking at her, her cheeks now looked a wind burned. She was attracted to me and put it out there, that’s all.
The voice in my head had calmed down. What would it be like?
My hand rose and I cupped Carrie’s face. “You’re so petite and cute…” I said just above a whisper. “But I’ve never…”
Carrie placed her hand over mine. “It’s a full week… who knows?” now her bright eyes were dusky. Her hand covered mine firmly as we stood there. The rest of the departure lounge, the noise of the couple of hundred tourists, and the bright lights all faded behind her face. My mouth was dry and I licked my lips.
“I really don’t know what’s happening here,” I said. “I’m not saying ‘not interested’, and that’s a first for me.”
She blinked and gave her head a little shake. “I’m coming on stronger than I ever had with anybody; this is a surprise to me too.”
“Yeah, but you’ve been with women, right?”
She nodded, smiling. “Sure. But I’ve never… I…” Her voice trailed off, but she didn’t look away. She chewed her lip for a moment and said, “I’ve always been friendly to any overtures, but Jessy, this is the first time I’ve ever made a pass.”
Jessy? Nobody has called me that in years and years. I believed her.
“Well, this is the first time I didn’t decline a pass.” I held up my hand. “I’m not saying okay, but I’m not saying no thanks either.”
“That’s good enough for me. For now!” she smiled brightly and the world grew happier in some way. Talk about a Girl Crush on crack; and I didn’t know if it was her or me!
“Okay you two, they just called boarding,” said Josh. “Let’s all catch our breath.” He was smiling. Karen and Dan had already gotten into the lineup to board and Carrie and I separated reluctantly.
She took me by the hand and we got into the lineup too, Josh bringing up the rear, putting a hand on each of our shoulders.
“This is going to be an interesting vacation,” he said.
He said a mouthful.
Cuddly Swingers 3: Hooked On Hedonism
Chapter 1: Who’s That Girl?
When I first laid eyes on Jess, she made me feel young and old at the same time. Ain’t that a bitch.
I was at the front desk checking on my shipment to see if it had arrived, or when it would arrive when the bus from the airport pulled up. I wasn’t familiar with the group that came off, which is ironic. This was my twelfth time to Hedonism, and I figured that I knew pretty much all the different groups that came down.
As usual, they got off the bus as pumped up and excited as a gang of kids on a school trip to an amusement park.
I was chatting with Kenneth, the general manager when I saw her.
She could have been Pam’s sister.
She was the same height Pam had been, and had the identical figure—hourglass shaped. She was wearing khaki clam diggers and sandals. Her light blue denim shirt was tied in a knot right at her belly button. She was chatting with a petite blond woman about the same age as her, and they were laughing.
It was her eyes when she laughed that took my breath away. They danced, man. The shorter blonde woman must have said something funny because the bigger girl threw her head back and let out a laugh that you just knew came from the soles of her feet. But it was her eyes—they did this side to side thing as she shook her head a little.
God, it was adorable.
Pam did the same damn thing when she laughed.
How can a guy feel, at the same time, a stiletto of pain and warm joy in his heart?
She must have noticed me staring at her because she turned her head to me and stopped laughing. I tried to smile at her, but my face stopped working a second ago. I was a fourteen year old punk kid instead of a 44 year old man. She tilted her head and looked at me frankly, up and down.
I felt—me, I felt my neck start to burn, and the heat rose up to my ears. Oh shit, was I blushing? Yeah, just like a kid. The shot of pain in my heart was replaced by embarrassment.
And joy.
She hadn’t stopped walking into the lobby, she didn’t miss a step, but gave me a wry sort of smile, pulling her lower lip over to one side and looked away.
It all took maybe three seconds.
It all took an eternity.
“Hey, Steve,” Kenneth nudged my arm. “You okay?”
I turned back to him. I could feel my ears begin to cool off. “Yeah, I’m good. Just had a moment, that’s all.”
Kenneth had been leaning across the front desk counter. He straightened up and folded his arms across his chest. “Yes, I can see that.” He put his hand to his chin. “Hey, do you think
it’s a good idea for you to stay here?”
I stared at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I don’t know… well, I guess I just mean… jumping back in with both feet, you know? It might be a lot to handle or something.” He put his hand on my arm. “How about you stay at the Lido down the road for the first night or two?”
“I stayed there the last four times I was down, Kenneth. It’s time for me to come back home.” I pulled my arm away and shoved my hands in my pockets. I didn’t want him to see my hands were shaking.
He held his hands up in surrender. “Hey, hey… I’m just trying to help, mon.”
I glanced at my shoes and looked back up. “Yeah, I know.” I gave my head a shake. “Anyway, what’s the deal with the shipment?”
He started to give me the song and dance that Customs had given him on the phone earlier. I let him drone on as I looked over at the new arrivals checking in.
Her back was to me now, so she couldn’t see me checking her out.
She was either going commando or was wearing a thong, because her pants left nothing to the imagination. Her ass had a little bit of bubble to it, no sag. I bet she spent a lot of time walking. A girl her size would otherwise not be able to carry the extra padding the way she did.