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Electing For her Curves: An Instalove Possessive Age Gap Romance

Page 3

by Flora Ferrari

  Our eyes locked and our combined breathing sounding like two asthmatics stuck in a paper sack in the middle of a dust storm.

  I can tell she’s trying to say something, and I should say something too.

  But our bodies gravitate closer as I feel myself bending down towards her face, helpless now as it feels like we’re two magnets who can’t help but be joined together.

  Her eyes close, but I keep mine open.

  I don’t want to miss a second of this for the-

  “Mr. Silverthorn… Krystal!”

  Her eyes shoot open and she gasps a different kind of sound as we both hear the familiar voice of her father for what feels like too many times on the same day for me.

  And all at the wrong fucking moment.

  She spins to face him, conveniently hiding my front which I feel her warmth against as she instinctively leans back into me just enough to draw a low groan from me.

  “What the hell are you doing?” he almost shouts, turning an angry red, his hands knotted into fists as he stands shaking in the doorway.

  I can feel Krystal trying to stammer a way out of this, and by pure instinct my hand slips into her skirt pocket, fishing out her phone.

  I hold it up for her dad to see, exercising my trademark winning smile. Something which hasn’t failed me yet.

  “Krystal left her cell phone behind, Mayor Newland,” I inform him, a matter of fact as I feel Krystal’s hand dart behind her, groping her pocket and brushing my extra hard stiffness which twitches under her touch.

  “Her cell phone…” he parrots, sounding disappointed, looking to Krystal for confirmation as she pumps her head affirmatively while letting her hand linger just a second longer on my hot fat dick.

  “Mmm hmm,” she squeaks as her dad looks from her eyes to mine, to the phone, and then back to me.

  “Well uh… I got worried is all, Krystal. One minute you were in the office and the next you were gone,” he tells us both, frowning but buying our story.

  Krystal takes a step forward, and taking the phone from me she turns around and thanks me quietly, also giving me some time to cover myself by picking up my jacket from the back of my chair.

  “Not at all, not at all,” I murmur, explaining I was just on my way to collect my dry cleaning and I’m glad I could help.

  Mustering what looks like all the patience he has left, Mayor Newland tells Krystal he’ll follow her home in his car.

  “We still have a ton of things to arrange before tomorrow, as I’m sure Mr. Silverthorn does too,” he grimaces, holding the door open for Krystal.

  “About tomorrow?” I ask him, launching myself towards the door. “I really have no idea what to expect… I mean, I know I’ve been asked to speak but it’s nothing political, I hope?” I ask, trying to sound as naive as I can.

  Mayor Newland laughs loudly, instantly at ease now, and slaps me on the back as I pull my door shut behind us all as he walks me to my car. I watch Krystal go to hers and try to hold her eyes with mine as long as I can.

  But something tells me I won’t get another chance to see her before tomorrow’s gala dinner and ball, which is set to start early for me.

  I have to hand all those fliers out around town as well as at the gates, reminding folks who to vote for and why.

  “It’s not political, James,” he says confidentially, pressing his hand into mine and using it to try and pull me closer which simply doesn’t work.

  “It’s a friendly town, James. Traditional. We like things just the way they are and you’ll be afforded every courtesy along with the other candidates,” he reminds me.

  ‘Before you lose and I drive you out of town’, is what he really means.

  “Well, that sets my mind at ease,” I tell him sincerely, noticing his curious look.

  “And what if you don’t win the seat of Mayor, James?” he asks, trying not to smile, “What then?”

  I can’t help but look over to Krystal again before pretending to look thoughtfully around me at the township beyond.

  “Oh, I dunno… I’ve seen a lot to keep me here already, Mayor Newland. I don’t think you’ll get rid of me that easily,” I tease him, winking in Krystal’s direction.



  Two things I can’t believe.

  That dad would actively follow me all the way to James’ and second…

  No. Was he really just about to?

  He wouldn’t have. He couldn’t.

  I know he was.

  I’ve never kissed a boy let alone a real man, not like that anyway. Kissing my dad goodnight and for his birthday doesn’t count.

  But when James Silverthorn summoned me over I knew it was serious. I just didn’t think it was that serious.

  Holy cannoli.

  James Silverthorn almost kissed me.

  I don’t even remember the drive home, and even once dad starts to lecture me once we’re back in the office, all I can do is replay the moment over and over again in my mind.

  He was going to kiss me, and then dad walked in on us but James is so smart he just turned it all to his advantage.

  He also gave me more than I bargained for in the process, copping a feel of the man’s front after his huge, powerful hand fished into my skirt to snatch my cellphone out.

  He didn’t laugh or point. He didn’t give me those sympathetic eyes I usually get from the nicer people, nor the horrible remarks from the meaner ones.

  James Silverthorn actually likes me.

  Likes me enough to want to kiss me anyway, and the way my life’s going that might be as close as I get to eternal happiness with any man.

  But oh, what a man.

  I sigh heavily at the memory, slumping into my office chair with what I know is a huge smile on my face as my dad rumbles and groans about all that needs doing.

  “Are you even listening to me, Krystal?” My dad sighs, waving a hand in front of my face.

  “I said I think it’s fine by me if you don’t want to go to the dinner and ball… Too boring for you, I’m sure. If you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all, right?” he says repeating himself, glancing at me sideways after registering my reaction.

  “Oh, dad. Don’t be silly, of course, I’m going. I was just teasing so you’d buy me a new outfit,” I inform him, a matter of fact.

  His face falls and his shoulders stoop again. He pinches his brow as if he’s trying to think of something, some reason I really couldn’t go with him or be there at all.

  But we both know there isn’t one, just a few hours earlier he was practically begging me to go.

  Now, I think we both know what’s really drawing me there. Like a moth to a flame.

  James Silverthorn.

  Looking past dad, I can see a few of James fliers that ended up in his lot, screwed up in tight little balls on his office floor, some torn to shreds on his desk.

  “I thought you wanted me to go, dad?” I ask, not meaning to sound like I’m rubbing it in but I’m getting worried now. I’ve never seen dad so worked up over anything.

  His election week is his favorite of the whole year, the one time he can be patted on the back by the whole town and pledge them his support for the coming year.

  But this year it’s different. For me, it’s like a whole new world has been opened. The sleepy town of Woods End is suddenly just that now that I’ve met James Silverthorn.

  Dashing, handsome, strong, and smart.

  Successful and I’m supposing rich enough, without the need for anything this place has to offer.

  “Why did Mr. Silverthorn choose to run for Mayor?” I hear myself asking my dad, ignoring his own personal angst as I change the subject back to my own satisfaction without meaning to.

  “Why… I really don’t know,” Dad admits.

  “He’s wealthy, more money than this whole town I think,” he muses, joining in my own curiosity for a moment.

  “Has a string of successful enterprises, never married, no children…”
  I hear myself breathe out with a final sigh of relief. The one thing I’d never even considered was that he might be taken.

  As soon as I saw him, I knew I was his. Well. Going to be his anyway, now I know for sure.

  “Why would you ask anyway, Krystal?” Dad asks me suddenly, sounding suspicious and depressed all over again.

  I’m in the middle of my own moment of mild panic, hoping that James doesn’t think I’m taken. Or that I don’t want him to take me.

  “I thought you said you didn’t want to go to the ball and now you want to… want to know all about this… Silverthorn fellow. I don’t like it,” he finally shouts, holding a finger up in the air as if he could strike the very idea from the world.

  As if he could just erase James Silverthorn with a movement of his hand.

  But we both know he can’t, it’s too late for that now.

  “Take it easy, dad,” I console him, getting up and going over to him, lowering his arm and feeling how tense he is, suggest he go lie down for a while.

  I only manage to get him to his desk and rubbing his shoulders for a few minutes, I feel a little better once he relaxes by a degree or two.

  “We both have so much to do yet, honey. I can’t afford to relax,” he complains.

  “And you can’t afford to give yourself a heart attack either,” I warn him, pecking his cheek as I promise him I’ll sort through his fliers, the menu, and then double-check with the venue to make sure everything’s going to plan.

  “So you’re still coming?” he asks as I leave his office, turning around and feeling my hands go to my hips.

  “Dad. Really?” I ask him, trying to make light of it but not wanting to get into it all over again.

  I’ll let it go for now, but there’s no way on earth I’m giving up the chance to see James again.

  The very idea I even have to wait until tomorrow already feels like too long for me.

  It’s where I belong now, it’s the only place I want to be.

  I mechanically go through the motions of my duties as campaign assistant, manager really.

  Like every other time before, it’s running like clockwork. The menu, the food, the ballroom. It’s all set.

  All dad has to do is polish his speech, do some meet and greets tomorrow, and hand out his fliers as people walk by, reminding them it’ll be time to officially re-elect him in a couple of days’ time.

  The few other candidates will do the same, but everybody knows that Woods End’s Mayor is Bob Newland.

  Always has been.

  But will it always be that way?

  I’d never admit it to my dad, but I know who has my vote. And a whole lot more, when the time comes.

  Jeez, listen to me. I’m really talking like James is as head over heels as I am.

  I know I said I never believed in love at first sight, but having come so close to kissing him. Having him touch me like he did, covering for us both with my dad.

  I know what I feel inside.

  I just hope he feels the same too.

  It’s hard to break my train of thought, but somehow I manage to get through everything and think about James nonstop the whole time, dad eventually busying himself with his speech and a few phone calls from well-wishers which cheers him up a little.

  It’s getting dark by the time I’m done with everything I have to attend to and I almost stop thinking about James until I overhear one of my dad’s calls.

  Realizing how upset it makes him tells me who it’s about.

  “Oh he did, did he…? Well, we’ll see in a few days. The people of Woods End will have their say. Then our little friend will be scuttling out of town as fast as he breezed in, but this time with his tail between his legs,” he shouts before slamming the phone down, making me jump.

  His eyes meet mine through the doorway of his office and he doesn’t change his expression, not one bit.

  It’s official now, I can tell.

  Public enemy number one, in my dad’s eyes, is James Silverthorn.


  I can’t help but sigh happily once dad finally looks away, contenting myself to replay the whole afternoon experience I had with James.

  Those lips, that hand.

  His deep, commanding voice over the phone and the way I know he wanted to tell me to do so many other things.

  I freaking hope for my sake. I feel like I have to change again already I’ve been stewing in a pot of James all day, but the thought of a shower or touching anything near my throbbing clit right now would be the end of me.

  I have to save it, every ounce of pleasure and sensation I have down there.

  It’s all for him now.

  Every part of me belongs to James Silverthorn.

  I just have to figure out how this little black duck is gonna make sure he gets what belongs to him and soon.

  Not something easily accomplished with the mood my dad’s in.



  Watching her leave for the second time in one day is too much. If I don’t have her soon I don’t know what’s gonna happen to me.

  Worse than that, if anyone tries to get between us again, I can feel the caveman in me coming out more than ever.

  I might just have to put Krystal over my shoulder and drive us off into the woods someplace. Election be damned.

  But, I have to focus on my original plan, she’s the whole reason I’m here and the election, the dinner, and the ball are all part of that.

  It’ll be a perfect opportunity to spend some more time with her at the gala dinner.

  I’ve already arranged it so the seating suits us both, with me right next to her and then the other candidates next to me down the table.

  A masked ball is a no brainer. I’ve already decided she’ll have every dance with me, and once I can get her alone for a while I can give her that kiss I owe her.

  Once I win the election in a few days, or even if I lose, it doesn’t really matter now. She’ll kiss me again. For victory or for consolation.

  I know she will.

  My own car follows her old man’s and hers as long as the distance allows before I have to turn off into the town center to collect my suits and run my own errands.

  I’m supposed to spend all my free time greasing palms and handing out fliers too for the rest of what’s left of today.

  But one thing business has taught me is to delegate.

  Why would someone who knows they’ve won need to walk around trying to convince anyone in person?

  It’s simpler to just tell people they’ll have a new Mayor in a few days, this is what he looks like and this is how to vote for him.

  I don’t need to do that myself either, so after collecting my freshly pressed clothes I head to the local radio station, lay out some cash, and drive around until I hear my name being mentioned after every song.

  Doesn’t sound like much, but one thing I’ve noticed in this town is that almost everyone here has their radio on, old fashioned like.

  The same folks at the station recommend a few more names to distribute my fliers and spread the word.

  A few more bills and instructions on where and when to collect the fliers and I feel like my PR machine is already doing the heavy lifting.

  But there’s one thing missing in all this.


  I know why I’m doing it all, but I also know she wouldn’t care if I was Mayor or the local rat catcher.

  I guess that competitive streak of mine is just a natural marking on my coat.

  Like any good fighter, and a man who knows what he wants, I have to check out where this gala dinner and ball is as well.

  I want to make sure all my instructions are understood, but I also want it all to look completely natural. I don’t want to tread on anyone’s toes.

  Not openly anyway.

  I almost expect to see a huge red barn with a barbecue outback, but the venue for tomorrow’s event is actually a pretty impressive building given the si
ze of the town.

  The town hall’s been converted for the dinner and ball, with the same area set up for the actual election and post-election celebration in a couple of days.

  There’s a lot of posters of Mayor Newland too like it’s already in the bag for him and we all just have to go through the motions.

  The venue’s organizer spots me and introduces himself, a friend of one of my own business contacts. So, I don’t know the man but it almost guarantees I have a little sway over little things like where I sit for example.

  As long as I’m next to Krystal, I don’t really care about anything else.

  He walks me through the place, and I familiarize myself with the layout as well as the timetable he gives me.

  “If you can be here as early as you can tomorrow, there’ll be a lot of locals you’ll wanna meet,” he explains.

  I don’t know about wanting to meet anyone right now or tomorrow.

  “There’s an office for each candidate in the main building, where you can freshen up and change before the event,” he tells me, showing me through the rest of the place before being called away again.

  “Sorry, Mr. Silverthorn. Million things to do. If you get stuck I’m here to help.”

  I stare at him for a moment, “It’s Jules by the way,” he says reassuringly before disappearing in a whirl of turning pages on his clipboard as he murmurs calmly into his Bluetooth headset.

  “I’ll find my own way out,” I mumble to myself, knowing that’s not true either.

  I decide to poke around some and find the Mayor’s official office unlocked, and I figure I may as well have a look-see.

  Nothing over the top, it is a small town after all.

  But the photographs on the desk are what undo me.

  They are of Krystal, one a few years ago with her leaning over her dad from behind. Hugging him while on what looks like a vacation.

  The other is her graduation photograph.

  Both have me thinking about her more than ever. My own thoughts turning to when her hand pressed against my throbbing dick while my whole world was filled with her warmth and the smell of her hair.

  My phone buzzes, it’s the hired help looking to collect the leaflets and other ad material from my office.


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