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Mr. Too Big: BWWM Hitman Romance Novella

Page 10

by Jamila Jasper

  “I’m not sure I can do that sir,” I said looking into the business titan’s stormy grey eyes. The man had weathered his tenure as CEO well. His face was tan and the color of just dried tobacco leaves making him look as if he were on a permanent vacation. His dark hair was grayed out at the temples and gave him a distinguished air. I tried to imagine those features on someone half his age. Wondering what this asshole son looked like. If he’d inherited his father’s good looks I could see why he had the reputation of a playboy.

  “Of course, you can. You’re the only one I trust to do it. I know you have the patience of Job, the way you’ve worked with Cassandra from her being a timid mail clerk to now being your assistant. If you can work half of your magic on my son, I know he’ll excel at the job!” With that he stood and I knew that was my signal to leave.


  The whole rest of the day I hid out in my office and told Cassandra to tell everyone that I was not to be bothered. I had no idea if the spoiled scion came to the office or not, I just knew that I had no time to play babysitter, today.

  Eventually, I knew I was going to have to meet Caesar’s son, but tonight I needed a drink. Yep, a stiff drink was exactly what I needed. I shed my work blazer and took off my starched white blouse. I definitely needed to let loose because talking to Alaric had made me super tense. I took the pins out of my bun and raked a comb through my hair letting it settle on my shoulders in waves with the bun working as one huge bantu knot.

  Before I left the office, I took a look at my reflection in the mirror. My warm amber skin still looked flawless from my makeup application this morning, but I decided to swap my neutral nude lip for a bolder burgundy and wing out my eyeliner. I made a kissing face at my reflection and thought to myself that even better than a stiff drink would be a stiff cock.

  I shook my head, I shouldn’t be thinking about sex at a time like this. I needed to be thinking about a way to push the Jr. out of the executive office. Maybe if I showed him the ropes by throwing him in the deep end of the pool he’d realize he was in over his head. That sounded like a plan, but tonight I was going to leave all my problems at the bar.


  The Pink Lucy was a bar not far from the headquarters of Roman Enterprises, so I wasn’t surprised to see a few people from the company nursing drinks. Even Cassandra was in a booth nursing a drink and chatting it up with some of the other assistants. I waved when I saw her, but I wasn’t in the mood for small talk.

  I headed straight to the bar and couldn’t wait to order something strong. Luckily, there weren’t too many people sidled up to the bar. There were a few people huddled up talking about the game that was on and then there were some couples already getting handsy. I chose a middle seat that had two empty seats on both sides and prayed to God that no one sat down next to me.

  It seemed like God had answered my prayers until I was half way done with my third drink. That’s right, the third. I saw him walk into the bar. In fact, it seemed as if everyone turned to watch him walking in. He was the type of handsome that sucked all of the air out the room. I could tell that even from far away, but I still silently hoped that he’d just order a drink and take it somewhere else. Lord knows I didn’t need the temptation.

  “Is this seat taken?” he asked with a voice as mellow as top shelf scotch. I looked up to his face which held a smile that was half smirk and his eyes were a startling emerald green that popped behind his sun kissed skin. He also had a bit of an accent that made me think of my time on the Amalfi Coast. It also reminded me of all of the one night stands I turned down during my sabbatical.

  “Not really,” I answered as I shifted a bit in my seat.

  “Thanks,” he said as he pulled the bar stool out and sat down. I noticed that he wore no wedding ring, which meant he was single, cha-ching! Maybe, I’d get my more than stiff drink tonight.

  “I’ll have a Mutticano,” he said to the bartender. “And give the lady another of whatever she’s having,” he finished.

  “I’ll actually have what he’s having,” I say to the bartender. “Your accent, it’s nice,” I say as I turn back to the handsome stranger.

  “Thank you, I’m Italian,” he says proudly. If there was one thing I knew about Italian men it was their love for the sistas. I had to practically beat them off with a stick while I was there. I can’t say I wasn’t tempted, I just thought it was stupid to start something I knew I couldn’t finish. But looking at this Italian stallion I wasn’t thinking about forever, just for tonight.

  “Parlo un po 'di italiano anch'io,” I said telling him that I speak Italian a bit myself. Why I didn’t tell him I was fluent, I don’t know. I guess I was tired of the look of incredulity when I flawlessly rambled off a paragraph in Italian from those who were natives of the country.

  “Ah, you do! Great natural inflection, too. You roll your Rs really well,” he complimented me. There was a twinkle in his eye that told me that he wanted to see what else I did with my tongue. And I was raring to show him exactly how many tricks I could perform with my tongue that had nothing to do with his native language.

  We sat at the bar and talked and laughed mostly about my adventures in Southern Italy and how different and self-absorbed American culture was compared to the pace of the good natured Italians of his home country. I agreed and made him promise that we didn’t talk about work or our jobs and how it was such an American pastime to conflate what a person did with who a person was.

  He agreed and told me how he had been educated at Wharton Business school at the insistence of his demanding father, but as soon as he graduated he returned to the city of his birth. He had dual citizenship here and Italy because of his Italian mother he told me. Although, his parents had divorced when he was quite young he had a great relationship with both of them. His mother never remarried and was happy living in the warm glow of the Mediterranean while his father stayed in America.

  I told him of my own love for his country and the people there. And he seemed enthralled about hearing about his country through the eyes of a foreigner.

  “How about we get out of here,” he asked me after our drinks had gone to shit from sitting on the bar with ice in them too long.

  It seemed like my prayers were actually being answered for once and what a great reward for the worst day of my life.

  “Andiamo,” Let’s go, I said and with that we were out of the bar. I couldn’t help but notice the eyes on us as we left and chalked it up to jealousy. Even Cassandra it seemed was trying to get my attention, but ignored her and headed towards the door. I didn’t want anyone to talk any sense into me. I just wanted to not have to think about my career and what was the next step I needed to take.

  Leaving the bar, he signaled for the valet who brought around a sleek and sexy red sports car. I tried not to look impressed, that was until I saw the futuristic T on the hood. This was a Tesla Roadster. A car that was more than my annual salary and had to be reserved. Not just reserved, but a car that only had one thousand even available for reserve.

  I knew that I was the one that said let’s not talk about work, but I was seriously wondering what my Italian mystery man did and if they were hiring.


  We arrived at a large all brick brownstone in a ritzy part of town. He walked me through the front door which had a doorman dressed in a dark red uniform that seemed like a throwback to another era.

  “Good evening, Sir,” the doorman said as he held open the door for the both of us. I seriously hoped that he didn’t think I was a working girl or that I was one of a hundred girls he’d seen rotate in and out of this place. From the outside the place looked like it was one unit, but I could see that it was split up into four large condos instead of one single family unit. The lobby was understated, but opulent and I silently added up the cost of all the furnishings in my head as he led me to the door to his unit.

  Once we stepped in I was surprised at the height of the ceilings and the open floor plan and modern furnitu
re in his place. The outside of the place was still all old world prewar glamour, but the inside was modern Italian luxury. The juxtaposition wasn’t as jarring as it might have seemed and seemed to fit in with his personality a merging of two worlds like himself.

  He walked me back to where the bedroom was located and I started to think that the drinks must have been stronger than I thought when my body suddenly grew warmer. I backed away from him and my hands roamed my own body like a hungry lover searching for relief. I bent down and lightly stroked myself from my ankles to my waist and then began to gyrate my hips in a sensual motion. It felt as if I were having an out of body experience and was watching myself dance.

  My hands started to move up my body lingering on my full breasts and my ample ass, showing him what he could have if he said or did the right things. He grapsed my hands in his and raised my hands higher above my head while he nuzzled at the base of my neck. I then ntertwined my own fingers in his hair and gripped it lightly.

  My entire body felt as if it were on fire and I felt a familiar warmth and ache in between my thighs which were now wet with my own juices. He then stepped behind me and swept over my body in the same languid motions that I just had, stopping when he got to the base of my neck, where he blew lightly and whispered my name, Jayla. I tried to answer back, but the voice that came out was not my own it was made thick and husky with lust.

  “Yes,” I said lustily.

  “Let me show you how bad of a girl you’ve been,” he said in a low whisper.

  I didn’t know what he had in mind, but I was ready for anything he could dish out. His bedroom was sparsely furnished with a large bed draped in sumptuous fabrics from the ceiling creating a room within a room. He obviously had enough money to have a separate fuck pad because there was no way that this was his house. The whole place was outfitted for seduction.

  I walked to the bed and sprawled against the soft linens, writhing in the fabric like a playful kitten. “I’ve been so bad!” I exclaimed to him. He watched me wriggle in the sheets with a palpable hunger in his eyes and started to undress never taking his eyes away from my luscious form.

  He walked over to the bed and sat next to me, taking my face in his hands he kissed me softly on me lips, as if asking for permission. But then his hand came down swiftly on my ass still enclosed in my pencil skirt. I yelped loudly in surprise, but the pain wasn’t what I expected. Of course it hurt a bit, but the pleasure I felt with it surprised me even more than what he’d just done. He then took the invitation and kissed me deeper, searching my mouth as if it held the answers to the Universe.

  Everytime I attempted to pull away he’d raise his hand and lower it on my ass, each time making me cry out in pain and pleasure. The strap of my cami slipped slowly off my shoulder. I put up me hand to, to right it and he stopped me by gently placing his hand on top of mine and pushing the strap lower.

  My breast peeked out of the soft fabric and he took it in his hand. He kneaded me nipples softly and with great care as I softly moaned under the pressure of his deft fingers. He bent down to me and took one of the soft mounds and placed it his mouth, using his tongue to tease me like his spankings had before.

  I moaned deeper at the sensation and shifted on the bed while my body writhed in pleasure. He placed his hand in the opening of my skirt and touched my moist center. The moan that started with a kiss grew louder.

  He breathed in me ear, “Lay down il mio flore, my little flower.” I tensed up and started to hesitate. Was I really going to go through with this. It’s not like this would fix my problems, tomorrow I was still going to have to go into work and teach some little snot a job I could do with my eyes close.

  “Trust me,” he said and I couldn’t help but to do his bidding. The combination of his sexy ass accent and those green eyes that pleaded with me made me want to do anything he asked.

  I lay back on the bed and spread open my legs exposing my body to him. I was still damp in places, the crook of me elbow, my collarbone, my hair, and of course between my legs. Being so open to him as he admired me like a Picasso made me feel both beautiful and vulnerable.

  He lowered his head to my navel and kissed it gently and then led a trail of kisses to the top of my mound. I was so happy I had just gotten waxed earlier in the week. Of course, spending so much time on the beach I’d barely had time to grow any hair down there. The small triangle was like an arrow pointing to my pleasure center navigating his way. His fingers explored my folds and found my pearl.

  He teased it slowly and then opened me gently with his tongue. He kissed my pearl and then lapped at it gently. I moaned loudly in pleasure which encouraged him to keep up his momentum. I laced my fingers through his hair helping to navigate him closer to my climax. Encouraged by my movements he focused intensely on my pearl with his flickering tongue. Every time I writhed in pleasure he spanked my ass and made me yelp out in pleasure and pain.

  After he’d done so a dozen or so times I felt like I couldn’t take it anymore. My body trembled with every lick from his tongue and every spank from his firm hand until me body finally gave in and I climaxed. My body was spent, but he wasn’t finished with me. He brought his face close to mine and kissed me passionately.

  I could taste my essence on his lips. He then focused his attention on my full breasts, tracing circles on them until he reached me nipples. He then lowered his head and began to bite and tease them while I moaned and writhed in pleasure. Every time he nipped at my buds he spanked my ass making me yelp and I was hoping that the walls were well insulated. Because if not the neighbors would definitely be filing a noise complaint.

  He then lowered himself on to me, his cock standing at attention. My wet and warm center enveloped him like a velvet glove. He slowly moved inside of me stretching me to my limits. I grabbed him to pull him deeper into me and he plunged further to the hilt of his manhood.

  Once we’d molded ourselves to one another he began to gain momentum and began to move faster while my hips met him at every thrust. Our bodies continued to move and match each other in intensity until I could feel that he was near his release. I was nearing my own e and whispered into his ear, “Come inside of me.”

  I swear I had never uttered those words to anyone before and I had no idea what came over me. He seemed to totally lose all his control at my words and at my urging he climaxed and we came together, spent and exhausted.


  I awoke with a delicious ache between my thighs and the faint burning ache on my ass and a handsome man in a strange bed. I touched the side of his face and the prickly stubble of his cheek brushed my hands. I leaned in closer to him and brushed my full lips across his

  He pulled me closer to him and searched my mouth with a hunger that belied our lovemaking the night before. I felt the newly aroused hardness of him through the sheets and yearned for more of him. I grabbed the back of his neck insistently as he continued to kiss me, hoping that a round two was in our future. I was in no rush to get back to my home and then to work the next day to be a babysitter for my boss’ grown brat.

  I still didn’t know what had come over me. Although, I enjoyed my romp with my handsome Italian stranger I realized that I didn’t so much as know his first name.

  “Bella, you can sleep here tonight if you want. I actually need to be getting back to my place. I have to be at work early tomorrow. It’s my first day at Roman Enterprises and my father would kill me if I was late.”

  Although I was exhausted after our impromptu workout a panic rose up in my stomach. What kind of man would be in a rush to get to work because of their father? He was either a daddy’s boy. Did that even exist? Or I had just slept with my new boss and the man who I’d have to spend the rest of my time training for a position that I was better suited for.

  No fate, couldn’t be that cruel. There was no way that he was Alaric Caesar’s son, or was it? Oddio, oh God. If he was, I’d certainly been a bad, bad girl.

  Sexy Billionaire Dom Series

  Book #2: CLAIMED

  The dark glint in his eyes. The warmth of his hands as they pressed up against my body, siding along my trembling form. The heat of his breath against my skin. The gentle moisture of his lips, pressed against the space between my legs, his tongue easing up into my body. And God, the feeling of him inside me. Opening me up so wide, stretching me out so tight. How hot he was going in, and how completely he filled me up at the explosive heights of our rendezvous.


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