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A Twist of Fate

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by Donna Raider

  A Twist of Fate

  by Donna Raider


  Edited by Claudette Cruz

  Covers by Joolz & Jarling

  Julie Nicholls & Uwe Jarling

  ©9/2019 Donna Raider

  ISBN: 9781690893882

  Independently published

  By Donna Raider

  A Twist of Fate is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

  Copyright 9/2019 Donna Raider

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—mechanical, photocopy, electronic, recording, or any other, except for brief quotations in printed reviews—without prior permission of the author.


  To my bohemian who made me see the world through a kaleidoscope—bright and sparkling. You make me laugh. My world is a happier place because of you. You will always have a special place in my heart.


  ​ Donna


  CHAPTER 1 - Negotiating with the Queen

  CHAPTER 2 - Old Black Magic Called Love

  CHAPTER 3 - Stalling the Storm

  CHAPTER 4 - Contracts and Confessions

  CHAPTER 5 - Elvis Has Left the Building

  CHAPTER 6 - Trouble in Paradise

  CHAPTER 7 - Budget Meetings

  CHAPTER 8 - Remorse is a Relentless Mistress

  CHAPTER 9 - Cool Girls Don’t Dig Antiques

  CHAPTER 10 - Home

  CHAPTER 11- Payback’s a Witch

  CHAPTER 12 - Meet My Mother

  CHAPTER 13 - Operation Leah Watch

  CHAPTER 14 - Our Abilities are Only Limited by

  CHAPTER 15 - Sweat and Elbow Grease

  CHAPTER 16 - Playing Horsey with Mommy

  CHAPTER 17 - Growing Pains

  CHAPTER 18 - She Was Truly Evil

  CHAPTER 19 - Mommy’s Coming Home

  CHAPTER 20 - Burning My Way through Hell


  It is best to read the first book in this series A Twist in Time before this one. Both are free for Kindle Unlimited readers. If you are not a member of KU, you can purchase the two-book set for the price of one book and download the entire story.

  In A Twist in Time , book one of the Two Different Worlds series, Priest Mika Cross falls in love with witch Leah Anthal. Mika obtains permission from the church to wed Leah and the two embark on a journey to save mankind.

  Mika and Leah have arrived in New York to chaperone their son Richie during his band’s appearance at Carnegie Hall. Mika is familiar with the city, but it is new and fascinating to Leah.

  Mika is an angel, neither female nor male, but an entity from heaven where there is no such thing as gender. Mika first appeared to Leah as a man. Leah killed him. Mika’s second attempt at wooing the beautiful witch was as a woman. Leah fell in love with her thus Mika has retained the female form.

  The beautiful Leah is one of the most powerful witches in the world. Her love for Mika gives her the strength to overcome her occasional desire to do wicked things to her adversaries.

  The two immortals are just beginning their lives together and learning about one another. This book begins when Leah and Mika transport to the New York apartments Mika has owned for years.

  CHAPTER 1 - Negotiating with the Queen

  Mika had let the building management know that she would be arriving on Wednesday with her new wife. There was a great deal of excitement among the staff. The caretakers were employees who called Cross Towers their home. All of them were very fond of their employer and often worried that she had lived a solitary life without the benefit of companionship. There was a great deal of discussion about her wife.

  “No need to pack,” Mika kissed Leah lightly. “You will be astounded by the clothes in New York and will most likely want to bring a few new outfits home with you.”

  “You want to transport into your penthouse?” Leah raised an eyebrow questioningly. “What about transportation once we arrive?”

  “Yes,” Mika nodded. “There’s a car for us at the apartments.”

  “Why don’t I do the honors,” Mika agreed, “since I know where we’re going?” Lacing their hands together, they closed their eyes. When they opened them, they were standing in a gorgeous room with two walls of glass. They had views overlooking the Hudson River, and various landmarks in New York.

  “This is beautiful,” Leah exhaled.

  “So beautiful,” Mika whispered, taking in her wife’s wide-eyed beauty. She led her through the apartment showing her the various rooms. “And last, but not least, our bedroom.”

  Leah surveyed the room, mentally making changes in it.

  “The entire penthouse would benefit from your decorating skills,” Mika admitted as she led Leah through her bachelorette quarters. “It has never had another woman’s touch. Like me, it desperately needs it.” She stepped behind Leah as she looked out the window and wrapped her arms around the brunette.

  Leah turned in her arms and kissed her, slowly moving her lips against Mika’s, driving her crazy.

  “We better let the staff know we’re here,” Mika gasped, “We don’t want them innocently walking in on us making love.”

  A shiver traveled the length of Leah’s body. She loved the way Mika had already planned that they would come together at some point today.

  Mika picked up the apartment phone and pushed three numbers. “If you ever need anything, dial 511 for the office,” she told her wife.

  “Mrs. Worth, this is Mika. I just wanted to let you know we’re in the penthouse. What would be a good time for us to meet with you today? After a brief pause she said, “That’s perfect. See you in half an hour in the conference room.”

  “Hum…what can we do for half an hour?” Mika smiled. “I know.” Mika led her to the side of the room overlooking New York. “I can point out some of the famous landmarks.”

  Leah pretended to pout indicating that her wife’s idea of a good way to pass half an hour wasn’t the same as hers. The time quickly passed as Mika showed her landmarks Leah had seen on the internet and TV.


  Mika ushered Leah into the room full of anxious employees. Just as she anticipated, there was a collective gasp from the room as they encountered the beauty that was her wife. She was extremely proud of Leah and pleased with the staff’s reaction to her.

  Leah ducked her head slightly to hide the blush that was creeping up her neck.

  “Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with us,” Mika smiled. “I wanted you to meet my wife, Leah.”

  Leah smiled her most endearing smile and moved around the room, shaking hands with each staff member, as her wife introduced them. She was gracious and charming, as only she could be when she wanted to.

  The priest was very pleased that her wife was as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside.

  While Leah visited with the staff, Mika arranged for James to drive them to the meeting with Marcus tomorrow. Then she visited with Mrs. Worth for a few minutes arranging for outings she wanted to share with her wife during their stay.

  “We are going to do some sightseeing today,” Mika explained, “and have some business to transact tomorrow. We will be here at least until Sunday. Everything is immaculate. I deeply appreciate the way you take care of our home.”

  “Mika,” a portly lady in an apron, stepped forward, “lunch is about to be served. We would love it if you and your beautiful wife joined us.�

  Mika glanced at Leah, who nodded. “We would love to do that, Cook.” Mika was sure she had another name, but for decades, she had known her only as Cook.

  “We’re going to run up and change into something comfortable and adequate for a walking tour of some of my favorite places,” Mika grinned. “Give us about twenty minutes.”

  “Lunch will be on the table when you return,” Cook smiled.

  In the room, Leah found that Mika had arranged for several outfits for various occasions. All were excellent and fit her perfectly. Mika had certainly captured Leah’s flair for clothes, and she loved everything in her closet.

  The pair donned casual attire and comfortable walking shoes before meeting the staff for lunch. The meal was delightful. Everyone was interested in what the priest had been doing and how she had finally gotten married.

  “We had given up on her,” the building engineer told Leah. “We had decided she was a confirmed bachelorette. She has never dated.”

  Mika blushed slightly and said, “I was looking for Leah. Once I found her, I had no hesitation. Except, of course, that she might not have me. I think she just took pity on me and married me to put me out of my misery.”

  Everyone laughed, agreeing that Leah was certainly worth the wait.

  As they prepared to begin their sightseeing, Mrs. Worth handed Mika an envelope that contained tickets and passes Mika had requested.

  “The best way to introduce you to New York is with a Grey Line Tour,” Mika laughed, pulling two VIP All Access Passes from the envelope. “We will spend this afternoon just taking the bus tour which will give you a good overview of New York. In the morning, we can take the ferry to Ellis Island and visit the Statue of Liberty. Thank goodness it is beautiful weather for November.” She didn’t add that she had influenced the weather.

  Leah laced her fingers between Mika’s and leaned against her. It felt different being with Mika in a strange new city. Leah hadn’t traveled very far beyond the boundaries of her town, and everything was new and interesting. Being with Mika made everything exciting. They laughed and talked, snuggled and kissed a lot.


  Sitting on top of the double-decker tour bus, Leah made notes on sites she wanted to return to and visit in-depth. Mika loved her enthusiasm and the way she kept asking questions about places and things. Mika had been to New York many times in her travels, but it had never been as wonderful and exhilarating as it was with Leah. Leah was like a breath of fresh air in a life that had been stagnant far too long.

  The sun was setting when they left the tour bus at the stop closest to their penthouse. They walked in silence, both happy just to be with the other.

  Approaching their destination, Leah noticed for the first time how elegant Cross Towers was. Mika explained that the staff lived in the building and were always available if she needed them.

  “Would you like to go to a musical tonight?” Mika asked as they took the elevator to their room.

  “Honestly,” Leah smiled coyly, “What I would like most is to take a nice hot shower and spend the rest of the night making love to my wonderful wife.”

  Mika kissed her longingly, trying to assuage the ache in her chest. “That’s the most exciting thing I’ve heard all day,” she murmured against Leah’s lips.

  They didn’t linger in the shower. They wanted to lie down in each other’s arms as soon as possible.

  Mika held Leah in her arms inhaling the fresh, sweet scent of her. The touch of Leah’s skin against hers was intoxicating. Mika knew that she would always cherish everything she did with Leah. Every time with Leah was like the first time, new, intense, overwhelming, mercilessly fueling her raging desire for the brunette.

  Leah slowly moved her hands over Mika’s body, touching her softly. The air around them charged with high-voltage kinetic energy.

  “Are you coming out to play, Your Majesty?” Mika pulled Leah tighter, causing her to exhale sharply.

  “If you’re scared,” Leah said, her voice dark with desire, “we can make mortal love. I’m good at that, too.”

  “No, give me all you’ve got” Mika growled deeply in her throat, “Show me just how good you are, my queen.”

  Leah kissed her, parting her lips and engaging Mika’s tongue in a sensual duel of desire. She nibbled at Mika’s lower lip. “I love your lips,” she moaned as she roughly moved hers against Mika’s.

  “What about you, priest?” she shot a tingle through Mika’s body. “Are you going to be an angel tonight or do I have to do all the heavy lifting?” She smiled as she straddled Mika.

  “You know that’s too dangerous,” Mika groaned as Leah trailed her electrifying fingers from Mika’s abdomen up to her neck. “Only on the ocean is it safe.”

  “But, tell me, Your Majesty, what do you think of this?”

  Mika placed her hand on Leah’s back and desire shot through her. A noise between a whimper and a plea escaped her beautiful lips as she threw her head back and cried out Mika’s name.

  Mika made a deep guttural sound as Leah filled her with her magic, and she returned the pleasure.

  Leah cried out as Mika easily turned her, so Mika was on top. The desperate need for Mika that Leah had fought all day overwhelmed them both as she bit and clawed to pull Mika into her. She urged Mika’s mouth open as her tongue sought the blonde’s. Their teeth gnashed and swollen lips pressed harder, seeking more. She pulled Mika’s bottom lip into her mouth and bit it gently at first, then painfully as she sought to merge with the angel and all that she was.

  The overwhelming sensations Mika sent tearing through her body, took away her breath. Queens aren’t easily satiated when decades of pent-up desire demand release. Her magic danced in her mind, gleefully loving the angel. Leah was blind with lust and only tasted the blood as it dripped from Mika’s lip into her mouth. She sucked at her wildly, raking her nails down Mika’s back and crying out her name repeatedly.

  “I thought I married a witch, not a vampire,” Mika growled in her ear as she lifted Leah from the bed and merged their bodies and their minds. Mika was strong, incredibly powerful, demanding and Leah loved everything Mika was doing to her. Somewhere her magic had ceased to battle for control and simply became a part of Mika binding them together.

  The sensory overload was almost unbearable. Leah couldn’t get enough of her wife. Couldn’t give her enough. Couldn’t make her understand how devastated she would be without her, but Mika knew, just as she knew. They were experiencing one another’s feelings, battling to heighten and enhance their lovemaking to please each other and themselves.

  Clinging to each other, they transcended the lovemaking of mortals, as they followed a desire so powerful there was no pulling back. No slowing down. No breaking apart until their very essence lay smoldering in the darkness.

  Mika rolled over on her back, pulling Leah on top of her, both fighting for breath. As Mika’s vision returned, she put her mouth on Leah’s and breathed into her. Leah gasped and whispered Mika’s name. It was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard.

  “Leah,” she cried softly.

  Leah lay between Mika’s breasts. She could feel her heart echo the pounding of her own. Neither moved for a long time.

  Mika thought Leah had fallen asleep, but she moved slightly.

  “Are you okay?” Mika rasped, trying to find enough strength to talk.

  “Umm,” she murmured.

  Leah slowly raised her head and looked into Mika’s eyes, paying silent tribute to the woman who was her wife.

  “You are my every fantasy,” Mika said softly, “the complete embodiment of centuries of desire. You are worth the three-thousand-year search.”

  Leah collapsed back onto her chest.

  Leah felt Mika’s hand leave her back and touch her own face and ears. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  Mika laughed softly. “You look like the epitome of blood lust. I was checking to see if all my body parts are intact.”

  Leah rolled o
ff Mika. Still unable to comprehend what had just happened to them, but totally satiated. Magic Leah had left the room. She knew she had met her match and loved it.


  After what seemed like hours, Leah sat up when Mika handed her a bottle of water. She gasped when she saw her reflection in the dresser mirror. She was covered in blood. “Oh, my God, Mika. Are you okay?” She turned to examine her wife.

  “All parts intact and accounted for,” Mica grinned. “I think we both went a little crazy on each other’s lips.”

  Leah touched Mika’s lips as Mika touched hers and the painful swelling and bite marks disappeared. Mika ran warm water on two wash clothes and brought them to the bed to wash Leah.

  Mika’s love and gentleness never ceased to astound her. Leah silently gave thanks to God for her wife.

  The sun was coming up as she slipped into sleep. She smiled that they had made love all night.


  “Mika, darling, wake up,” she shook Mika gently. “We’re going to be late for our appointment.”

  Mika reached for her, but Leah was already out of bed, headed for the shower. “I will shower here. You use the one in the other bedroom.”

  “We showered last night,” Mika groaned.

  “And yet we both smell like sex,” Leah threw over her shoulder as she left the room.


  Mika stood looking at the sailboats on the river. She wore her priest clothes, black slacks and jacket with a black shirt and white collar. Her long blonde hair rested against her back in a golden French braid

  “Mika, darling…” Leah stopped mid-sentence as she saw Mika’s eyes darken with desire at the sight of her. She smiled knowingly. “We need to be leaving.”

  Mika didn’t move, only stood drinking in the sight of her beauty. “You are gorgeous,” she breathed.

  “Thank you,” Leah ducked her head slightly, blushing at the praise. Leah was used to men and women reacting to her beauty, but no one had ever blatantly coveted her with uninhibited desire, as Mika did.

  “That isn’t one of the dresses I selected for you,” Mika noted, “Although, it is exquisite on you.”

  “I transported it to me. It’s one of my favorites. I caught an axe in midair, wearing this dress,” she scowled.


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