A Twist of Fate

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A Twist of Fate Page 7

by Donna Raider

  As Leah stood from the table, bets were already being placed as to whether Mika or Ruth would pay the price for dancing three consecutive dances.

  “What part of ‘just one dance’ did you not understand, Ruth?” Leah hissed in her ear.

  “It’s my fault, honey,” Mika said softly, “I was asking Ruth’s advice on something.”

  Ruth backed away from the priest as Leah slid into her arms. When she reached their table, Ruth said something, and the entire table laughed uproariously. Samson seemed to get a big kick out of their conversation.

  “I was watching you,” Leah pouted. “You made her laugh. I don’t know what you said that made her blush, but I believe that is the first time I have ever seen Ruth blush. The two of you dance beautifully together. You didn’t have to dance three dances.”

  Mika knew she was working herself into Jealous Leah and tried to head it off. “Honey, Emily keeps saying something to me and I’m certain it is meant to be insulting, but I don’t know what it means. I asked Ruth because I didn’t want to upset you. I’m sure Ruth just told everyone what I said. Our whole table is laughing at me.”

  “What in the world did you say to her?” Leah asked, irritation creeping into her voice.

  “I didn’t want to ask you because sometimes you just twist off about Emily.”

  “Twist off,” Leah’s voice climbed about two octaves. “What did Emily say to you?”

  “Every time she gets close enough, Emily says ‘You are so whipped.’ She says it every chance she gets.” Mika wished she had kept her mouth shut.

  Leah chuckled that low, sultry laugh that always made Mika want to take off her collar and unbutton the top three buttons on her shirt so she could breathe. Then Leah put her lips against Mika’s ear and explained what Emily meant.

  “Seriously,” she gasped in disbelief. “Seriously!”

  Leah nodded her head, a devilish smile on her face. The band announced they were taking a break and Mika steered her wife back to their table where everyone was still chuckling at what Emily was doing to her.

  This time, Emily didn’t even try to conceal what she was saying to Mika. “You are so whipped,” she said loudly, intending to embarrass her further.

  The priest smiled her biggest smile and said, “Every night, Sheriff, every night.”

  “Mika,” Leah playfully slapped her arm, blushing and giggling at the same time.

  Emily looked like a fish out of the water. Her lips kept flapping, but no sound came out.

  Everyone at the table laughed and began teasing Mika good-naturedly.

  “Man, we missed you when you were in New York,” Samson slapped her on the back. “Do you have any idea how dull this town is without you two?”


  Saturday morning after Thanksgiving, Mika woke to find her wife in full pajamas. She was leaning against the headboard, reading a celebrity magazine. Mika groaned as she put her arm around Leah’s waist. She knew she was going to have to suck it up and do without her for three or four days. She was just so addictive.

  “Did you tell Richie you would take him skating today?” Leah leaned down and kissed her lovingly.

  “Um, I did,” she hummed. “Want to join us?”

  “I would love to, but I don’t feel too great right now. You know.”

  Mika nodded understandingly.

  “If it’s okay with you, I think I’ll just stay in this nice warm bed and rest for a while. Perhaps I can join you later.”

  “Richie and I will have breakfast at the diner then go to the ice rink.” Mika reluctantly slipped out of the warm bed and pulled on her jeans and a sweatshirt.

  “You know that your son and Amber have entered the doubles skating in Brighton,” Leah looked up at her.

  “It’s fine, honey. Amber is just helping him through those awkward teenage years. I promise you she isn’t a pedophile. She is the best older woman in town for him to have a crush on. She will let him down easily.” Mika liked the way Leah had said your son . It pleased her. “I think he will lean more toward a brunette. He told me he wanted a wife just like his mom.”

  “Really,” Leah smiled, finding it difficult to hide her joy that her son would love her enough to want a wife like her.

  “What did you say?” she asked shyly.

  “I told him to be prepared to be whipped for the rest of his life,” Mika teased.

  “No! You didn’t,” Leah cried, throwing the magazine at her wife.

  “Of course, not,” Mika laughed. “I told him he would be the luckiest man in the world to have a wife like you.”

  Mika picked up the magazine. “Since when have you started reading such intellectual materials,” she grinned, pitching the publication to Leah.

  “Kathryn left this on my desk Friday with a note that said I might find it interesting. So far, she is wrong. It is very shallow and filled with inaccurate information.

  She looked down at where the magazine had fallen open on the bed beside her. “Oh! No,” her eyes widened in disbelief. “Mika, look!”

  A large headline read, Does Anyone Know This Woman?

  Beneath the headline was a photo of Leah reaching up to kiss Mika at the Augusta concert. Beneath that picture was a photo of her and Mika performing at the super club in New York. Both pictures of them were spectacular. The lighting was unbelievable.

  “The paparazzo that took these is a heck of a photographer,” the priest frowned. “You’re beautiful. I can see why they are looking for you.”

  Leah quickly read the article with the photos. “Darling, how do we stop this?” she exclaimed. “The last thing we need is our town overrun with these people.”

  “Marcus Devon is the only one who knows who you are,” Mika mused. “He desperately wants to sign us to contracts, so I don’t think he’ll share that information with anyone.”

  “He’s supposed to be here Monday to finalize the arrangements for the New York concerts.” Leah looked perplexed. “I’ll be glad when this is all over.”

  “Mika,” Richie yelled from the other side of the house. He had learned to give his parents warning he was approaching their bedroom. It saved a lot of embarrassment for everyone.

  Mika opened the door, “In here, son.”

  Richie was pleased to see his parents fully dressed. “Your mom is a little tired, so it’s just going to be you and me.” Mika pulled on her snow boots and scooped up her ice skates.

  “Breakfast at the diner,” Richie grinned as he kissed his mother’s cheek.

  Before they left the house, Mika put on a teapot of water and waited to make a cup of hot chocolate for her wife.

  “Amber is meeting us so you can give us some instructions on how to win the contest,” Richie said. “May I call her and ask her to join us for breakfast?”

  “Sure,” Mika nodded. “I’m going to run this up to your mom. Be right back.”

  “I thought a cup of something hot might help ease your stomach,” the priest said as she entered the bedroom. She placed the cup on Leah’s bedside table and leaned down for a kiss. Leah reached behind her neck and pulled Mika’s lips securely against hers. Moving her lips gently as if massaging Mika’s lips, she entered her mouth, wrestling with her tongue.

  “Chocolate,” Mika mumbled against her lips.

  Leah looked questioningly at her. “Our old safe word,” Mika reminded her. She smiled and kissed Mika again, chastely.


  Leah relaxed enjoying her hot chocolate and contemplating dinner preparations.

  She reached for her phone and dialed her wife. She suddenly had a tremendous need to touch her.

  “Hello,” Richie’s voice answered Mika’s phone. “Hello, dear. Why are you answering Mika’s phone?”

  “Oh, she’s skating with Amber,” her son answered innocently. She hung up before Richie had a chance to tell her Mika was showing them a new subroutine that would assure their win over Brighton.

  “Mom,” the boy almost jumped over the bench when Lea
h materialized beside him with her ice skates. “You scared me. I thought you weren’t feeling well.”

  “I’m much better, dear,” she smiled a slight smile at her son as she scanned the ice for her wife and Amber. She sighted them on the far side of the rink. Mika was holding the beautiful blonde close against her as they picked up speed moving around the rink. She could see her hips moving as her body pushed against Amber. She knew how that grinding motion felt, and fury filled her at the thought of another woman feeling it. Mika smoothly swung Amber out in front of her. Amber twirled in the air, landed and caught Mika’s hand as she sped past her. Mika pulled Amber tightly against her as she took them into a graceful spin on the ice. As the music ended, their spin slowed to a stop, with them holding each other, looking into each other’s eyes.

  “Wow,” Richie gasped as the song ended. “Just, Wow!”

  “Wow, indeed,” Leah growled.

  Mika saw the fury in Leah’s dark eyes as she and Amber skated toward them. Richie saw the look, too and knew the priest was innocently in trouble.

  “Mika,” the boy quickly stepped between his mother and the priest, “that was awesome. I see what you mean about how we need to look into each other’s eyes as we skate. It’s very dramatic.” Richie caught Amber’s hand and moved her out of harm’s way just in case fireballs should appear.

  “Honey, I am so glad you decided to join us,” Mika smiled. Her joy at the sight of Leah was obvious. She bent to kiss her but met the coldest lips imaginable. “Oh, no, please, baby, don’t,” she pleaded.

  Mika noticed Leah’s skates. “Do you want to skate?”

  “I do not,” she hissed.

  “Watch Richie and Amber. He is truly good.” The priest tried to shift Leah’s attention away from herself. Cranky Leah truly was difficult, but, wow, she was hot.


  Leah watched her son maneuver the blonde as skillfully as Mika had, she was pleased by the beauty of their skating. As the song ended, the pair stood gazing into each other’s eyes just as Mika and Amber had; only now, the gaze went on way too long.

  “That is just the end of their routine,” Mika said softly, “Wait until you see the entire thing.” She sat down and removed her skates.

  Leah looked at her, unable to pull her gaze away from Mika’s unfathomable blue eyes. She felt like a spoiled child that had just thrown a terrible temper tantrum. She watched her wife as she stood to take her skates.

  “Let’s get some hot chocolate,” Mika leaned down for another kiss. This one was much warmer and kissed back. “That was so much better,” she grinned as she took Leah’s skates and turned her toward the diner.

  Leah linked her fingers through Mika’s, feeling the warmth of her through their gloves. “I…I just love you so much,” she almost sobbed.

  Mika was learning that Cranky Leah could also be Volatile Leah. Still incredibly desirable.

  “Son, we’re going for hot chocolate,” Mika called to Richie. “You and Amber join us when you finish?”

  They walked in silence to the diner. Just before going inside, Mika turned Leah to face her. “I love you,” she said with all the conviction born of centuries. She lowered her lips to Leah’s and was delighted when Leah tiptoed to meet her. Leah slid her arms around Mika’s waist as Mika hugged her tightly. Oh, so desirable , Mika thought.

  “Seriously, Priest,” Richie blushed as he and Amber approached the kissing couple.

  “You have no idea, son,” Mika shook her head as if even she couldn’t fathom her fascination for her wife.

  Mika and Ritchie hung up coats and deposited skates before joining the women in their booth.

  “Richie tells me the agent from New York is supposed to be here Monday,” Amber commented as Ruth placed a steaming cup of hot chocolate in front of each of them.

  “Yes, they want to finalize plans for the concerts.” Leah frowned. “I’m glad you’re going to be there, Amber. I will feel a lot better about the boys’ safety with all of us there. I know Emily wants to be responsible for Richie’s security, but I will feel so much better if you can stay close to him.”

  “Me, too,” Richie grinned as he sipped his chocolate.

  The two women exchanged knowing glances and Amber winked at Leah. Once again, the mayor was ashamed of the tantrum she had directed at her wife earlier. She was glad her son had kept Amber from witnessing her childish behavior.

  “Mom, may we have a movie night?” Richie asked. “Mika and I can make our famous pizza, and Amber can join us for dinner and a movie.”

  “Of course, Amber is welcome, but I’m sure she has plans on a Saturday night,” Leah smiled.

  “I don’t,” the green-eyed beauty said softly. “I would love to join you if it isn’t too much trouble.”

  “Great,” Richie almost fisted the air then decided that might be too childish. “You will love our pizza. Mika has taught me a lot about cooking. She says every good husband should be a good cook.”

  “I suppose when one is alone as long as Mika was, one does develop certain culinary skills for survival,” Amber smiled happily at the boy.

  “Mom just got me the new Captain America video,” Richie told her excitedly. “Are you familiar with Captain America?

  “I’ve heard of him,” Amber smiled, “but I have never seen one of the videos. I am looking forward to it.”

  “Sounds like we are all in for a treat,” Mika grinned.

  CHAPTER 4 - Contracts and Confessions

  “I believe Mika and Ritchie outdid themselves tonight,” Leah smiled as she and Amber followed Richie into the family room. “That pizza and salad were the best yet.”

  Mika settled on the sofa and pulled her wife into her side, draping her arm across Leah’s shoulders, so Leah was resting on her shoulder. It was their favorite way to watch TV.

  After the movie was over, Mika excused herself. “I have to look over my sermon for tomorrow,” she explained to Amber. “Thank you for joining us tonight.”

  “It was a wonderful evening,” Amber smiled. “You and Richie do make the best pizza I’ve ever eaten.”

  Like the gentleman he was, Richie jumped to his feet and walked Amber to her car.

  “Will you be long?” Leah asked.

  “Thirty minutes, tops,” Mika walked her to the stairs. “I should be up by the time you get out of the shower.”


  Later, when Mika slid into bed beside Leah, the brunette scooted against her and put her feet on Mika’s legs, warming them. “I’m sorry I was such a brat today.”

  “It’s okay,” Mika kissed her softly, not wanting to start anything. “Strangely enough, Angry Leah turns me on.”

  Leah raised up on her elbow and looked into Mika’s laughing blue eyes. “I believe any Leah turns you on,” she smiled seductively.

  “I’m afraid you’re right, darling.” Mika kissed her one more time just for the pure joy of it. “I am whipped, aren’t I?”

  “Umm, no comment” Leah snuggled closer into her wife.


  Mika scanned her congregation and was surprised to see Marcus Devon in the audience. As soon as she gave the benediction, she moved to her wife and son, guiding them to the door more quickly than usual. As always, they greeted each person as they left the church. Everyone liked the way the priest and her family had something personal to say as they shook hands.

  Some asked if the Cross family was having lunch at the diner. Richie’s friends wanted to know if they would be ice-skating later. The band members double-checked the time of practice tonight.

  “Oh, Wow!” Richie exclaimed as Marcus steered a gorgeous young woman toward them. “She looks just like Mom,” he exhaled loudly, “only ten years younger.”

  Leah raised an eyebrow at the pair, wondering what Marcus was up to now. Mika observed the dark-haired beauty with the man. She looked so much like her wife it was eerie. The woman lacked the grace and elegant confidence of Leah, but she was beautiful.

  “That was a wonde
rful sermon,” the young woman caught Mika’s hand between hers and gazed into the priest’s eyes. “I enjoyed every moment of it.” Marcus was right, she thought. Priest Mika Cross is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Of course, her wife is just a lovely. That is almost like giving myself a compliment .

  “Leah, Mika, I would like you to meet Dorie Cain, my assistant.” Marcus held out his hand to Leah, but Mika shook it.

  “Dorie, how nice to meet you,” Leah smiled, “This is our son Richie. His band won the contest. I’m certain that is why you are here.”

  Dorie shook Richie’s hand as if he were the most important person in the world. “We were just going to lunch,” the boy grinned, “please join us.”

  “We would love to,” Marcus interrupted.

  Leah winced. She wished she hadn’t taught her son such good manners.

  Mika pulled her wife’s arm through hers as the group walked to the diner. Richie was talking a mile a minute to Dorie, who seemed genuinely interested in what he was saying. Marcus was silent.

  Most of the congregation were already in the diner, and all the tables were full except the booth in the back corner. As Leah and Mika entered, a slight titter went through the crowd. The townspeople did love their priest and mayor.

  When Dorie entered, a gasp went through the crowd. Richie proudly took her arm and guided her to the booth in the back. After the Cross party had been seated, the total silence erupted into a low roar as the diners began discussing how much the young woman looked like Leah, before she became the Wicked Queen.

  The sheriff gaped at Dorie as she sashayed through the diner. So hot, she thought, just like Leah . “Ruth, get a load of that.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Ruth nodded disgustedly, “You wouldn’t mind hitting that.”

  Emily glared at Ruth then decided to introduce herself. As she approached the table, the glare from Leah said, “Come close enough and I will fry you.” The sheriff made a U-turn and returned to her seat at the counter.

  “Lose your nerve, Sheriff?” Ruth teased.

  “Man, Leah is pissed about something,” the sheriff growled. “I didn’t want to become ashes in the middle of your diner.”


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