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Swept Away: The First Bloodline

Page 4

by Crystal Smith

  She tried not to think about it. She was trying not to think about anything. He already knew more than she ever wanted him to know. For anyone to know for that matter.

  "It's impossible not to think. More times than you can imagine. It doesn't work. There's always something. Trust me."

  "You have got to stop it. Don't let me know what you know. Even though you hear it, let it be mine." She knew it didn’t make sense.. But to her it did. She didn't want him repeating everything that went through her mind. It would be like a broken record.

  "I'm sorry this is new for me as well. I mean, I have had these abilities, if you will, for a very long time, and I've never shared them with anyone like you before. My,,, family,, are the only ones that I've ever known."

  "I can see why you wouldn't volunteer this about yourself. But why are you telling me? And what do you mean by people and anyone like me?" Taylor couldn't help but to wonder why anyone would tell someone that they just met all of this and she felt she needed to know why he felt he needed to tell her and should she be insulted by the like me phrase?

  "Because I don't want to hide who I am around you. Your very special to me Taylor. Don't take it as an insult. You are a very good thing."

  "Why?" Why would I be special and a good thing to a complete stranger? There isn't anything special or good about me. I'm just me.

  "I can't answer that right now. I know you have questions, and I know what your questions are, but trust me in time you will have your answers, just not tonight. Let's just have a good night and not ask each other any more questions."

  "Okay. What is it that you would like to do then, I mean we can’t exactly have the normal where you from, what do you do conversation after that so?" Well that just opened the door to a lot of possibilities. Taylor blushed at her brains intrusion once again.

  Damien smiled big showing his celebrity perfect teeth. "Okay so some questions, just nothing about reading minds okay." Emphasis noted on some okay, got it.

  "So what you do for a living? Oh wait," she couldn't help herself. "Are you a medium?" She laughed. On second thought, she had no reason to be laughing. Laughing hardly seemed appropriate now after finding out someone she was deeply attracted to could read her mind and feel what she was feeling at the same time as she did.

  He laughed. She was glad he found that amusing. Her back and forth thinking and rambles. Not many people got her sense of humor at all. The fact that she had met someone who got her was a relief. Chase understood her. He had the same sense of humor that she did. What seemed like tearing hilarious to them made other people look at them like they were a fool.

  Chase! What the hell am I doing?

  "You're having fun. Something you haven't done in a long time. You're not doing anything wrong. Just hanging out, dancing, smiling, laughing, relaxing and acting alive."

  She started to breathe heavy. Tears burned at her eyes again. She felt like she was betraying Chase. A constant reminder deep inside her of her wedding vows to him. Till death do they part. That was the problem. She wasn't ready for death to come and visit them. Their lives had only just begun and he had been taken from her. A part of her still belonged to him and probably always would.

  So the problem was her mind and her heart had was if she was to start a relationship with someone else, Damien, not only would she feel as she was betraying Chase, but she would be betraying Damien as well because she could never give him her whole heart. Chase had taken a piece of it with him that would never be hers to give again.

  "Taylor listen to me, I would never expect you to give his piece of your heart away. Those memories made you the person you are today. Some are good, some are great, some are terribly sad. I am grateful to Chase and will always be. He loved you, treated you as you deserved and took care of you when I couldn't be there. I know that the man in him would want you to move on and be happy."

  Immediately she was angry and he knew it as he took a step back and put his hands up.

  "How do you know what he would want? Can you talk to the dead as well? Can you ask him why he didn't fight harder? Can you ask him why he left us? Can you ask him what the hell I am supposed to do now? Well can you?

  No you can't. The last time I checked, tombstones don't talk back! How dare you! You don't know me, you don't know my family, my kids. He left me alone, pregnant with twins. How dare he?" She stepped away from Damien giving herself the distance that she needed right now. "No I didn't think you could. You the whole medium thing was a joke, you had no right to go there with Chase!"

  She was screaming at him. Now stepping towards him. Tears flooded her eyes, running down her cheeks. She was in a full-blown pissed off at the world stay, and she was taking it out on him. He continued stepping back with each step she took towards him.

  "Taylor, please forgive me. I didn't mean to upset you like this. Let me help you now." And with a long stride towards her, his lips were on hers kissing her. She felt a tickle to her brain almost and then she got a taste of him and hastily became drunk on the feeling of his tongue moving in and out of her mouth, owning it, almost marking every inch of it as his.

  Taking what he wanted. His lips softened against hers, as she no longer fought against him. She was drinking him in and praying he didn't stop. She wanted to feel more. And that's when she did.

  Chapter Three

  His mouth tenderly kissed from her lips to her jaw, slowly to her ear, and down her neck. His lips and tongue teased her in the exact places she wanted to feel him. From her neck to her clavicle, to her sternum, to her left breast.

  He tugged at her nipple with his teeth through her clothes, sending a surge of pure pleasure to the apex between her legs. She felt herself gush bodily fluids into her panties and her body clench tight. His hands and mouth followed every demand her mind unknowingly made.

  I pray this is what heaven is like and if it is take me there now.

  His hands gripped her top and slowly pulled it up in over her head. Her breath hitched from the sudden force of her chest to his chest. His mouth back on hers demanding forcefully what he wanted now. And what he wanted and what she wanted, were the exact same thing.

  For the first time her mind went blank and just felt what he was doing to her. She felt her body react further to him and it was completely and totally delicious. She thought about her insecurities and for a moment she thought that she should be nervous but as he stepped back and stared at her body she wasn't.

  Strangely enough the longer he stared at her, the more she seen his eyes darkened, the sexier she felt.

  His eyes locked with hers again. She realized that they had went black. Black and full of lust. In a blur he was pulling her body to his. Her body was full of uncontrolled feeling. She couldn't get a grip on them. Her hands reached for him filling his body. Gliding down his arms to his biceps feeling the muscular curves. Enjoying the feel of his sexy arms.

  Down to his forearms and back up across his chest. She felt the muscles in his chest beneath his black T-shirt. She wanted to taste them there.

  He pulled away from her smiling, gripping his shirt, he pulled it off dropping it to the floor. She fought to keep her jaw off the floor as she glared at his incredibly, deliciously sculpted body. Bodies like his were made to make mouth like hers water she thought. To put on a billboard somewhere for all lusting women to see.

  Suddenly she felt as if she was suffering from a run of supra ventricular tachycardia, when he dropped to his knees in front of her and gripped the band of her skirt. His thumbs latched under the band and with his eyes burning right through her he slowly slid them down her legs, taking her panties with them. Thank God she had taken care of all of her grooming needs before leaving the house.

  He wasted no time before his thumb spread her open, his mouth claimed her throbbing, swollen clit. Her knees jerked, her legs trembled. She could feel her orgasm almost there at an intense and embarrassing fast rate.

  She felt her body tense and then her knees buckled and her legs we
re out from under her and he held her tugging and sucking her nipple as her body shuddered and quivered with release.

  Her eyes remained closed as the last ripples of ecstasy ran through her. Then she could feel him moving with her. The feel of cool silk sheets against her back told her she was now in his bed.

  "Open your eyes Taylor." She could hear the excitement in his voice as he spoke to her. "Do you trust me Taylor?"

  She didn't know why or how she did after only meeting him and especially after his admission of his gifts. "Yes." She breathed.

  "Promise me, no matter what you see, he won't be frightened. Trust that I won't hurt you. Can you do that?" She immediately notice the rise of his anxiety.

  "I promise." God I promise. I'll do anything just don't stop touching me.

  He chuckled. She didn't care that she just begged him in her mind and he heard every bit of it.

  "You want to see what else I can do?" A devilish smile appeared on his lips and she was enticingly intrigued to know a lot more about him.

  "Yes." And then she felt it. Oh my God how are you doing that?

  She could feel the muscles tightened around her body. Sweetness erupting through her as she experienced the most intense, spectacular orgasm ever. Her back arched up, her head and bottom dug into the coolness of the sheets. Her breathing had completely stopped as she held it.

  She gasped for breath as she felt the tug of her nipple. "Breathe baby, breathe or I won’t let you come like that again." She didn't know how she forced herself to breathe but she did, knowing she wanted him to do whatever he had just done again and again and again.

  She heard her lungs breathe in, then seen him smile. Hook, line and sinker came to mind as she realized at this moment, she would do anything he asked of her in or out of the bed. And he knew it.

  He stood as she watched. Her mouth began to water as he unzipped his pants and slid them down. Gray boxer briefs were all that was left. His cock was hard and seeing the impressive outline of it made her lungs fill with the air surrounding her again.

  His thumb gripped his impossibly any sexier underwear and slid them down allowing his fully erect sex to spring to life in front of her. He was enticingly large and she felt her own eagerness growing by the second. She slowly blinked and when her eyes opened he was in front of her. On the bed with her.

  She couldn't bear it any longer and placed her mouth to his. The way he kissed her was so familiar to her. Just like, just like Chase. Her heart began to tighten. The knot reappeared in her stomach. Tears invaded her eyes. And once again she froze. Opening her eyes looking at him as he watched her and then slowly smiled.

  "I can make it go away." His mouth was heavily on hers and suddenly she couldn't remember why she had tears in her eyes. Again she felt a nice little tickle to her brain.

  Her anticipation was growing and she wanted him deep inside her. She wanted him thrusting upon the oh so sweet spot hidden there.

  Again, she burst into sweet intense eruptions of pure ecstasy. Another orgasm tore its way through her body and she had no choice but to accept it, feel it, and enjoy it.

  "Patience." Is all he said to her as his mouth moved down her neck. His teeth nipping at her nipples causing a surge of electricity to shoot straight to her core. She felt pain with it but yet pleasant and she welcomed more of it. His hand and fingers dug into her waist, squeezing her tightly.

  Strange feelings overcame her. She could no longer feel one mouth and one set of hands on her. She could now feels several mouths, several hands, several tongues teasing her. Taunting the nerve endings that suddenly awakened from the coma like state they had been in.

  She wanted to open her eyes because she felt as they were not alone but they wouldn't open. She was almost too scared to see if there was really someone else there with them. And yet she didn't want this feeling to end either.

  "It's just us my sweet. Enjoy it. Keep your mind open and enjoy it."

  Okay, enjoy it. I can do that. Another one of your gifts I assume.

  One mouth was on her left nipple teasing and tugging. Applying pressure to the point of pain but making her crave more. She felt the tongue teasing her abdomen, her navel. Hands massaged her thighs. Teeth nipped at her hip.

  "I bet you taste as good as your smell." He murmured. She heard his chuckle knowing he had just heard her thought. You had your tongue from my head to my toes. You know how I taste. You tell me. But somehow she couldn't help think that chuckle didn't sound like she was taking it.

  "Mm-mm,,," The feeling of a finger inside her now. She was surprised and eager for more, as it meant in and out of her fast. She felt herself building again. She didn't want to come this time without him in her.

  "In time, take it, enjoy it, allow this to happen. I do this for you."

  "But I want to do this with you. Please." She begged him. But silently she knew he knew the real reason. She was greedily waiting for him inside her. She wanted to feel him filling her. The stretching of her body to accommodate his magnificent size. The sweet sensation of G Spot stimulation.

  "Oh my Sweet, Sweet Taylor. Raise your legs for me." She felt giddy. Yes! She wanted to scream out.

  Her mind went to another place when she felt him testing her. He slid himself in slowly and then back out. Again he repeated his torture. And all at once he filled her completely.

  "Oh my God!" She screamed out. Oh, I can't do this. I wasn't ready for this. I thought I could. She began to panic. He was too large for her and she hadn't been with anyone in over six years. She hadn’t even had the urge to have sex until now. Stupid idea, stupid body, stupid urge, greedy ignorant Goddess of mine. Shut up Taylor! This isn’t your first time. Be a big girl. You know how it works? She scorned herself.

  She could feel her body responding to his size amusement. The pain turned from sharp to just a slight burn as he moved in and out of her. His thumb on her swollen clit moving rapidly in circles as he moved in and out of her. The burning quickly fading to pleasure.

  He started to move in a perfect rhythm. She wanted more. So he gave it.

  "Harder still." She begged for more now that only pleasure was being felt. "Please give me all that you have." And he did. Just like he was sent here to pleasure her everyone need. She had immediately, like a flip of a switch, gone from she can’t do this, to give me more.

  He balanced himself on his elbows and his weight on her was wanted. She was close again, body achingly close. She tried to fight off the urge wanting to wait for him.

  "Let go. Accept this."

  Her head was spinning as she let go and allowed yet another mind altering orgasmic rush. She felt herself tremble and shake uncontrollably beneath him as he kissed her through it. She felt herself spasm and tighten then burst around his cock that was stilled and buried deep inside her.

  "Taylor, promise me no matter what you see next you won't freak out. You won't leave without letting me explain first."

  "I promised that already." She giggled. She didn't understand why he was so nervous when he had nothing to be nervous about and she could assure him of that.

  He began to move in a rapidly, growing, thrusting rhythm. He groaned into her ear and she loved the sound of it. He pounded deeper and deeper inside of her still. She felt his body tighten and suddenly thrust himself up, locking his elbows while throwing his head back.

  "I want to see your eyes." She pleaded with him. She wanted to see the pleasure that he was now feeling. She wanted to see a reflection of her own desire in his eyes.

  His head dropped, his eyes opened and she couldn't believe what she was seeing. There was no way. She wasn't seeing this. She tried to back out from underneath him but he held her in place. She gave it everything she had to move him, but he didn't budge and it didn't appear that he was having any problems keeping her beneath them.

  "Let me go." She watched as his eyes softened again. Each time he blinked his eyes had changed colors.

  "Taylor, you promised me you would let me explain. Don't do
this I beg you!"

  "No, let me go!" She was forceful, throwing the words to him.

  "Then you leave me no choice." He shook his head.

  "What's that supposed to mean? Tell me!" Now for the first time, she felt his words as a threat and fear replaced every motion she had been feeling.

  "I can do more than read your mind, feel your emotions and give you mind blowing orgasms. I can do this as well." She watched as he began to smile and she could feel her anger and fear leaving her yet again. With that same familiar little tickle, a peaceful feeling settled down on top of her, bleeding its way deep into her soul. And all the emotions that were just coming from seeing red eyes, were now gone, fading away to nothing more than just a memory.

  "How did you do that?" She had to know. It was amazing but her inquisitive mind needed answers. She no longer cared that his eyes were red, she only wanted to know how he made her feel so wonderfully alive. The feeling she had not felt in such a long time now being resurfaced by a new mystery man.

  "I can hear your thoughts, feel your emotions just as you do and I can control your mood. Make you feel as I want you to feel."

  Intriguing! Don't forget mind blowing orgasms. What else can you do?

  "You would be amazed at the things that I'm capable of. But I fear just as this is freaking you out, allowing you to know all of it at one time maybe too overwhelming for you. Let me just hold you tonight and then when you wake up, I will explain everything."

  Okay. I'm not ready to leave you anyways. I want you to hold me tight all night, even while I sleep. I want the feeling of safety and security, that I feel when I'm in your arms. I want to crawl into your chest, fall asleep, and wake up exactly the same.

  "My body is your Sweet. Trust me."

  Zach, Ashley.

  "No, don't worry. I have already spoken with your sister and she is taking care of them. She assured me to worry about nothing and I had to promise her something in return." She seen the look on Damien's face. She didn't like it. It made her nervous.


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