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The Undead King

Page 10

by Kugane Maruyama

  The guardians’ shock must have been at the fact that Momonga would send Sebas, who boasted no weaknesses and all manner of strengths in a head-on fight, out to do a task so simple as reconnaissance. They took this as a sign of how wary he was about the unusual situation they were in and the reality of the crisis began to sink in for them, too.

  “Well, it’s about time to wrap up, but—” Momonga caught sight of Sebas jogging toward him. When he arrived, he slowly lowered himself to one knee like the others.

  “Lord Momonga, I apologize for my lateness.”

  “No matter. More importantly, what’s it like out there?”

  Sebas looked up and cast a momentary glance at the guardians.

  “This is an emergency. It’s only natural that we should inform the floor guardians.”

  “Yes, my lord. For a half-mile radius, it’s all grassy plain. I could not confirm any man-made structures. I saw a number of small animals as one might expect to be living in such a place, but there were no humanoids or large life-forms.”

  “Are the small animals monsters?”

  “No, the creatures did not appear to have any combat ability to speak of.”

  “Aha… And this grass, is it the sharp, stiff type that stabs you as you walk through it?”

  “No, just plain meadow grass. There is nothing special about it.”

  “You didn’t see any floating castles or anything?”

  “No, none. There was no sign of any man-made light in the sky or on the ground.”

  “I see. A starry sky, then… Nice work, Sebas.” Momonga expressed his appreciation but felt a bit discouraged about how little information he’d been able to get.

  Still, now he more or less knew that they were not in the world of Yggdrasil, although there remained the question of how he could use his in-game equipment and cast spells like usual.

  It wasn’t clear why they’d been teleported or where they’d ended up, but it seemed like they should raise Nazarick’s alert level. They might be in someone else’s territory. Suddenly taking up residence in someone else’s territory without permission would surely invite anger. They’d be lucky if “anger” was as far as it went.

  “Guardians. First, raise the alert level by one on each floor. There are too many unknowns right now, so don’t let your guard down. Take any raiders alive. Capturing them without injury would be ideal. It goes without saying, but we don’t want to complicate things while we’re in this uncertain situation.”

  Everyone bowed together in understanding.

  “Next, I’d like to hear about how things operate here. Albedo, how do you share security information among floors?”

  In Yggdrasil, they’d just been NPCs operating according to their programs. There shouldn’t have been any movement of information or mobs among floors.

  “The security of each level is left up to the individual guardians, but we do have a system for sharing information, which Demiurge oversees.”

  Momonga was slightly surprised but then nodded his head in satisfaction.

  “Splendid. Defense Operations Coordinator Demiurge and Floor Guardian Captain Albedo, I trust you to work toward a more perfect system.”

  “Yes, my lord. To clarify, we can except levels eight, nine, and ten from the system?”

  “Victim has eight covered, so that one is fine. Actually, I’m making eight off-limits. I take back the order I gave you earlier, Albedo. As a general rule, only those with my express permission will be allowed to enter the eighth level. Undo the seal that prohibits direct travel between the seventh and ninth levels, and let’s have the security system cover the ninth and tenth levels as well.”

  “I-is that all right with you?” Albedo’s astonishment was plain on her face.

  Behind her, Demiurge’s eyes opened wide, and he said what they were actually thinking. “You will permit lowly minions to enter the domain of the Supreme Ones? Is the situation so serious as that?”

  Minions were the monsters that members of Ainz Ooal Gown did not create, the mobs that spawned automatically. Come to think of it, with very few exceptions, there were no minions in the ninth or tenth levels. Momonga wasn’t sure what to say.

  Albedo seemed to think those areas were some kind of holy ground, but the truth couldn’t have been further from that. The reason there were no mobs assigned to the ninth level was simply that by the time a group of raiders broke through the eighth level where all the strongest monsters were, they figured they didn’t have much chance of winning, so they decided they would just lurk in the Throne Room like proper villains.

  “I have no problem with it. This is an emergency, so let’s up our guard.”

  “Understood. I’ll choose the very best, most noble minions for the job.”

  Momonga nodded and turned to look at the twins.

  “Is it possible to hide the Great Tomb of Nazarick somehow? I’m not sure if illusions alone will cut it and thinking about the energy required to maintain something like that gives me a headache.”

  Aura and Mare put their heads together. After a moment, it was Mare who spoke. “I-it would be difficult to use magic if we need to hide all the parts that are aboveground… But maybe if we covered the walls with dirt and grew plants out of it…?”

  “You intend to soil the walls of glorious Nazarick?” Albedo addressed Mare over her back. Her tone was sweet and gentle, but the emotions contained were confrontational.

  Mare’s shoulders jerked. None of the other guardians spoke, but they all seemed to be in agreement with Albedo.

  To Momonga, however, her comments were unnecessary heckling. They weren’t in a position to be concerned with such things. “Albedo, don’t interrupt. I’m talking with Mare.” Even he was surprised at how deep his voice was.

  “Ah, my apologies, Lord Momonga!” She bowed low, her face frozen in fear. Sebas and the guardians’ expressions instantly stiffened as well. Although the reprimand was directed at Albedo, they must have taken it personally.

  From the sudden shift in mood, Momonga realized he’d said too much and regretted it, but he continued his discussion with Mare. “Is it possible to cover the walls with dirt and hide us?”

  “Y-yes. That is, if you’ll forgive me doing such a thing…”

  “But if we were spotted from a distance, wouldn’t a huge mound of dirt seem out of place…? Sebas, are there any hills in the area?”

  “No, unfortunately it seems to be flat; however, I can’t say for sure that I didn’t overlook something due to its being nighttime.”

  “I see… But if we want to conceal our walls, Mare’s plan is a brilliant one. What if we mounded up dirt in the area to create dummy hills?”

  “In that case, we would stand out a little less.”

  “Okay. Mare and Aura, work together on that. Go ahead and take anything you need from the levels. We’ll conceal the tall parts you can’t cover later with illusions that work on anyone not from Nazarick.”

  “Y-yes, sir. Understood.”

  That was all Momonga could come up with for the moment. He felt like he was probably missing a lot of things, but they could always discuss them later. It had only been a few hours since the crisis began.

  “Okay, that’s it for today. Everyone take a break and then begin your tasks. It’s hard to tell when we’ll be able to take it easy for a bit, so don’t work too hard.” The guardians bowed their heads in understanding. “Finally, there is something I would like to ask each of you. First, Shalltear: What kind of person do you see me as?”

  “A concentration of beauty. You are truly the most beautiful person in this world. Jewels don’t hold a candle to your fair body,” Shalltear replied promptly. It was obvious from the unhesitating speed at which she responded that what she said was what she really thought.




  “You’re merciful
and exceedingly considerate.”


  “I think you’re s-super nice.”


  “You are wise in judgment and always make use of your energy to get things done. And I think the word inscrutable describes you well.”


  “You were the leader of the Supreme Beings. And you are the merciful one who did not forsake us, but stayed.”

  “Last but not least, Albedo.”

  “You are he who holds the highest position among the Supreme Beings and our exalted master, as well as the man I love.”

  “I see. I think I have a sufficient understanding of everyone’s thoughts now. I’m entrusting a part of the work my friends used to do to you. Strive to be ever loyal!” Momonga teleported away as the guardians humbly bowed before him again.

  The scenery changed at once from the arena to Lemegeton and its golems. Once he’d looked around to make sure no one was there, he heaved a sigh. “I’m exhausted…” He wasn’t experiencing any physical fatigue, but he could feel the mental weariness weighing down his shoulders.

  “Why do they all think so highly of me?” They must have me mistaken for someone else. As he was listening to them talk he’d wanted to laugh and point out their error. “Ah-ha-ha-ha,” he chuckled dryly and then shook his head—the looks on their faces and the mood in the room had told him they weren’t joking.

  In other words, they’d been completely serious.

  If he didn’t live up to their appraisal, they might be disappointed. The more he thought about it, the weaker he felt. And there was one other problem. Remembering it made him wince so hard it seemed like it would show on his skull. “What should I do about Albedo? I can’t face Tabula like this…”


  The pressure all but forcing their foreheads into the dirt vanished.

  They were all aware their creator and master, worthy of their worship, had departed, yet no one stood up. Some time passed before someone let out a sigh of relief. The tense mood relaxed.

  The first one to stand was Albedo. The places where her knees had pressed her white dress into the ground had gotten slightly dirty, but she didn’t seem to care one bit. She fluttered her wings to shake the dust off her feathers. As if given momentum by Albedo’s example, the others stood. Then scattered thoughts began to be voiced.

  “T-that was really scary, huh, sis?”

  “Seriously. I thought I was going to be crushed.”

  “I’d expect nothing less from Lord Momonga, but to think that his power would affect even us guardians…”


  They all shared their impressions of Momonga. The pressure that had shoved them all toward the ground was the aura Momonga had been emitting.

  Aura of Despair. It caused the fear status effect along with ability penalties. Normally it shouldn’t have worked on NPCs the same level as him, but the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown had boosted its effects.

  “Lord Momonga has shown us his caliber as a ruler.”

  “Right? He had that authority all along, but he didn’t exercise it until we gave our titles. The moment we presented ourselves as guardians, he unleashed some of his great power.”


  “That must be it.”

  “Yeah, he wasn’t giving off an aura at all when he was with us. He was super nice. He even gave us something to drink when we were thirsty!”

  The other guardians bristled. They were envious to the point where it showed. Albedo’s reaction was especially big. Her hands shook, and it seemed like her fingernails were about to rip through her gloves.

  Mare’s shoulders jerked and he spoke up in a loudish voice. “S-so that was Lord Momonga being all serious as the ruler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, huh? Amazing!”

  The mood changed instantaneously.

  “You’re exactly right. He responded to our feelings by behaving in the manner of an absolute ruler—I’d expect nothing less of our Creator, the pinnacle of the Forty-One Supreme Beings and our merciful master who remained with us to the end.”

  Everyone seemed enchanted, listening to Albedo’s words, but only Mare’s expression contained relief.

  The Forty-One Supreme Beings were their Creators. Naturally, everyone was enveloped in incomparable happiness at having witnessed the true nature of one who deserved absolute devotion.

  The greatest joy of not just the guardians, but anyone created by the Forty-One Supreme Beings, was to be of use. After that came being paid attention. This was only logical, of course. For someone created to be useful to the Forty-One Supreme Beings, what greater joy could there possibly be?

  Sebas spoke to disperse the lax atmosphere. “Well, I’m going to head back. I don’t know where Lord Momonga went, but I should probably being serving at his side.”

  Albedo looked awkward for a moment, but recovered. “Got it, Sebas. Attend him respectfully, and if anything comes up, let me know immediately. If he calls for me, I’ll go running at once, no matter what I have to cast aside.”

  Demiurge, listening to this, had a faint look on his face that showed what a piece of work he felt she was.

  “Oh, but if he calls me to his bedchamber, tell him I’ll need a little time. I should bathe first. Of course, if he says to come as I am, I don’t mind at all. I’m keeping myself as clean as possible and paying meticulous attention to what I wear so he can summon me at any time. In other words, though it’s only natural, Lord Momonga’s wishes take priority—”

  “I understand, Albedo. If I waste too much time here, I won’t have as much to serve Lord Momonga. That would be terribly rude to him, so apologies, but I take my leave. Excuse me, everyone.” After saying his parting words to all the dumbfounded guardians, he jogged off.

  Demiurge spoke as if to dismiss Albedo’s look that said she hadn’t finished. “Well, it sure is quiet. What’s wrong, Shalltear?” Everyone turned to look at her. She was still kneeling.


  She lifted her head only after being addressed a second time. Her unfocused eyes glistened.


  “Th-that awesome presence was so thrilling that my underwear are in quite a state.”


  No one knew what to say, so they just looked at one another. Shalltear had the most twisted fetishes of all the guardians, and all they could do was facepalm when they remembered her necrophilia. Mare was the only one who didn’t get it and stood there looking perplexed. But there was one present who wouldn’t let that be the end of it—Albedo.

  Something like jealousy caused her mouth to open. “You bitch!”

  The insult caused Shalltear’s lips to curl into an alluring smile.

  “Huh? Lord Momonga is one of the Forty-One Supreme Beings, as well as extremely beautiful. It’s a reward to be hit with such a wave of power. You’re crazy if you didn’t get wet! Maybe you weren’t made pure at all—maybe you’re just frigid! Hm? You big-mouthed gorilla!”

  “You dirty rabbit!”

  They glared at each other. The other guardians didn’t think it would devolve into a death match, but they still looked on with anxiety.

  “I was created the way I am by the Supreme Beings, and I have no complaints. Do you?”

  “You know, I’m pretty sure the same goes for me!”

  Shalltear slowly stood up, closing the distance between them slightly. Their eyes remained locked. They moved closer and closer together until finally they were bumping up against each other.

  “You must think you’ve won because you’re convinced you get to be close to Lord Momonga just because you’re captain of the floor guardians, but isn’t that a bit far-fetched?”

  “Ha! Well, I do intend to achieve absolute victory while you’re busy guarding the most remote areas of the To

  “Pray tell what you mean by ‘absolute victory,’ Captain.”

  “A bitch like you ought to understand! Yes, I mean that.”

  During the exchange their gazes didn’t budge. They continued staring expressionlessly deep into each other’s eyes.

  With a ruffling noise, Albedo’s wings stretched out imposingly. In response, a black haze began to come off Shalltear.

  “Uh, Aura, I’ll leave the girls up to the girls. If something happens, I’ll jump in to stop them, so just let me know.”

  “Wha—? Demiurge! You’re gonna shove this off on me?”

  Demiurge backed away from the standoff, waving his hands in surrender. Cocytus and Mare followed. They didn’t want to get involved.


  “Personally, I’m quite curious what the outcome will be.”


  “Could be in terms of beefing up our war potential or the future of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.”

  “What does that mean, Demiurge?”

  “Mm…” Demiurge wondered how to answer Mare’s question. For a moment the sadistic desire to spoil that innocent mind by filling it with adult knowledge reared its head, but he dismissed it without hesitation.

  Just like a demon should be, Demiurge was cruel and cold-blooded, but that was to outsiders of Nazarick. He saw others created by the Forty-One Supreme Beings as precious comrades in his loyalty.

  “A great ruler should have a successor, right? Lord Momonga stayed with us until the end, but he could still lose interest in us and go where the others went. It’d be nice if he’d leave us someone for us to give our loyalty to if he leaves…”

  “Uh, so you mean you wonder who will be the heir’s mo—”



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