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Claiming Love

Page 8

by Holly J Gill

  We picked up his grandma and took her to view a few bungalows in a retirement park where she would have the freedom to come and go and some as she pleased. Her meals would be prepared, the facilities included a swimming pool, gym, mini-cinema and it would give her the chance to make friends and not be alone. There was also a call bell if she needed medical assistance.

  His parents joined us, and they loved the setting. It was perfect for his Grandma. She would still be independent with help a stone’s throw away. It was clear what Ross thought. We left Grandma to talk to some residents and he spoke to the carers and Manager.

  I stood outside in the garden watching the residents taking in the beautiful well-pruned area, with benches, a water feature, and tables and chairs.

  “Hey,” Ross said, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me, as he placed a kiss on my cheek.

  “Hey,” I replied, placing my hands over his.

  “It’s really nice here,” I said.

  “It is. I think she’s going to go for it. We’ll just need to sell the house which shouldn’t take too long. I’ll leave my parents to do the negotiating. Dad is good at that.” He kissed me on the cheek again before moving to the bed of flowers and plucking a large daisy and passing it to me.

  “Ross,” we turned to find his mum walking towards us. “She’s going for it.” She smiled

  “Thank goodness for that, it’s a good decision, Mum,” Ross added.

  “It is. That’s a pretty flower you have there, Donna,” she smiled knowingly.

  I stared at the flower, placing it behind my ear before we made our way to everyone else. His parents took Grandma home, and Ross and I climbed into his Range Rover and went for a drive.

  He parked at the top of a hill, and when we stepped out, the view was exquisite.

  “This was where I came as a kid on my bike with Calvin,” he told me as we looked out at the landscape. The weather was glorious, allowing us to see as far as the York Cathedral.

  We sat down for a few minutes taking it in. He cast a glance at me.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “It sure is.” He said, but he wasn’t looking at the view when he said that.

  I nudged his shoulder, and he smiled.

  We drove to a village pub where we had a meal.

  “This was where it all started,” Ross said sitting opposite me at a picnic table. “That building behind you was where Sophie stayed until we worked out the mess she was in. I’m so glad we are all where we are now, including me, sitting here with you. Donna,” he reached across the table, taking hold of my hand. “I really like you, in fact taking you back home tonight isn’t something I’m looking forward to…” he stopped and looked down at our hands linked together. “I want to take you to my new home once the paperwork is finalised. In fact,…I have an idea.”

  He got to his feet, holding his hand out for me. We were on the road again.

  He pulled the car up outside a beautiful cottage after driving down a lane. It had a seventeenth-century date above the door. It was in the most idyllic location, so peaceful and tranquil.

  “It’s been recently renovated and costs more than I originally wanted to pay, but it’s perfect and so quiet. Calvin and Sophie are only fifteen minutes away. What do you think?” he asked.

  I gazed at him, totally flabbergasted at the stunning home.

  “It’s stunning, it really is.” I had no other words for it, it was something out of a dream. I stared at the daisy he gave me, which was now on the dashboard. I had the urge to kiss him all over and make love behind the nearest tree. But was it the right time? Could I be so bold?

  We drove back to York, and I picked my car up.

  “When will I see you again?” I asked as he opened the car door for me.

  “I’ll call you, hopefully sometime this week. I have nothing planned for next weekend if you fancy getting together and maybe, heading off exploring,” he smiled.

  “I’d love that.”

  We kissed, and I climbed into my car.

  “You know, maybe…just maybe I’ll finish early one evening and come to yours for coffee,” he teased.

  “Yeah, isn’t that the famous pickup line, you trying to get between my sheets,” I added.

  “Hell yeah, but I’m a patient man.”

  “Yeah right, like you were patient with your Grandma.”

  He closed my car door grinning, and I reversed out the drive with his guidance before heading back to Harrogate, hating the fact that I lived so far away, but more so that I was leaving him behind.

  My chest was so tight it was restricting my breathing.

  That coffee offer was getting closer, and I was almost ready!

  I glanced at the daisy he picked for me, being so grateful for so many things, meeting his family, sharing in a family decision, allowing me to give my input. They made me so welcome like I’d been in the family for years.

  It confused me how my family could be so nasty, and Ross’s was perfect. I felt a pang of jealousy that they had something I didn’t, something I never had. I often asked myself what I did wrong?

  I need to stop thinking that way. My life with my family was the way it was, and there was nothing I could do to change that. I needed to concentrate on my future and fingers crossed…Ross was in it.

  I know…I know, I was getting ahead of myself and, should slow down, but he was so gorgeous, charming, caring, and lovable in every way possible. All I wanted to do was make babies with him…no I don’t…I do. I’d be lying if I denied it.

  I pulled into my driveway just as the streetlights came on. I got inside flicking the lights on as I made my way to the kitchen to make a cuppa. My phone beeped. I smiled when I picked it up to find a message from Ross.

  Are you home? Xxx

  I typed out a message but hesitated to add kisses at the end

  I am, just got in! Making a cuppa! Xxx

  I pressed send, a smile loomed across my face. I sent those kisses.

  Shame, I would love nothing more than a coffee with you. xxx

  I placed my hand across my chest, wishing he was here joining me.

  So do I. Thank you for a great day! Xxx

  No problem, thank you for joining us! Xxx

  I was falling crazily in love with the man, and I had the urge to jump into my car and head right back to York. My entire body ached to be with him, to have him holding, touching, and manipulating my body to the point of an orgasm like never before. I wanted him so bad.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Donna was on my mind all day, making it more challenging to get my work finished, so I could see her. Unfortunately, I called into meetings all day and had to call clients in was proving to be a nightmare. It was my job, it was what I had worked so hard for, so I should not be complaining.

  I messaged her several times, and she responded, but hell it wasn’t the same as being with her or talking to her on the phone.

  I sat behind my large wooden desk staring out the window, the rain bounced off the glass. I sighed before taking a sip of my coffee.

  My phone buzzed with a message from Cal.

  I had two minutes, so I decided to call him.

  “Hey, Cal,” I chimed.

  “Hey, how are you?” he asked, sounding fed up.

  “What’s up?” I asked aware something was troubling him.

  “Nothing, well, nothing serious. Sophie is having a tough time, getting sick all the time, and not eating. I had to take her to the doctors. Fingers crossed, she settles down. Have you heard any more on the house?”

  “Yeah, I’m signing the papers on Friday, so I can move in. I took Donna to see it, just the outside. I don’t have the keys yet. And Grandma is finally moving into retirement housing,” I told him.

  “Well, that will put your mind at ease, especially with her having all these accidents. She’s been lucky she’s hasn’t had any major injuries. Wait…you took Donna to the cottage, and? How are things going?” C
al asked curiously.

  “That’s true about gran Cal. I can’t wait for her to get moved in and settled down. I love her dearly, but hell, she stresses me out. Yeah, I took her to see the cottage. I wanted to show her where my new life would be, and things are…it’s going well. If I get a chance this evening I’m going to pop and see her,” I told him. The thought excited me, maybe I could cook her something or order is some take her out.

  “That would be a wasted trip, bud,” Cal laughed.

  “Why?” I furrowed my brows.

  “Cos she’s at ours, having tea. She’s bringing Kacey home and wants to check on Sophie,” he added.

  “Oh, oh ok, fair enough. I’ll see her…” I looked at my schedule. I had a case tomorrow and was signing the contracts for the house Friday and getting inside my new home, and new life. “…well over the weekend probably.”

  “You could always come over, and join us,” Cal hinted.

  My heart skipped a beat. “Are you sure? I wouldn’t be prying?”

  “Don’t be daft, get your arse to the house.”

  We both laughed, and he gave me the time. I had to knuckle down and get all my work wrapped up. We decided not to say anything and surprise Donna. I seriously could not wait to see her breath-taking smile and those eyes that dazzled me.

  I drove to Cal’s house delighted he’d invited me.

  The traffic was typically a nightmare with it being rush hour, but I made it to the house in good time, driving down the Cherry Blossom drive. It was so beautiful when the trees were in flower. I saw Donna’s car, and it made me smile. I parked and grabbed the two bouquets of flowers, one for Sophie, and another for Donna, one I knew she would love.

  I made my way to the door, Cal opened it before I rang, wrapping his arm around me in a man hug, careful not to squash the flowers.

  I made my way into the open living space. Donna turned, and a smile lit up her pretty face. The fact that she was so happy to see me melted my heart. Sophie stood first and kissed me on the cheek, and I handed her the flowers. Donna rose and made her way toward me.

  “Hey,” I said softly.

  She smiled shyly. “Nice flowers.”

  I was dazed, even my inner dictionary had vacated.

  I was hypnotised with her. I pushed the flowers forward, “Sorry these are for you,” I informed her, finding my voice.

  “Wow,” she said, taking them from me. “Daisies, they’re beautiful,” she said grinning.

  “Good…I erm, well…How are you?” I asked, needing to step out this besotted funk. But all I had on my mind was kissing this woman senseless.

  “I’m good and you?”

  “Yeah, good.”

  “I’m so pleased you’re getting the keys to your new kingdom,” she said shyly. “Uhm…Cal…” she explained.

  “Yeah. I was hoping that I could pick you up on Friday night to see the house,” I told her, quirking the corner of my mouth up, praying she agreed.

  “I’d love to, thank you.”

  “Are you going to allow Donna, to be the interior designer,” Sophie teased.

  I between Sophie and Donna. I lifted my brows and smiled. Personally, Donna could come in and turn every room into hers, and I would love it.

  “Sophie, if she wants to, then yes indeed.”

  Donna just blushed.

  “Shall we eat, or are you two going to stand out here life lovesick puppies,” Sophie added which made Donna glare at her. We laughed and made our way to the dining room.

  The evening was awesome, just what I needed, we laughed and played card games before leaving.

  Donna and I said our ‘goodbyes’ and ambled to our cars. Thankfully Cal and Soph left us alone. I had no doubt she was peeking from a window.

  “I guess I’ll see you Friday evening,” I told Donna as I opened her door.

  “You will,” her eyes glowed in the starlight. “Thank you for the flowers.”

  “It’s my sincere pleasure.” I stepped closer into her space. I had to kiss her, there was no way I was leaving here without those lips on mine. I tipped her chin, and my lips found her soft luscious one’s. My kiss was gentle at first but the closer I held her to me, the harder it became to keep it soft and sweet. Our lips and tongues collided, and I pressed her body closer to me.

  My body felt lit as I devoured her mouth with mine, then lingered on a soft kiss, for as long as possible.

  Donna pulled away first, breathless. “I’ll see you on Friday.” I gazed at her, feeling my insides somersaulting. “You never know, I might invite you in for coffee,” she added a cheeky wink and grin.

  I smiled at her and watched as she climbed into her car and drove off.

  “You have it bad Ross,” Cal said, hitting me on the shoulder.

  “Shut up, I thought you were inside” I laughed, aware Cal knew me far too well.

  “Yeah, but I couldn’t let you off without a good laugh.”

  I shook my head as I climbed into my Rover. He was right, I did have it bad, and I didn’t care if I did.

  Chapter Sixteen


  It was Friday, and yes, I had the keys to my new home in my hands.

  I drove to the house and practically ran inside to check the place out. It was exactly how I remembered it to be, the rooms seemed bigger, even if it was all stark white now, but with Donna in my life, I was certain she would add some colour. She already did.

  The kitchen was stunning, brand new, with all new mod cons. I opened the sliding doors into the lush garden. There were horse fields beyond and the rolling hills of the countryside. It was exactly what I had dreamed about, idyllic in every way. I turned to look at the house and smiled.

  My phone buzzed, and I pulled it out from my slouch pants. Donna.

  “Hey, guess where I am?” I teased.

  “I know. I’m at the front door.”

  “Shit.” I hung up and raced through the empty house and opened the front door to see her smiling. I widened the door for her entrance.

  “Wow, what a surprise. I was supposed to pick you up.”

  “Gorgeous,” she said, her eyes beaming.

  “Definitely,” I responded.

  “The house, not me,” she giggled when I didn’t take my eyes off her. She sure was.

  “This has nothing on you,” I winked.

  I gave her a tour of the rest of the house, leaving the kitchen to last, and she stepped outside into the open doors. The sun blazed down on her making her long dark hair shine.

  “What do you think?”

  She turned to face me. “It’s beautiful, now you need to make it yours,” she smiled.

  “I do, the removal van isn’t booked until tomorrow, so we have the evening together, fancy a meal out, or can I cook something at yours?” I asked her.

  “Is this your way of getting that coffee?”

  Crap she had me sussed out, not that I would rush her. She meant far too much for me to lose her at this stage.

  I held my hands up. “Can’t blame a guy.”

  She walked back into the house, with me following close behind her. She grabbed her handbag from the hallway and walked to the front door opening it.

  We got into our cars and drove to her house. I needed tonight. I needed to be with her. I needed to have my heart stolen from me. She was my everything, and every second spent with her gave me an extra blast of passion.

  I pulled into her drive behind hers, and we made our way into the house.

  “Coffee,” she chanted.

  “Yes please…is this…”

  “No, behave,” she laughed, walking through to the hallway where I stood.

  Our eyes burned into each other with hunger. My heart thumped against my chest wall, desiring her so damn much.

  “Donna,” I softly spoke.

  “Yes,” she inquired.

  “I erm…” frustration built deep inside of my gut, this was ludicrous, insane, I was acting like some damn teenager. Hell, did I really behave like this back
in the day? I headed into the lounge. This was impossible, intolerable, these feelings were seriously getting out of control. I had to have her, hold her, whisper sweet nothings and pray she didn’t turn her back on me or kick my sorry arse out the house.

  I sat on the couch and held my head in my hands.

  “Ross…” I heard her sweet voice.

  “I’m ok…” I lifted my head to look into her stars as every inch of me was ready to dissolve in her love and share our souls. She was like an angel hauling me into heaven, taking all of me. She could have me, no questions. When I asked Sophie and Cal ‘what my chances were with her’ I meant it, I still do and will mean it until I die.

  “I’m sorry. I just…” I stood and took a few steps towards her. I reached out for her hands and placed them in mine. “I’m struggling with us. I’m bursting at the seams the more time I’m with you…I long for you, and when I’m not with you I want to be with you, does that make sense?” I said baffled, unsure if it made sense myself.

  “I know what you mean. I’ll go and make the drinks,” she said and pulled her hands from mine and bolted before I could even get another word out. Damn, I’ve screwed up, she thinks I’m a good-for-nothing, a guy who simply wants to get in her knickers. I do, but not like that. Oh, hell this was messing with my mind. I need a therapist. I need advice on how to say the right things to the woman I am in love with so I don’t have her running for the hills.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I could think of nothing other than what Ross had just said knowing I felt the same. So why did I rush away from him? I turned to find him in the doorway, watching me. Nerves took over, as my heart pounded hard in my chest. I swallowed and turned to glance at him, he appeared tense, and his eyes narrowed. I watched as he gulped. He was so gorgeous, even when worried. I had never seen this side of him, had I found his weakness?

  “You’re beautiful,” he announced.


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