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Mr. Too Big: BWWM Hitman Romance Novella

Page 12

by Jamila Jasper

  And so it was nearly eight in the evening by the time I rolled back in my chair and stretched, feeling like I'd put in a decent days work. I pulled a couple of warm sheets of paper from my printer and stared at them to double check the accuracy of what was printed on them. They were my preliminary findings about the missing funds, and as soon as I got them laid on Mr. Caesar's boss for him to look at the next morning, I had every last intention of getting out of there for the evening.

  I stepped out of my office for the first time since that afternoon, my bones aching from inactivity as I made my way down the hall. I was all but certain that I was the only person left there in the office that night, so that when I placed my hand on the knob to Mr. Caesar's door and pushed it open, I thought I might just have a heart attack at what I saw waiting there for me.

  It was none other than Dane himself. Sitting at my boss's desk. Smiling at me, as though he'd been waiting there all evening.

  “Jesus!” I gasped, putting a hand to my heart to try and steady myself.

  “Not quite,” said Dane, rising up, “but almost...”

  He walked slowly across the room to me, and if I'd had any sense in that thick head of mine I would have turned tail and bolted, right there on the spot. But I didn't. I just stood there like a statue, fixed to the center of the floor as he eyed me like a hawk.

  “I figured you would have to come out of that office sooner or later. I've been waiting around all day to see you...”

  He closed the door slowly behind me, and my heart raced just a little bit faster. All day I'd been alone at my computer. In reality, though, I hadn't been alone for a single second- he'd been with me the entire time, his presence lurking over me like some kind of phantom. And now that he was here, in the flesh, right in front of me again, it was like he was everything I'd ever wanted, and so much more. All my good sense seemed to fly out the window, and I felt like whatever he said to me over the next fleeting moments, I wouldn't have the slightest will to disagree with him.

  I had to at least try to put up a show about it, though...

  “I don't want any trouble,” I said, and he laughed, and shook his head.

  “I know you don't,” he said. “And I don't either. You're free to walk out that door right now if you want to, and I won't dare try and stop you. But I can tell you right now, I know for a fact that you aren't going to...”

  I scoffed, growing flustered. “You're awfully sure of yourself, aren't you?” I asked, still in denial about what was about to happen.

  “Sometimes,” he said with a shrug. “I'm sure that I haven't been able to stop thinking about you all day. And I'm sure that just one night ago, you couldn't seem to get enough of me.”

  I swallowed hard. I opened my mouth to try and respond to this, but the words became trapped in my throat. What the hell was I about to get myself into?

  He reached out to me, and placed his hand gently against my temple. He waited respectfully, as though to be certain that this wasn't too far, and then he ran the tips of his fingers along through a strand of black hair, sending shivers all up and down along the course of my spine.

  “And I'm not so sure about this part,” he continued, his face seeming to come closer and closer to mine with every word that passed his lips, “but I have a strong suspicion, from the way you pushed me away earlier, that you're fighting with your emotions every bit as much as I've been. I mean, why would you be so vehement, if at least part of you didn't feel the same way about me?”

  He had me, dead to rights. I found myself stuttering, trying so hard to keep myself together.

  “I- I-” I began, the features of that handsome face growing more and more pronounced with every moment that passed. “I can't,” I said finally.

  “No,” he said. “You're afraid. Afraid of being found out. But look around you. You and I are the only two people in this entire office right now. Who besides us is ever going to know?”

  Maybe, in a vastly different state of mind, I would have put up an argument. Maybe, if I'd had an ounce of my wits about me, I would have at least tried to talk myself out of it. And maybe, if I wasn't falling for this man, so hard and so fast, I would have been able to stop myself from what I did next.

  But I didn't.

  Instead I leapt at him, unable to contain myself a moment longer.

  I tasted those lips again. I choked on that perfect tongue as he shoved it down toward my throat, and felt the heat of his body totally enveloping me. He breathed him in, so helpless, so totally surrendered to him that I didn't think I could stop myself even if I wanted to.

  But stopping myself was the very last thing on my mind...

  I pulled away from him gasping. My chest heaved, and my eyes widened at him. I felt like I should say something. Like I should add some sort of condition to this, or make him swear to me that we would never let anyone know.

  But I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to say a single thing. All I knew was that I wanted him around me, and inside me, and that nothing was going to be right again until I made that a reality.

  “You sure changed your tune in a hurry,” he said, giving me the most suggestive little smirk. It was almost more than I could stand.

  “Just shut up and take me before I change my mind,” I begged him, like there was any realistic danger of that actually happening at this point.

  My boss, the vice president of Roman Enterprises, did exactly as he was instructed.

  He wrapped his arms around me, and he pushed me back against his father's desk. With a careless arm he flung every last scrap of paper from the wooden surface and cleared a space for me, pressing his body so hard up into my own that I thought he might smother me. He pushed that mouth of his back into me once again, and slid his hands down to my waist.

  Reaching his hands around me, he squeezed my round ass through the fabric of that tight little pencil skirt. Giving me exactly what I wanted, and simultaneously claiming me as his own. I hoisted my leg up around his perfect body, and felt the hardness of his cock pushing up into me through the lap of my skirt, instantly making me so wet that I could hardly even stand it.

  We kissed, deeply, and furiously. He pinched on the skin of my ass and rolled my buttocks around inside my skirt, causing me to shiver, and making my knees wobble so violently together that I thought I might fall over. He slid his face to the side of my neck and kissed so hungrily, like I was the only thing in the world that could satisfy his cravings.

  I knew with complete certainty that that was one hundred percent true the other way around...

  He sank his teeth into me very lightly, another gorgeous gesture of his ownership over me. I couldn't help myself, and a low, desperate whimper rose up from my throat, letting him now exactly how badly I wanted it from him. Exactly how badly I needed it from him.

  And God, if that wasn't enough, soon I felt the palms of his hands sliding so gradually up along the front of my body. They grazed my heaving stomach, and made my nipples tingle as he made his approach. He cupped his hands against me through the fabric of my blouse, and squeezed, and I cried out.

  This was the step where alarm bells began to sound in some far-off, distant corner of my mind.

  You shouldn't be doing this. You shouldn't be doing this anywhere, not with him. But you sure as hell shouldn't be doing it here, in his dad's office, of all the god awful places in the world you could possibly choose.

  But again, I just couldn't help myself. Whatever voice of reason was trying to make itself heard over the ringing in my ears, it was drowned out by the sheer intensity of the passion I felt toward this man. And as though reading my thoughts Dane leaned in close next to me, and whispered, so very delicately in my ear: “You want me so damn bad...”

  I didn't dare raise any argument to this. How the hell could I?

  The next thing I knew I was lifting my arms up for him, letting him peel away every scrap of professionalism from my beautiful, trembling body. He pulled me out of my blazer. He shucked me out of my blouse
, and shimmied me down out of my skirt. He left me in nothing but a pair of high heels and lingerie, my dark skin glistening with sweat as I let him take in a nice, hungry eyeful of me.

  I knew he wanted me almost as much as I wanted him- there was no mistaking it from that beautiful swell in the front of his dress pants. But I felt certain, as I watched him tear open that shirt of his and expose that beautiful chest of his, that I was easily the one getting the better deal out of all this.

  He yanked down his pants and came up behind me, in nothing but his open shirt and the tight black fabric of his boxers. He put his hands on my hips and I expected to be pulled into him. I was pleasantly surprised when, instead, he turned me around, and doubled me over the edge of his father's vacated desk.

  The naughtiest little smile spread across my lips at this moment.

  I didn't care how bad this was anymore. I wanted it so bad right now, I found I really didn't give a damn what the consequences might be.

  I shivered again as he brought a hand up against the nape of my neck, and let his fingers dance down between the planes of my shoulders. He sensually traced the shadowy line of my spine, making me tense up the further and further down he moved. Then I felt the give of the fabric as he pulled against my panty line, dragging that delicate black lace down along my skin, and revealing every warm inch of me, so fresh and so ready for the taking.

  I felt him move his body forward, and his underwear being pulled down to grant him access to his long, perfect tool. I felt it slide out, and push up against me. Then I felt it move inside.

  I cried out, breathless, my eyes impossibly wide as he entered me.

  We'd first made love such a short time ago, yet it seemed like an eternity too long that the too of us had since been apart.

  He touched down against my g-spot, and immediately began hammering away at it. He thrusted that perfect body of his up into me, his thighs smacking against my ass, his muscles overpowering me, every ounce of him dedicated to the singular cause of my pleasure.

  His hands started up on my shoulders, gripping me in place while he worked up speed. Then they moved down beneath my chest, sliding into my bra and squeezing my bare breasts beneath the cups. He pinched on my nipples while he fucked me, squeezing on the flesh and making me so dizzy with the competing sensations that I didn't know what to do with myself.

  Finally, though, his palms made it all the way down and grabbed me exactly where I wanted him too. He held my ass is in his vice-like grip. His nails sinking into my flesh. Filling me with just the right amount of pain as he slammed me from behind. Striking down every so often with a loud crack of agonized pleasure, getting me so much wetter, so much hotter for him than I already was.

  “Oh yes! Yes! Yes!” I cried. “Please! I need it so badly!”

  “I told you you did,” he said as he pumped himself harder and harder into my body. “That's exactly why I'm giving it to you...”

  At last he jerked back, and struck down hard inside the deepest fathoms of my body. I screamed. He came. He roared as he filled me up with his hot, abundant essence, and before long I was right there with him. Screaming at the top of my lungs. Unable to control myself, and not giving a damn if everyone in the world heard exactly what we were doing.

  Finally the sensations died, and he drew himself out of me. I felt exhausted, but he took me up into his arms, and gently kissed the hot skin of my neck, savoring the sweat of my flesh and making me feel absolutely incredible.

  “See?” he whispered into my ear. “We both got what we wanted. And no one in the world is being hurt by any of it...”

  “Yeah,” I said dreamily, surrendering to the cool, perfect haze of the afterglow. “I guess you're right...” I thought, for a moment, that he was right. That I'd just been making far too big a deal about all of this. And that it was a mistake not to reach out and take what I wanted sometimes- especially when I wanted it so very, very badly.

  I almost thought he was right. But then I just happened to look up through my half-open eyes, and spot the gleaming black lens of a hidden camera pointed straight back at me.

  And right there, instantly, my blood ran cold...

  Sexy Billionaire Dom Series

  Book #3: KISSED

  I couldn't believe what I'd just done.

  No- I hadn't done what I'd just done. I couldn't possibly have been that stupid. That totally irresponsible and impulsive. I was the Chief Financial Officer at Roman Enterprises at an age that was almost ridiculously young. I'd gotten to where I was by keeping my nose to the grindstone, and out of any funny business that might come along to trip me up in my steps along the way.

  I mean, for God's sake. I'd just spent the entirety of the previous work day holed up in my office, doing everything in my power to avoid the man I'd climbed into bed with the night before- blissfully unaware that the same man just happened to be the son of my rich and powerful boss, who I was reasonably certain had a crush on me despite being at least double my age.

  That whole damn day I'd spent trying to undo my one mistake, and right that ridiculous lapse in judgment the best that I could. Only to turn around the moment my guard was down and let that same bad mistake bend me over across the desk of my boss, his father, and fuck me totally silly.

  In all honesty, what the hell was wrong with me?

  I knew people in this office who'd gotten fired for far less than any of this. Good workers who'd been canned for sneaking home a box of paperclips. Just what the hell kind of a professional young woman breaks into her boss's office after closing time and lets his son go to town on him right there across his desk?

  So no. No of course I hadn't done any of those things, because the Jayla I'd come to know over the years, the Jayla I'd cultivated so carefully my entire life, simply didn't do those kinds of things.

  Business. Pleasure. Two very separate categories. So easy, right?

  And yet, how could I deny what I knew to be the truth?

  Maybe I could have denied it, if all I had to go by were the toppled remains of Mr. Caesar's desk strewn across the room. Or my scattered clothes lying tossed over the floor. Or my legs still ringing, or my ass still red with Dane's handprint, or the wet of our love still dripping down my thighs.

  Given the choice, I know I still had it in me to compartmentalize all of those things. I could still shut the door in my mind, an close it all off. Pretend like none of it had ever even happened.

  But there was no pretending as I looked into the beady black eye of the hidden camera. So carefully concealed against a far wall, hidden away on a bookshelf within thick stacks of books.

  My legs shook as I made my way over toward it, and not from what Dane had just gotten through doing to me, as much as he might liked to have believed that was the case. But instead from the sheer terror I now felt coursing through my body. The certainty that I'd been found out. That every movement I'd just made with the CEO's son on top of me had been caught on film, available to be seen by whosoever might care to see it.

  Who was I kidding, really? Who the hell else did I think would care to see it?

  Dane was still panting across the room as he slid back into his underwear, and began buttoning his open dress shirt up over that rock hard body of his.

  “What's wrong?” he asked, clearly aware of the change in my demeanor.

  I didn't answer him. I slowly took the camera from Mr. Caesar's bookshelf, and turned it around in my hands to the back. A black monitor showed that it was still recording, and after a minute of fumbling with the device in my hands I found and clicked the stop button. Then I made the mistake of hitting play, and watched in horror as the entire lurid scene of the past half hour came racing back to me onscreen.


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