A Twist of Fate

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A Twist of Fate Page 6

by Donna Raider

  Mika offered her arm as they descended the small stage. “Yes, Your Majesty,” she grinned. “Richie and I had better make sure the boat is tied down good enough to ride out the storm. We’ll meet you at the house.”

  Mika saw the sheriff follow her wife into the elevator. “Son, why don’t you go with your mother? She will probably need help carrying everything.”

  “I will make sure everything is okay,” Richie frowned. He had seen Emily follow his mother, too. Ignoring the elevator, Richie took the stairs two at a time and was standing in front of the Mayor’s office when the two women stepped off the elevator.

  “Don’t think I can’t take him away from you,” Emily was threatening Leah as the elevator door opened. “I am his birth mother. Birth mothers always trump adopted parents,” she said vehemently.

  “Give it a rest,” Emily. “I am so sick of this. Why can’t we just get along for Richie’s sake?”

  “We could if you’d be nice to me,” the sheriff said suggestively. “I could come by when the priest is taking confessions. Just you and me.”

  “We both know that isn’t going to happen,” Leah hissed.

  “Then I am taking Richie,” Emily growled.

  “No, you’re not,” Richie spoke loud and clear as his mothers turned the corner to the mayor’s office.

  “Yeah, kid, I am,” Emily’s face was dark and malicious.

  “I’m thirteen now,” the boy stood up to the sheriff. “I am old enough to choose with whom I live,”

  Both women stopped and looked at the boy who was almost a man. Leah’s heart was pounding so hard she could barely breathe. Emily was forcing him to choose.

  “Be sure you choose wisely,” the sheriff glared at her son. “Because this is it. You won’t get a chance to change your mind.” Emily was certain that Richie would choose her. After all, he had chosen her in the past.

  “I choose my mother,” Richie stepped forward and caught Leah’s hand, pulling her away from the sheriff.

  If looks could accomplish anything, both Richie and Leah would have turned to stone from the glare Emily gave them. Hatred consumed the blonde’s face turning it into a grotesque caricature of loathing.

  Emily began to shake, and Leah felt a slight tremor beneath her feet. She knew the sheriff had never made any effort to control her magic, and it only materialized when she was in an extremely emotional state.

  “Stop her, Mom,” Richie squeezed Leah’s hand. “She will bring this building down on all the people downstairs and us.

  With a slight wave of her hand, Leah engulfed the sheriff in a bubble so none of her emotions could manifest themselves in destruction. “Call your grandfather and tell him we need him immediately.”

  Samson was there within two minutes of Richie’s phone call. “What happened?” he asked.

  He could see Emily in the bubble ranting as if she were completely mad.”

  “I can’t reason with her,” the mayor exhaled sharply. “I don’t know what to do with her.”

  Samson drug both hands down his face, like a man with no options. “Where’s Mika? Maybe she has an idea.”

  “I tried to call her, but her phone is in mom’s purse,” Richie sobbed. “She is at the docks securing the boat. Mom, you’ve got to help Emily!”

  Samson looked at Leah. “Can you get Mika?” He held the gaze of the woman that he had once tried to kill because she had magic.

  “Yes,” Leah disappeared in a whirl of purple smoke and immediately returned with her wife.

  “What…?” Mika evaluated the situation.

  Turning to her wife, she spoke in a low voice. “It’s the magic. She has never accepted it. You need to strip her of all magic.”

  “No!” Delilah cried out. She needs her magic. She’ll learn how to control it. Don’t …Don’t make her normal.”

  “Normal is what she needs,” Samson held his wife in his arms. “She never wanted magic. But, are you that powerful, Leah?”

  Leah nodded and immediately Emily began to glow inside the bubble. Blue light surrounded her. It was as if someone had taken a blue marker and outlined the sheriff. The light crackled and hissed, before finally going out. Emily slumped to the floor. Leah removed the bubble as Samson and Delilah ran to their unconscious daughter.

  “We better take her to the hospital,” Samson picked Emily up like a baby and headed for the elevator.

  “Let me,” Leah laid her hand on Samson’s arm and transported them to the hospital.

  “Well, what about me?” huffed Delilah?

  “Mika and I will take you,” Richie patted his Grandma on the back. “Emily’s cruiser is parked in front of the building with the keys in it.”


  When they arrived at the hospital, Leah was talking with Dr. Strand. Samson was sitting at his daughter’s bedside.

  “We will be taking her down for an MRI in a few minutes,” Strand informed Delilah. “I think she’s ok, but I want to do this just in case.”

  Mika walked with the doctor down the hall. “I know the sheriff has had head injuries before,” the priest commented, “is there any chance you can compare an old MRI against this one?”

  “Leah said she stripped Emily of her magic powers,” Strand noted. “I, too, am anxious to see if there is a change in the brain activity. I’ll let you know what I find.”

  The priest joined her wife and son in the waiting room. She sat on the arm of the chair in which Leah was sitting and draped her arm across the back of it. Leah looked up at Mika and smiled a faint smile. Mika knew she was tired. They hadn’t slept the night before, preferring to make love all night their last night in New York. They had been awake at least forty-eight hours.

  “Richie and I are going to the boat dock and make one more effort to secure the boat,” Mika spoke quietly. “It will help Richie get his mind off everything. We’ll be back by the time you get a report on the MRI.”

  “I’ll walk with you to the lobby. Hurry back. I need you.”

  Leah linked her arm through Mika’s and hugged it to her body. “Thank you for…everything. Just everything, so much.”


  “So, Amber?” Mika glanced sideways at her son as she pulled the cruiser away from the curb. “You have a crush on her?

  “I think I love her,” Richie blurted.

  “Um, well she is a very fine person,” Mika nodded. You do know she is about twenty-five years older than you.”

  Richie’s eyes widened. “So, when I get out of medical school, she will be almost fifty.”

  “Something like that,” Mika smiled.

  “You know Mom is sixty-four?” Richie watched the priest’s face but got no reaction. “This whole flitting around time business has somehow kept her young.”

  “Both your mother and Amber are ageless, beautiful women,” Mika smiled. “But you have the rest of your life ahead of you. For right now date girls you own age. Okay?”

  “Okay,” Richie grinned. Happy to have the advice of an adult he trusted.

  “I have to tell you, Mika, that video of you and Mom on YouTube is so hot. I mean, my Mom is awesome. I hope I find a girl just like her.”

  “I hope you do son. I guarantee you’ll be the happiest man in the world.”

  They got out of the cruiser and headed for the boat. “Wow, we need jackets,” Richie shivered. “The temperature has dropped in the last thirty minutes. I guess that storm is moving our way.”

  They checked to make certain all the boat doors, and windows were locked and everything secure. Mika pushed the button on the electric lift to pull the boat out of the water. “Just in case the bay freezes,” she explained to Richie.

  “Let’s run by the house and grab coats for the Cross family,” Mika said as they pulled away from the docks.

  They arrived at the hospital just as Dr. Strand was leading the family into a room to view Emily’s MRI. The doctor had a scan from two years ago and put it up beside the new one.

  Mika studied the two. The
y were both processed in color. The old scan showed much more activity than the one today. The old one looked as if every neuron in Emily’s brain was firing at the same time. The new scan was much more normal. It looked peaceful compared to the older scan.

  “Everything looks great,” Dr. Strand informed them. “If anything, the new scan is much closer to normal than the old one. I feel safe in saying that Emily’s brain is in better condition today than it was four years ago.”

  “How long does she have to stay in the hospital?” Samson asked.

  “We will observe her tonight and probably send her home around noon tomorrow. We’ll try to beat this storm coming in.”

  “Delilah and I will take turns sitting with her,” Samson turned to Mika. “Take your family home. I know you must be exhausted.”

  As they entered the room, a groggy Emily greeted them. “So, am I going to live?” she scowled. “I don’t know what Strand gave me, but I feel better than I’ve felt in years.”

  “Just get some rest, sweetheart,” Delilah patted her daughter’s hand. “You can go home tomorrow.”

  “Leah,” Emily called to the dark-haired beauty, “Why don’t you stay with me tonight? I’d like that.”

  Leah studied Emily for a few seconds. “I have to go home with my family,” she smiled sweetly. “We’ll be back in the morning.”

  “Sure. I understand,” Emily gave her a weak smile. “See you tomorrow.”

  Leah took Mika’s hand and put her hand on Richie’s shoulder. Instantly they were in the kitchen of their home.

  “Yes,” Richie grinned. He had been worried about getting home in the approaching weather. “May I play video games, Mom?”

  “Of course, sweetheart,” Leah nodded.

  Mika started the coffee. “Why don’t you take a shower and I’ll fix dinner.” She kissed her wife gently.

  “I won’t be long,” Leah whispered as she pulled from Mika’s arms.

  Dinner was filled with laughter and Leah describing all the things they had done in New York. Richie listened attentively then asked if they could stay a few days after the concert so he could experience the same things his mother had.

  “Of course, you can, sweetheart,” Leah smiled her wonderful smile that always bathed him in warmth.

  “Let’s clean up the kitchen and your mom can select a movie for tonight,” Mika suggested, as she gathered plates from the table.

  “Pick something good, Mom, like Percy Jackson .” Richie hugged her quickly then followed the priest to clean the kitchen.


  They all settled on the sofa to watch the latest Percy Jackson adventure. Mika put her arm around her wife, and Leah leaned contentedly against her. Leah’s head rested on Mika’s shoulder. She fell asleep fifteen minutes into the movie.

  Mika and Richie quietly rooted for the hero and heroine, discussing the premise of the movie. When the movie finished, Richie kissed his mother’s forehead and winked at Mika before heading for his shower. Mika easily picked up Leah and carried her to their bedroom. She was able to put her to bed without waking her. Mika turned out the lamp on Leah’s bedside table, kissed Leah’s lips very softly then she stepped into a nice hot shower.

  Leah was still sleeping when Mika entered their bedroom. Mika slipped into bed and turned out the lamp. Leah snuggled against her as if drawn to her. Mika put her arms around Leah and held her.

  Leah moved, so she was resting her head on Mika’s shoulder. Her soft breath gently danced a rhythm on Mika’s breast. “Thank you for New York,” Leah said softly.

  “Thank you. That city is so different when shared with you. I enjoyed it more than ever before,” Mika kissed the top of her head.

  “I’m sorry we had to return home to all the drama,” Leah sighed deeply. “Do you think our lives will ever be…” she searched for the right word, “…normal?”

  “I hope not,” Mika chuckled “I think you would quickly become bored with normal.”

  “You’ve lived so long,” Leah raised up on her elbow to look into Mika’s eyes shining in the moonlight. “Have you ever gotten bored?”

  “No,” she said honestly. “There has always been some evil to confront, someone to help, some battle to fight or something to learn. Until I found you, I was terribly lonely. The hunger, the craving I had for you is inexplicable. I knew you were out there somewhere. I just didn’t know where.”

  “I never knew someone like you existed,” Leah said softly. With Richie in the house, both were whispering their words of love.

  As they both swept toward the pinnacle of their passion, Leah threw her head back, arching to meet Mika.

  Mika gasped, “Richie’s in the house.”

  Leah moaned loudly then buried her face in Mika’s chest as the angel’s name escaped her lips over and over. Mika knew it was just a matter of seconds until Leah screamed out. “Bite my shoulder,” Mika whispered.

  Leah’s teeth sank into Mika as she muffled the scream that came from deep within her. She frantically kissed Mika, using her mouth to suppress another cry that ripped from her throat.

  Mika hovered over her, whispering her name into her hair, pressing herself close to Leah, but holding her weight off her. Still clutching Leah to her, she shifted their positions and moved Leah on top of her. With one last cry into Mika’s breasts, Leah collapsed onto her. Mika stroked her hair and her back until Leah’s soft breathing told her she was asleep.


  The storm wasn’t as bad as they had feared. Although temperatures dropped considerably, the storm kicked out at Rhode Island and headed into the Atlantic. Mika and the church staff decided to host a Thanksgiving dinner for the parish in the church hall. The mayor and the priest provided the turkey and dressing while church members brought their favorite dishes. Everyone agreed it was one of the best feasts they’d ever had. The town folks were still talking about the YouTube videos of the band’s performance and the impromptu duet by the mayor and priest.

  Leah had decorated the Town Hall meeting space for a Thanksgiving dance. Always the gracious hostess, she had heavy hors d'oeuvres and beverages for everyone. The band had been pressed into action and played requests from the partyers. Everyone moved across the street to continue Thanksgiving.

  Richie and the band started playing When a Woman Loves a Woman as soon as the couple had joined the Samson’s at their table. “I believe this is our song, darling,” Leah whispered to her wife. Mika nodded and led her to the dance floor. Mika would never grow tired of holding her in her arms, and Leah would never tire of being there.

  As the dance ended, they returned to their table. “Darling, be an angel, and get me something to drink,” Leah winked and smiled mischievously at her. Mika would have brought her the world on a platter for that smile. A slight blush moved up her neck to the top of her head. ‘Be an angel,' she is very flirty tonight . Mika thought.

  Mika turned and ran into the sheriff. “You are so whipped,” Emily sneered.

  Mika frowned. She had no idea what Emily was talking about and was sure she didn’t want to know. She returned to her seat next to her wife and sat her drink down in front of her.

  As the night progressed, so did the wine and apple cider. Ruth was feeling no pain when she asked Leah if she could dance with Mika.

  “No,” was the immediate reply.

  “Oh, come on Leah,” Ruth whined, “Mika’s such a great dancer, and it’s not like I have a lot from which to choose. Most of the men here are shorter than me and have two left feet.”

  “That is true,” Amber chimed in. “You’re the only one with a decent dance partner. No offense, Samson.”

  “None was taken,” Samson grinned, happy that he didn’t have to dance with anyone but Delilah. Honestly, neither he nor his wife danced very well.

  “I feel like a prize at auction,” the priest laughed. “Truth is I don’t want to dance with anyone but my wife. No offense ladies.”

  Ignoring Mika, Ruth continued to beg her wife. “Please, p
lease, Leah. Just one dance.”

  “Oh, okay, but just one dance and only you,” the mayor laughed.

  “Honey,” Mika whined to her wife, doing her best impression of Richie.

  “Come on, Priest,” Ruth squealed. “Do you have any idea how long it’s been since I’ve danced with a decent dancer.”

  As the priest walked by the sheriff on her way to the dance floor, Emily leaned into her and said, “Yeah, you are so whipped.”

  Ruth caught Mika’s hand, and they began dancing to a fast dance that gave them both the opportunity to show off their dancing skills. Ruth laughed loudly as the priest twirled her around and caught her.

  The next song slowed down to give the dancers a chance to catch their breaths. Ruth started back to the table, but the priest caught her hand and pulled her back to the dance floor. She wanted to talk to her. “Um, Ruth, I need to ask you something, and I’m not sure where to start except just to say it.”

  Ruth moved into Mika’s arms, gliding easily around the dance floor with her. “You dance divinely,” she praised Mika. “So, ask me.”

  “Since our return from New York, every time the sheriff gets close to me, she says ‘You are so whipped.’ I can tell by the way she says it; it’s not a good thing, but I don’t know what she means.”

  Ruth laughed aloud and blushed, something she rarely did. “Oh Priest,” she giggled, “have you asked Leah?”

  “No. You know how Leah can be. She gets so upset when Emily is involved. I’d rather not upset her.”

  “Emily deserves it,” Ruth frowned. “Oh, gosh. I can’t answer this question. You’ll have to ask Leah.”

  “It isn’t good, is it?” Mika scowled.

  “I’m sure the sheriff means it as an insult to you,” Ruth grinned, “but really, she would give her right arm to be in your place.”

  Ruth leaned her head on Mika’s shoulder and wondered how she could be so innocent. I guess a religious life is a very sheltered one , she thought.

  As if conspiring to get Mika killed, the band went straight to another slow dance. Ruth made no move to extract herself from the blonde’s arms, so she continued to dance with her without giving much thought to it.


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